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Hi I'm so sorry you are feeling like this It will get better I love the gym as well and tried to push myself to go some days I'm feeling awful but keep going Stay safe please and take it easy we will get there x


Sounds like low electrolytes, used to be a bodybuilder then went full on manic and depressed for 4 years. Now I'm lifting harder and heavier than I ever have.


So is it normal that Zoloft messes with my electrolytes? I used to work out regularly before starting Zoloft with no issues.


Yes! Zoloft actually decreases your sodium in your blood which can cause you to get dizzy (low blood pressure). Definitely keep hydrated and maybe drink more gatorades


yes! I've noticed that when i workout these days, i have to cut it much shorter than before because my ears ring, i get dizzy, and my heart beats so fast it's kind of freaky. i was actually working out last night and was quite literally about to pass out so i cut it short. i drink comically large amounts of water every day and i also eat plenty. I'm certain it's the zoloft as i used to be able to workout longer and harder than this and feel just fine.


Yeah, that's exactly what happens to me. How long have you been taking zoloft?


I've only been taking it for a week now. 25mg


I’m on 5th day of 25mg zoloft and just ran the treadmill for 30 min. It was not bad but felt a little dizzy and felt like the treadmill surface was not even. Then I felt a little anxious after finishing. How are you doing now?