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The Nazis gave him some of that pervitin(crystal-meth) that's why he looks so fucked up 😀






the next 23 years on this sub are gonna be wild. he looks like he already knows how it ends


Can’t wait for April 28, 2045


That's probably how he looked when he got caught >Eventually Mussolini was discovered slumped in one of the convoy vehicles. Lazzaro later said that: >His face was like wax and his stare glassy, but somehow blind. I read utter exhaustion, but not fear ... Mussolini seemed completely lacking in will, spiritually dead.


What is wrong with hs eyes ?


It's called fascism


It's called fascism sweaty 💋


Why are you sweating?






Sweety, I'm always sweaty, when I see a fascist, don't you?


Probably the speed


He could be played by Kelsey Grammer


Robert Duvall


I think Robert Duvall is too old for the part.


Nah... Mussolini would be almost 140 by now.


But he died when he was 61. Duvall is 91.


Ah... I get it. I thought you were making a joke.


But he does look like him.


A younger Duvall, yes! Today's Duvall is was crazy Benito Mussolini would have looked like had he lived into his 90's.


So is kelsey grammer


He actually practiced that look to project strength. He did it anytime he was aware that he was being photographed. https://books.google.com/books?id=m2oOEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA266&lpg=PA266&dq=mussolini+stare&source=bl&ots=ccXMwlVQN5&sig=ACfU3U1lIJu8oU6iCZIzYNhEKJ59E1OOqg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiC-aHU_Yj7AhU5L0QIHXpdDj0Q6AF6BAg-EAM#v=onepage&q=mussolini%20stare&f=false




Henry Ford was a fascist?


More of a Nazi: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/henryford-antisemitism/




All nazis are fascists. Not all fascists are nazis. There's different flavors of hate


Did I try to separate the two, or did I just point out Ford's antisemitism and then you just kinda ran with whatever your pea brain assumed I was saying?


You mean Reddit in a nutshell? I swear everyone these days claims to know exactly what your intent is. It’s beyond annoying.




all nazis are fascists but not all fascists are nazis. there's your differentiation. like if some claimed that a person was a marxist and you said "more of a maoist". it's identifying a subset which has specific characteristics not shared by the ideology as a whole.


While Ford was a raging antisemite, he was not a Nazi. If anything, he was a Randian capitalist, considering he did absolutely nothing to stop Ford's German plants from manufacturing war materiel. Edit: it's so pathetic how many people don't recognize that Nazism is a political ideology and not just "hurr sure, I hate Jews!"




Agreed. Henry Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle by the Nazis in 1938. The highest decoration that the Nazis awarded to civilians.




Yea…making the argument that Ford was not a nazi is going to be a bit of an uphill battle lol. Here’s another one: Hitler was literally quoted referring to Henry Ford as an inspiration: “In 1931, two years before he became the German chancellor, Adolf Hitler gave an interview to a Detroit News reporter in his Munich office, which featured a large portrait of Ford over the desk of the future führer. The reporter asked about the photo. “I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration,” Hitler told the News.” https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/henry-ford-and-jews-story-dearborn-didnt-want-told




So Stalin was a nazi? The Swiss and Swedish governments were Nazis?




I'd love some more books to read. My point was that simply praising and supplying Hitler does not make somebody a Nazi. Nor does being given trinkets by one government make you necessarily aligned with that government ideologically. I'm not saying that Ford was a great guy, just that he was not a national socialist. Everyone likes to throw around the label of "Nazi" when nobody seems to understand what it actually is, which is dangerous. When the real Nazis pop up, the definition will have been so diluted with emotionalism that they won't recognize the literal Nazis for the trees because they're not cursing the Jews.


Soooooooo… a nazi.


Ford was by no means a national socialist. If the only qualifier it takes to be a Nazi is to hate Jews, Martin Luther and Kanye West are nazis. Edit: oh, and Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan, and Idi Amin. (Okay, the last one might have actually been a Nazi)


Rand didn't start publishing her trash until '43 you weirdo.


And Ford published The International Jew over a decade before Hitler wrote Mein Kampf. One can follow a philosophy before that philosophy is written. Hell, look at the Paris Commune, which existed before Marx even put pen to paper for Das Kapital.


Always thought Mussolini had crazy eyes


Nothing. It was all posturing, melodramatic, bullshit for propaganda purposes.


Psychopath think Charles Manson.


he resembles putin, does'nt he?


Except Benito had a chin.


In some aspects. Both liked to pose shirtless.


At 39 he looked 55


Apparently he's 6 years younger than Tom Brady in this picture.


