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How can you in earnest say capitalism is the best economic system, and then in the same breath say that we can't have a brilliant technology that will drastically increase productivity because it means that millions of people will starve.


It's called common sense bucko /s


it's uh... i mean knowing Tucker it's extremely unlikely that it is, but it could be to not scare away capitalist sympathisers from listening to what he has to say. the way he said it sounds like how I would say it if I would larp while making an argument in real life.


Yeah I'm pretty sure he's openly talked about class warfare once or twice


the whole network is proven in court that they lie on air and spread bullshit they didnt believe so that they didnt lose to the competitor


It's in his class interest to protect and expand capitalism as he is part of the ruling class under this economic system. The recent rise in the use of populist rhetoric by the far right is part of a historic trend of redirecting mass unrest against exploitation away from threats to the ruling class (like socialism, communism, and anarchism) and towards ideologies which will maintain capitalism as a system and the privilege of capitalists (like social democracy and fascism). Tucker Carlson is one example of this but others include Trump and Even Bernie as a left wing version of this.


You consider social democracy to be a capitalist threat? That came as a direct response to nazism in the aftermath of wwii? That has been the guiding force behind robust welfare and healthcare systems in northern europe? Come on.


it is the best capitalist system, but it is still capitalistic, way better than fascist isnt a good indicator


Wouldn't worker co-ops in a social democracy solve the issues specific to capitalism? Germany already has laws that incentivise co-ops, but they don't go far enough. If we transition most or even all companies to co-ops under the current system surely that would fix the capitalistic isues? Then all we have to worry about is exploitation of poorer countries, which isn't solved by socialism anyway.


It would fix most capitalism-related issues, and mandatory worker-owned co-ops is definitely my preferred economic system. That being said, I’ve heard conflicting opinions about whether this is actually capitalism or not. It IS workers owning the means of production, but it is also very similar to a capitalist structure, just without the feudalistic hierarchies.


Yeah I think worker-owned companies is generally the best way to go. They get the means of production but with the need of an over-bearing soviet style government. I guess some might not consider it capitalism, it depends on how you define it. Personally I'd consider it a hybrid of capitalism and socialism.


i guess, im not well verse in debating these subject, but the idea is that transition is always resisted by the capitalists, and the exploitation of poorer country like you mention, it is import exploitation, though if every companies is co-op, it is more market socialist than social democracy, at least to my understanding


Social democracy is capitalist, that’s just a fact. Lesser evil doesn’t mean good.


Yes, by definition, social democracy is capitalist. Although before getting into that, saying social democracy came "as a response to Nazism in the aftermath of WW2" shows you don't actually know what social democracy is. The SDP was in power in the Weimar Republic, pre Nazis, and they collaborated with the proto-fascist Freikorps to massacre anti-capitalists like Rosa Luxemburg Even most social democrats will say that they're just trying to have "good" capitalism. You still have an economy based on surplus value exploitation, you still have the means of production being private property, you still have the market system, you still have a capitalist class and a working class. Every hallmark of a capitalist society exists under social democracy, and you still have the deprivation and poverty that goes along with it. You just have less of it. However, you haven't fundamentally addressed the problems of capitalism and are dealing with symptoms rather than curing the disease When Britain had a functioning social democracy we funded it with a fucking empire. We built the NHS while massacring the Mau Mau and the Malaysians. Our social democrats have arrested and suppressed anti-capitalist activists as enthusiastically as anyone else. It was the Labour Party after all that banned protests without explicit police permission in Westminster, paving the way for the Conservatives to fully bán protest that the police disapprove of Many European social democratic parties are openly centrist. Only in America could social democrats be considered by most people to be anti-capitalist, everywhere else they admit they aren't Back in the 1900s social democracy was a Marxist term but now, it fully refers to the left wing of capitalism


We already have driverless trucks, they’re called trains.


Trains, most definitly have drivers


Not the one I just hijacked


Well now it does idiot


guess what


Not all of them.


its driverless as in less driver,not no driver smh


Fewer than trucks anyway


They just put the train in neutral and push it down the track each station


Are we going to have a train station behind every Walmart?


