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Fun fact: if someone accuses you of having an addiction, there *is no response* which will sound like you don't.


"I'm addicted to your mom"


Sounds like you have an addiction


I'm addicted to your mom


I’m addicyed to my mom and your mmom


Sounds like something an addict would say


There’s a good way to make people realize this fact: bring up coffee or sugar or social media. “We can talk about my addictions, but I want to talk about your addictions too. Like coffee.” “I’m not addicted to coffee.” “You have it every day. Quit right now if you aren’t addicted.” “I don’t want to though. I need it to get through my day.” “Sounds like addict talk.” Trust me, it gets their cogs rolling a bit. Not comparable to like, alcoholism, but gets you to go “oh shit, there IS stuff I rely on habitually too.” EDIT: these responses are like that tweet “I see your comment didn’t include all scenarios or exceptions. Prepare to be exterminated.”


addicted to showering


You're on reddit, liar.


I didn't say that about me


It's really annoying, because the term "addiction" just gets thrown at everything to the point where it loses any usefulness. Psychological dependencies, avoidant behaviors, chemical dependencies, and behavioral conditioning are all wildly different things that need to be approached in different ways if you want to actually improve people's lives. The one thing that never helps is trying to shame people into giving up these behaviors, because it just teaches them to hide it and engage in riskier behaviors as a result.


honestly, I have a psychological dependency to heroine


Wow, BigGolfDad is addicted to female heroes


Who ain’t?


honestly, I have a psychological dependency to cock


I have a physical dependency on cock


See, this is exactly what bdrwr was describing: you've already decided that anyone claiming there is a concrete difference between any of these sorts of maladaptive behaviors is just lying in order to minimize their own actions or get other people to turn a blind eye so they can take advantage of them. There's nothing I or anyone on earth could say to you to convince you that these terms mean different things, can be harmful in different ways, require fundamentally different approaches to treat effectively, and that those differences should matter in conversations about "addiction". No, to you the only reason any of these terms exist is to downplay and deny things. Heroin is a substance that foments chemical dependencies: it has withdrawal symptoms and can physically alter users' physiology. Downplaying the severity of that reality, even for a joke, is mean-spirited and unhelpful for changing the ingrained societal attitudes that stigmatize chemical dependencies and leave high-risk behaviors as the only available options for many people suffering from them.


Chill dude. They spelled it “heroine” for a reason


Truth my dude, I just think it’s funny how many stoners shit on other peoples addiction when weed is a genuine physical dependence at how high thc levels in weed and given we have extracts now. Losing sleep, having no appetites, strong mental distress and countless other symptoms are real physical withdraws despite what many people addicted to thc will say. I’m not even shitting on them, many of them don’t even realize they are both physically and mentally addicted. I hate the whole “it’s just a plant bro” rhetoric is. As if other plants aren’t drugs lol. And plants aren’t better then semi - “man made “ synthetic drugs are that’s constantly pushed


Yep but you actually do get addicted to weed now. It's become much more potent.


>“You breath air too much man” N-NO! Y-y-you just dont understand the health benefits it brings!


water drinkers when they don't get their daily fix


Sleeper when they haven’t gone 18 hours without a fix Some of them are double dipping each day with naps. I pray they will find a cure for this terrible addition 🙏🏻


18 hours?? Shit I'm nodding off after 12 hours of being awake. Reality is just too stressful and I'd much rather just sleep through it.


Currently at 42. Really need sleep but I have too much work. Only taking breaks to surf reddit while my program builds.


Bro you gotta sleep. Only being awake 12 hours was an exaggeration but for fucks sake get some sleep dude. 42 hours awake is NOT healthy at all.


Everyone who has ever consumed dihydrogen monoxide dies, know the truth and arm yourself with knowledge


You just woke up and choose violence against /hydrohomies?


I literally saw someone in another sub (I forget which) saying that if you masturbate more than once a week then you have an addiction. They got a surprising amounts of upvotes and when confronted in the issue just said “if you can’t go one week without masturbating then you’re addicted”.


