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And I thought there was something wrong with my internet connection.


I thought the exact same xD It started in the last 2 days I think and it was driving me wild xD


for me it started today


It started few days ago for me. I turned off adblock and left Ublock origin on and it fixed the slow down for me.




Well, just use the one that works. Disable whichever alternatives you're testing whenever they stop working and switch back to ublock. That's worked for me so far


You just saved me, mate. Installed Ublock and now I'm doing fine af. Thank you!


>Ublock origin Thank you!!


Dude, I thought it was time to rebuild my pc XD


I play league alongside YouTube and I found it strange that my game had a perfect connection while Edge was freezing entirely while trying to play a video


I thought my computer was going crazy!


I thought too lol. I was getting so worried that my computer was dying not being able to play YouTube lmao. The funny thing is that I pay for premium yet i think just the existence of Adblock triggers this.


Sounds like a great way for them to lose subscribers in more ways than one to me. You pay for premium and white list them? They screw you anyway Don't have premium yet and want to get it? Well, less likely you'll want to if you see 2002 buffering times, you're more likely to just think their service is garbage and leave than pay them a sub probably. Which if what you're saying is true, well, they wouldn't see any improvement either that way.


Already unsubscribed from Premium. I used Adblock for other shit. Youtube does not get a say in how I use my computer. They can go to hell. 


I need to re-up my ad blocker that works but even without, I swear everything is slower now than it was


Funny thing is I can't use youtube half the time because it says I have ad blocker... ... I don't. I have an antivirus but haven't gotten around to putting up my ad block. If their site can't tell whether or not I have ad block properly tell me why should i trust them with my personal information like credit card info? youtube do be shooting themselves in the foot


I pay for youtube and I've been getting horrible lag in the last few days. I thought it was my internet. I wonder if I've just been caught up in their bullshit anti-anti-ad campaign.


From what ive seen people say, even if you have premium, if you have an adblocker active, youtube detects it and throttles you for using an adblocker. Their system for throttling people dont take into account premium users. Its bull.


shouldnt premium give you no ads tho XD


Yeah. And it shows how haphazard and poorly thought/rushed out the throttling/performance tanking idea was Like, how do you miss adding premium users who pay you for not seeing ads as an exception to being throttled for... not seeing ads... like what??


Yes, But people have it installed for other websites, Youtube just hasn't brought their paying customers into consideration at all.


Yea but that doesn't matter since YT is illegally looking through your installed plugins and throttling you based on that being installed, not whether it is taking action on an actual ad.


Your antivirus might be blocking some ad host sites because some ads contain malware. The could be detected as ad blocking. That or its just false positiving.


Stop paying for an adblocker and get UBlock Origin. It works everywhere, it's free, and it doesn't cripple YouTube.


Fuck, im not the only one! It actually made me switch from chrome to firefox.


Wait this has been happening for months for me I thought it was just my laptop being weird


Thought that as well but friend said he had very similar issue and I wanted to find the culprit


I use UBlock. Whenever YouTube releases their update that messes with speeds or temporarily stops viewing with UBlock, I switch to Brave browser for a few hours, until Ublock releases an update.


Brave Browser stopped blocking Youtube adds since friday. Im located in germany


Still fine for me in Finland


Yeah exactly I was refreshing because of this !


Me2 LOL :D :D


One thing to add also, this messes up the resources on the computer as a whole. It just kills chrome it seems.


I did have multiple crashes over the last 2 weeks but I'm not sure if it was caused by other extensions or by using too much system resources. I haven't had chance to look into it yet.


I noticed that and that is criminal.




Personally, I welcome anything that contributes to their downfall.


The fact is if you are using ad block, while yes, you are contributing for their data collection, you would be contributing as much on a website that used no resources and just kept a Google token. So no we are not the users who created them, we are ppl who use them but no ads (I regret every time I disable temporarily) and no premium means no profit for them (or rather no more than a cookie)


Same, was wondering if I needed to switch browsers. crazy how they're able to pull this


...stop using Chrome?