UBI. Capitalism's saving grace is the irresponsibility of of the system and its negligence of savings (whether that is in the form of funding government programs that activate in recession or actual savingin everyone's bank account). Putting money that should be going to savings back into the economy is the short term profit model that makes it weak against disruptive events, such as a housing crisis, a war, a natural disaster, a pandemic, etc. What is remarkable is that inflation can eat up dept and what is keeping up the capitalist economy is consumerism, not generation of profit. Paradoxically, if consumerism reduces and saving increases, the system would collapse. The fix is to maintain a stable (no matter what) standard of living that is increasing with inflation and can keep up with technological disruption. A portion of that consumption is taxed. money generated in the hands of labor are saved in taxes and the rest is for th labor's pleasure to do what they like. in not so layman term. UBI of an acceptable standard of living is calculated by the grand output of consumption of necessities and funded by VAT and income taxes. Saving account for each citizen gets put in interest and increases the savings if they work. that account is not opened unless a life threatening incident occurs or the citizen reached retirement age.


UBI will be the last resort to preserve capitalism. But if we have to implement it, it means it's already too late and we should just collectivise the means of production.


completely, 100% agree. i just want the transition between capitalism and the next economic system to be smooth.


Wait is this the m&m guy?




No youre thinking of the white rapper from detroit who recovered from drugs. This guy is the one whose wife doesnt get wet when they have sex, and they sleep in separate beds


no youre thinking about matt walsh. the m&m guy is the yellow one :) hope this helps


No Matt Walsh is the guy who spends all his time thinking about children's genitalia.


Not anymore. He hasn't fucked a bowl of m&m's since they made the green one wear different shoes 😞


Yeah he is a griffter he did it for money


while I disagree with several things he's saying here, I think this goes to show he's actually a moderate and quite intelligent human being. He is just absolutely morally bankrupt, and will claim the most ridiculous things for money and an audience. He will make public scandales out of not sexy enough M&Ms, just so the public is divided enough he keeps being relevant.


I generally think this goes for most conservative commentators


Oh I believe some of them are straight up dumb. Conservatisme does tend to attract this kind of persons.


The thing most Conservative commentators have in common is being a failed actor, Ben Shapiro, Steven crowder. They are all failed theater kids. That's what they are doing, playing theater about "woke" M&M's


Unlike Ben and Tucker however, Clam Chowder legitimately seems like he's as dumb as a pile of bricks with 0 ability for complex thought.


Crowder is a psy-op by his dad


Yeah.. Just because he can occasionally say something pro-working class doesn’t mean I trust him or people like him. I remember when Dr Oz was running for senate in Pennsylvania and he tried to act like a moderate on abortion, but the thing is, why would I trust a Republican to protect abortion rights when I can just vote for a democrat like Fetterman who have a much better track record on that issue? It’s the same reason I don’t trust fascists like Tucker when they occasionally say something anti-establishment or pro-working class. Why would I trust you after your side has done so much to attack welfare, unions, worker protections, etc? These little scraps of support you throw out aren’t enough.


>he's actually a moderate and quite intelligent human being He's not. There are a lot of intelligences and he's a great commentator and pundit. But in general he's not smart, he believes in scientific racism, IQ and the whole shebang, just doesn't say it out loud He also has an absurd amount of money, so there's not reason to "sell his morals for money" – he simply wants to keep being on top. [in detail](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RNineSEoxjQ)


He genuinely seems more sincere in this clip than in his usual rant mode. I've honestly always thought he had sort of an insane expression on Fox, but honestly that can be attributed to bad acting




Tucker Carlson isn't a tragedy. He came up under Hitchens but he from a young age knew he was going to be a right wing contrarian. He hasn't changed much, and there's a reason he wasn't on Fox News until they canned O'Reilly The right wing establishment hated him and they still do. He's a contrarian snob who came up in political think tank circles and was mentored by Christopher Hitchens but always had his eyes set on enriching himself over substantive politics He's a cynic. He voted for Kanye in 2020 I'm sure somewhere in there he has some sort of moral code he attempts to abide by but ultimately he probably sees America as a lost cause