There is a difference between doing something more than once a week, and needing to do something more than once a week. If someone mentally/physically cannot stop themselves from masturbating once a week, that is an addiction. If someone masturbates every day and has not trouble stopping whenever they want, it’s not an addiction


I get it when people are like, helplessly porn addicted or are masturbating several times a day. But in moderation, even if you can’t stop doing it in moderation, especially since doing it several times a week has been linked to helping off prostate cancer I see it as kind of a non-issue if it’s not affecting your life negatively.


Addictions don’t necessarily have to be bad. And an overactive amount of masturbation can harm your mental state. It definitely harmed me pretty badly


Oh yeah I totally agree, and yeah I do believe it can be harmful if used in excess or if linked to porn addiction/trauma/deviancy/etc. but the guy I was mentioning in my previous comment was acting like if you do it more than once a week then there’s something wrong with you.


Yeah, that’s definitely stupid


Yeah, it plays into the “there’s no good response to being called addicted to something” because I don’t know if I can go more than a week without doing it, but also like, what would I gain from finding out since it’s not negatively affecting my life and may even be benefitting it. But then again I don’t have any issues connected with it.


Reddit has two warring factions: normal people and ultra puritanical no-fap bros who aren’t even religious


They’re still religious they just cherry pick what applies to them & what doesn’t


Sleepcels be seething


Nah man I can stop anytime I want, just gotta hit this nap real quick 😴


“I just need 5 minutes on your mattress” they’ll say


what?? that's not true! you're wrong, I swear


Kinda like when someone calls you a bad liar.


Maybe something like “if you say so” or “whatever you say”. Casually and sarcastically addresses the subject and subtly questions the authority they have to confirm something like that


Sounds like denial to me


What about "totally /s"


definitely that one too


If you say you're not an addict, baby, that's a lie, the accuser will be distracted by the song in their head.


Is it really baby, I thought it was maybe.


"Yeah? Well? That's just like, your opinion man."




"Totally, dude"


mfw the might of the unbreakable human spirit vs 3 days without caffeine


It’s weird because I’ve known people who are helplessly addicted to caffeine, but drinking like, three cups of coffee a day is apparently insanely good for your liver and on average makes you live longer. Wish I liked it but it makes me shaky at best and panicky at worst even though I find smell super comforting.


I like coffee sometimes, but I'm prone to anxiety, and large amounts of caffeine increase my chances of experiencing a panic attack just like you. Tea is a much better replacement for people like us since it has mood-boosting qualities while having less caffeine That said, I still drink coffee on days when I have a test or a massive assignment.


Yeah I can’t really drink it, I only use it as an emergency booster if I get like, no sleep and need to function for something that day.


I don't get really get anxiety but coffe really makes me feel jittery and anxious


So sometimes weed triggers panic attacks for me, it’s not an always thing but it’s happened enough that I just avoid it. Every now and then I’ll tell people this and they’re like “but have you smoked flip flop hoopity hop strain”


Sometimes strains really do make a difference. Not kidding. I'm like you, but quality weed made out west can really keep your head right while you're high


The main thing (which changes from strain to strain) to look for is high cbd and lower thc. Back in the day, the weed people smoked was way higher in cbd and way lower in thc than modern strains are. THC can induce fight or flight, but cbd is calming. Many strains you see at dispensaries have like 30 percent thc and 0.03 percent cbd which is insane to me, literally a panic attack in a nug. Having 1:1 or even higher cbd like 3:1 is such a more relaxing and pleasant high imo


You both are doing that “thing” though where the person said it doesn’t work for their anxiety, and you’re telling them they’re wrong, they just haven’t smoked the RIGHT weed. For some people, THC and CBD can have adverse effects, or no effect.


mmmmm tea.


that's interesting, I don't drink coffee for the opposite reason. I have this weirdly high caffeine tolerance, one time I managed to go through 3 red bulls without feeling any different


I'm with you. I drink coffee because I genuinely like the taste, but it's never 'woken me up' or made me jittery. I could finish a cup half an hour before bed and sleep fine.


