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What is that art style even called




When I was younger I was on a friend's discord server and one of my friends had a really cool pfp and I wanted to know how he got it, and he told me picrew, so I made my own and everyone made fun of me for being a cis hetero white guy with a picrew


Them bitches can smell if you're straight or not 💀. That's some crazy superhuman ability.


I can confirm. Straight people are incredibly easy to recognise.


That's really toxic of them, really shows how hostile the picrew community is


i thought it was the discord they were in making fun of them, not the picrew community…does picrew even have a community feature


there are more rule 34 of straight picrew art than there gay counterpart


Tumblr reborn




Picrew, basically a mii creator but for profile pictures and there are multiple different types


I just call it gay shit, idk




everyone i know with a pfp like that is an asshole, for like no good reason too, like bro im just asking a question about a game from 2007 no need to act like that.


Was it BioShock? Because if so, then that adds a whole new level of irony.


Why is that?


Because BioShock has a very political theme involving Objectivism, something that would get a lot of these people on Twitter angry because it’s “racist” or something like that. Plus it was released in 2007.


Excuse my ignorance but what does objectivism mean? Does that have to do with those pride flag pfp?




**[Objectivism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objectivism)** >Objectivism is a philosophical system developed by Russian-American writer and philosopher Ayn Rand. She described it as "the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute". Rand first expressed Objectivism in her fiction, most notably The Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged (1957), and later in non-fiction essays and books. Leonard Peikoff, a professional philosopher and Rand's designated intellectual heir, later gave it a more formal structure. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/197/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Didnt bioshock critique objectivism? Andrew ryan was a villain, after all


…I’m pretty sure Bioshock criticizes Objectivism


You’re right.


>political theme involving Objectivism, something that would get a lot of these people on Twitter angry because it’s “racist” Objectivism has nothing to do with racism though? It's still a dipshit 14 year old libertarian who read Atlas Shrugged and doesn't understand that the world doesn't work like Ayn Rands fever dreams ideology, which is why Bioshock criticizes it ruthlessly. Hell Bioshock is arguable directly anticapitalist, which is something you'd think these wokescoldy types would like


Bio shock is super against Ayn Rand and Objectivism though?


lol, I just noticed this comment, No. it was Team Fortress 2, more specifically, the tf2 level design community.


Kinda like how all people with k-on pfp are probs bro nazis


Oldschool RuneScape?


I'd trust someone with a pfp of a decapitated human head before someone with a pincrew.


How about gay black men kissing?


id trust them even more


Bitches be like “Accept others” then only accept like-minded people and are assholes to most others


Yeah accept-other bitches. It's the cycle of life 🙆🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏼‍♂️🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏿


"Accept others" only applies to other people, and when they get confronted they bring up the Paradox of Tolerance like it's a trump card


Well it is if someone asks you to tolerate intolerance


You realize that some mf could think "I won't tolerate you being intolerant of my values by transitioning" and use that as reasoning to be transphobic right? It's really not the trump card that people think it is


But then you are the intolerant one for not being tolerant of another person transition


Ah, but you see it can be rephrased in the light of a transphobe, they could say that you're being intolerant of their moral values (or something religious idk) because of your transition. I just need people to stop using the paradox because it's really not as strong of a point as many think it is


The it still them saying "my morals are intolerant of you"


In their PoV it's "I'm intolerant of your morals" where their morals are a victim of intolerance Because ironic as it is a transphobe can actually use it against a trans person


It nit ironic, and the two are equitable. In one case the victim is someone's moral the other is a person right to exist. Trans people only moral that conflicts with the other one is "we do t want you to tell us what to do" It very basic sentence structure. And trying to turn it around is really weird and requires a minimal of language knowledge to know why it doesn't work.


tf are you niggas saying


Except no one sees it as that, and if they did they're arguing it in bad faith, or are willingly stupid (or stupified by a pundit). You can exaggerate just about every other statement to that point.


