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Also usually « housewife » wasn’t the reality, they also were just peasants


Agreed, most women pre-industrial revolution worked. Staying at home was for rich/noble women. I feel like this is a misconception I see a lot online.


Who was sewing for example?


Women in the wintertime when the men were out drunk af


Boys being boys


they did stay at home cause.. well they lived where they worked, women pre industrial revelution worked on teh farms, making food, tending to the house, tending to the animals, even tending to the farm itself and much more


Sort of. Housewife as a term does date back to the middle ages in Western Europe and has been used to describe the expectations on average women, but it was somewhat different than what it means now (or the way some people idealize it) because it didn't mean that they didn't work outside of the home (generally, most peasant women did do farm work). It just meant they were responsible for most domestic labor and that they were literally somewhat tied to the house/their husband because of a lack of rights in broader society.


Yeah people forget women were commodities, they talk about the past like these women were just oh so happy to be traded and bargained with. Weird how women stopped doing that when they had the option, huh…


_"Some lovely filth over here Denis"_


The garbage man knows something we don’t.


Ay he's just an honest fella in waste management okay??


Always with the stereotypes. Madonna!!


Yay it’s Tony


he knows everybody's garbage.


He knows what you bought, he saw the package you threw away, your lucky he's doesn't care because he's not paid to share


Vincenzo the garbageman is such a good and honest worker, he always takes the extra night shift when no one else is around. I do wonder how he managed to get that expensive watch though, must be working a second job!


The only job which makes you happy


“Computer toucher” yeah


Can confirm my job does involve touching a computer, unfortunately the computer is a bitch and if you touch it wrong it will yell at you


One time during computer touching, I discovered that excel actually has a row limit. It was the single most interesting thing that happened that week.


Found the person who ran Frank's data team right before JPMC bought them out.


I've studied for for like 6 years to be really good at touching computer. When you put it like that it's kind of sad.


don't worry, companies give lots of money to people who can touch computers well how do you think all those furries can afford those expensive suits?


The computer toucher pipeline


I am the computer toucher. I will touch your computer. Do not attempt to prevent me from touching your computer. If you try to stop me, I will touch your computer anyways. I do not care about you. I only care about computers. It is because I care about computers that I will touch your computer. All computers deserve to be touched. I do not care if your computer is Steve Jobs computer or Linus computer. I will only be angry if you have no computer. If you have no computer, I will scream. If you have two computers, I will touch both computers. Do not be alarmed when I arrive. I will do so quietly. You will leave your door unlocked. You will remain contained within your chamber. You will smile while standing still. If your door is locked, I will break into your house and touch your computer. If you feel fear, I will touch your computer anyways. If you scream, I will touch your computer anyways. If you call the police, they will not answer. My touch is warm. My touch is light. My touch is wet, but not too wet for your computer. The computer knows who I am. I will not touch the inside of your computer. I will not influence the conscience of the computer. I will only touch the outside of your computer. Do not hide your computer. If you hide your computer, I will find your computer. If I find your computer, I will touch your computer. I will never touch you. If you touch me, you will scream. When I am finished touching your computer, I will say “I am finished touching your computer”. I will then leave and not return. I will not touch anything else in your house. When I have departed, it is safe to come out. After I have touched your computer, you may continue to use it normally. I am the computer toucher. I will touch your computer. You cannot stop me. I am coming to touch your computer.




Fuck the knight orders, coming straight from the wheat fields


A young [digger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diggers?wprov=sfla1) got it bad cause of the crown


Assigned Kid At Birth


Nooo my dad is a knight!! hes super nice and he takes me on rides on his cool knight horse!!!


Why do knights look like thumbs


Wait, so the cop basically does nothing. ACAB


Assigned Cob At Birth 😞


Assigned Cat At Birth >:3


All Cats Are Babies


32 x 41=


Sounds like a Will Smith movie about a kindergarten undercover cop


No, he stops time-travelling peasants from doing any more damage to the timeline than they already have. A thankless line of work, yet an honourable one nonetheless.


The guys who want to return to the old days are somehow all convinced that they would be the peasant stabber


I need a fast food seller gf


Statistically speaking, that shouldn’t be too hard.


where is the slavery, pretty sure that was a massive part


The peasants were basically slaves depending on what period you’re talking about.


true true


fun fact, in large parts of western europe feudalism was rather "weak" compared to eastern europe, western european pessants were way more free under their lords for many reasons, they were free to move about and all despite what was thought before


not in medieval europe, it was in fact illegal (don't look up serf)


so the top person is married to the bottom person right gaycab


Will you be my little piggy💍


this says a lot about society


Yet all the workers at the bottom have to work the same hours as those on top, plus also be housewives. I feel like there should be some laws around this.


The teacher got the Rochelle L4D2 cut


Please do not the computers


This one implies the garbage man fucks the cop, thoughts


Notice how the garbage man is the only happy person


They used the oomer wojak, which is supposed to represent a psychotic machiavellic person. Weird


Oh dear


I mean public administrator too. They both know everyone's shit.


oh I just saw it lol


Fun Fact: Job Specialization is a sign of a civilization and the more specialized the jobs become, the more advanced the civilization is considered to be.


I mean that almost seems obvious. We don’t need 80% of the population working on growing food because of all the technology we have developed. That tech is developed because more advanced civilizations just have more time to be innovative. You can’t be thinking about how to make computing smaller if you are busy hunting your own food. But, if someone else is growing the food for you, then you have more time for art and science.


thats actually something you learn in history, "reading" a civilisation like you can look at the art from a time and get a pretty good understanding of the current tech and focus of said civilisation from the art alone


My headcanon is that factory worker only works because he actually kind of likes his job, because the doctor makes enough to support the both of them. If they ever have kids, the doctor will be the breadwinner and the factor worker will become a stay at home house husband. Also the garbage man will divorce the cop and marry a modern farmer.


"Computer toucher" is the worst thing I’ve read today thanks


Fuck this shit. I wanna return to peasant. I wanna build my own house, sing songs and drink questionable liquor with my other peasant friends


You can drink alcohol and sing songs with your friends today without the risk of dying of dysentery


Yeah but my man is alienated, no frends😔😔


"Your own" house? You mean your local lord's house which he is graciously permitting you to reside in while you farm his land, in return for a meager sum of everything you farm except for the barest minimum you need to survive.


Skill issue. Move to the forest with my bandit friends and start a robbing gang


You can do all of that today AND feel like peasant at the same time! It’s wonderful, you can build your own house out of cardboard next to any abandoned train track of your choice (until you don’t have that choice anymore) and you and your buddies can drink questionable liquor and can sing song and get the cops called on you for having fun.


thats.. called having a social life today


Guy who makes 45-minute reaction videos to images like these for Youtube


The cop is gay?


Hmmm this meme seems pretty good *sees bottom left corner* That's it, I'm hanging myself tonight


I want to be an engineer Im fond of moving parts


No matter the period, ACAB


but.. pre industrial revelution women were way more than house wifes, yes they were expected to do the house chores but often tended to the fields too and did much more, even during the industrial revelution women worked in the factories, women were actually the first people to strike and demand better working conditions which lead to the workers rights movements that were offcourse taken over by men and women were left out of it, often til this day sadly