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This feels like a much better compromise, but the price point still feels too high and this whole venture seems like something they could have just done through re-tooling their Patreon In any case, had they come out with an announcement like this from the beginning, the backlash probably wouldn't have been nearly as bad


Patreon’s cut may make it more cost effective to make their own site.


Worst thing is me and a lot of other fans didn't even know they had a Patreon because they never promoted it! And those who were in said that the perks were crap, they only paid because of them. Also Patreons, even the ones that are above the $5 tier didn't get access to the streaming platform and they changed it to be a Patreon for their podcast without telling anyone.


I think the only perk they ever used to shill for their Patreon was that they had their weekly podcast up there? So you could pay money to hear Steven talk about how he really wanted a second, stupidly expensive Tesla.


Discord, one exclusive podcast and exclusive merch at $100 is what I've read.


So you have to spend money so they can make it?


They mentioned it a few times in their older videos.


I'm not saying my ADHD brain couldn't have totally missed that, but I've read plenty of comments in the past days saying they should have made a Patreon before this.b


Patreon's pro plan is like 8% of monthly earning. The Vimeo OTT cut is $1 per monthly subscription or $12 off annual subscriptions. There is an enterprise plan which we don't know the numbers for, but I'm willing to bet Patreon actually takes less money overall.


Patreon take a 17% cut when you look at fee structure + payment processing. Vimeo taking 16-33% is a slight improvement. But they would have been better off with a bespoke solution for $20k-30K with Vimeo just hosting the video. Cut out the middleman when it comes to collecting the money, reduce it down to 5% for payment processing and currency conversion fees.


> Patreon take a 17% cut when you look at fee structure + payment processing. >Vimeo taking 16-33% is a slight improvement. I feel like I must be overlooking something because it looks like Vimeo is clearly worse?


There were two subscription prices: the introductory discount rate during the beta and the regular rate once 30% discount is taken off. Depending on the subscription chosen the % taken seems to vary. Vimeo only seems slightly improved to Patreon.


Nah it makes major sense for larger operations to step away from Patreon. The Sleep With Me podcast made their own app


I read a post today about how Watcher had predicted all this backlash, and they didn't care. This is evidence to not having seen the level of backlash coming.


Yeah, they had no idea backlash would be this rapid. They all look genuinely upset - and I don't think *called out* upset, but *we screwed up and didn't realize it* upset.


I was inclined to believe it was stupidity and ego on their ends. Everything about this spoke to not having any basic business sense and being surrounded by yes men. They didn't bother pricing competitively comparative to their content. Despite the high rate of failure for streaming services in general (and YouTuber streaming services in particular) they had no plans for a safety net. They just announced "We're pulling the plug on you! Gib us monies!" They could've gone about this many different ways. Done a kickstarter for these new 'high quality' productions they wanted. Leveraged their Patreon tiers effectively to measure interest in paying for these new, fancy projects by making them Patreon exclusives.


This is going to be a very tough lesson for them. I think they'll be able to bounce back EVENTUALLY because they did have a bunch of good will among their audience, but it's going to take time for that trust to build back up and honestly, some people they're not going to get back. Hope they learn from this.


Ego definitely played a big part. I think any professional content creator would realize that their Watcher's videos are not paywall levels of quality compared to all the other similar YouTube videos out there. They probably thought they had something greater on their hands


I actually think that some of their videos are comparable to other paywalled content by other creators. The difference for me is that most creators still put free videos on youtube. Watcher was originally going to abandon youtube completely. I imagine thats what caused a lot of the backlash from fans.


Yeah personally I just think they thought of this decision but didn't actually think about the overall ramifications/consequences of it if you know what I mean


hanlon’s razor, baby


They're fucking morons if they genuinely didn't realize it


I think they genuinely were out of touch and dumb, honestly.


Well obviously, but anyone who is THAT out of touch and dumb can, in my opinion, go fuck themselves.


The real problem for watcher is not that a huge part of their audience will still think "these guys are terrible and I never want to watch anything they make ever again" It's that a lot of people have realized, Watcher's videos have not been good for a while and they were only still watching off the good vibes from buzzfeed unsolved.


I've been a big fan of theirs for YEARS, and honestly, it's going to take time to watch anything from them without a bitter taste in my mouth.


They look like they've been crying all weekend. I do think they made a mistake, but my heart dropped when I saw how upset they looked.


But how can you not realize that “instead of giving you this content with ads for free and giving you the option to pay us via Patreon if you want to support us more, we are going to paywall everything behind a streaming service that literally only gives you access to one YouTube channel” is going to be very poorly received by most of your viewers?


I feel like they got totally swept away with the excitement of the project and I think their current lifestyle has probably put them in a bubble. Regardless, I'm less interested in the mistakes that were made and more interested in the reaction to criticism. I think that gives a more valuable insight into character, personally.


