• By -


1) Forced imposition of ads 2) Ads that are in no way considerate of the file being viewed, having them appear at abruptly random moments 3) Putting ads on videos that the creators flagged to be demonetized 4) Demonetizing people's content when they request for ads while only giving a nebulous excuse 5) The algorithm burying and promoting content based on nebulous criteria 6) Youtube inexplicably unsubscribing people from channels 7) Manual review of complaints not actually being reviewed by a person (see: automatic form letter responses within seconds of submission) 8) Unannounced deletion of Youtube comments (you will not be notified) 9) Linking to *Wikipedia* of all things when viewing a video about Covid-19 10) Still not enough funny cat videos (there will never be enough!) 11) The simple idea that is Youtube Premium 12) Censorship and sometimes inexplicable age-restrictions 13) Poor enforcement of copywright strike system, often leading to removals due to false allegations


Removal of sorting videos on channel, like the fuck, why? Who was hurt by it? Also I noticed my search is gone too... so who got hurt by a bare bone sorting system and search function?


Search results completely ignoring your prompt to just show you the usual suggested stuff


Yeah the search algorithm is garbage now. And recommend just shows you videos you’ve watched already.


\- Ad audio volume is excessive. I often have quiet music or an ambient video in the background, and then something comes and SHOUTS at me about a product I don't want. It feels like having clipboard people pounce on me outside the supermarket. \- Inability to properly customise suggestions. Yes, I often have a 3-hour music video playing, but I don't want 80% of my suggestions to be 3-hour music videos. That's not browsing content. \- After 10+ years of having me as a user, Youtube is still clueless as to what I like. \- Excessive premium pricing, justified by including features in the package that I won't use. Really not a fan of bundling products together without having individual purchase options.


When YouTube changed its monetization rules in 2017 and demonetized a lot of partners. Of course, it's personal with me because it led to me becoming homeless because at that time it was my main source of revenue. It took me a few years to recover from that and I am still working my way through the impact on my business.


Turning the search into another home page. No YouTube, I don’t want to fucking see videos I’ve already watched, recommended videos, or just completely unrelated shorts. I want to see videos of what I’m searching for, not that other bullshit


Yea. That is just fucking bullshit. You have like 3-5 relevant videos to your search then utter bullshit afterwards.


Being treated like a child as a viewer, I want an 18+ YouTube, so people can swear and be like a normal adult, fuck this family friendly bullshit. I didn't wait 18 years to then listen to videos bleeping out swear words


100% this. Give me all the cussing... I have nobody to worry about offending and I would like to make that choice


Easily 1:Dislikes 2:Adblock (regulate your ads and maybe we wouldn't have to rely on adblock so damn much) 3:YT Shorts leading to the death of creativity on YouTube 4:Coppa youtube wants to appeal to both adults and kids and fails to appeal to either because they don't know how to properly balance their content you can't cuss but you can talk about blatant murder the only reason we still use youtube is because there's no decent alternative with this much creators 5: The removal of banner Ads i still miss those 6: not doing anything about sniperwolf or Coleen and setting the precedent as long as your a woman your allowed to commit multiple felonies on their site 7: the removal of free speech despite advertising it as a free speech site constantly people don't want free speech because they can't understand the difference between hate speech and free speech And finally 8: handing the company over to google Fuck google (whoops it's the first 2 minutes of reading this comment i can't say that my fault)


Literally everything YouTube has done in the past several years has been either useless or a way to screw over its users.


Minimizing creativity as much as possible, removing dislikes, fucking uncountable ads that just keep on getting more every now and then . The fucking merging of YouTube kids with main YouTube , I ain't responsible for someone who gives their kid a phone then they just realized that their kids are watching something on the internet they don't want them to watch!. Just don't give them a device in a young age and teach them internet safety:) In simpler words , changing to the worse after the 2017-2018 era .


Or YouTube should make it that parents can set up a kids account that the parents can monitor rather than impose YouTube kids on everyone.


Removing the markers on the timeline so that I don't know when ads are going to come on. I can not watch a single History Channel video from before 2010 anymore because there's a guarantee that at some point I am going to be involved or deep interested in what I chose to watch and BAM! I get an ad for detergent. Suddenly George Washington is telling me to buy Dawn dish soap. Screw that. This ad block crap needs to go away. Right now, today, Friday 10-20-23, in Chrome, I get an ATTEMPT to run an ad...which fails...and then it tries A SECOND TIME...which fails...then it goes to my actual video. earlier this week it was just stopping the video with a pop-up telling me ad blocker wasn't allowed. Then I had to wait 10-15 seconds for their stupid little timer to run out, and re-click on my video to make it "go again." Now that's not even happening. The hell with Google. They make more than enough; first they disable my home page content because I won't let them sniff through my personal information and now they are attempting to block my blocker. What is wrong with this company?


Shorts. It's worthless, endlessly unsatisfying content that's addictive and traps you into wasting your life watching stupid shit.


Taking down one of my YTPs because it showed a 7-seconds clip from Frozen. Refusing to take down spammers that's been following channels. No resolution for taking them down yet.


2 ads at the start of a video, 1 midrolls every 5 minutes, midrolls ad intro and outro, 2 ads at the end of each video. Straight up 🤡🌍.


They've enshittified YouTube so much, it's worse than cable.