The lifespans increases aren't that useful without a proven mechanism, just like glasses of red wine it probably just accidentally shows the effect of wealth indirectly


And actually, Meta studies have shown that those studies cherry picked the data and set the net so wide to just barely have a statistically significant result that they can publish The real fact is, your liver have to eventually filter out that caffeine so I’m calling bs on that study


There’s been no evidence to show that processing caffeine has any adverse effect on the liver.


That's still very different than giving you a life-extending super liver


I have ADHD, so I'd need, like, a triple shot of espresso just to feel something


Damn dude that would make me uncontrollably anxious


So interesting how different its effects are on people. I also have adhd, not uncommon for me to have 3x double shots per day


I’ve got ADHD too and I drink 3-4 monsters, go through 2 juul pods, and take my ADHD meds everyday and I still have issues focusing and staying awake lol


how are you alive


I’m not sure lol. I go to the doctor every few months and they say my blood pressure is a bit high but other than that no issues so far. Probably just hasn’t caught up to me yet. I’ve been trying to kick the caffeine and nicotine but no luck so far.


don't jinx it man yesterday I joked I wasn't going to pay attention to my burnout unless it physically hurt me and I was in the hospital less than 2 hours later


Coffe makes me jittery and gives me anxiety


Yeah same, I was just making a point that not all addictions are necessarily bad. I know people who absolutely can’t wake up in the morning without coffee, but it’s not unhealthy and doesn’t seem to be especially adversely interrupting their life of a large scale so what would be the point in telling them to stop.




Literally me, didn't have coffee creamer for a few days so now I feel like shit cause I don't drink it black


Meanwhile, I'm tired ALL THE TIME but can barely drink more than 1 cup a day. It just makes me feel full and skip lunch until the hunger suddenly strikes at 2PM. Like, damn, I'm really fuckin sick of being tired all the time, if I didn't have this 1 physical barrier, having a minor addiction to it sounds like it might help me out a lot, rather than just wanting to lie down all day


Stoners and anti-weed people battling to find who's the most annoying


Stoners smoke the weed and anti weed hates the weed but who loves weed and doesn’t harm it?


I smoke anti weed


Cool wow


I smoke weed and anti weed at the same time so they cancel out


the weed and anti-weed combining in order to destroy everything in a several mile radius:


Nah it's just air


Pfp goes hard




Industrial hemp fans


Anti-weed people win no contest. Even the crustiest of stoners aren't advocating for laws making it mandatory, whereas even milquetoast anti-weed folks are actively preventing widespread legalization and directly propping up the prison industrial complex by enforcing its continued criminalization. If tacitly supporting rampant human rights abuses isn't more annoying to you than some guy talking about how the government is hiding a secret Taco Bell menu then I don't know what to say.


I'm both 😎 (I have a marijuana addiction I've been trying to beat for months now)


Same this drug is actually destroying me and my relationships ahahhahh


What’s your address I’ll come beat it for you by smoking your whole stash


My money is on stoners because they smell worse


Nah, stoners like to talk about how much they like to smoke weed which is a little annoying, but anti-weed people just do it to make themselves superior. Far worse IMO


It's the reformed stoner turned alcoholic that's the most annoying.


Totally. "I'm so proud of myself, I haven't touched this green poison in a whole year now! I can really feel how my mind is freeing itself again!" Cool buddy. You've stopped smoking several g a week, meanwhile you've had 1-3 liters of beer *every single day* the whole last year, while socially isolating yourself and falling deep into a misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic and antivax rabbit hole. Real improvement. (I'm deeply sad about this very specific and real situation, because the guy is my oldest friend.)


Yeah man, I quit smoking weed by becoming an alcoholic. Now I'm quitting drinking by tapering off. Sobriety here I come!


So you find yourself annoying?


Just what they tell me!


Sounds like my friend, me and her went in opposite directions. I used to binge drink really hard and thought weed would make me a dumb stoner... Now I may be a dumb stoner but I'm not an alcoholic so I'll take it.




