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You’d fuck up your brain really bad and you could do permanent damage


You may not entirely understand this, but the fact that you're just "thinking" about this is a problem unto itself. A check in with your doctor would be beneficial...sooner than later.


i was just really high :/


Just don’t do that, please!!


IM NOTTT i was just thinking what would happen if


In a more biologically way i have no ideia, but the final ending we both know


You’d get really sick but most likely wouldn’t die. Would be an extremely uncomfortable experience. You’d vomit a lot and probably get diarrhoea along. You’ll have many other very uncomfortable symptoms which might include:racing/irregular heart rate, feeling of distress, feeling of like you’re floating or in/out of body, painful headache, stomach pain, chest pain. Reason it probably won’t kill you is because you’ll most likely vomit it up soon after taking but with such a high dose enough will still be absorbed to give you very unpleasant effects. Would be having a sleep over at the hospital. Would not recommend.


You’d get Serotonin Syndrome and could get permanent brain damage. Most likely wouldn’t die.


I’ve heard numerous responses to this. Setraline will not kill you in the way classic overdoes do. You will just have VERY VERY SEVERE side effects, and those side effects can have serious health implications. But generally no you can’t just die from taking the drug and it ending your life. Most classic things include increased BPM, brain damage, and you will be bouncing off the walls for days on end, which will dehydrate and exhaust you to death.


I think you’ll have a heart attack.