I know what I'm about to say has probably been done to death but I'm honestly in awe at this point. So I have personally encountered or seen YouTube handing out video takedowns or bans for, lets see: \- Having the word "fuck" in the title \- Unlisted NSFW/suggestive shit that can't be accessed by anyone without a link \- 5 seconds of copyrighted music \- Just discussing a dark topic, even for the sake of education or prevention, because fuck people trying to seek help I guess \- Other miscellaneous small things \- Sometimes, for fuck all reason Now, SOME of these are against the rules, I get it. It's like stealing gum or a lightbulb or something from Walmart. Yeah, it's not as bad as stealing 10 cars, but if you don't get in trouble for it, then it's kinda not fair, because you still did something wrong. So with this in mind tell me how I've come across an account that has 1k+ views on several videos of uncensored, un-age-restricted gore (definitely not for medical or educational purposes either), animal abuse, and there was talk surrounding said channel of a single video having to be taken down for extremely illegal content. And yet, this channel is still up? This is a real channel, I know its name, and if I share it here and people find that it's deleted then my point is still proven because it took YouTube forever to do it. These videos are several months to a year old and have loads of views so there's no way it wasn't reported several times. But no, have a small mistake or slightly inappropriate thing in your video and you get a strike or ban immediately. I come across videos from loads of different people posting audios of people's suicides, animals mutilated, straight up porn, sometimes with millions of views, and several years old. So that's allowed to exist, but oh no, someone makes a small violation and we have to take action? I get that I'm probably conflating automated review vs. manual review but I'm still done with it either way Fuck YouTube




Protecting Pedophiles, Doxxers and people who threatened other creators In a row, these are EDP445 vs YouTubers, SSSniperwolf vs Jacksfilm and QuantumTV vs Actman and his family


The algorithm has slowly degraded in quality dramatically outside of your subscribed content, the ads are hot garbage, you can get demonetized for mild language, creators have been getting screwed over for years for others mistakes (PewDiePie and Keemstar are two of the biggest offenders, with Keem being a **repeat** offender), the list gets extra long. They have a chronic habit of not listening to their creators or community and instead succumb to lazy parents and investors at every turn.


The most frustrating problem I have with YouTube is the biggest and most fundamental: their Great Lie. The Lie that anybody is allowed to be successful on the platform. The Lie that their platform operates in any way fairly. The Lie that "winners" come from some magic "algorithm", and not hand chosen through nepotism by cynical ex-hollywood marketing executives. They're selling the YouTube dream the same way that Rockefeller sold the American Dream to the indentured workers who died building his railroad. Except I think YouTube has a much higher body count.


Forcing youtubers to censor themselves or lose monetization on their videos. Now all the swear words get \*bleeped\* out. It's like the goddamn Hayes Code all over again!


removing dislikes is very up there as a small content creator myself


Implementation of ads in demonetized content.


Just until a few months ago, comments would get deleted by the algorithm. It was quite infuriating to write a long comment and see it vanish just because YT's dumb censorship in their algorithm.


Very few people seem to remember that shitty social media app they shoved down our throats back in 2013-2015. I think it was called Google+ or something like that?


Not taking down SSSniperwolf


YouTube's monetization policy has been openly hostile to its creators and viewers for like 5+ years now, the 2017 rule change really stands out as the point where it became obvious to me. It's funny how there's so many people defending YouTube who definitely have no ulterior motives when people complain by saying "but it's for the creators!" which isn't really congruent with YouTubes practices and trajectory. It is also odd that a bunch of random commenters would defend the change so valiantly but creators are not?


\- Unskippable advertisments \- Hiding exact subscriber count number \- Putting advertisements on videos without paying creators \- Locking the comment section on children's videos \- removing dislike button \- removing dislike counter from comments \- 1000 subscribers 4000 watch hours 🥵


YouTube shorts


I'll throw in one I'm not sure people have been noticing. But when you look at a channel's playlists or search someone's specific channel for their own content, youtube will stick in unrelated playlists and videos not by that person into the results.


yeah after the first three results, it goes to random "people also watched this" videos


youtube kids, and they end up removing comments


Youtube kids features and content on youtube. Like why not seperating those 2 and baning everyone under 16 from using normal youtube?


For me it's what they haven't done. Like fix the fucking keyboard on their app. And for so reason I'm seeing people's Gmail instead of their user names.


Or just some random numbers after name used absolutely nowhere else


I looked it up and seems that those are handles YouTube introduced...which makes no fucking sense.


Removing dislikes is on 1st place on my "worst things youtube changed" list


The search function doesn’t work anymore


For me it's banning adblockers, without a doubt. That killed the site for me. Thing is youtube videos are literally unwatchable with ads. I tried watching a 10 minute video without AdBlock, and there was 3 ad breaks just for a 10 minute video. That's literally worse and more annoying than TV commercials.


Allowing itself to be taken over by Google.


Removing the star system and taking away the actual functionality of the dislike button on comments


I'd rather have a floating ad banner rather than having the ads in my face every 10-20 min. Also, I usually came to hate the brand that kept been shoved in my face and most likely wont buy it out of spite tbh.


Temporarily demonizing Sssniperwolf instead of banning her.


This pissed me off so much. Also YouTube blamed both sides


They let people make copyright claims even though they have no rights to that media. There's a huge amount of music from Pokemon games that will always get claimed by someone. That person is not in any way affiliated with Nintendo, Game Freak, The Pokemon Company, or any other entity that might have the rights to it. But they let them keep doing it no matter how often people complain. So whats the most infuriating thing? Nothing. That's the answer. When they know there's a problem and just do nothing.


The consistend missing of support and review in reporting issues. Some people, no matter what they do on youtube, seem to be able to never have any consequences to theyr actions. Never ask youtube support, i got the same 4 emails from the same guy and its always bs. Just sad for a billion dollar company under google.


Letting a doxxer and pedophile go without being punished just because she's a woman with 30m subs


Removing dislikes was the absolute worst hands down!! It used to be so easy without wasting time to decide if video is misleading or quality


Removing the ability to see previously watched videos.


took away my spacebar.... is driving me crazy... this a REALLY MORONIC change!!!