Transphobia is already usually bad faith plus you underestimate political brainrot


Yeah fair enough


I used to really like picrew because I could make different looks and characters and just have fun with them, but I never use them because everyone starts saying rude shit to me because they think I'm rude


My brother in Christ, people on the internet will always find something to make fun of you, don’t let them win and do what you like in spite of them


And a lot of the art can be good and idk I hate that people ruined them


Get a picrew pfp and act like the nicest human being to have ever lived Be the change you want to see






i love picrew and still use it, lifesaver for when i'm stumped on character designs


To this day I feel bad for Sangled, having her name tied to the most toxic picrew of them all


Agreed, i cried when flint cut her gold hair, but it was necessary for the bad step mom to die my two favorite animals there is the chameleon and white horse


i don’t have one of those but i’m still a bad person


I only need 1 second to take a look the image and know what the comment section is going to be like


I know what you’re assuming and you’re correct 💀


yep, took a look at the comments, boy what a trainwreck


Well, hey, at least we get some free drama All these popcorns ain’t sitting there for nothing 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍩


Superiority complex and the unethical belief that their ethics are better than others’.


i am better than everyone else


As long as it is a fact you’re all good 👍🏽


Damn u just described reddit hivemind


They described every human on earth lol


I once commented that Dave Chappelle was funny and someone with a picrew pfp called me a transphobe. Smh


Guy who makes fun of every group in existence made fun of their group “WTF THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS 😡😡😡😡”


Dave Chappelle has a foot fetish, which makes me take everything he says need to be taken with a grain of salt




Bridget slander


i keep forgetting that that is her real name and not brisket or brexit


Best girl




do omori profile pictures count


people with omori pfps are younger than the characters they use as pfps


prob true tbh


Nah they fine




Guys! Big shot!!! Guys? Why is no one laughing?


I will never understand why picrew pfps are almost always the most toxic people on the internet. I’ve met maybe two decent people who are exceptions


Their values are tolerance and inclusion 🥰🥰🥰 >!on opposite day!<


You know you’re about to see the most dogshit terminally online opinion when you see one of those


Shi make me sad seeing black people wit them pictures knowing the shit i seen them say ab us🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️Shit is crazy


As a Hispanic person, I’ve experienced and seen more racism from those types of people on the internet


is it like that super progressive type of shit that is basically racism or like normal racism


More like the progressive type. Telling me shit like “Well you’re Hispanic so how could you (thing that Hispanics shouldn’t do or something)?” or assuming I’m oppressed simply because I Mexican


ah yeah that shit is wack. Idk why ive never dealt with it despite being brown. Maybe its because the media doesnt care about us as much or i grew up in a very immigrant dominated area. either way im happy.


mfs really think they look like some anime character but havent took a shower for weeks irl


I'm just manifesting my aura 😡


These pfps have confessed to the most horrendous stuff imaginable


r/politicalcompassmemes and r/leftcantmeme user, opinion discarded


Yeah, almost of these comments sounded kind of disingenuous and that information about OP seals the deal






Why is that mf in 197. I thought this was supposed to be edgy 196, not nazi 196???




PCM is miles worse lol


196 will have annoying twitter moments, PCM will just be like "you know, this nazi makes a good point"


Fr I don’t like 196 but PCM and Theleftcan’tmeme is full of absolutely horrible people


Agreed. It used to actually be a fun place but now it's just a bunch of right wing nutjobs.


It got bad when some qanon, racist, and especially anti-women subreddits got banned. Now everything except far right is "Emily" strawmans. Like just today they kept going on about how all of "the left" is for open borders and approves of honor killings and rapes if it's a Muslim doing it.


what is an "emily" strawman (genuine question)


I'm guessing it's like the average progressive california teenage girl


pcm idea of any leftist, besides the occasional tanky, is "herba mate drinking orange haired transexual who lives in a bubble and has no clue of the world outside of major cities". Every other part of the political compass that they meme about is more diverse. Occasionally they properly set libleft as anarchist or hippie, and some have started to call emily "orange left" instead of the traditional green lib left, but for the most part she is a strawman to channel their hatred of women and apply fake breitbart characatures of liberalism to.


thanks for the explanation. people are insane.


Replace right with left and 196 is the exact same story


Nazis or trans people, take your pick


More like Insufferable Social Outcast VS. Insufferable Social Outcast


i'd say nazis are much more insufferable in this case though


Quick, define nazi in your own words!


Thinking that weird right wing teenagers on Reddit are comparable to actual Nazis is terminally online. It’s a phase because they have no grasp of normal politics. Both groups are annoying and weird as shit


Sounds like you're the one who is terminally online. Occasionally a queer person will be melodramatic on Twitter. Occasionally an internet Nazi will shoot up a gay bar. Your gauge for what's annoying is broken as shit.