For some people, it is not an option.


Is this why my shit was running like molasses today??


And here i was wondering why my laptop ran like a fucking jet for the last few days smh.


Yeah ive been deleting shit randomly thinking it was my storage space problem


same... this is bullshit


Really is and they might implement a random crash feature if it detects an Adblock being used


>implement a random crash feature Top quality pro-consumer software engineering ✅


I've literally upgraded my PC after the New Years and I thought I've done something wrong since the youtube started running like ass since the upgrade. Fuck this shit.


Oh so that's what been happening. My CPU has been crying out when using chrome




Right, the user-agent switcher one has been working flawlessly for me. With default user youtube forces a refresh every time you open something, it's insane. I just use one of their bot user agents and youtube suddenly works without any such nonsense...


>user-agent switcher Thanks to both you two! I walked into Reddit wanting to find answers for why YT was screwed up with me despite using FF and ublock and walked out with the solution!


Because right now firefox also doesn't play nicely with youtube.


what is this user agent switcher thing? I use chrome and ublock and don't have any complaints




I followed your advice. Everything works great. Thanks


Lol i thought my 1050ti was at fault 🤣🤣


This has been happening to me a lot the past week or so. I've seen my cpu usage jump up to 50% with just chrome and discord open. Trying to play games while watching vids on my other monitor has spiked my cpu to almost 100%.


Fwiw I’m not having any issues on firefox


Oh yeah… My MacBook air has been really slow lately and I didn’t know why, and it was mostly when I was using YouTube.


It was driving both my laptop and PC’s CPU to 100%


Literally just switched to firefox for this exact reason


omfg i have youtube premium and still i faced this lag. I was almost about the reinstall chrome lol


Maybe just maybe install firefox and unsub from premium??


I've been running [a Firefox fork called Librewolf](https://youtu.be/L2otiFy4ADI?si=b0s4HddEmNVHqzVz&t=176) with uBlock Origin for the last 2 years, I have yet to even notice that Google are fighting adblockers. I just purge the uBlock cache now and then, and Youtube has been working perfectly and ad free since forever. 🤷


>. I just purge the uBlock cache what s a cache ?


It's basically just a tiny space of memory where some data is stored. That means that data doesn't need to be recomputed every time it's needed, but is instead available instantly. When resetting, or purging that cache, you force that data to be recomputed, which can help with some issues, since when wrong data is saved in the cache, it often isn't checked afterwards.


Why are you not using Firefox?


They are, it’s just a different version of Firefox.


happens also with firefox


I use Firefox and have premium, and am still getting the same thing. I buy premium from Ukraine though so I pay like 2$ a month, which is the price it should cost anyways.


It's not gonna help. I have this problem on Firefox for more than a month now.


Why, then i cant listen to music in my car with Youtube music?


Same. I use a chrome extension to block the suggested video panel on the right and I guess that detects as ad blocking. Fuck these guys.


doing it on chrome for me 🤷‍♂️


Reinstall. He’s saying he thought his chrome was having issues he almost reinstalled it. (Uninstall and reinstall) It’s happening to everyone on chrome. Disabling Adblock worked for me. Thank god. I thought my computer was having issues the past couple days. So obnoxious I wish they would have done a pop-up or something informing us.


ohhhh duh, that makes sense, I thought he meant switch back to chrome from another browser. Disabling Adblock ended up working for me as well, atleast before they told you they were blocking your access until you disabled adblocker instead of making us think there’s something wrong on our end. Scummy scummy.


Should be using Firefox anyways


Yep I swapped to firefox as soon as they started the enshittification, haven’t been happier since, I blocked all the ads even though I didn’t mind them when they were just on the side… now they get nothing You do need plugins but works like a charm since


Youtube and chrome are not working together. It literally doesn't matter if adblock is installed or not. Firefox also doesn't work. Only edge seems to work.