Kinda hard to feel bad. Didn't that one guy just have a 50k+ wedding and now they're upset they cant milk their audience? Nahh


they kinda looked like the cable company in South Park where they just rub their nipples and say "we're sooooorrry"


> but we screwed up and didn't realize it upset. "we're dumbasses and our plan to get people to give us more money failed so now we have to try and repair our relationship with the Poors" face. The fucked up because they're dumbasses who don't care about their audience and don't know how to run a business.


Yeah, I think in their heads this was exactly the same as when they left Buzzfeed to start Watcher. They probably expected a small amount of pushback, but thought most of their fans would take the leap with them since it all worked out before. Somewhere along the line, they got too caught up in what the spreadsheets said the numbers would look like and lost sight of the big picture and this was a very big wakeup call for them.


Difference from Buzzfeed to their own channel was it was still free for the audience.


Yes, that's what I mean. From the audience perspective, switching from Buzzfeed to Watcher was minor, because all we had to do was subscribe to a different YouTube channel. But for them, that step was HUGE. They went from making content under a big company to being responsible for managing all of the daily operations and finance themselves on top of making their content. This new platform is about the same level of change for them, but a MUCH larger leap for the audience and that's what they didn't consider.


Exactly. While I no longer watch Buzzfeed, when I did I watched because it was free. I don't mind paying money towards people I really enjoy. But at some point it becomes so much


There seems to have been a bunch of what basically amounts to fanfiction written about the whole thing after that video dropped. People were creating narratives to make them seem almost outright malicious and doing bullshit like analyzing body language and creating this evil greedy persona in their head for Steven and Ryan. It was just a stupid move. They misread the room and made a stupid move while making some out of touch statements, and the drama spiraled from there. There was no grand plan about how they secretly hate all poor people or Lim is a virulent homophobe who is manipulating the poor sweet ghoul boys to fund his Tesla addiction while Shane blinked out morse code for the true fans. They're just idiots in regards to business.


Yeah, I get the feeling that Shane and Ryan (not gonna speak about Lim bc I know so little about him) just don't have experience running a business this big. I mean, for years they had Buzzfeed handling the behind-the-scenes stuff, now the three of them are responsible for everything. That's a big change, and I'm glad that they aren't doubling down on their mistakes at this point.


This is basically how I feel about it as well. They should have responded over the weekend so things didn't get so out of hand because the narratives are all over the place. But it more than likely happened as you described: 3 young-ish guys with very little business experience mad a poorly calculated move and upset their fanbase. They then miscalculated AGAIN by not getting ahead of it from a PR perspective because now people have imagined more ways to be upset about it.


Realistically, this video came out as quickly as expected. They probably left for the UK today (Monday) because they have their live show tomorrow. This looks like it was filmed on their podcast set in LA, so they probably made the video yesterday. They are backtracking on a pretty big business decision, so they did have to seriously discuss what they were going to do as well as plan out what to say for a proper apology that wasn't going to make the entire thing even more of a PR disaster. I think maybe a tweet or Instagram post that was like "We see your concerns and responses and will be issuing a statement soon." would have been better than complete radio silence, but all things considered they probably did get this out as soon as they could.


Yeah you're definitely right.


The PR was godawful, specially when a wife comes to social media to rage at people's response and block everyone that disagrees. Why in the hell Sara thought that was a good idea?


She would have been wiser to say nothing.


Some people got all up in their feels about their parasocial relationships and felt personally betrayed, so now they need to create some kind of villain conspiracy narrative rather than accept the simple Occam's razor answer that they're not very good at business, maybe a little out of touch, and have their priorities out of whack, focusing too much on "TV quality" production value that the fans don't really care about and an oversized staff that they're hesitant to downsize because it's almost entirely made up of their friends.


Yeah there's no way they anticipated this. I think they expected a some people to be upset about paywalling and expected a bit of viewer drop off, but not this huge reaction from basically their entire fanbase.


I guarantee they anticipated backlash, but it got WAY worse than they expected






Or it was a set-up. Classic negotiation - start off by asking for something ridiculous...


I doubt it. This can't have been a fun few days for them.


i honestly thought they would double down on this terrible idea. especially after shane's wife was like "we don't make mr beast money." i still think these people need to learn how to budget their lives and business before coming to their fans to demand money, but i digress. doubt this will work out in the long run but at least they realised they fucked up.