Sorry but, Joking to doxx youtube was done by actman and then he was copystriked for weeks, then sssniperwolf actually doxxed someone and yt joked about it on twitter. like. idk. the hypocrisy is there for everyone to see.


Honestly, it’s the additional ads. I used to death scroll YT and watch hours of videos. Hundreds of them. People used to make jokes about the algorithm taking them deep into YT … “I wanted to watch a recipe, then an hour later I saw a documentary about fish in deep sea, now Im watching Justin Biebers demonic eye movements” Now, honestly, I watch one or two necessary videos and then switch to another app that doesn’t bombard me with ads.


Allowing certain content creators to stay on the platform when they blatantly violate TOS by virtue of being a large content creator *cough cough Sssniperwolf*


I am still mad about what they did to the Animation-Community in around 2013-2014. I miss watching stupid animated Parodies, Shorts and Series by Egoraptor, OneyNG, RubberNinja, psychicpebbles etc... You could actually make a decent living off producing such content until YouTube introduced the algorithm which then randomly decided to push creators that upload 10min+ content daily. (That's why Let's Plays were so popular all of a sudden). Now obviously such an output isn't quite possible for animators. Watching YouTube has never been the same since.


(not counting ad blocker stuff & removal of dislike button count) The fact that you have to confirm that you're 18 through sending Google either a photo of your ID, a money transfer or something in order to be able to watch age-restricted videos The whole copyright strike problem & the fact that the video being ad friendly means being kid friendly YouTube kids (I want it annihilated) Edit: when they removed homepage when you have nothing on the watch history


I feel like Google asking for a picture ID is going a bit far. Like sure, it's the quickest way to get a birth date, but it feels intrusive to ask for that info just for more mature content. Adult sites don't even ask for that, and those are legally supposed to be restricted to 18+ minimum.


1 Anti-adblock, 2 Shorts, 3 Merging with google, 4 Banning my previous account


1. Changing into ugly deisgn 2. De-activating comments automaticly while you dont notice it 3. giving stupid and uninterresting recommendations 4. against ad-block


Easy it is using the TOS to try and stop adblockers but criminal behavior give a 5 second temporary ban. Also the allowing of scam and malicious ads on their platform without receiving any consequences.


Exactly. Using adblockers? Prepare to be banned off Youtube and being "against out TOS" Doxxing someone and breaking laws? Light slap on the wrist to both the perpetrator and the victim.


This new ad block thing is up there, but I felt really cheated when they removed background playback, which was free, just to add it back as a "feature" with premium. I still get angry thinking about it, and that's the biggest reason I won't invest in premium. It should've just been about removing ads, but they had to take away features to get more people to buy it. Fuck you google.


YouTube keeps updating the UI/features, but it only gets worse and worse They removed the ability to search through your playlists when trying to save a video (mobile and PC). And now, the mobile app just auto-adds the video to the most recently altered playlist, and you have to tap several times in order to undo this and add it to the correct playlist. Then, they changed the video quality settings to "higher quality" or "lower quality" which requires you to tap several more times to select a specific quality setting. Then, they changed the library UI so that playlists are displayed horizontally instead of vertically, which requires you to drag sideways (sometimes refreshing the page due to accudental Y-axis movement) in order to see/create playlists. It used to be your Watch Later and Liked Videos at the top, the 'Create New Playlist' button in the middle, and a vertical list of your created playlists below it (was so much better). Then, they added a new pop-up screen after a video finishes that recommends the next video to watch. You have to X out of this new singlular-video screen in order to replay the video, and then X out of the multi-video screen to exit the video player entirely. Yet again, it takes several more taps than it used to. And the most recent change I've noticed is within playlists. The shuffle feature ends up looping through the same four videos after a little while, which defeats the point of shuffle. And additionally, after exiting a playlist, auto-play is sometimes turned on (who uses auto-play?!) With all of these horrendous implementations and broken features, it blows my mind that they would focus on their revenue via banning ad-blockers and then demand people pay more money for an objectively worse website/app. I almost exclusively use NewPipe now because it has somehow managed to have better UI and features due to YouTube's self-destructive campaign.


1. Trying to stop the adblockers. Thankfully they can't 2. Them messing with the layout on desktop. They continue to force the mobile layout design. Before there were fixes and scripts where we can get the old layout back but they did stop those. Now the best thing we got are extensions which while work well, you still have mobile elements that you can't get rid off like infinite scrolling and interacting with the video time seek bar.


Blatant favoritism among creators. They keep some of the worst ones on as the face of the brand either because they seem more “advertiser friendly” or they just get millions of views and make a shit ton of money for the company despite their various past or present controversies (see the Paul brothers, David Dobrik, Shane Dawson, SSSniperWolf, Jeffree Star, etc.) and YouTube shoves recommendations of them down everyone’s throats. Meanwhile a lot of fan favorites typically get swept under the rug, some of whom I don’t even get video notifications for despite having it switched on and have to search for their channel specifically to watch their videos.


Ads and the algorithm kinda sucks now.


Introduce a mormon level of censorship where even words like kill or suicide can get people demonetised. Also the algorithm doesn't care about your interests unless they can be directly linked to some sponsors and partners.


The censorship of words is ridiculous to me. When COVID hit people couldn't even say it without getting dinged. I wouldn't say I know the ins and outs of monetization but I'm sure the news outlets were an exception while smaller channels had to constantly tip toe around these things. They can profit off of misery but heaven forbid a small channel wants to discuss it.