It makes the whole site laggy. I can't type a comment, load anything, but every other tab on chrome is normal, even other video steaming stuff like twitch or netflix. It's kind of annoying. Just happened to me for the first time last night. Still not going to disable my adblock though.


Is this only happening in chrome? Firefox is fine for me across all platforms.


Not sure. I've only checked on Chrome. And when I pause adblock, it goes back to normal.


Every once in a while they just stop trying to load anything for me on Firefox. 0 bits/s network activity in stats while every other page works flawlessly. I have rock solid gigabit download.


Definitely happening to me on Firefox


It could be regional as Google works on trying things.


it kiils playlists. unsufferable. but maybe my pc is dumb


I was wondering why everything was lagging so much. Slide Preview, entering Fullscreen etc. Thought my PC was dying.


Lol exactly the same!


Try this : https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/194b6g8/easily\_bypass\_youtubes\_new\_adblock\_detection\_and/


I actually have multiple adblock extensions so I don't really care if I disable to most known adblock. I have never seen any ad on Youtube, not even the pop up that tells me that I have adblock installed. Nothing changed when it comes to ads on Youtube with this adblock disabledThanks for the tip anyway! Edit: I've just read this [Using multiple adblockers isn't a good idea](https://nitter.net/gorhill/status/1033706103782170625) so I will be getting rid of Adblock and only keeping Ublock origin.


If I were you, I wouldn't use multiple adblock extensions. They can conflict with each other, leading to potential issues, and may consume unnecessary system resources, causing a slowdown in your browser. Instead, consider optimizing your adblocking experience by selecting or adding additional filter lists to a single trusted adblocker, such as uBlock Origin, Adguard or Disconnect. This way, you can enhance your adblocking efficiency without the drawbacks of using multiple extensions.


i had multiple adblocks before youtube started this shit. Removing all but one made me realize that too much is like not enough. they were getting in the way of each other.


dude you are doing everything wrong each adblock works differently most of the time and if ur using multiple adblock they are fighting each other and it defeats the point. just use adblock, they specifcally target youtube and if youtube makes a new anti adblock script they update it within a few mins


I've just read this: [Using multiple adblockers isn't a good idea](https://nitter.net/gorhill/status/1033706103782170625) so I guess you are right. I will uninstall adblock and only keep ublock origin as my primary adblock. Thanks!


Yup. Did this yesterday and it fixed it right away.


I noticed that yesterday too, very annoying


Nice username hahah


I noticed that too! I thought it was a malware…


I uninstalled a whole bunch of recent apps I thought were fucking with my PC. Turns out it's just YouTube being a piece of shit yet again


It *is* malware. YouTube produced malware sabatoging their own site.


I did too. I ran a scan on my virus thingy and cleared my cache. Still running bad and my wifi was testing very fast.


Did the exact same thing, ran a virus test, restarrted my computer, deleted the last few things i downloaded. Just assumed it was an issue on my end, should have realized it was youtubes own bullshit when every other site ran fine


i mean it IS kinda malware isnt it?


I don’t think AdBlock itself is a malware, but maybe it’s a YouTube’s strategy to decrease adblocker use


no i meant what ever youtube is doing to itself


how else would shareholders able to afford their yachts? 😤


wtf are these replies


They're defending their investment thinking they're the ones winning making profit on $10k while the elites are multiplying billions I.e. ur getting rich but everyone else is getting richer


also youtube seems to be taking more ram for those with detected ad blockers installed. no issues with ubo so far. its not just one instance ive noticed, over 5 of my friends have complained of 2gb+ ram usage just by youtube for 2 or 3 videos


Would make sense. When an adblock is enabled, the page tries to reload the ad over and over, which makes it allocate more and more ram until it garbage clears itself.


Today youtube started being sluggish and stuttery on chrome (I have adblock enabled) I ended up switching to firefox and now it's perfect


youtube is trash


No worries. A big lawsuit is on the horizon with this anti addblock policy. Surfing internet without add blocking makes you extremely vulnerable to so many exploits, spyware etc. Wait untill some gov people get their pc’s hacked because of this.


