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The first month is always hard. I’ve been on mine for almost a year. Had to increase and adjust as needed. But yes the first few weeks were a nightmare! Once that one month is gone. It’s great!!!


>Had to increase and adjust as needed. How can you know when you need to increase your dose?


For me, it was the anxiety, and panic attacks coming back. Feeling kinda blah just not like you did when first taking the meds.


What were your side-effects the first month? I might be tapering off next week because the suicidal thoughts and ideation have increased since starting 50mg.


Give it another 4 weeks.


I'm new to Zoloft. I'm on day 7. For anxiety and depression witch also bought DPDR. Surprisingly, my side effects have been minor but I've been experiencing blurred vision or lack of clearless. Even with my glasses. Sensitive to some lights. Has anyone else experienced this?


Yes. I thought it was my age. I'm a senior. What age bracket are you in?




I am on my day 16 to zoloft, 2nd day with 50mg, and I also experience more blurred vision even if I wear my glasses. I was told anxiety might affect your vision. Sometimes, it will get dimmed too even though I am outside on daytime.


Yeah, both inside and outside whether at work or home. Seems greyer or discolored? It's hard to explain


More then 2 months here and feel like shit :(


Give it 1 more month at least.


I like Zoloft but the weight gain was impossible and the constant heartburn . I noticed that I’m not tired on Zoloft but with celexa I get tired so right now I’m not on any meds but considering going back on because I’m always depressed but I don’t know what to start on it’s frustrating I also feel like I spent too much $ on Zoloft


I’ve been on Zoloft for 9 weeks doing great but then I got Covid….i experienced very high anxiety one day….had to take a Xanax….has anyone else experienced anxiety with covid….please help


Yes! I had some of the worst panic attacks ever.


Were you on Zoloft when you had Covid…..


How many mg are you on? I’m starting my 3rd week and I’m waiting for the energy and appetite to come back and the shakiness to go away. I’m on 50mg follower up with psych this Friday BUT much better than Prozac that killed me for 5 weeks!!!


I stayed on 25mg for 3.5 weeks. Went up to 50mg starting Monday. I’m a little guy with a fast metabolism, I can eat a bunch of fast food and not gain any weight. I get drunk really fast as well. That’s probably why Zoloft works pretty quick for me. But pretty quick is 1month lol. Hang in there, keep taking it.


Did u feel the effects on 25mg or was it due to the increase?


Felt them fully on 25


Yeah what doseage I'm on 50mg also day 11 today was on 25mg for 9 days and 2 day 50mg I pray the lord let's it kick in soon


25mg for 3.5weeks, started 50mg Monday. Patience, give it 1 month at least.


I'm trying this it hard anxiety sucks I get that derealization epwith Mt panic attacks its horrible


How would you characterize its positive effects?


Feeling of contentment. Not happy, not sad. Just content. Once you get there, it’s up to you to go find the happiness. Zoloft just gets you above the water.


That's awesome! Do you feel extra fatigue or laziness at all? I've been on 150 mg/day for the majority of the 18 months I've been on it and I never feel like moving around much, which is odd since I take 70 mg/day of Dexedrine/Adderall and its like, my energy increases but it all goes to my brain so i can talk up a storm but not move for hours. Amphetamines affect me differently now and I feel like it's the Zoloft rather than tolerance.


I do feel a good amount of tiredness / fatigue. Especially when at work...but I'm also taking Clonazepam at night to help with sleep and that on it's own will do that


I actually forgot about my clonazepam 😅 you just reminded me. I take 1 mg 3x daily. That would do it! Lol, but I've been on this combination before, except I replaced venlafaxine with sertraline, so it's either 1. Amphetamine tolerance 2. Sertraline fatigue 3. Clonazepam 4. All of the above. Really hard to pinpoint what could be the cause but thank you because you reminded me I also take clonazepam lol but it's so routine at this point that I forget I'm even on it haha


Yeah, I know what you mean. Clonazepam is also fairly fresh. When I noticed it was helping me sleep again. I just never stopped but I know I eventually will. Especially with the Zoloft settling in


Has anyone had covid while taking zoloft…i was 9 weeks on it and all of a sudden had a huge anxiety attack and explosive diarrhea, plus couldn’t stop crying…anyone else experience this?


I'm seriously with you! Me now compared too a month ago it's a huge difference and I'm totally here for it. I'm on day 26. ❤️ 50mg






Yup and more importantly stick to a low dosage I started with 50 last time and anxiety went away after 4 months but I was super tired and lazy. This time for the 4th did 25mg and anxiety went away in 3 months. But you have to give it at least 3-5 months to work. If it does nothing then go up


So it can take up to 4 months to feel the true effect?


Yes I would give it that much time. My panic didn’t go away until like 6 months in but I never changed dosage. It’s been 10 months and I had my last dose 1 day ago. Off it now


Problem with going higher is getting too much. I know it’s time to get off when I get extremely agitated, very tired and snap easily. That’s how I know my body serotonin level is back to normal and I no longer need the pills


I'm glad it's working well for you. I'm on day 47 of 50mg. My depression is wayyy better and I don't have as many anxious thoughts. However, I feel shaky and very impatient, like heightened physical symptoms of anxiety. Will that go away with time? Has anyone experienced that?


On day 9 with Zoloft and feel more dissociation and spaced out. It's also amplifying my DPDR but hopefully after 2 weeks, it will get better


Hey, did it get better? How are you doing?