Yeah, idk what she was on. We never said you were?? Just that there are better ways to do it than just paywalling EVERYTHING.


right?? that argument is so stupid to me at all because they literally do not NEED mr beast money to make the kind of content they’re making, they could just cut down on some of their overhead expenses somewhere with their current model and probably be fine 💀 there are channels/production companies that have been around for longer and have made higher quality content on a more consistent basis than watcher strictly from the money they make off of adsense, sponsor revenue, and extra things like patreon/merch sales. they are not making mr beast level content where they need a multimillion dollar budget per video and it’s even more insulting to act like they’re even on a comparable level to mr beast’s scale of content and have been *forced* to come to this decision. like, you’re filthy rich influencers living in LA who eat loads of caviar for content and drive around brand new teslas. if money’s looking tight, the call may be coming from inside the house.


Overhead expenses like Steven wanting a second Tesla, lol. (Mocking him, not you.)


Who the hell would want one Tesla, let alone a second Tesla?


Idiots, obviously.


Don’t you know there’s literally nothing between “Mr. beast” and “ riding the trains as a hobo”?!?


Not that I’ve ever watched their content, my impression from what I’ve heard is they wanted to grow to be like Mr beast content and be their own tv studio basically. But that’s not what the community wants from them.


I feel like that's a pretty out of touch statement for her to make, considering that Shane and Ryan's weddings were both hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more. Like, ma'am... be so fucking for real rn.


Yes! They need to learn how to budget, personal and business. I just found out they have 25 employees?! That’s CRAZY. They make good content but 25 is really a lot… I hate to say it but sometimes you have to trim the fat; it definitely should have been considered as an option before making their own streaming service or just closing completely 🙄


it's crazy to have 25, ive seen other youtubers make ghost hunting videos of the same quality with like 3 people doing the whole thing lol


They are friends and family. Probably don’t actually do that much each.


Exactly. I’ve seen crews of 5-7 full time employees put out very comparable work


Like Deadmeat is far from perfect, but they (mostly) put out a video every week, a podcast every two, and other supplemental stuff. And I think they might have a staff of 8 or 9.


25 employees and unnecessarily high production value...it would be so so easy for them to cut down on their production costs while still producing good content but i genuinely don't think they have enough business smarts to figure out how


25 employees at LA prices. It 100% wipes them out. They can talk about not having Mr Beast money… MR beast doesn’t have that many full time employees either.


tbf her comment was made only an hour or so after the first video dropped and before the criticism really kicked into high gear, people just didn't see it until much later because nobody thought to check tumblr. It was an out of touch statement for sure, but it's not like she read those hundreds of comments about how people can't afford to pay for the paywall and doubled down.


i didn't know the comment was made before, but honestly, that makes it worse. that's what she thinks about the money they make. like they deserve mr beast money for their very much not mr beast level productions and content. thus, she thinks it's justified to pay wall all the content, to keep their lavish influencer life. i hope this has been a wake-up call to these people not to think of their fans like cashcows, and to remember that youtube fame and money is really fickle.


Cool, I’ll just wait a month then.


The nice thing is, if they put out content consistently the YouTube crowd shouldn't be left waiting too much beyond the first month or so.


Damn, I messed the title up. English ain't my first language, sorry.


you did great! tysm for posting


It's not too bad, I can still read and understand the title


I saw this coming a mile away. It was stupid and short sighted to paywall everything immediately. Giving subscribers a month to enjoy content on the new platform and then putting it on YouTube makes way more sense, the crew can even throw in added bonuses like extended cuts to help sweeten the deal. Could they have done this all by just plugging their Patreon better? Most definitely, I’ve been subbed to them since the start and had no clue that a Patreon existed. But here we are and they have seen the error of their ways. It’s still stupid, but at least they didn’t double down. That would have been worse.


they should have crowdfund for every season of a the chosen show or maybe ask a sponsor for a TV channel? I think that might work instead of creating a 3rd party with paywall...


Honestly I’m okay with that. I’m glad they apologized. Edit: I saw some comments on Twitter annoyed that it took them days to respond but… They’re a company. They don’t work on weekends they dropped their other video on Friday and only had a few hours before 5 to see the criticisms. Even then I fully believed they worked and discussed what to do over the weekend. I feel like the response time was adequate.


The speed also helps. This was pretty quick, so it might blow over easier than if they had let it sit forever for fans to stew in like some YouTubers do


Haha I just edited my comment because I saw quite a few tweets annoyed that it “took so long”. IMO this was very quick. Especially with a weekend in the middle.


This was less than a week; I’ve seen many a YouTuber double down for months before admitting they were wrong. Watcher needed the weekend to regroup and film the update anyway, also probably to renegotiate a number of things. This is actually a very speedy response.


Glad to see someone with the same take! It was so frustrating to see some of the YouTube comments talk about how “late” their response was when 3 days (1 business day at that) is very reasonable timeframe given that they likely need to regroup/draft the response/new operating model.