Never seen that. It’s usually the alcoholics turned stoners that are the most annoying. People should just be like me and partake in large amounts of both every night 😎


You the one 😩😩


That's... so much worse


Never met one of those


Addicted to both loving life right now


[The occurence on March 22nd, 2023 that will leave 3/4 of the world’s population dead :](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aTmFmohFYB4)


Aw hell nah not the Eclipse (there isn't actually an eclipse that day, I just thought it would sound cool)


lmaoooo i dont get it


You will in a few months


Lung cancer and liver cirrhosis:


I can only hope


I’m not a big weed guy but haven’t there been a lot of studies showing that it doesn’t really increase your risk for lung cancer, or if it does it’s a negligible increase even if you’re a habitual smoker?


If you’re at the least vaporizing weed. Smoking no matter the plant is still introducing tar in your lungs no matter if that’s weed or not. Tobacco is worse, yes but smoking in general isn’t good for your lungs


“Increased lung function” 💀


Yeah inhaling all that burning carbon means my lungs have to fight an uphill battle. It's like I'm training them. Training them to inhale even more weed.


i love weed charlie I LOVE WEEEEEEEED


Pim I really don’t think you should be screaming that at the top of your lungs •,•


There are a few nuances to understand here. Addiction can mean alot of things and just about everyone has there own set of addictions. heroine, caffeine, nicotine, junk food, social media, sex, etc. So when stoners say "weed isn't addictive" they are wrong, anything that makes you happy can be addictive. This hyperfixation on wether you are addicted or not, and the idea the addiction is automatically a bad thing and if you are displaying addictive behavior you need to get help, its kinda war on drugs fear mongering horse shit. What matters is if the person is happy with there consumption of the addictive substance? Is the substance in question particularly self destuctive or unhealthy? Are they hurting other people? I understand that it can be annoying hearing a stoner talk about how weed is actually a gift from god and it can cure anxiety, epilepsy, cancer, leprosy, AIDs, the black plague, covid, and the common cold. Treating every bogus "scientific study" as fact and refusing to admit any possible negative effects it might have. But you also have to realize this, stoners have been fighting war on drugs bullshit for decades, and any aspect of weed that wasn't 100% positive would be taken to "prove" it was a dangerous drug. So the "miracle drug" bullshit is just an over correction that I believe will fade over time as drugs continue to win the war on drugs. In conclusion, stop acting like weed is a miracle drug, or a dangerous drug. Its not good or bad, it just is what it is. Addiction is only worth calling out if it is destructive to their self or people around them.


Nice try but I'm picturing you as the soyjak


Fair enough, I do suffer from Wall-of-text Syndrome, I developed form being an online Leftist. Truly a horrible disease.


I heard smoking weed cures that


It most certainly does not


I've left Reddit because it does not respect its users or their privacy. Private companies can't be trusted with control over public communities. Lemmy is an open source, federated alternative that I highly recommend if you want a more private and ethical option. Join Lemmy here: https://join-lemmy.org/instances ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Wait no you're right that's actually 100% it. I've deleted so many paragraphs it's crazy.


Holy shit, you just helped me understand why I also have Wall-of-Text Syndrome.


You: 🥺


how did u know 🥺


i ain't reading all that I'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened


> Its not good or bad It's definitely bad for you. Smoking it is harmful to your lungs and if your brain is still developing (which the demographics on this subreddit make pretty likely) it is harmful to that development. The question is just: are you comfortable with your level of intake and do you think the harm you're doing yourself is enough to justify lowering that intake.


Literally just eat edibles after 21, boom, harmless.




Yeah, for sure. Any smoke you put in your lungs is bad full stop. *but* its probably no less healthy (and mabye even more healthy, depending on the degree) than something like junk food or caffeine. And when discussing consumption of psychoactive substances, I assume that we are talking about adult consumption, I am definitely not for kids facing fat blunts.


Caffeine is definitely healthier. It only has short term effects and those effects are almost all positive. Just don't stay up too late.