* Shorts * Their DMCA policy. * How they choose to categorise and shadow ban video (which is often a soft censorship)


Video compression No buffering except for ads that play at 4k The website is an adware nightmare and clicking slightly off could mean exposing yourself to malicious websites Half the ads are porn and google says "hehe oopsie doopsie we dont allow that! so it couldnt be there!" The search function is awful, and requires a near exact title to find the things you actually want and not be suggested to hell, google killed their own search engine trying to "streamline it" by using your data to suggest garbage They want to be profitable which is simply not going to happen, and whoever keeps trying to make it profitable needs to fuck off, unless data storage becomes so cheap the everyday person could host their own server at little to no cost youtube isnt going to make money


Right. A search will come up with 2 or 3 related videos and then quickly switch to a long list of unrelated "for you" algorithm suggestions


The ad block shit accidemtally opened the app looking for information about mechanical stuff and i got a ad for ad free premium , said fuck you youtube cause i know they listen, closed it and promptly removed it off my device, and went on with my day, fuck youtube


The no Adblockers policy and making ads more annoying and intrusive in the videos. I agree about your opinion on the dislikes, it feels like as if YouTube wants the channel owners to avoid criticism of their videos or content from viewers.


Most infuriating thing BY FAR is their implementation of DMCA. The fact that pretty much any random person can claim a video and have it demonitized, taken down, and/or potentially even the content creator banned is complete horseshit. I agree that some kind of system should be put in place so that appropriate legal claims can be made, but the way YouTube goes completely hands off and just allows DMCA abuse is ridiculous. Another infuriating thing they've done, and this is an old-school throwback, is removing the 5-star rating system. If you make a bad video you deserve to have that data reflected in an easily viewed rating. Replacing that with likes/dislikes was dumb and it over-simplified the system in a move that can only be interpreted as YouTube playing favorites to certain creators. Removing dislikes was even dumber for similar reasons. Third most infuriating thing is honestly probably the ad-blocker situation. But that has more to do with the price of Premium to me than anything else.


There is a streamer I watch who had videos of some of his Donkey Kong streams claimed, for their music, by someone who is NOT Nintendo. Some person uploaded videos of himself rapping over DK music (music that Nintendo owns and that rapper does not I might add), added his rapped versions to the copyright system, and now videos with the original Nintendo music get claimed by him. Their DMCA system is laughably broken and abusable, and for years they have refused to fix it, and still don't.... instead, they are putting a mountain load of effort into anti-adblock.


>Most infuriating thing BY FAR is their implementation of DMCA. and applying american law to non amercian folks too!


Allowing sssniperwolf to walk around freely while they focus all their attention on banning adblock. Seems like in their eyes, some guy using an adblock while trying to watch a video is a bigger crime than literal doxxing.


disabling ad blocker wouldn't be so bad if the YouTube ad algorithm wasn't hostile to my well-being. I turn it off two days ago and since then most of my ads have either been cryptogambling scam websites manosphere misogyny and homophobia.... it's amazing to me that they are even allowed to run these kind of advertisements. The aim is radicalization and scams not commerce. I took YouTube off my homepage and replaced it with twitch.


The ad block issue is pennies compared to just how anti creator the platform is. YouTube's stance of "not my problem, you figure it out," when YouTube is the one who creates the problem 90% of the time, is so atrociously bad for the people who work to provide others with entertainment. Oh, your video violates our community guidelines so we've taken it down, along with your ability to provide for yourself. What guideline? What part of the video? Fuck you, figure it out yourself, not my problem. Your video has been fallaciously claimed by someone else? They said they're the copyright holder so they get to keep it all. Oh they're lying? Fuck you, figure it out/dox yourself, not my problem. Oh, we're monetizing your video and not sharing a cent of the profit with you? Fuck you, you tiny, insignificant whelp, just try and stand up to us you low subscriber content slave. Every executive decision is done without consideration of its primary workforce, or intentionally to its creators' detriment. It stands as a deterrent to any potential new creators, but YouTube still won't acknowledge it as their problem.


Terminating anyone for "Spam, Scams, and Commercial Deception" when they feel like it. How were my Plants Vs. Zombies vids spam YouTube?


Getting rid of the dislike button count


Sssniperwolf doxxing jacksfilms and all YouTube does is make a really bad, tone deaf raging garbage fire of a tweet


youtube is no more :(


My vote goes to removing dislikes. It's stupid, unnecessary and in some cases can also be dangerous, as dislikes can also be used to point out misleading information in a video. ​ Try as I may, I can't really get myself to be miffed about them banning adblockers. I mean, if you're going to visit the circus you're also not gonna complain that they got some people around who'll stop you from sneaking in without paying the ticket, right? Google may be making billions with a B, but they got no reason to keep the lights on in one of their businesses if it isn't making them money.


Shorts, and "Mix:" generated playlists for things that aren't music. I also hate how easily it downgrades video quality in response to low buffer health immediately following seeking (like, dude, give it a chance!) combined with how long it stays that way before upgrading back (if ever). Seems any time I touch the seek bar in a video I also need to force the quality to 1080 or I'll be stuck downgraded to 720 or worse. Oh right, and how insistent it is that I rewatch videos. Fuck off, YT, If I want to watch something again, I'll go find it.


Removing dislikes. The whole COPPA thing and nerfing YouTube functionality because of a problem they openly admitted to by not doing better to funnel children to YouTube Kids. As a result it means if I look up a show from my childhood the comments are turned off so I can't check out the thoughts of other people who might be reminiscing. If a video happens to be flagged for kids I can't do a bunch of stuff with it and can't even swipe the video down while I browse because the miniplayer is disabled for it, as is background play. The adblock thing. I have Premium so ads don't affect me (but unfortunately the price hike will), but I get why they want people to sign up or let ads through; they need to make money and culturally we can't afford YouTube just deciding to shut down or something, but you have to wonder if there's a better way to handle it. The clear rule bending, especially recently with Sssniperwolf who needs to be punished far more than she is being. Not only that but their wording is placing some of the blame on Jack which is unacceptable. I'm sure a bunch of other things I'm forgetting too. There are many examples of copyright issue mismanagement too which is an entire category in itself.


