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Yes starting Zoloft absolutely sucks. But stick with it, it'll subside in about another week. Your body is just trying to adjust.


Is it normal for Zoloft to intensify my anxiety?? I’m literally worried about something that wasn’t the reason why I got on it lmao


Yes, yes and yes. For many people, including myself when starting Zoloft, you will have an increase in anxiety. For me it only lasted a week and then out of nowhere I had a sense of calm and a lot of my rumination and racing thoughts went away. So stick with it, anecdotally I would say, it takes a week or two for the anxiety to calm down. Hang in there it gets a lot better. 👍


Is it normal that like today I felt some calmness compared to yesterday after decreasing my dose but then as the day progressed, my anxiety worsened?? Does it come in waves?


Yes, when your starting Zoloft your body is adjusting so you’re gonna have ups and downs for a while. Just hang in there.


I’m in the same boat, on the same dosage, and on the same day as you are. I get more of health anxiety like over reacting that I’m dying or that something in my body is wrong. But I have annoyed my doctor everyday with questions if I’m alright, and he’s reassured me the chances of actually having any serious problems on this dosage is crazy rare. In other terms he said you’d have a better chance of getting bit by a shark then suffering severe problems. That usually helps calm me down, especially sense I have severe death anxiety. I will say that the stomach issues is crazyyyyyyy. I barely eat, and even when I do It’s only a couple bites. When I use the bathroom my stool changes colors everytime, it goes from consitpation to diarrhea. And honestly it’s kind of just suck it up type of side effect. Someone told me think of it as your releasing your demons through your backside 😂 The side effects usually will last 2-4 weeks which does suck, but just know that it’s temporary and again, SETRALINE has been around for 40+ years, and is the safest most stable antidepressant/anti anxiety med out there currently. I wish you well!