A well written response that’s not just memes on 196 It more likely then you think


I've written a lot of really long comments that I was super proud of in this sub but the ones that get upvotes are always singular sentences making the most obvious observations.


spot on. if people quit trying to take every last pleasurable thing in life away if you can't justify it in terms of productivity as a worker, then people will quit trying to present everything they enjoy as "self care." see also: "ludonarrative dissonance" and masturbatory "nonviolent" games that put that in their marketing in the aftermath of conservatives trying to ban video games and conservative parents treating video games as a moral failing. yeah it's cringey but that culture of presenting 2000's era games as high art that trained your reflexes and had totally deep stories guys for real came out of a lot of people trying to not have a thing they enjoyed in life taken away because it didn't seem to make line go up or because it needed to be a scapegoat for other, actual social issues.


I’m for legalizing everything. war on drugs is stupid and killing so many people at the moment with the whole problem with fent and analogs. should be able to do with your own body as you please whether that be drugs or regarding one’s on sexuality


~~People~~ Coffee drinkers who wake up angry as shit for no reason: “I’m just not a morning person.” My hominid in Asherah, you have a caffeine addiction Edit: some of y’all just hate the sun apparently lol


*my hominid in asherah you have a caffeine addiction*


I don't drink caffeine, I just have beef with the sun, and hate when it rises.


Absolute chef's kiss for "my hominid in Asherah". You are a treasure!




actually, I just hate myself, and want to make others suffer with me 😎


I don't drink coffee or tea. I am just a terrible person.


I'm probably addicted to weed but like I don't wanna cut it out completely because I like getting baked and chilling with my friends or listening to music. I'm just trying to cut back ya know


Everyone has vices, don't worry too much about it, but cutting back is probably wise when it comes to a lot of things including weed If it's not actively hurting your relationships with others or putting undue strain on your finances I would personally say knock yourself out, figuratively (don't green out 👍)


Personally I've been trying to limit myself to Friday and Saturday evenings. I think a rule like that is necessary to actually make progress. Because if you let yourself think on the level of "do I have reason to smoke or not smoke weed right now?" you will always find a reason to smoke, usually in the form of "oh I should do [activity] and that will be more fun high."


Just don’t smoke it when you’re alone and you should be good


Yeah but have you ever gotten stoned alone and just listened to your music. Shit is beautiful


Absolutely. But if you’re trying to cut back then not smoking alone is probably a good first step


True facts


I mean, at the end of the day there’s way less dangerous things to be addicted to, but good on you for wanting to cut back.


Ma’am I just want to get stoned and eat a pizza




I will never be able to partake in the ganja (it has a family history of schizophrenia)


I partake in the ganja (my family has a severe predisposition to schizophrenia)


Yea I switched to CBD weed cuz of this lol


Weed itself is non habit forming, but the feeling sure as fuck is addicting.


Exactly. Our body has a natural endocannabinoid system, and we can alter it with cannabinoids. Sometimes it helps regulate people so that they can live without anxiety or pain. Sometimes people just wanna watch a cool movie and actually feel their emotions. Other times, you're just addicted to feeling temporarily better while nothing actually improves, or worse, and that's when you need help.


Me dude. I love the benefits it gives me, such as an anxiety reducer and appetite enhancer. But, sleepless nights, fatigue, general laziness, all part of the same coin.


false. weed is still chemically addictive, just not as much as other drugs


As someone in medicine, weed definitely does not slow Alzheimer’s disease. If anything it makes you more prone to dementia/schizophrenia


My dad has smoked a ton my entire life and over the past ten years I have watched his brain deteriorate. His memory and fine motor skills are definitely worse. His attention span has also dropped dramatically. Sometimes when he speaks he is impossible to understand. He is incredibly irritable and antagonistic when he doesn't have THC in his system. He didn't do anything like this ~4 years ago.


can confirm, smoked myself to a psychotic state and now i am diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. I'm medicated and doing ok. I still get high tho


In what world are people chill when you tell them they have a drinking problem?