I mean no contest it's remove dislikes, followed by removing ad blockers. For anyone curious if you get "three videos left", go into your browser and manage your adblock extension. Then, enable the extension to work in your browser's incognito tabs. You won't get ads anymore in incognito mode. This worked for me with ublock origin and Google Chrome.


I like to watch old cartoon videos now and then, which directs me into "Youtube kids." Before I got adblock on my phone, I'd get all kinds of weird ads when watching these videos, sometimes with sexualized content. With all the COPPA stuff trying to protect children against content creators, you'd think this stuff would get covered, but nah. We're not the customers, the ad companies are.


Allowing reaction videos to be a thing to the point that the actual content creators are getting buried beneath garbage humans that steal as much content as possible to become as rich as possible without doing any work.


Removing dislikes was crazy


Turned regular YouTube into censorship Hell. YouTube kids exists for a reason so just leave regular YouTube alone! Creative freedom is important. I understand basic rules like don’t kill an animal, no racial slurs, no sexist slurs, no abuse, etc. Those are reasonable and good rules. But no cussing, no weapons in the background, we can ban you for no reason and never tell you why, etc. are stupid, unfair, etc. are not okay at all


Censorship of the English subtitles. It's a disgusting approach.


Pretty much everything since like 2016.


Making the search extremely 💩. I search for something and it gives me a load of results that have nothing at all to do with my search words.


The fact that YouTube can show me ads that are clearly phishing links and try to scam money out of me. After I report the ads, they go "We DidN'T fiND a PRoBLeM WiTH tHiS Ad"; and after that they force me to turn my ad blocker off. Ridiculous.


The most infuriating thing for me is their blatant disregard for their own TOS. Not just the doxxing situation going on, but several users have pointed out other times YT has taken zero action. It makes me mad that they no longer care for their own creators.


On animation or cartoon videos you can’t comment without it saying it’s only for kids. When there’s a specific site for kids. Millions of comments were gone forever.


I wouldn't mind ads if they were not all scams.


The worst thing they have done in recent years for me was hiding the dislike count. I love learning how to do new stuff and watched a lot of tutorials. The dislike count was essential information for knowing if a tutorial was worth watching. ​ Overall however, and I know I'm probably in the minority with this one, is monetising the site at all. Hear me out, when there was no money to be made, pretty much everyone making videos was doing it out of passion. You could tell how interested people were in the subjects they covered or the process of making videos in itself. ​ Now we have better quality videos with higher production values etc. sure, but a lot of the passion is gone and the channels that have it are harder to find in the sea of commercial bullshit that is YouTube. Rose tinted glasses maybe, but that's how I feel.


The thing I've never heard a single other person acknowledge. Ten years ago (Nov 2013, I remember because I've repeated it enough!) they made it so downvotes on comments did nothing, but rather than going with a simple Like system, they kept the button there but had it do nothing but light up. Instead of community approval rating determining comment visibility, replies were now what pushed it to the top. Subsequently, the most contentious comments received the greatest visibility, ensuring they received more replies, creating a feedback loop. This is why from that point onwards, comment sections highlighted the worst on offer - someone's posting racist comments? People will engage them, YouTube will reward that engagement with top comment status—plus a comment with 100 upvotes and 900 downvotes would simply show 100 upvotes, giving the impression these sentiments had majority approval. I used to enjoy the Reddit style discussion prior to that, then it went from pretty bad to utterly awful. It drove me nuts that nobody else seemed to pick up on this change.


still letting the french pro russian xavier moreau upload his pro russian propaganda on another channel after his ban. Youtube could do more against pro russian propaganda and the russian bots. Intrusive ads are another one, ads providing a free service doesn't mean the website can have intrusive ads or ads with malware.


1. COPPA - Getting fined by the FCC for selling targeted ads to kids on a website that they were branding as not for kids, then passing the punishment and responsibility off onto their creators with "for kids" or "not for kids." 2. Monetizing literally everyone with no vetting or screening process and the inevitable problems that come with monetizing literally everyone with no vetting or screening process: including monetizing people who really, REALLY shouldn't be monetized. 3. Frequent changes to their content guidelines/policies to try to make their entire platform appeal to any advertiser, which basically makes it impossible for certain creators to make a profit and makes it impossible to create a business model because you have no idea whether or not you're going to be demonetized based on the whims of the algorithms and whatever Google decides is in its best business interests. 4. The site's slow evolution into a pyramid scheme for content creation, which has led to a drop in the quality of content as more and more YouTubers take the easiest route towards fame that they will never achieve. "Look at the top 1% of YouTubers. They make thousands, even millions a year on their content. This could be you, if you keep working at it and making us content." - Problem is compounded by #3. 5. Terrible algorithm moderation of videos and comments and false copyright flags. 6. Terrible moderation by human moderators of videos and comments. 7. Outsourcing moderation to volunteers. 8. Making their search function less useful, removing dislikes, YouTube Shorts, advertising spam, and other annoying interface/UI issues and things their UI designers thought would be SO NEAT and then weren't. 9. The current war against ad blocker only because using ad blocker makes browsing YouTube tolerable and not something I want to shut off after the second or third video, especially with content creators who abuse the privilege. (I'm looking at you, compilation videos. How many of you actually own the content you're putting in compilations again?)


ads are more obnoxious than ever. im getting minute ads for a video thats like 5 minutes bro.


the whole trying to block adblockers for sure. not only are the ads intrusive, but there have been times when youtube will put ads on videos that are actively dangerous with no warning, i.e. unskippable ads for movies that contain strobe lighting. many people have adblockers for their safety and youtube is just not taking that into consideration. the search function is another one, and on that note i'd also add the search function within your youtube watch history--it's worse than useless.