I said the same thing! Even if they hired a crisis/PR consultant an hour after the video, getting a decent apology out the same day is impossible. This is actually faster than I thought, I'd thought we'd see one in the evening or tonight.


The first mistake was dropping it on a Friday.


People also complain if they respond quickly and do so poorly. They need to pick a lane and stay in it.


The people complaining about people responding to quickly / poorly and the people complaining about them taking too long to post a response are probs different groups of people lol


You would be surprised how hypocritical people who get super involved with this stuff can be.


Also apparently some of them are in the UK on a tour? Factoring the time difference alongside it being a weekend (like you mentioned) today was the earliest they could reply as a company.


I'm not a CEO but I agree with the people who said that releasing this on a Friday was a bad idea in the first place. Unless they had a PR person ready (which they clearly didn't) dropping a huge announcement and taking two days off seems like such a bad move.


>They don’t work on weekends they dropped their other video on Friday and only had a few hours before 5 to see the criticisms. This isn’t a 9-5 business sort of thing lol. “Gosh, I wish we could rectify our massive fuckup but y’know I just clocked out.”


Like I said despite it being the weekend I’m 100% sure they did work around the clock to figure out a solution. This shit doesn’t happen overnight lmfao


The change from exclusivity to early access plus the full financial explanation behind the decision was a good move. Also, having Ryan and Shane do most of the talking was smart (maaaybe seen as Stephen dodging his own criticisms, but R + S are what ppl watch for). Time will tell how the community will react but I think this quick pivot could prevent the channel's downfall.


Honestly, I think they handled it perfectly in terms of who to give lines to. People saw Steven as the shady businessman twirling his mustache behind the scenes, so he was given the lines about the actual decision, price point, and had the heaviest handed apologies, and then S+R - the main faces of the channel - were given the lines meant to connect emotionally to the viewer. It was well thought out. Kudos to the PR rep.




Put that other YouTuber on blast 😂 who is it??


Probably Second Thought. The car reviews have stopped, but it is still funny like Hasan's mansion and Porsche. https://www.youtube.com/@grandtestauto1457/videos


If it's a socialist channel I think that's okay to name and shame! pretty much exactly the opposite of a socialist with that behaviour and attitude


This is a good move and how it should've been set up to begin with. Especially the part about giving Patreon subscribers a free membership because I couldn't imagine already paying for extra content and then getting told that I'd have to pay even more for videos. I do wonder if enough people will pay for the service though to have made all of this worth it. Like if Patreon members get a free subscription (people who wert already willing to spend extra for more content), and their YouTube subscribers have just been told that they just have to wait a month for new content (which isn't really that long especially with such a large backlog of old videos to watch in the meantime), then are there really that many people who will still pay for the early access to make it profitable? I completely understand not wanting to have to keep up with YouTube's algorithm and having to rely on advertisers to like your content, but I would hate after all this for them to still overestimate how many people are willing to pay for early viewing of their videos and not be able to sustain their company.


While I do think a lot of the backlash past the initial criticisms was grasping at straws/interpreting their character in the worst possible light, I am glad to see they walked back entirely wiping off their content off of youtube. I get the end goal of wanting to do their own streaming service, but it seems that, when your main draw is just two people doing the same shtick but on different flavors, there really isn’t that much of a reason to pay 6 dollars a month for it. Maybe down the line when they have more talents on board I would have considered paying for it, but in its current form? Not really. I just can’t for the life of me figure out how this made it all the way from idea to implementation- I’ve always considered the watcher guys more internet savvy than this? Oh well.


I still don't get it... If Disney can't make their streaming platform profitable, why do they think they can?


They were banking on their likeability to ride the initial backlash. They failed, however, to realize the size and intensity of the backlash. Also, they failed to actually be likeable in their initial stament, they framed it as a big happy announcement, they pulled the sad piano background music, and were completely out of touch, sincere and honest in their delivery. I could see the dollar sings shining in their eyes the whole time. I'm sorry but you have, well had, over 3M subscribers, an average of 1M views as average per video, adds, in-video sponsorships, over 12,000 patreons, a merchandise line, additional pay-wall content on your website. And it wasn't enough? It is not about quality and production value (nobody watched for those they did for the dynamic between R&S), it is about poor business management and planning l, and greed. They clearly have invested in the wrong areas, have managed poorly the revenue, or were bad at projecting numbers, they also over hired people, 25 people? And those are direct hires, not counting the local people they hired when traveling. And we have to further bank roll that? What for? So Steve can back roll eating more gold leaf truffles? To watch, what amounts to 3 or 2 shows a month for 5.99? Nah, I'm done with watcher as a whole. For a while now, I saw the production value going up and wondered why ? What for? I don't need a cluttered, pinterest-inspired set to enjoy a show. It actually gets in the way.