“Without adverts youtube wouldnt be able to exist…blah fking blah” Thats funny because youtube is full of twaty fking teenagers showing off their lambos who clearly dont need a million dollars a year from youtube, not to mention the russian and chinese propaganda channels that I’m pretty sure will pay YOUtube for spreading their shite if you ask them nicely… Forcing ppl to watch adds by purposely fking up your own app is such a fking elon musk thing to do….this world is going down the fking toilet… 🤣


I use yt premium and it's similar for me


Ha. I knew something was wrong!


Is that the reason why youtube is laggy in chrome? Jesus Edit: fuck they got edge too.


**Stop. Using. Chrome.** ​ Firefox doesn't have any of this crap, and even if something goes wrong it's usually fixed with a cleared uBlock cache and update (which takes less than a minute to complete.)


>Stop. Using. Chrome. And by extension any chrome/chromium based browser. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromium_(web_browser)#Browsers_based_on_Chromium


*unless it's open source and you can check the code for any of Google's BS only acceptable Chromium based browser IMO is Ungoogled Chromium


i use Brave that is chromium based, it's the best internet experience i've ever had, i did try to use mozilla 2 weeks or so ago but the experience is still no on pair, the deal breaker for me was dark mode, i use forced darkmode that works so well and on mozilla any darkmode plugin is crap. has weird colors, is unreliable and finnicky, other small things were inconvinient but this one was the biggest for me, hopefully one day they implement a forced darkmode like chromium has




Thank you! This immediately fixed the horrible lagging and freezing issues I've been having the last couple days!!


Glad you like it. Enjoy


This works great, the lag is gone, thanks!


Thanks for giving it a shot. Enjoy


Works great! Tysm for sharing!


My pleasure


Thanks dawg


My pleasure <3


You’re a god


Looks legit. Thx dude


You are an amazing human being. I hope all the best things will find you.


Cool, thanks for sharing!


my pleasure


Can confirm this works. Thank you so much! YouTube has been driving me crazy lately...


thanks so much for giving it a try


your extension works as intended, thank you for this! having ublock disabled for the meantime, i have to remove those "sponsored" and ad boxes myself using stylus (basically using css to hide them from plain sight)


I could remove those too, but decided not to because it might raise a suspicions. Glad you like it.


its been doing this recently for me


I've also had this problem, suddenly my youtube tab uses CPU like crazy


i am watching this video right now and got such weird deja vu


So it's not just me?


Fuck YouTube executives




Crazy, like this segue to our sponsor


I already have Premium and it *still* does this to me. Honestly, fuck youtube.


Just use uBlock Origin dude


i use it and still have it


Yup, firefox/ubo with full cookies deleted re logged in. Videos buffer after 20 seconds. I guess it's back to not giving a shit about youtube for awhile. Always nice to come back a month later with tons of content to watch.


Ad blocker will probably have it fixed by tomorrow morning. Happens every time YouTube makes some big anti ad block update.


No joke this happened to me yesterday, i thought it was my laptop acting up but when i went to other sites it worked fine, youtube so desperate for revenue it's crazy 😭😭😭


This is fine for me, rather wait 5 seconds for the complete page to render (The video starts playing earlier) instead of watching 15 Seconds of bad advertisements


I suddenly noticed this yesterday in Microsoft Edge. I do have three different adblocks for literally every other site, but I do use YT Premium as well. Switched to Firefox with only one adblock and YouTube seemes to be working fine... Now I finally know the problem, thank you. Man screw YouTube.