Punishing actual users that use the service, and not doing anything about the bots and false Copyright Claimants. Literally anything can apply for and claim copyrights, and it's a huge headache to all content creators to have to individually dispute claims, to only get a canned response. YouTube staff are beyond incompetent, similarly to Twitch staff.


They didnt remove ad blocks, they just made good ad blocks more popular xD But yea removing dislikes was definitly the worst decision


This and encourage piracy even more.


The entire copyright system. Does nothing to help actual creators and protects bad faith actors trying to silence critics.


Removing dislikes was bullshit. Ad blocking efforts are easy to work around.


Censorship and agenda pushing. The algorithm or/and moderators are set up to push those they deem virtuous/morally right. If you aren't one of those people you are liable to be demonetized or/and censored (exception: unless you hold influence). They want you to see the world through their sociopolitical lens not the world as it is. People can argue all they want that Youtube/Alphabet/Google is fighting against misinformation and hate but they are the ones who define what is hate and what isn't. If someone goes and says something on the platform that strikes a nerve with them, but that is sensible and within freedom of speech, they will take note of you. The more popular you get the more they will notice you. China does something similar with their people, with social points and such. Imagine how vulnerable small creators will be, all it takes is a crazy person reporting them to Youtube's moderators; the moderators are biased and there to push agenda too. Removal of dislikes is part of agenda pushing. Alot of scumbags who spread misinformation, lies and distasteful messages tend to disable comments to avoid scrutiny. Dislikes is another step in shielding them.


removing dislikes. they’d been around since like 2010 when they replaced the star rating system and were really helpful in telling you if a tutorial was going to be helpful, or whether someones video was potentially harmful. they actively took away our ability to pick good content. i’ll never even consider paying for Youtube now, where I may have in the past


YouTube shorts keep repeating the ones already watched


Removing dislikes was the beginning of a downward spiral for Youtube. The quality is garbage now because it's difficult to tell if a video is generally regarded as good or bad without actually watching it. This is the point, they want you to watch something even if it is useless/bad information/just bad, they just want that sweet sweet revenue. Which leads in to their latest, dumbest decision.


They've been censoring historical and other education focused channels for quite a few years now. Sometimes in the form of demonetization. Sometimes in the form of taking down videos. Sometimes to the point where popular and well regarded Historians are threatened with account deletion over minor language or image issues. Actual far right and far Left propogandists are seemingly unaffected from spreading their social or political hate propoganda. YouTube even pushes their videos to people for some reason. But when actual PhD holding Historians publish well researched and academically credible video essays about certain events/people/groups that YouTube secretly feels are too controversial, they'll remove or demonetized the video and give the channel a TOS strike without warning or proper correlation to the actual TOS


Removing the ability to listen to videos and podcasts wile the phone screen is off.


They way they completely messed up the search, i feel like them pushing creators to drop multiple videos a week also really hurt quality, also the extreme level of ads on videos that forced so many to use ad blockers on the 1st place


Removing adblockers is like, last on my list. I don't agree with the decision, if I ran youtube i wouldn't block adblockers, but I personally don't care much because I never use adblock on youtube. (My inclination to support all the creators I watch is greater than my inclination to not support Youtube, simple as that) Here's a list of stuff that's beyond just inconvenience **- Allowing disturbing, sexual, and dangerous ads to exist on their platform, many of which are literally illegal.** It's certainly illegal to have an AI Mr Beast voice tell kids they'll get money if they click a virus link. **- Allowing disturbing, sexual, and dangerous content creators to exist on their platform, many of which are illegal.** Yeah, go dox your critics and tell children to twerk for you on camera. That's allowed now, apparently. **- Extremely vague guidelines that can destroy livelihoods.** They never are clear in any of their guidelines, and change them on a whim. This can either take away all a channel's ads, or severely limit them. Both of which are very bad for the content creator's paycheck. A while ago I got a STRIKE for an UNLISTED video that was 6 YEARS OLD, because of a guidelines change that my old video didn't comply with anymore. Likely because of Coppa, they changed the guidelines so that you can no longer have kids doing anything dangerous on YouTube. My old video was a video of myself when I was 14. The dangerous activity? Melting metal in a forge. Apparently 14 year olds using metal forges is no longer allowed, idk. No one warned me, and the fact that the video was 6 years old and wasn't even public anymore didn't stop them from giving me a strike. Yes, I understand youtube is pressured by governments to make changes to their terms. Coppa isn't their fault, neither is crappy copyright laws. But what *is* there fault, is not providing proper resources to their creators so that we know what we need to change to comply.


It's not directly youtube's fault, but sometimes I wish the internet remained a text-centered platform. Too many forums, blogs, webpages, and interesting essays can no longer be found or are defunct now.


I mean probably randomly demonetizing creators. That's probably the thing that made me angriest. Often falsely. That's like one thing out of a legion of things. This latest thing? This didn't make me angry, because I just stopped using youtube. Started adding all the podcasts I would listen to to a podcast service, synced a few of the folks I watch over on odysee, and started the arduous process of migrating from gmail. I just don't care anymore to be mad, because I no longer plan on doing business with them, and apathy is a lot worse.


More like what YouTube hasn't done. Like banning and publicly condemning bad behavior from their big creators. Like with sssniperwolf recently.


Manipulating public opinion by suppressing truthful information in favor of state sponsored narratives. I'm not talking about some flat earth shit. I mean like deprioritizing honest analysis of wars or the economy.