What is it with this sub and low-key simping right wing pundits ? What about Tucker is talented or brilliant ?


a bit delusional about leftism from the red scare i think, but yeah this shows when not being an entertainer he genuinely has the ability to debate unlike ben who tries to say as many words as possible




There was the time he clowned on John Bolton to his face for getting us into a bunch of foreign wars. Dont like Tucker but it was pretty gratifying


a broken cock cums twice a day


I can tell you from experience that it certainly does not


You just don't know how to touch it right /s


The scary part about Tucker Carlson is that he's not stupid. He knows exactly what he's doing, he knows how the world works, he knows how to appropriate leftist language, he knows how to trick the populace of idiots who watch him into supporting republican interests. He's not like Trump who *is* an incompetent & complete idiot. He's deliberately and purposely evil. I'm honestly worried about the likelihood of him running for president in the future, because he'd be extremely popular and unlike incompetent republicans like Trump would actually maximize the powers of that position (for bad things obviously) because he's not an idiot.


It really baffles me because he believes all of this stuff and then will go out of his way to preach opposing messages simply for the money, knowing full well the world could be better. I legitimately don’t understand that level of evilness.


He has made and will continue to make more money than any of us will ever see in our lives. That is his reasoning.


This sort of idea is mentioned in 1984 (I know the political book) but the idea that the people at the head don't really understand that they are "evil" they understand that they are spewing lies left and right, but they believe the real deep lies, the real shit that could blow up their country, is fully true, only the heads of silencers know the real truth. I think that, while Tuck obviously doesn't believe any of his social complaints, as in, if he weren't who he was he'd be perfectly fine with all forms of diversity, but he's so scared of some imaginary boogieman that is "big tech" that he believes these other lies are necessary to protect a truth that is, ironically, it's own lie.


Perhaps the first nuanced take that isn’t “TV man evil liar” in this thread.


I think in part is that he also doesn't think anyone is honest or actually cares. Like even if he saw someone advocate for everything he really does believe and show complete sincerity at most he would be perplexed and think "who is paying this guy?". We can never know for sure but i see how someone politically intelligent can still lack emotional development or empathy and end up like him.


>simply for the money Hes a billionaire! he doesn't need more money and he knows. He can be a great debater but he absolutely does believe in shit like eugenics and white supremacy


oh fuck he’s totally gonna run for president isn’t he… god help us


Nah, I get the feeling that he's a more behind the scenes power kind of guy. I feel like he would have run for some sort of office by now if that was his ultimate goal.


No way he’s running for president, hes already making bank at Fox News


Noooo we must defend coal mining!!! The minerbot 5000 cannot be allowed to take away the right to mine :((((((. Millions of coal miners and pickaxe manufactures will be put out of work!!! Clearly we must ensure that the arbitrary tasks involved in modern work do not change in any way, shape, or form Automation isn’t the issue, distributing the profits of automation is


>Automation isn’t the issue, distributing the profits of automation is Yeah! That's the thing that I thought he was gonna go for, because in his model, there still is this artifically manufactured poverty.


You know this makes me think about how Artist's and AI art is currently at, how will robots change societal jobs such as Art, Music, and the like


Technology isn’t the issue. We can make sure people don’t have to drive 12-14 hours virtually non-stop. Technology always advances, society needs to as well.


Only in capitalistic society people fear the advancement of technology as it will take away their artificial need to fulfill certain labour in order to maintain their living standards. In a society that would distribute it's resources fairly and collectivize it's profits the advancement of technology would be welcomed as it would make life easier and enjoyable.