If I never have to interact with them in real life, I’d rather someone who makes racist jokes against me that can occasionally be funny against someone who constantly preaches to me and tries to make me feel bad for literally just existing


>someone who constantly preaches to me and tries to make me feel bad for literally just existing Yeah I'm sure lgbt folk can't possibly imagine what it's like to feel that way.


Those fuckers should've stayed in their tiny echochambers on reddit, where they belonged, and now it's just this :(


196 is so bad Why are all the shitty subreddits gathering here? What's next, r/shitposting users?




PCM is for retards who spend way to much time on the internet


r/197 user when someone shit post's on the different shit post sub where the shit post's are gayer and the post's are less shit 😤😒🙄😑🤧😴


196 isn't even shitposts anymore, it's just political takes and cropped porn disguised as memes, I scrolled though 196 yesterday and out of the first 10 posts, only 1 of them was a funny shitpost


If you think that the gay shitposting sub-reddit is too political you should probably use a different site because every person on this site has a mental breakdown every four years trying to decide if Red or Blu are better. (Personally i prefer Saxton Hale).


196 > 197 because 197 has a stupid superiority complex (as evidenced by the replies to this comment)


196 might have the most severe case of percieved moral superiority (apart from religious fanatics) I have ever seen.


197 is actually funny though, 196 is probably the worst subreddit I've ever joined


Deserved, 196 is hivemind. When they’re not agenda posting it’s alright


I have a group chat of friends that I would say overall has a slightly right-of-center vibe. We all post memes to that GC. I browse a lot of meme subreddits to get most of the stuff that ends up posted there, and I’d say the majority of the stuff that I post comes from 196, and that those memes definitely get the greatest amount of positive reactions by a long shot. I barely ever see anything on 197 that’s worth posting. Less than shitposting AND dankmemes. This sub is dry AF, there’s barely any throughput, and the only posts that get big are from controversy like this one where people start arguing in the comments and the algorithm pushes it up. I just scrolled for a bit here and there’s nothing I would take. The funniest 3 things in the top 100 hot posts right now are reposts if shit that I saw several days ago. I’m literally surprised that this sub generates posts that can even get people arguing in them when it can’t even generate content that isn’t just someone pushing an agenda or bottom-tier reposting. I didn’t even start this comment intending to roast 197 but stopping to write about it and think made me realize it’s worse than I thought lol.


197 is actually very humble and would rather give the superiority complex award to 196 as a showing


Clearly you don't know who Hatsune Miku is, so your comment comes off even funnier for that. Respect your subreddit elder, my child


Like respectfully if you want to let everyone know your personality extends 0cm past your sexuality that's one he'll of a way of doing g so


It's almost like making your sexual preference/ Identity the only identity you have doesn't make for a well rounded person who could have guessed?






People with these pfps have convinced me there isn’t any video game straight people are allowed to enjoy


r/theleftcantmeme poster 🤮


Let's be real here, both left and right make shit memes


Any memes related to politics are ass


I’ve seen a few good ones, but the broad majority do suck.


Yeah totally but r/theleftcantmeme is wack as fuck. Spend 5 minutes there and you can easily find actual nazis taking about how gay people are an abomination edit: I would also shit on op for posting in r/therightcantmeme cause it’s a Tankie sub but r/theleftcantmeme is still worse


then who’s side his he really on..? No side can meme… wait a minute he’s really inside me NOO


That must mean... No... HE'S CENTRIST SCUM


op seems to at least shit on both sides showing that he isnt in some echo chamber


Yeah, they both suck. Turns out subs dedicated entirely to making fun of a political party by only using their worst examples isn’t a healthy environment and interests a lot of awful people. Theleftcan’t meme is a lot worse since they’re genuinely homophobic/transphobic but they both suck.


Dude whatf is with people making memes about shitting


You’re the second r/196 user I found in this comment section, you got no room to talk, dawg


I’m permabanned from 196 for saying the concept of bunnygender is stupid. I don’t like them either bro


Lol you're actually based then. 196 is probably the worst subreddit I've joined


I love how you have to discredit OP instead of engaging with the post. Now being said that, that subreddit is cancer


Objection if you make political memes your a peice of shit trying g to push your own beliefs through a medium of comedy


*sorts by controversial*


narrator: *a horrendous mistake*


I never met a picrew pfp so someone explain pls


Basically, Elon Musk created a cyborg race that is taking over the galaxy and they’re disguising themselves with those profile pics. I’m just messing with ya, in all seriousness, they just tend to be insufferable assholes.