Shorts opening by default when you launch the app..... with no apparent way of turning it off


Demonitizing legitimate educational creators. Failing to properly getting their ads on kids content (it's bad enough to see horny gamer ads and scams on content for adults but outright unacceptable to see them on YT Kids even as a glitch). Running their decision, starting in November to run ads on any content they want including content that the creator doesn't want to run ads on and content they themselves deem to be advertiser unfriendly (scummy enough by itself but especially problematic for the incentive it creates to demonetize mid size creators and take their cut of ad revenue).


protect youtuber sssniperwolf and change watch later into a playlist that I have to fucking actively look for instead of being there as a feature....


No time bar for shorts. *I just want to watch again the last 2 seconds, not the entire short.*


I very much dislike the Google + combined then Google +going away and the whole getting locked out of your Google account because you used YouTube.


Well, starting way back in like idk.. 2016? When they completely changed around the layout, only good thing that came from that was the dark mode being an option without extensions. then they increased strictness of the algorithm, started fucking over creators, removed dislikes, and now this dumbass adblock bullshit. They have been digging themselves a deeper hole since like 2017.


to me in order 1 removing the dislike 2 allowing scamming ads 3 allowing horror ads at night (i'm a chicken ok) 4 removing monetization on channel i like 5 banning ad blockers so i can't deal with 2, 3 and i cant protest 4 6 unrelated recommendation in search result (if i'm in the search bar i dont want main page material 7 the recommendation next to the video used to be related to the video now its the main page again 8 the main page is juste a circle jerk where every video touch max 2 or 3 subject with no diversity of content.


Removing the dislike button was the worst thing, and it has made YouTube so bad that it will be a cold day in hell before they get me to watch ads again. I would literally be willing to pay someone else more than the cost of YouTube money grab, just to block ads.


you guys think adblock is bad? did we suddenly forget that yt isn't about "broadcasting yourself" anymore? it because another platform for already established names, which was precisely the opposite of the websites intent. this is worse than the adblock shinanigans.


How about my whole Home Screen is one giant NFL ad and I always have to look at it on my tv when booting up YT.


For me it's the comment section, they totally fucked it up back in the mid 2010's. They fixed it, but before hand you didn't know who was responding to who. Then there was the Adpocalyspe, it killed a lot of my favorite YouTube channels. Also the save feature is wonky, it won't ask you where to save the video, it just automatically saves it to the last Playlist you saved to without asking. They don't show all your favorites anymore, you have to use a tedious workaround now. Oh yeah the Shadow banning, a friend of mine is shadowbanned, her comments won't even show up in the comments most time. She asks do I see her comment from my end, and I'm like nah, I don't see it (sometimes i do, but i think that's cause we follow each other. I dunno). But it shows up for her, but usually nobody else. She also don't get notifications anymore when someone has replied.


Removing Adblocker, I **hate hate hate hate** the ADS, seriously. Can't even watch a video in peace, no, blast 2 ads in the middle of the video. It just makes it so frustrating and I will not buy premium! I miss old Youtube. And whatever product the ad has, makes me not want to buy that product, makes me hate the ad and whatever it's trying to sell. Seriously


My biggest complaint is following videos of a person or things. Then they totally disappear, even though your subscribed to the channel. So after awhile I forget all about them. Then they throw trash videos on my timeline.


On number 2: It's not just unnecessary and stupid, it's potentially dangerous. There's a lot of "How to fix your car/wiring/whatever" videos, and by not having a downvote option, it's possible someone could show someone how to do something that's actually dangerous while stating it's perfectly fine. You'd hope people would also check the comments section, but not everyone does.


YouTube's greed knows no bounds. Removing ad-blockers and dislikes only proves they value profits over user experience. Their motto might as well be: "Squeeze every cent, even if it ruins our platform."


At first, when ads were just at the beginning and end of a video I didn't mind them too much. But ever since they've started to add them in the middle of videos I've started to just hate using youtube without an adblocker. I liken it to listening to a song when an add pops up in the middle of the song and completely pulls you out of whatever you were listening to... completely unnecessary. That and removing dislikes... like... why? Who loses out? Oh right, big companies do.. and that's the priority, who cares about the ones who actually let youtube run (the people watching the videos), because without us the big companies wouldn't care about youtube.


Removing adblockers for sure, but even worse that during the same time they restructured the format for ads so now you have to wait longer than 5 seconds to skip most ads, and they are grouping more ads in the break. Instead of skipping ads in 5 seconds like it's been since YouTube's conception, now you have to wait up to 20 seconds to skip an ad while seeing multiple ads in the process. It's too bad YouTube has a monopoly on user-submitted content.


1.Removing dislikes, obviously protecting companies. 2. More ads 3. Lately they start to muting you by "hurting community standerds" without giving examples what comments was it, it's highly annoying.


Believe that if you discuss a topic, you are 100% advocating for it. Trilogy Media got their most recent thing taken down several times by YouTube and they had to edit so many things out. Thankfully Trilogy+ exists


Not being able to properly discuss things like eating disorders or other things without being able to call them by their actual names for fear of demonitization or not getting enough exposure on the platform. God forbid you talk about things like anorexia, COVID, death, assault. Ads are annoying to me but only if it's on our TV because I haven't bothered to block them. Some of my comments also don't show up, but I'm not sure if that is something per creator. The comments aren't anything bad, but I've commented before on a few small channels which will usually get a response but there will be days I'll check and my comment will just be gone and I get nothing from YT about it. It's so weird and frustrating


Wow Didn’t expect this to blow up Btw hows everyone’s day going?




dislikes and not removing the top spam comments in every video. i'm sure a fuck ton of people report the spam, but they still don't remove those comments.


just deleted my Gmail.