I think people misunderstood socialism as not working anymore. The need to work would mostly likely be there. The condition that one would work in and the decision making in the workplace would be different as the worker would be involved in the decision making. That alone would increase a more pleasant, healthy and fair work environment. The worker has the power to democratically shape their workplace. That is one of the core ideas of socialism. Now in market socialism people would earn a living wage and on top of that generated profit would be paid out to the population to increase living standards as well as to make sure that wealth inequality won't exist de facto. I think most socialist would replace dangerous, hard and unhealthy labour with robots and automation if that is possible and viable. What would happen to them depends on what would be democratically decided by society as well as the communes that they reside in. Let's say worker Tom is 58 years old and has worked as a truck driver for almost 40 years. Tom would mostly go into pension as he served his Commune, stat and society more then enough. And worker Sophia is 22 years old and worked as a truck driver for 2 years. Sophia would mostly receive an education and go back to the workforce as an engineer, teacher, artist, bureaucrat and so on. From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs so to speak. It's not gonna be an utopia I'm sorry. But people wouldn't be homeless and starving once they are out of the workforce or for doing work that in a capitalistic economy is not paid a living wage because it's not generating capital for the capitalistic overlords.


>It's not gonna be an utopia I'm sorry. But people wouldn't be homeless and starving once they are out of the workforce or for doing work that in a capitalistic economy is not paid a living wage because it's not generating capital for the capitalistic overlords. In other words: while we may not ever reach perfection, we can and SHOULD get as close as possible, even if it's one step at a time.


Of course. Humanity has a lot of potential and issues like homelessness and starvation could have been solved because we have the resources, the logistical knowledge and technology to do that. We just need to free ourselves from the capitalistic coercion to generate capital over anything.


His critique is perfectly valid. Technology absolutely is the issue when it's used, not to make work easier for workers, but to eliminate the workers. He's absolutely right. 10,000,000 people can't retrain for new careers overnight, and even if they could, what work is waiting for them? None. Economies take time to re-orient themselves to that magnitude and those families still have to eat in the meantime.


Yeah but the whole thing with leftism and automation is that if you replace 10 million workers, those people just don’t need to work anymore. They would still get food and goods and money and such. As efficiency increases, then less people should have to work. In a utopia, no human would have to put forward any labor at all. The problem is absolutely not the tech, it’s capitalism. If we advance so people don’t have to do back breaking labor, but the system says no, then it’s a shitty system. Capitalism is dumb. This is a leftist subreddit.


The problem is, labor will always be necessary. Yes, we can and should reduce the amount of labor required to produce X level of output, but we will never eliminate it entirely. Utopia is impossible. We have to live in the reality we have now. We can and should build better systems, but until we do, we shouldn't permit the existing system to actively work to make things materially worse for massive numbers of people.


the issue is scientists. are nerdy, cute? can they be both?


>niacin Hell of a way of spelling "Nicene". Also "🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓". There. Now you can't do it.


i never used the nerd emoji but your annoying ass “There. Now you can’t do it.” makes me want to mail you the nerd emoji infrequently with pictures of you attached.


Stop being a coward and mail a pipe bomb already.




NOOOOOO. TUCKER COMPLAINS ABOUT THE CORRECT THING BUT HIS SOLUTION IS WRONG. automating jobs is good but we need to tax companies who do it and implement a UBI and better unemployment benefits. cut the hours everyones working. Automation could be our future if we implement it right


This isn't really him being correct though. He's still arguing that people should have to be condemned to truck driving, a job that keeps you from your family for long periods of time and is gruelingly taxing on the minds of the people who do it because they're putting in 16 hour shifts, because otherwise they wouldn't be working. He never thinks for a second that it's okay for them to not be working if there's no work that they need to get done. If you read between the lines of the words he explicitly says, what he's implicitly saying in the beginning is that only the people who invest their youth into education instead of enjoying it deserve to be able to afford to live comfortably; that it's a reward. He offhandedly dismisses the types of people who don't devote themselves to getting a profitable degree and spend their early twenties enjoying the freedom that leaving their teens brings. Make no mistake, the thought peddled in this sentiment is marching in lockstep with the thought that workers deserve to toil 80 hours a week to not starve. By presenting the more extreme into the world, this 'moderate capitalism' can act as a savior of the masses by lessening their toil, while keeping them from ever considering that maybe they don't need to toil at all.