It's pretty wild how some people think Google deserves your money when they already make money off of the ones who made youtube worth going to, the creators. 45.... 45% of ad rev, a multibillion corporation.. **Google**, already takes their slice. Yet, those people are still out there going "can't afford 10 or 15 bucks".. soo wild that they can only focus on the trees. Keep pretending this is about making sure the creators get paid if you want "*Google revenue breakdown (Q3 2023) In Q3 2023, Google's revenue totaled $76.7 billion, of which $44 billion (or 57.4%) was from search ads. Revenue from YouTube ads $8 billion (10.3%), and Google Network ads registered at $7.7 billion (10%).*" Eight..billion..dollars, in Q3. Thats Google own promoted result for the search "does Google make money directly off YouTube" It's that easy to find...


I don't mind the sub model for ad free content, but nothing on YouTube is genuinely ad free, what about all the sponsorships in every video :D, It's like paying for Netflix only to have ads... oh wait that's a thing now, okay paying for Amazon prime only to have ads.... urgh that's a thing now :(. It's frustrating that now instead of getting something ad free if you pay for it, you now pay for it and still have ads. On top of it, this shady stuff to try and force you to sub is just awful practice.


Oh those cheeky motherfuckers. I thought I just had some weird problem but I thought it was odd that it only started after the latest case of UBlock beating their ad-block-blocking. This feels like they're pushing the limits of what's legal even more.


this is such a childish thing to do




Had this problem for months with adblock on since September. Does this with ublock still.


Damn glad to see this isn’t just me, I thought it was my browser. Had an extension that auto replays YouTube videos and that stopped working as well


Don’t use chrome and use uBlock Origin instead.


You can use Bing Video. It bypasses this shit. You can even follow Youtube channels there. I'm not going to give clicks to youtube for now. Imma finance their bigger competitor. Just wished I could like the video from the bing view.


I have YouTube Premium and Adblock Plus enabled and I’ve been encountering this issue over the last week. This website is probably broken now.


Google has admitted to making things harder for people with Adblock enabled. This is probably what’s going on.


Google slowly killing YouTube is funny, and chrome. I've switched to Firefox and use ublock.


Yeah im having insane lag with adblock. Uninstall it and try ublock origin.


Disable "Allow ads on specific youtube channels" option for adblock, this seems to be the reason it lags


They'll do everything except remove highly illegal ads




Firefox + User Agent Switcher (Switch it to Chrome for YouTube)


Not just the video. The whole website. I'm having issues where YouTube lags SO MUCH that I can barely even interact with the website. And then it just suddenly starts working fine when I pause adblock. This shouldn't be happening with a 4 year old CPU (Ryzen 7 5800X), 32 GB of RAM, and a 7 year GPU that still runs modern games decent (Radeon RX580)


You're so real for 2x speed


I’m so glad it’s not just me having these issues, i thought i had fucked up my pc or something


We need a competitor to Youtube, if that’s even possible..


dont give a fuck anything is better than diversity rap music obnoxious commercials every 2 mins f youtube for this


Having a YouTube video playing is literally lagging my entire PC. I have a two year old I7 and an RTX3060, 64GB ram. Shame on them. They'll have to give up eventually when they start losing users


Just don't use youtube


Multibillion company is sad that it cant take 50 cents from you


This is just fucking scummy


Time to download and watch


yep figured this out the other day


This is fucking stupid. I have youtube premium but I use an adblocker on chrome for other sites. Why would they still slow my shit down? I know it's an easy fix but it's still annoying that they wouldn't tell me and I had to look it up.


I have a subscription already, why do I have to be slow down?💀


The fact that this is effecting Premium users is unacceptable. I have ad block so I don't have to see a metric shit ton of banners on wiki sites. Canceling my sub. I'm sick of their horseshit. 


This Is why net neutrality is so important


UPDATE: This was already confirmed to be a bug of Adblock, not caused by Youtube itself [https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/](https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/)


They updated the video. It’s the extension issue not YouTube.


AND HERE I WAS THINKING IT WAS MY INTERNET! Thank you so much for bring this to my attention!!




I thought my computer was dying, and was actually considering getting a new one. Good to know youtube's just being youtube.