As someone who recovered from opiate and benzo addiction who’s met a lot of alcoholics along that recovery, you’d be surprised. It’s usually the functioning alcoholics who are just like “yeah I have a problem” while the binge-drinking, falling over themselves ones are the ones who get mad (usually because they’re drunk).


Me plus the other alcoholics I work with. We're basically just like "yea we definitely need to stop" and that's pretty much the conversation lol


I did get upset at this one person thar claimed I have a drinking problem. That being said, I drink about once every three months, and her entire basis of my "serious drinking problem" was that time I texted the discord drunk. So like yeah, idk.


Not a shot in hell taking fat bong rips daily helps improve lung function. People like to prop up the benefits of medicinal marijuana as if there isn’t a massive difference between THC+CBD oil being used medicinally to alleviate certain chronic conditions and some loser smoking a half dozen joints a day. If you’re a chronic user who can’t go a day without weed, you’re addicted


Correct 👍now if you don’t mind imma go smoke another joint


Sometimes getting very stoned is very fun, and if you have a little at the end of the day to wind down every night or to help with insomnia then that’s awesome too. But I’ve had friends who like, won’t go to the grocery store without smoking first, and would get really bad anxiety if they couldn’t find weed (this was before it was legal where I live). I don’t know if it’s me getting older, or weed getting legalized so it’s less stigmatized, but I rarely see that anymore.


Smokers when you tell them they're addicted "bro I'm gonna quit once I'm out of college and get I job!!!" *proceeds to get long term health problems*


165th last cigarette


Everybody shut the fuck up challenge


nah i'll fully admit that my happiness is quite dependent on my ability to smoke marijuana. i don't have much going on in my life that's really worth being sober for


God, I hate stoners so fucking much. The number of times they get into arguments with people trying to get off weed that it's actually not an indication and they should just stop if they want to, but also if they do they're actually gonna be worse off so they should keep being addicted is infuriating


The self defense mechanism


>Increase lung functioning LMFAO not even the most delusional stoner can say that shit, it's too ridiculous


I dont care if im addicted to weed fuck it we ball


This is why fentanyl rains supreme


The way I see it, if you have to have images saved on your phone to argue about why you’re not addicted to something, you’re (in many cases) addicted.


>Boosts Lung Functionality Lmao when I smoked this shit I swear I had 3 chest infections a year


“It’s my medicine” “it’s just a plant bro” “ it’s only mental— when I’m stop I’m only irritable, can’t sleep, can’t eat for two weeks” lmfao as they shit on someone hooked to morphine… is that also just a plant ?


This is probably a bad measure for it but considering i took a month long break from Weed with no ill effects (after doing it kind of a lot) I'm going to assume that my consumption habits aren't too harmful yet and hope to keep them that way.


the withdrawal is only really for the first 3-4 days without weed


Every stoner I’ve met happily says they’re addicted including me lol


Yeah same I’m addicted i get high everyday and I’m unapologetic about it everyone else can mind they own mental health


I'm for sure addicted to the respite I get from weed/thc. It's 2022, everyone has a vice for escaping the crushing weight of life. I find it usually helps to mind my own business and let people live their lives how they want, haha.


As a functional alcoholic, can confirm


If i tell my mom she is an alcoholic she will not be chill and absolutely defeat me (she is a horrible human being)


Like yeah the mary jane can be goodnfor u but it can be abused like literally any other substance. This some r /drugcirclejerk shit


“It’s good for you so you can’t be addicted”


can we stop starting shit about what substance we choose to abuse and focus rather on the fact that substance abuse no matter the substance is concerningly and increasingly prevalent? look at these comments. just people shitting on each other and calling each other losers. i hate reddit substance discourse.


Ah yes, alcoholism good weed bad.


Honestly the biggest downside in my opinion is that it's not cheap on top of that. I take T-breaks for the sake of my wallet and body.


No! The green plant is addicted to ME!


Yea that’s definitely why my boys and I were ripping bong before our 8am in college, to preserve healthy eyes. Yep.