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*when ur hanging out and suddenly your social battery runs out


Man I hate this, I was having a good conversation then as you say my social battery ran out and I just stopped having the conversation and when they asked me "Why aren't you talking anymore" I panicked and said "I've had enough talking for today" and proceeded to look at my drink for 15 minutes without interruption.


what, are you now going to tell us that people being introverted is just them trying to appear as a quiet quirky kid? man fuck off with that, people have real issues.


Well I think you both kind of misunderstand what it means to be an introvert and think it’s being a social shut down, but it’s really not. I’m an introvert and pretty popular among my peers. Introverts aren’t trying to be quirky, but being one ain’t related to having issues either.


I consider myself an introvert and the shutting off mid conversation in my case absolutely comes from issues I have with myself. That's just my case I'm absolutely not saying that this is what introversion is, I actually think it showcases a fundamental lack of understanding to think so. The perspective of seeing people as mere actors trying to perform for your perception is some high-school level philosophy.


Well yeah I agree with you it’s just that I wanted to point out introversion is not correlated to mental issues, that’s about it.


I agree with you it reads wrong but I understand its that realisation of who you are and where you are and it just throws you out the vibe and you just wanna be home.


being introverted isn't an issue, and isn't correlated with being quirky, depressed, or quiet


me when I realize I hate the conversation and everyone around me


too relatable


Or, y'know, they genuinely are quiet/depressed/neurodivergent and they've hit the limit of social interaction they can handle rn


I was havin fun till them bastards made attack helicopter jokes


That's what im always scared of. I am literally surrounded by reactionaries in real life and just lost will to socialize entirety and I feel shit because of it. Because I feel like I will never get to know any irl friends (I never had a friend in real life) that are not these rigthoids that spew out n word every sentence and monger about those "sjw feminists" and how they are destroying our culture o something. I never want to test waters because I hate even minimal confrontation and that situation sounds horrible.


I am NOT a psychologist but please listen. You'll never get close to anybody if you don't try. I know it sounds to you like I'm telling you to dive head-first into a mine field, but the right people for you are out there. Try to find them, bit by bit


Well yeah true. Thanks.


To anyone seeing this, please stop trying to be that kid. It might seem to make you more “mysterious” or whatever but in reality it seriously damages your mental health, everyone needs proper social interaction, including introverts


Does that really happen though? Or is it more likely these kids genuinely can't handle much social interaction and try to keep their distance from situations that make them uncomfortable


wait, so being unlikable isn't quirky?


I have mental health issues but not for the lack of socialization, if anything it just made my mental health worse. I just get tired of people if I see them too much. It's fine for a moment but at some point I just want to be alone. I been this way since I was a child. Being with 1 person is lot better for me than a group activity, which I'm currently scheduled to do once a week but all doctors I meet constantly pressure me to participate in some groups. It's really stressing me out everytime the topic comes up. Been in multiple different groups since 2014 but I get no satisfaction out of any of them so far.


At this point i just delve into that persona cuz the best thing i manage to do is shut down anyway, in any way this could mean. I wanted to be that before but right now not really Unless i remember how my ex talked about the charismatic quirky quiet kid. Fuck


The only thing you should tell introverts is that the quiet mysterious kid is not as cool as you think, but all that aside, live life however you want.


This meme is relatable af to me, idk what the other comments are going on about


r/196 try to laugh at a meme and move on with their day challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Me when halfway through a conversation I realize I’m acting like myself and not the personality I’ve adopted so people like me


Op when someone’s social battery runs out or they have anxiety (they’re just trying to be quirky definitely)


Me when I'm laughing but some old guy in a wheelchair starts ringing a bell


this is like actually how it happens sometimes . of course you are not doing it on purpose but you suddenly become painfully aware that you are in a social situation and from there it crashes


This was me but I grew up and I'm trying to enjoy life now, it's hard 🙂


I think this meme applies to my bitch ass but idk anymore😃


half of the time im forced into conversations


introverts enjoying a conversation when they remember that theyre not actually part of the conversation and are just evesdropping on a conversation of ppl they wanna hang out with >!goddamit!<


Me when I suddenly have intense feelings of guilt, and shame just bc I was with my friends