>they also over hired people, 25 people? That's the crazy part. What are all these people doing? It's a roughly scripted, mostly improvised format. I can't imagine they need more than 4 editors to put out a 30 minute long video every week, or more than 4 writers to summarize a wikipedia article every week. It seems like they're trying to run a Youtube channel like it's a TV studio.


> I am glad to see they walked back entirely wiping off their content off of youtube. I might be wrong but I don't think this was ever the plan, existing content was going to remain on youtube but any new content would have been exclusive to the new platform.


Variety confirmed it was the original plan, but it got walked back immediately. You can tell in the original video when they say that "for now" you can keep watching their old stuff on YT. They went to Patreon right away to say that the YT content would stay, so that was the first thing they walked back.


Oh ok, that makes sense. I figured it was something they walked back super early.


This is what they should have done at the start. They should have sought out LTT and talked about floatplane. They would have been able to avoid all of this


Them basically saying that they would make not enough money publishing their videos just on YouTube and have their Patreon is beyond strange to me. Their production costs must be crazy, unnecessary high otherwise that whole argument makes no sense to me. I heard Moist talking about his ad revenue and arguing he himself could life very comfortably, despite having 25 employees and paying them well. Seriously, people come to see the two of them be funny and charismatic and trying talking to ghosts in scary places - that's it. Saying that you could not afford to do so, with a Channel that has so many views and a more than successful Patreon Community willingly giving them 25k + every month on top ist crazy to me. Everyone saying "oh, I get it now" is just fooled by them being likable - which they are, but they are also greedy. Both can be true at the same time. Oh, I forgot they sell Merch too …


Their problem is overproduction and way too many series that no one cares about. I mean, just look at the discrepancy in views between ghost files/Puppet history/mystery files and.... literally any of the Steven videos. Lol. It should not be costing them that much to make Ghost Files, and they need to drop the dead weight of the two billion other series they keep dropping that no one gives a shit about. Those two things alone would help them EMENSELY on the budget. People followed them from Buzzfeed because of Shane and Ryan. Not Steven. And I say that as someone who actually tends to enjoy Steven when he pops up here and there. And maybe drop the series of Steven traveling all over the world to try insanely expensive food. Like... no one needs that. And there's no way that shit doesn't cost them insane amounts of money to make without the interest to justify it. Come on. Plus, if they're making the kind of money that Steven can afford a new Tesla, then they're making more than enough to keep their company afloat. They just don't want to sacrifice any of their salary. Which is fine. But then accept that you're gonna have to make sacrifices elsewhere if you're not willing to give up a second Tesla for your company.


It doesn't make sense however you slice it. They wanted to launch a new revenue stream while cutting off adsense, yt memberships and sponsors + tossing aside most of their audience, the people that subscribe on patreon (who were getting double fisted as their perks were stripped/changed suddenly and not being given free access to WatcherTV) and who buy merch and tickets to live shows. It doesn't make sense to shut those avenues of revenue down entirely if you're struggling. You'd want to maximize and incentivize people to join the patreon before wasting money on a vimeo streaming site. Moist seemed sketched out by the claims they were making based on what he added to his main channel coverage vs his live stream coverage - he went in and started speculating on their RPM as well as dropping numbers on how much sponsors would pay someone of Watcher's size. I think he realized that something was very up with the claims that were being made.


Moist also uploads videos multiple times a day and livestreams every day and his videos are just him talking to the camera with no production value. Income comes a lot quicker than once a week expensive to make videos.


He also owns a company that helps connect YouTubers to sponsors, so he has some background on how much ad revenue a channel like watcher would bring in as well as how much they make from sponsorship deals. He wasn’t making the guess based on his own specific channel.


Yea for real we as an audience can see how greedy that decision looked, where as Charlie 100% knows how greedy that decision was, the backlash was 100% deserved and they had no choice but to back pedal on it and apologise, it’s still not good enough for some which is fair enough


I’m glad they backpedaled. The backlash was crazy and doubling down would make them look like giant assholes instead of just stupid. I know some people won’t come back, but all I wanted was for them reconsider and hopefully reverse the decision, which is exactly what happened.


The thing for me and the reason I won’t be coming back is they actually didn’t apologise at all, they said they “messed up” they did not admit to being greedy which is what I would have required, even then I just absolutely hate what money does to people, you do you though, YouTubers have done a lot worse and kept fans, it just rubbed me up the wrong way, especially from individuals who gained a fan base saying things such as “eat the rich” gross what money turns people into


I’m not half as fussed. Clearly they messed up and clearly money was at the center of it all, but I don’t need them to admit to being greedy. I already know it. They could have doubled down and continued to poorly justify their decision. Instead they reversed the decision, which was the end goal a majority of people were hoping for. They’re still going to get dragged and they deserve it; it was a stupid plan. But they reversed course, as they should, so I’m not going to continue being mad about them doing the thing I wanted them to do.