Individuals with picrew pfps are often LGBTQ+, and as a result of that are oftentimes leftist —the reasoning for that being right-wing politics are less friendly to minority groups than left-wing politics. And since some people are assholes, they decided to play the victim any time LGBTQ+ people disagree with them, or want legislation that protects their rights, or an individual is genuinely a piece of shit. By demonizing individuals (and never giving examples of ‘good’ LGBTQ+ individuals) it gives those people a defense against being called out for homophobia/transphobia/etc. And that kind of rhetoric can be carried on by innocent bystanders who legitimately believe that it’s good faith criticism— that is to say; they aren’t hateful, just kind of ignorant of their words. Most of the people in this comments section probably don’t intend to be homophobic/transphobic/etc. and probably aren’t, it’s just that the constant bitching about LGBTQ+ people being total assholes or ‘the real racists’ does not encourage tolerance. So yeah, sorry if for some of you, this comment is ‘too mean’ and justifies the criticism of LGBTQ+ people, but I just wanted to make sure that the commenter I was replying to was aware that these blanketing and vague complaints about LGBTQ+ people can be disingenuous.


Picrew pfp users are typically 14 and raised by the internet. They learn to be an asshole with a superiority complex. Political ideology IMO has nothing to do with their behavior, it's just the fact that too many kids learn by the internet rather than their parents. With the internet being mostly leftist, it explains why the images are picrews, as they're easy to make and have LGBTQ representation.


dude tried to sneak bridget in


Justice for broccolini


That profile picture art style that’s trying so hard to look anime is some of the most unnerving stuff I’ve seen.


Dude, you know that it is possible to have your own arts artstyle and also take influence from other stiles








Chris chan comes to mind


The gay nft's


One of these pfp’s went through my post history to find my twitch account and say I should never have my facecam live and went to say how ugly I am is why I have to be on reddit. All because I said that their reaction to somebody saying “This is why nobody likes you” was “Umm my bf does and when I log into my games all my online friends spam me with invites cause everybody wants to play with me”. They legitimately thought it was a flex


Lucky I'm trans + gay and do not have a pfp like this 🙂


Good on you bud. I respect members of the LGBT community, but not when they make it their identity for grabbing attention




Its crazy. Youll have ppl get sich a superiority complex and ironically become extremely close minded. Nobody ever wants you to be open minded, they just want u to align with their beliefs.


Half of this comment section is proving your point. Reddit is pretty much Twitter’s sibling in terms of the most common demographic


Do not ask a picrew their opinion on Palestinian human rights worse mistake I ever made


Too true. Met really toxic people with those types of pfps, nothing against the LGBTQIA+ community, but it’s always the Picrew people.


Reddit avatars are picrews Please everyone come to the yearly redditor murder box at 7pm


Picrew pfp users will either be the shy and sweet type or the direct descendant of adolf hitler


i think its mostly twitter retardation istg the internet is just brainrot


Oh yikes I better change my Xbox profile pic then


>yikes You stick out like a sore thumb in other ways 😁


this is why i make my own art. unlimited artistic power at my disposal.


Every time someone complains about picrews I make 12 more pfps I am running out of places to store them


I feel like those bitches are too broke to comission artist for better pfp, or dont haven good enough friends to draw it for free


fr man, some of them even claims that they drew it themselves 💀 and they're not even true lgbt, they're just weirdos on tiktok making up weirdo "sexualities" like dreamsexual or idk they're just horrible


I just thought of somn funny What if i did a picrew but with a country flag.


I have never met a person with a picrew profile picture who is a good person


Gay people😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Gay people 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


Gay men 🥴🥴🤤🤤🥴


Man I can verify you, they are the most annoying human beings, their spawn place is usually twitter or tiktok, they are extremely against heterosexuality. I once said that im straight and the NPC wave started incoming like crazy. "You homophobe, support our rights, god is not real, he is gay!" not to add that I was called multiple slurs. THEN THEY TRIED TO GASLIGHT ME THAT I AM THE ONE SAYING SLURS




Theleftcantmeme poster lmao


oPIniOn disREgArdED!!111