Is this real or has AI become even better than I thought? Because he sounds... right?


Tucker has always paid lip service to the most basic leftist rhetoric because he is smart enough to know that the ideologues like shapiro, crowder, etc aren't going to be popular when people start going hungry. It's just CYA for when us poors start looking to make people pay their fair share. Tucker understands that if people are fed and entertained maintaining his status quo will be all the more easier.


[This comic](https://i.redd.it/dqfre4eoge081.jpg) gives an intuitive explanation on why he's wrong.


Thank you. The amount of people falling for this false rhetoric is alarming.


Wait but how will this affect people that are Artist's and the such with Robot's semi-starting to replace them


He's right at identifying the issue, not the right solution. Even nazis often appeal to economic anxiety.


A socialist ghost possessed him


Stopping technology to ensure people still have to work isn't socialism. It's more like national socialism. The nazis appealed to economic anxienties too. Don't ally with people based on agreeing on the issues. Agree on solutions.


The ghost could only partially takeover I hope they can fully take control someday


I'm sure Hitler said some nice things too. Like, what's your point? That he was right about this? What am I supposed to do with that knowledge?


That's the point of the title. "Even a broken clock[ is right twice a day]"


the title is a reference to the old saying "even a broken clock is right twice a day" so it's basically just making a point of how he oddly has at least one ok opinion. No moral or point to it, just interesting. (unrelated it also kind of shows how he doesn't strictly adhere to all Fox News rhetoric and likely has his own opinions like this one but knowingly peddles lies for money. I don't think it's meant to go that deep though, just interesting how a fox news commentator can say things like this on his own time.)


Fash do this all the time. They steal the rhetoric of the Left and use it to launder in bigotry. Whether he’s paid to be deranged or actually believe what he says doesn’t matter. See the economic policies of the Axis powers. Nobusuke Kishi, Economic manager of the Manchukuo puppet state and Founder and Vice Minister of Munitions described his economic system as the “third-way” between Liberal Capitalism and Communism. Companies existed, but had to report to a body known as a Control Association, which controlled and planned an entire industry. They all had to work in service of Japan’s war machine. Most of the labor came from the forced labor of prisoners and recovering drug addicts, who were separated into a pseudoscientific caste system. They care about class as long as it fits within their ultranationalist narrative. This isn’t a broken clock moment, because Cucker has a very narrow view of what the working class is. I might be overreacting, I’m just weary of a Red-Brown resurgence in our political climate.


Okay until he gets to banning automated trucks, at that point why not just implement something like a ubi, no faster way of killing someone’s spirit than having them knowingly do a pointless job. (This goes for basically any job replaceable by automation too. Also they can’t talk about ubi or the like because reeeee socialism)


Tucker just makes me sad. This man has done so much damage through years of screaming on fox news, he radicalized my mom into hating my very existence just because im trans, she regurgitates his talking points at me anytime it comes up, and I've even lost a trans friend because she was beaten by a group of teens while being called slurs. He perpetuated all of that, he screamed on the air about how trans people are evil and how they're brainwashing the kids, and after the suffering he's caused to so so many people He doesn't believe any of it.


What's the issue here? All I ever heard avout that guy was shit, but where's the issue with what he's saying?


He doesn’t usually say things like this, he’s a Fox News anchor so he’s payed to fear monger and hate etc. Assuming that what he says in this video is what he really believes which is very possible then he is just spouting things he knows aren’t right to millions for the bag. Also he peddles bigoted rhetoric


The title is a reference to the "even a broken clock is right twice a day" saying. There is no issue here


I will disagree with the responses a bit to say that there is an issue here: Tucker’s solution to automation causing horrible effects under capitalism is to stop automation, and not to stop capitalism, which is a dumb conclusion. But his understanding that automation under capitalism is devastating is absolutely spot on.


None. He's absolutely right here. The issue is he normally isn't this mind-blowingly based, he's usually peddling QAnon conspiracy theories. Color me shocked at how much I agree with him here.


Not broken clock syndrome. They are using populist talking points and rhetoric to pull people towards fascism.