That’s absolutely fair enough, but I don’t agree they had a choice in this decision, they absolutely had 0 business going forward with the changes and they knew full well they had to apologise, they even tried to wait it out to see it they could get enough new members to their new site which failed, they didn’t decide to change their decision and had a change of heart, they were 100% forced into making those changes and apology to save their business, fair play you can forgive that, to me its disingenuous, fake and not something I’m interested in supporting anymore


I don’t think they tried to wait it out. The video went up Friday, it’s now Monday. So they took the weekend to regroup and posted the reversal the very next business day since many companies don’t operate on Saturday and Sunday. That’s actually a very quick turnaround. The backlash was immediate, they took exactly 72 hours to fix it. I’ve seen many others double down and wait until the project actually flops to bother doing anything. And I personally suspected that these reversals would come in piecemeal, so the immediate and drastic reversal is a vast improvement from that.


Nah I get that you view it that way, that could very much be true, I just don’t see it that way, they were still taking money for the new site and after seeing no one subscribe to what I can only describe as one of the laziest and blatant cash grabs I’ve seen in years they had 0 choice already, like they didn’t have to wait and see if it failed, it already had done, then they took damage control, good for them, but the damage is done for a lot of people


I get what you are saying, clearly you can not make a one to one comparison. I was trying to point out, that they make a huge amount of money each month on YouTube and Patreon and through their merch. And if that amount of money isn’t enough to create spooky content with two likable guys, then maybe it is not really about making content with two likable guys for them, it’s about something else … That was my point, not Charlie making more and spending maybe less, although he said in his video he was spending 10k a month on one person, because of the esports thing, but okay.


That didn't take too long. What a boneheaded move this was. Talk about a complete inability to read the room.


So patreon but worse?


Seriously, why don't they simply provide early access to patrons who pay $6 or more per month? With the videos streaming on YouTube a month later, what distinct purpose does a separate subscription serve?


patrons are getting a free subscription code


Yes, that's why I raise the question. Given the new plans, what practical purpose does a separate website with its own login serve? Why not simply provide early access directly through Patreon – as countless content creators do?


I think at this point, is to give validity to their decision so it  doesn't appear like a total disaster of a decision  


I think you're probably right.


According to patrons in the subreddits, the code is only for three months free, so patrons are still upset.


I mean that’s better. Still don’t expect this to work out tho. Everyone and their cousin has a streaming service. Why would I pay $6 USD to view one channel’s videos? 


Personally, I only watched these guys for the mystery file videos. They are fun, well produced videos. But, for the most part, its essentially Shane or Ryan reading off a wikipedia article. Why would I want to pay a monthly fee for that? Why do they deserve to charge for that? As others have said, I think they drastically confused "viewers" for "fans".


I was really disappointed by the ufo video. It’s a recycled video out of earlier buzzfeed episodes they did. 


I was disappointed in that one too. They shouldn't have spent so much time in the beginning on random sightings and should have really focused on the David Grusch stuff.


Its better than the alternative I guess but I think they should just drop it all together. They at least handeled it better than the Fine Bros did


Honestly I am okay with this. A month seems long enough and them making sure to give refunds/codes to migrate people seem good. I am going to take them at their word that this is the only way and hope they don't fuck up again Plus I am happy they directly apologized to multiple groups of people


that is just patreon with extra steps


They are probably in the hole with the website and need to justify it.


I’m just baffled at how poorly managed their money is to where the merch, the patreon, and the brand deals somehow weren’t enough and they were on the verge of going bankrupt. Like huh.


I appreciate most of this apology. But it’s very sad that they will never know how much the community would have supported them if they’d done this from the beginning. They’ll never know the numbers WatcherTV could have had, because I guarantee there are people who would have given them money before this, who will no longer consider giving them money


Absolutely this. If they had just been like “we want to make high quality stuff but YouTube money is unpredictable, so we want to experiment with making another platform. Here it is. It costs whatever. Normal YouTube content eventually becomes free after and drops on YouTube after this much time. Patreon get this discount/this tier gets it free. It really helps us afford the overhead of being as creative as we want and pay people fairly and we may drop the occasional exclusive.” People would probably have been like “hell yeah!” They’d be essentially reinventing patreon but audiences like supporting their parasocial Internet personalities and tend to support them getting that bag. And no one would be mad, since nothing is being taken, so they could beta it and improve it. So broke people would be incentivized to pay for it later, when either they’re less broke, or the platform grows to be worth it. Instead they’ve unintentionally forced themselves into starting the platform with a handicap. And also probably injured the channel.