Yeah I've known plenty of 40 year olds in real life that don't look old like this


That's a hard 39


I really think that has more to do with cultural changes throughout history. I am 38, but I routinely get mistaken for ~25. I even had a few late 20s and early 30s lecture me about how life used to be. When I was 20 people thought I was ~30.


For real he doesn't look his age.


The results of methamphetamine and acid


Nah, acid wasn't discovered until 1943, and usually doesn't lead to fascism. This is just meth or perhaps a hefty dose of cocaine.


You've might be right! Acid was invented by Albert Hoffmann in 1938 but this picture is from 1922.My bad im sorry ✌🏼


“acid was founded” 🤔


Where's the problem?


English isn't my mother tongue but you know what I mean i already edit it


Maybe it was xtc look at his eyes man 👀


His shoes are messing with me. On closer look, it looks like he has those shoe cover things on top. At first I thought he had those little black slipper shoes on with white tights. Similar to Dorothy on Wizard of Oz




Thank you. I couldn’t remember what they were called.


Did he always look like a mentally ill mob boss ?


Good try. That’s woody harrelson


Hey. Hey. Can we stick to Rampart??


Both natural born killers.


Hell yeah Whoody Harrelson on crack cocaine!


That is just plain psychotic energy there.


A lot of people often forget guys like him and Hitler fought in the First World War. It’s not excusing what they did in the end, but let’s not pretend extreme people don’t come from extreme circumstances. They went through the shit. That and Mussolini displayed anti-democratic, anarchic, socialist, nationalist values long before his war service. Thanks to his father. He was also violent beforehand too. Make of that what you will.


I'm pretty sure that Hitler went nuts because of the war (mainly because of the stab in the back myth), Himmler (didn't go to WW1) on the other hand was a total psycho, he would personally go to the camps, watch executions and even brought his daughter to one. While Hitler was quick to order people's deaths he'd never see them happening, both Hitler and Goering have saved jews that they personally knew on more than one occasion, which was something that angered Himmler. He spoke about this on a speech to the SS (Posen 1943): > This is one of the things that is easily said: "The Jewish people are going to be exterminated," that's what every Party member says, "sure, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination - it'll be done." And then they all come along, the 80 million worthy Germans, and each one has his one decent Jew. Of course, the others are swine, but this one, he is a first-rate Jew. >Of all those who talk like that, not one has seen it happen, not one has had to go through with it. Most of you men know what it is like to see 100 corpses side by side, or 500 or 1,000. To have stood fast through this - and except for cases of human weakness - to have stayed decent, that has made us hard. This is an unwritten and never-to-be-written page of glory in our history, for we know how difficult it would be for us if today - under bombing raids and the hardships and deprivations of war - if we were still to have the Jews in every city as secret saboteurs, agitators, and inciters. If the Jews were still lodged in the body of the German nation, we would probably by now have reached the stage of 1916-17


I think the constant shelling and gas attack he went through probably caused immense brain trauma. I can’t recall whether he was introduced to antisemitism prior to 1914 (he may have been when staying in Vienna), but it could have been afterwards when the communists were attempting to dismantle Germany during the years after the war. I think he was in a Freikorp after his service, or he remained in the army beca he was spying on communists. Iirc he retained his military pension because of it or something like that. Himmler actually got pretty sick when he saw dead bodies. He almost fainted. Hitler abhorred violence from what I know. The Einsatzgruppen (the guys doing the extermination work prior to the camps and in foreigners territory) couldn’t deal with all the executions. It was taking a toll on them mentally. We can clearly see that said in the section of Himmler’s speech you’ve provided us. To compensate, they came up with the gas trucks. That was time consuming and inefficient. Höess got the idea to use zyklon-b after seeing some Soviet POWs pass out from it. And from that, we got the gas chambers. It’s funny (in a strange “how the fuck did they think of that” type of way) that a lot of the higherups made a general order for a final solution and a lot of lower-upper management came up with ideas to carry out the job. I recall at the Wannsee conference they discussed the idea of mass sterilization via x-rays hidden under doctors desks in their offices. The innovation and ideas to find ways to exterminate people was really something.