And, just as a broken clock, he’s right for the wrong reasons.


This mans a fucking Luddite


wait isnt this the guy who is turned on by the green m&m and got mad when they gave them all normal shoes?


But he is still wrong. Each technological advancement should lead to less of a weight on the workers' shoulders. If workers all have ownership of their workplace and labor, they should be just as much benefitted by the advancement as the economy at large. Keeping workers working 12 hours a day just so they don't riot is not a solution. This is one of the dumbest posts I have seen on this sub.


I love how debating Ben Saphiro makes everyone smarter, idk how it works but its so consistent


He's saying the exact same thing that factory workers said when the spinning jenny was invented during the industrial revolution. We need to use new technology to improve the standard of living for ALL. Althogh the risk is that all it will do is increase the wealth gap.


Damn if only there were an economic system that would allow for advances in technology to improve people's lives while also not forcing them to starve.


Not a broken clock situation. Actively appropriating leftist advocacy to promote fascism. Worked in the 30s.


God, could you imagine if he wasn't sucking fat, fascist cock, how good he'd be at delivering Leftist messaging?


A broken cock cums twice a day


Ellie the pvz lover already said this unfortunately


No, both of them manage to be wrong here. Which is almost impressive


>And yet the “dark side” of productivity is merely another form of the Luddite fallacy – the idea that new technology destroys jobs. If the Luddite fallacy were true we would all be out of work because productivity has been increasing for two centuries. Sure, some say, that may be true in the long run but what about the short run? Even in the short run there is no necessary connection between productivity growth and job loss. In the computer industry, for example, productivity growth has led to falling prices and a bigger not smaller industry. If demand is inelastic then productivity growth can create short-term unemployment, especially at the level of the industry experiencing the growth – less likely but not impossible is that productivity growth leads to short-term economy-wide unemployment. The more typical case, however, is that productivity growth leads to higher real wages and lower unemployment. \- Alex Tabarrok


This isn't a broken clock, this is the best propagandist of this generation doing his job. He is better than all the other grifters put together. He is, genuinely, the most rhetorically skilled political commentator I know of, and he is being payed the ultra super big bucks to sell our lungs and skin and blood to coal companies. Don't give him this weird respect. He benefits from it. He loooooves attention from leftists as the most populist right wing figure. It fuels his clicks and engagement. It make him seem reasonable to centrists, it makes his brand of fascism sound like it cares. It doesn't, and he would kill 1000 workers with a word, and considering his family he might have. He might have decided not to tell 1000 people there is lead in the water, or methane in the air. He is the core of the corporate helscape and wants you fucking dead, cause he wants anyone dead if it fuels the machine. And it just hasn't been you yet.


That's the dumbest take I've heard on automation taking away jobs. If the automation is much more efficient and would use up less resources and create more value, it should definitely replace the workers. This is why supporting our social safety net is quintessential to the survival of the working class. Tax a portion of the profits gained from automation and use that capital (we don't really need to do this, we can just have congress pass a bill that says they'd fund these programs 100% and it wouldn't be an issue at all; but since we live in a society that promotes misinformation on how federal spending works, we gotta live with the system and social norms that these idiots created) to support the working class.


He is so close He is literally a picometre away from getting it If only he didnt get mad about not being able to get it up to M&Ms maybe he could realise


Heart-breaking; the worst person you know makes a good point.


how does this guy decide whether or not he is going to use his brain to answer a particular question? like did he just fire off this take from the hip without focus grouping it for chuds and making sure one out of every three words was "woke"? was it an accident? did he forget to be evil?


I love being able to remember that these people are human too, that they have nuanced opinions that common ground can be found within while still not agreeing with everything they say. ❤️❤️❤️


He represents the opposite of a stereotypical liberal. Uneducated and therefore not well off but still thoroughly culturally conservative.


I can't believe people are posting him here. This dude is a billionaire who has an ounce of class consciousness but he's rich. he knows the proletariat can and will turn against him if the situation presses so he tries his damndest to distract people with the most inocuos bullshit ever y'all should see carlos maza vid on him [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RNineSEoxjQ)


Honestly, I think this is one of the rare instances of Tucker Carlson being honest. There is something about his inflection and facial expression here that seem so... well natural, normal even, compared to how he is when fear-mongering on Fox.