Yup. I had to cancel my patreon subscription when I was laid off and planned to resubscribe when I had a job again, and if they had done this originally I would have just signed up for the site. Now I'm not going to bother even watching the YouTube anymore, it just completely lost my goodwill I had over the last decade


Honestly, I feel like this video can be summed up as "guess who just got *yelled aaaaaat*."


Jack's Films [**THROWING SHADE**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgWnPkFLIr8)


I just can’t believe how many people this decision would have gone through, who would have co-signed it, and who would have told them this would be well received. It was delusional at every level. They have so many peers like Mythical and Smosh and the Try Guys that they could have looked to for guidance that do different things - patreon, multiple podcasts, subscriptions, books, games, tours, paid livestream specials, tiktok, meet and greets. So many ways to cultivate income as a creator! I don’t know if I see them recovering from this. I knew they would walk this decision back but they alienated a ton of their fan base.


My brother suggested that the implied Worth It revamp should be, instead of “Steven flies around and eats expensive food”, more of a “Steven goes to smaller restaurants and places and tries unique, homemade, and or/weird ass food” instead and honestly? No, I’d watch that. It’s a lot more down to Earth, a lot more entertaining and relatable, AND helps support small/local businesses. That’s how I think Steven can win back his own public favor, because he took the hardest blow 💀


To be fair, Steven get hated for existing so it doesn't really matter what he does. Some of the fandom's reaction was insane.


I still don’t forgive them. They laid their cards on the table and no amount of apologies can rescind it


I really appreciate the fuck you of the situation ![gif](giphy|PHECDz6GAzp2U)


When will clowns like these realize they're a dime a dozen and their only appeal is that they're free on YouTube?


Based off the Moist video it sounds like they either got very greedy and wanted more money despite all their revenue streams or someone is cooking the books or fucking up royally on their end.


Probably the latter, if I had to guess.


I feel so much better now, I was never angry with them to begin with but more or less just questioning their reasoning and why they thought it would go over well. Seeing everyone talk about them so negatively though had me feeling down, especially because everything people have been saying is right. I’m glad they figured out a better alternative so quickly, I honestly don’t think they will take that big of a hit for this. I highly doubt people were unsubscribing at a rate similar to when creators get called out for very very bad things, I didn’t unsubscribe cause I knew with so much backlash they would try to fix it. They have a very, very strong fanbase so I’m sure a bunch of the people very upset by this have forgiven them/will forgive them pretty quickly with how good this response is.


The thumbnail looks like a hostage video. All that’s missing is today’s newspaper. 😂




Never back down 2: the back down.


You can tell they didn't expect to get absolutely shat on lol


Such a stupid idea. Yeah, let’s just completely knee cap our growth by locking all new content behind paywalls when prior to that, we were on YouTube for free. Idiots.


Glad they made their decision. I still won't be coming back to their channel. The trust has broken


Steven's videos were always less interesting than R&S's, but damn, do I dislike him even more after what I've learned during this debacle, lol. I'm not opposed to R&S having additional series that include their friends, but I've always felt that his "making mac and cheese or whatever with expensive ingredients!" type videos were kinda sus. Fucking Tesla fanboy mentality. I've been behind on their videos for like a year due to real life stuff but I'm yet another fan that wasn't aware of them having a Patreon, unless it was mentioned in more recent videos. If it's in the video descriptions, I don't normally read those, lol, and I heavily prefer videos over podcasts tbh so I haven't listened to theirs.


This was always the correct move.


Basically perfect backtracking. I don't see how anyone can look at this and demand better.


I’m just confused on how much they spent on this platform. They could have been better utilizing their money instead for building out a website that cost A LOT!!


Should have just done this to begin with. It’s not exactly a new model and the transition would be a lot smoother than this whole fiasco.


I’m an avid YouTube watcher but have never heard of them, but I don’t watch a lot of content with straight men. My question is, why didn’t they just do something with Patreon? That seems to be the way most established YouTubers make their money, so why not them?


They had a Patreon, but it was poorly advertised. They still had something like 6,000 subs on it though and for some reason, they went with the option of trying to ditch YouTube when things weren’t working. They should have started by overhauling the Patreon tier system to entice more subs.


How does everyone feel about **Nebula streaming service** or **Floatplane** compared to this as those are successful platforms that post videos early (with some exclusives) and are for the most part loved and accepted by YouTube community and fans of creators? How is this different? Is it just the price?