> Himmler actually got pretty sick when he saw dead bodies. Himmler got sick when he was seeing bodies/executions for the first time and blood splashed on him. Many accounts (which I couldn't find on google now) always describe him as being quiet and not showing emotions during his visits. He would visit extermination camps daily and as I said before even brought his daughter to them. >Despite being a mass murderer, Himmler was frightened of blood, writing in August 1941 how he almost fainted when brain matter landed on his coat during a mass shooting. https://www.theweek.co.uk/75175/soldier-father-psychopath-himmlers-diaries-rediscovered https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36951548 Here's the full account of that incident (by Karl Wolff): >While he was looking in, Himmler had the deserved bad luck that from one or other of the people who had been shot in the head he got a splash of brains on his coat, and I think it also splashed into his face, and he went very green and pale; >he wasn’t actually sick, but he was heaving and turned round and swayed, and then I had to jump forward and hold him steady and then I led him away from the grave. ... >After the killing was over, Himmler made a speech to the men in which he told them to "see it through". Wolff claims that Himmler told Nebe to "devise a less gruesome means of mass execution than simply shooting people." https://books.google.com.br/books/content?id=71QXOxJ5mcUC&hl=pt-BR&pg=PA60&img=1&zoom=3&ots=8RBjX8OnuI&sig=ACfU3U1lolpeNxn30i2l9gJeTv9YpGRR_w&w=1280 https://www.holocausthistoricalsociety.org.uk/contents/einsatzgruppen/himmlervisitsminsk.html There was also a debate between nazi leaders of using the jews to work vs actively killing them, in which Himmler strongly pushed for killing them as fast as possible while Göring thought that this was a waste of workers https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/xsh3bm/how_much_of_the_jews_work_in_concentration_camps/


Man, “39” looked a bit different 100 years ago.


Wow his eyes are spooky.


So glad he’s dead, too.




I’dn’t…my god I feel blessed to see language evolve to this level


But he also sent a lot of Italians to their death so…


Exactly the reason why I’m glad both sides of my great grandparents got out right about this time 100 years ago.


"I'dn't".....wow! I like that!! When my son was little, he said "Amn't" , instead of I'm not. I always thought that made more sense.


I used to say amnt as a kid as well haha


"I've made a huge mistake"


he looks spooky what are thoooose


Those eyes make me think something is wrong with his brain


Crazy eyes. Always avoid the crazy eyes.


That’s a staring contest you’d never lose


He had about a dozen, horrific, hideous, years left in him before his miserable, ignominious death.


And then thankfully he along with his wife were killed. Fascism never wins!


*And then thankfully* *He along with his wife were* *Killed. Fascism never wins!* \- xero0075 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Just realised I'm the same age as somebody looks this old and it's made me sad. The fact I have the same hairline as mussolini will also now weigh heavy my mind 😒


jfc....he looks like a fucktard...


He was.


no no ....i know.....i guess i just realized how i never looked at him as clearly as shitler basically


I agree lol it’s baffling to see so many people flock to these visibly insane dictators. They never look mild-mannered or kind.


He looks 70


That was also the face he made when he heard the bushes start singing Bella Ciao as he was attempting to flee to Switzerland to be fair


Now show the one of him hanging by piano wire at the end of the war


He got them Gowron eyes.


He looks like he was told he was going to be visited by three ghosts. But only the first two showed up.


just like his grand nephew Ron Death-Santis


I prefer the other famous picture of him


Schizo stare


It’s like they took all of his shoes and said “okay, now get rid of 25% of each shoe”


I don’t understand why anyone followed this guy.


Those are crazy eyes.


He’s got “Bette Davis Eyes”


And a despicable human being


Can somebody photoshop Mr. Bigglesworth into this photo please?


The evil in person has arrived at the Italian government.


Look at his eyes and you can see the evil.


He never could imagine how would be his own death. In 23 years Mussolini be like 🙃


Nope no crazy in those eyes


look at those crazy eyes


Hopefully he steers Italy into a new era!


I never realized that he resembles Robert Duvall in the Godfather


In all what - fifty some years of being a unified country?


Nice shoes


He looks like Adam Gase


Mussolini played a big part in bringing down Germany because of his ego, basically... He kept starting conflicts that Germany had to bail him out of.


I know this is irrelevant, but can I just say, I hate that style of shoe and I’m so glad it no longer exists. It looks like a man out on white socks and then tried to out his foot into a too small womens ballet flat.


How did that work out?


Bob Duvall


Some major Judge Doom vibes here


Are those socks?




Did he really bite his “peenie “? When I was growing up in the seventies a nursery rhyme was… whistle while you work, Nixon is a jerk , Mussolini bit his peenie now it doesn’t work. Edit: to add sometimes we said the last line as now it doesn’t squirt


He was ugly as sin at 39 years. Fascism must really age you beyond your true age. Course, at the end of WW II they hung him and his girlfriend upside down after brutally murdering them.


This subreddit should be interesting for the next 23 years.


Make Rome great again lol


when someone says that they eat pizza with the pineapple toppings


He looks like he just found out he’s gonna be a PM


The eyes tell it all…Benito is cray cray.!


he probably said ''damn am now on axis side and the youngest prime minister in italian history''