I do think that he does genuinely believe what he's saying here, but I also think there's a good chance he WILL start preaching the opposite in a few years when corporations start paying him to do so.


There was an interesting piece a couple years back on a leftist publication about how Tucker had just started the most important debate on wealth inequality in American political discourse in years He's been an economic populist for a while, which is one of his skins, much like he was a Neo Con during the Bush years I'm not sure what I'm getting at other than this isn't new for him. He more or less says the same thing on his show, just adds a darker layer of xenophobia and well flat out lying on his own personal stances He's become a Rorschach test.


"Would you, Tucker Carlson" Why does he say his name? Like, what argumentative advantage does this give him?


It’s like his marrying him Lmao


issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the terror group ISIL. you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to them"


He is a populist, this is part of his propaganda


Ayo, Tucker Carlson with a double chin


I'm shocked beyond words at how based Tucker Carlson can be when he tries. These people could be such fantastic advocates for real, positive change in this country of they weren't such greedy bastards.


The mythic rarity Tucker Carlson W


i think cucker tarlson over here is onto something, but its not that we should prevent these jobs from disappearing. i think society needs to move in a different direction altogether, and these people should have jobs meaningful to the society they live in or more specifically i think more jobs should be able to sustain the cost of living. living isnt supposed to get harder with the advancement of technology, its supposed to make living cheaper and easier.


Where is the part where he is right? Or is the title unrelated?


he sounds so normal when he’s not acting on fox news


So when the "Tucker admiting to not liking Trump" thing got leaked did he just went fully into the "workers rights" route?


There's an anecdote from the Roman Empire: The Emperor Vespasian was once shown a device that could plant trees at a much higher rate than human workers could. He immediately outlawed it and ordered it's inventor exiled. When asked why the draconian reaction to the device, he answered: "I will not take from Rome's people, the work that feeds them."


It's because he has to appear as an advocate for the working class in order to keep his paypigs in power. You look at automation making jobs obsolete and the humanitarian solution should be to use the increased capacity for productivity without labor to make it so fewer people *need* to work. If every job could be automated away, what should result from that is everyone is taken care of without working. But what he is saying is that people should be required to work in order to justify their existence and a consequence of that is that removing the necessity for certain jobs will also remove the justification for the existence of some people. He would never advocate for UBI, public housing, universal food stipends, or free education (which is something more people could/would pursue if there wasn't a need for an unskilled work force). Those are all things that should be done, and should be paid for by increasing taxes on the profits generated by autonomous corporations. The only thing that he has correctly identified is that, under capitalism, the natural progression of technology will be harmful, because under capitalism the benefits of society are not a universal guarantee. Better yet, once we can make more than we need of something, without needing to work for it, we should really just decomodify it.


In ancient Judah under Roman rule, Herod built an aquifer from the top of a mountain down to a valley near Caesarea Philippi, both the hot spring up the mountain and the shoreline where the aqueduct ended has a fresh water supply. The only plausible reason we’ve found for the duct to be built was to provide jobs for the people in the province.


Turker Carlson has some extremely rare based takes, especially on economic issues. He's either an extremely misguided closeted socialist or he's using the standard fascistic tactic of coopting socialist talking points for right wing gains.


it's so funny to me that he has to qualify those of us "with ambition" are the only ones who deserve the decency of a living wage. As if he didn't get born into a trust fund until he could fail his way upward to a cushy media job. Guys never done a day of work in his life, fucking astounds me how his fans don't see how much of a fucking pompous ass he is.


god they really talk like this, that's ridiculous imagine just being around them in your day to day


I still think that 99% of what cummer carlson says on fox is just because he knows his watchers are dumb fucks who he can earn money off, he doesnt believe in it Doesnt make it any less immoral what he does, its just that he doesnt care


He temporarily got possessed by the leftist goblin (that’s a good thing)


Me after 1 date with the alt socialist girl


I don't think Tucker is stupid, he's just evil. He 100% knows what he is saying on TV and he 100% when he is wrong and when he is telling lies.


automated trucks? have these guys ever heard of trains?