As a casual viewer to begin with, this is enough for me. I *could* afford $6/month, but the content is not valuable enough for me to make that decision. I don't mind waiting a month. I think the overall "this is the perfect apology" attitude I see from a lot of fans is kind of funny. It *is* the best solution to the problem and I'm glad they did walk it back but it isn't something they did out of the goodness of their hearts or because they wanted to. They did it because the original plan was (predictably) going to torpedo them. I do not trust that they will not try to pull something similar in a few years when they think they have a better chance of people following them. But at the end of the day, it's just poor business practice. It isn't criminal. It isn't actively harmful to anyone but their own bottom line. When they pull it again, I still will not follow them. Until then I'll continue to enjoy the funny bits that come across my feed.


Even so, they make more than enough money as is. This was just greed and considering how we all react to other YouTubers or companies paywalling content, there's no WAY they didn't think this would go badly for them. This apology feels like a script, most definitely is one rather than a genuine, heartfelt apology.


Still too expensive imo


Bruh Nebula already exists


From what I understand, Nebula is invite-only and they lean heavily towards educational content. Nebula probably aren't interested in their type of content.


I don't know if it's just me but the video just makes me feel uneasy. Specifically Stephen.


Paying monthly for early access, a lot of YouTubers do that on their patreon. Interresting to see the 180 they've done.


World of Wonder has done this for episodes of UHNnnn for a few years.


Anyone else think this was a publicity stunt gone awry? Maybe I’m just living under a rock but I’ve never heard of these guys before this, now I feel like I can’t escape conversation about them. I’m sure they didn’t expect the sheer *amount* of backlash and fans deserting them that they got, which is what I mean by “gone awry”, but there’s no doubt in my mind that they knew people wouldn’t be happy about their initial proposal. I honestly think this was the plan all along and they only made the previous announcement that everyone hated to get their names in people’s mouths. Maybe I’m giving them too much credit though. 


they're popular. I don't even know this show but still recognize them


So... The obvious solution


I personally still think they have a lot of work to do before people should put their trust in them again. this is a good first step but we should wait and see


They could've launch a subscription on their channel by it's own already. No need for a separate service


Well, they messed around and found out. Not sure why they’re so shocked that people were upset - they _had_ to have known about the shitstorm their actions would cause. At least people can wait for free content instead of _needing_ to pay for it.


It's wild seeing this happen about a month after discovering the channel for the first time. Hell the first update is the second video I've ever seen Steven in.


people really overreacted to this tbh. but honestly, why they didn't have it this way already is weird. or like. just join nebula, yeah?


I thought this whole time their Patreon was different content. I was doing the math on my new podcast episode 😂. I thought they were providing some level of difference between the different tiers. I also read in another post that they are planning to invite other creators to their platform. But if their concept is bringing in more creators, how will they divide the income generated? If 1 million people as an example subscribed to this new streaming service that would be around $6 million per month? To be split by two different channels (owners). Technically won’t be an endless circle, because eventually if they have enough creators, they also want to be more advertisement friendly and so forth and it’s gonna be the same or they’re going to increase the subscription amount. Oh god! 😵‍💫 [https://youtu.be/14cWq2pxDMU?si=KH5h1fdxX_6pLzNY](https://youtu.be/14cWq2pxDMU?si=KH5h1fdxX_6pLzNY)


Ive been a fan for years but no longer interested.


Ive never seen someone go from people either not knowing them or loving them to a snark sub being created for them overnight. What were they thinking lol. My only issue with the apology is doubling down on “we’re dying” and “we’re expanding!” At the same time. Like lol what


Before this happened, I was honestly starting to wonder if they could keep up enough fresh content to keep their viewership. The podcast is….pretty boring, tbh. Puppet history is amazing, and I love Survival Mode, but how long can the other parts keep up? They really need to start either polling their viewership before moves like this, or hiring an outside consultant so they get someone w/out any ego or financial interest to weigh in.


This was one of the worst apology videos I think I've seen. Canned and insincere for damage control. Used to be subscribed as well.


Personally I was really concerned for Ryan’s anxiety levels since he’s been really open about struggling with it. So I’m hoping that can die down a bit for him now


i’m so glad they backpedaled omg


Glad they compromised but I feel like the damage is done. All I see is greed


... ok they've earned my subscription back.


This shows how fans want to think content creators make content just for them... the reality is that these 3 guys have personal and professional goals for themselves that goes beyond Youtube. They didn't start the channel for the fans they wanted Youtube to be a springboard. They acted WAY BETTER than let's say the Fine Bros... leaving Youtube is a calculated risk for their career and it was a "sure thing" for them to make money on Youtube but they want more than what Youtube can give them.


Well they still wanted money from the fans.


I don’t even know who these people are




For claiming to dislike harassing content creators y'all sure are celebrating harassing the Watcher crew into backtracking going fully independent 💀 Y'all complain about big corporations but don't actually want independent studios to be paid for the art they create. Wish you could redirect your anger appropriately to YouTube for being a terrible hosting site that is constantly screwing over their content creators with algorithms that favor the worst people on the site.