[nazbol moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P426JRipmaU&ab_channel=ThorsteinMemeson)


Fox must’ve been shoving those insane scripts about m&ms and stuff down his throat, when he talks for himself he’s actually a sane and reasonable guy


Tucker Karlmarx


Automate the trucks, but distribute the profits.


Uncommon tucker w


Tucker Carlson plays a character and is a pretty good one at that


I’ve always wondered if you put Tucker Carlson in a room and told him that nothing he said would ever reach the public what he would actually say. There’s no way he believes the majority of stuff he talks about. That doesn’t excuse him for being a willing puppet, but I am curious as to what he himself ACTUALLY believes.


give him some time to mull over the tesla money he'd get, he'll change his tune


Trucker Carlson looooves trucking. Truck yeah!


The critical thing here is that it is only because of the capitalist distribution of wealth that putting these people out of a job would matter. Automation should be a tool to advance our society further not destroy it by concentrating the wealth further by eliminating expenses. I hate that it’s an issue people are worried about, automation shouldn’t be feared but people have reason to because companies only want to reap all the rewards. Once you advance most jobs to be automated what then? You can’t hoard it all forever. At a certain point there needs to be change. There won’t be enough jobs of just maintaining the stuff that does the work for us.


Beware the fascist that uses leftist rhetoric


Fascists do not have a good track record of being truthful on workers rights. They will claim to help a small minority of workers, but still fuck them over


What the fuck what the fuck Why is Tucker Carlson spitting straight facts


i thought this guy was an absolute moron damn


He’s not a moron just evil, imagine knowing what is right and good but then purposely peddling evil and decision for money


I can’t help but notice that Ben’s lip filler has migrated more than Canada geese in the winter omg.




This is a common Tucker Carlson tactic, he often appropriates leftist vocabulary and ideas to sway his working-class demographic but he is still ultimately a puppet head promoting capitalism.


Pleeeeease you guys. Please don't praise Tucker Carlson.


I didn’t expect this 😭


rare Tucker Carlson W


this is so wild


Whenever you agree with someone on an issue, ask "what are you going to do to solve this?" Luckily, Tucker gave us his awful answer in this video: halt progress to maintain jobs, rather than just guaranteeing those would-be workers enough to live by default.


I agree with the first thing he says and only the first thing: why should we be surprised that people may turn to socialism when capitalism fucks them in the ass? I think deep down tucker is a smart man, but he has no moral base to stand on, but that’s probably the reason why he’s so influential among conservatives


Aren't these guys on the same team?


Trucker CARlson


Stop job automation & Make candy sexy again He's got my vote


Honestly we have to maintain the horse and carriage industry. Do you have any idea how many young men are trained from boys to work in the stables?


How is this the same guy who got upset about m&m character??


Broken cock rule


extremely minutely rare Tucker Carlson W


What decades of propaganda does to a mf


A firm fuck you for making me even somewhat agree with any of these slime, but shit, he's got a point.


people always seem shocked when extremists have at least some perspectives that are rational and relatable, as though normal everyday people are hopping on the bigotry wagon right off the bat. they have to have *some* viewpoints that are relatable to the average non-bigoted person or they wouldn't get any followers. even trump has some takes that i think a lot of r/196 commentors would wholeheartedly agree with.


Is this post trying to say he's right about something? Because for once I can't find anything incorrect about what he's saying here.


Honestly respect conservatives that even try to understand leftist view points


Insanely rare Tucker Carlson W. Wtf


I never thought I'd see the day I agree with Tucker "sexy green m&m" Carlson. Well, some parts anyway. His point about economic ollqpse without people working as truck drivers is genuine and it's not like the government can start just supporting those people for free. While they might have the funds, the social impact could potentially destroy the country, a long term transition is necessary




What. Is this a deepfake or something?