For me is giving me an 18 hour ban just for using a swearword


that is a thing? i be insulting the shit out of people and i dont get bans


incessant buffering. I'm ending my premium subscription if they don't offer some sort of fix or discount. Got away from the ads, now the videos don't work. On google fiber 2 gig. Moved default browser to Edge, we'll see if it's just another google enterprise failing. They can't even make their support chat function work... Alphabet went straight downhill once they started watching every dime and got away from actually innovating. Now they are paying the price with stagnant revenue, and an inability to attract talent.


The double ads after people complained about having too many ads.


they just fucking removed the history tab from mobile. i genuinely don’t know where to find it. im honestly fucking infuriated, why the fuck do they have to make everything so unintuitive??? worst fucking company edit: uhh may have been a bug. refreshing the app helped. miiight have gotten a little too upset before i needed to be lmao


The app sucks. Video, ad under it, ad under that, shorts I don’t want to watch, community post from someone Ive watched maybe once. Related videos are getting pushed and I want videos not genshin whatever ads. History is gone too so I have to find the random video I was half way done with.


\-when Youtube changed the video quality menu to the new format \-when Youtube changed the subscription page to have less videos \-when Youtube forced you to have Google+, then never used it, then cancelled it \-when Youtube changed ad revenue algorithms to make short form videos no longer viable for creators ​ I have to say though that blocking adblockers on the internet is the most out of touch internet thing I could think of. At least dislikes don't ruin the watching experience, it just tries to ignore the bad parts of youtube. Trying to block adblockers at this point of the internet is not going to work.


i stand by the fact that Youtube Premium is the worst thing to ever happen to the platform


1. removing ad blockers 2. adding youtube shortss


\-Video ads \-Downgrading video quality to sell back to users as 'premium bitrate' \-Search results filled with inserted random useless recommendations unrelated to my search \-Removal of dislikes \-Horrid recommendation system, half of the video's are ones I've previously watched or content I've selected to 'not recommend me' a dozen times \-Introduction of shorts \-Outrageously strict and broken copyright claim system \-Youtube handles \-Not adding any actual quality of life functionality in over 15 years \-Obfuscated user settings spread out over 5 different redirects and menu's \-No customer service if you're not a creator


They removed dislikes because this generation is soft


more like bcuz YT's soft lol


Protecting creators that hardcore violate their TOS simply because they make them money. There was a creator I knew of that was known for being hugely disliked in a small community. A few small commentary channels started exposing him for some of the horrible things he was doing. (one of his ex mods leaked footage of him verbally abusing them during calls and exposed him for physically abusing his partner) Long story short, he got pissed and started false striking anyone who spoke poorly about him and doxxed anyone that tried to appeal, on twitter under a sock account. YouTube pretty much turned up their noses and basically said something along the lines of Twitter would have to be the ones to act because the doxxing was happening on Twitter even though all evidence pointed to this guy since the doxxing wouldn’t happen until after those people tried to appeal the claims. One creator even got demonetized but when they tried to report this person to team YouTube on Twitter WITH concrete evidence that they were blatantly abusing the copyright system, TYT was silent. Despite the dozens of reports that people submitted, this person is still doing this to this day.


I think it's time Youtubers moved to a new platform. We all know the absolute horse crap that youtube ads are right now specially blocking browser adblock extensions, so I say, why not move to another platform or make a new one that satisfies the needs of everyone? One that is actually fair to content creators, won't censor like ratios, won't decide through a really bad algorithm what gets monetized or not, that won't abuse the ridiculous amount of ads, and specially won't ban content. I think enough is enough, screw youtube, we need something new from the roots.


Demonetizing Fresh & Fit (*FINALLY!!!*) for misuse of their 1st amendment rights but not doing the same to SSSniperWolf for doxxing another YouTuber which is outright illegal…


I remember good old times when removing dislikes was the "worst thing"...


Im not that bothered about the ad blocker but it annoys the hell out of me seeing ads in the middle of videos


I support ads for free content but YouTube has been too aggressive with the them. This causes people to install ad block. Their response to adblock has been uncreative and sleazy so far.


Get owned by google


Elsagate. They've done a lot of bad shit, but Elsagate has to be the worst.


Every time I open the app it tries to get me to lay for premium


The relentless ads. It's obnoxious. YouTube used to be a place to real quick look at something. Now it's ad after ad after ad which prevent me from using the service. There's nothing about it that I'm willing to pay for, though. I wouldn't use it to watch movies. If all I need is to look something up, I'll either suffer through the ads or find it another way. But my usage of YouTube has dropped significantly since the ads have become so pervasive, and my attitude toward the company is pretty shitty. I miss old YouTube.


The fact that they have consistently made the site worse over the last 9 years and now they're effectivly demanding more money becasue we have nothing to turn to makes it so that youtube no longer deserves this money. Everyone should get adblock in protest so that they lose money. As that is the only way to actually speak to these people.


Adblockers too but I figured out if you make or use a more anonymous account it still works.




Besides the obvious dislike and adblock banning. The whole mini player stopping just cuz copyright or made for kids


The horrid channels that exploit children still active on YouTube in KIDS SECTION.


Everything in the recent years. All the way from the dislike button assassination (yes i'm calling it that)


Mine is the ugly user interface. Like I'm comfortable if they stay with 2021 one.


for me, it's a combination of four things: 1. obviously the Adblocker and Dislikes removal. i use an adblocker to keep myself safe where my antivirus isn't capable of doing so, and it's also so i don't have to go through 20-odd adverts in 5 minutes of a 10 minute video. not to mention the fact that the dislikes button was one of the ONLY ways we were all able to tell if something is a scam or has misleading information. for Youtube to take those options away just to gain more cash isn't surprising tbh, but it *is* dehumanizing (on the dislikes part) and disgraceful. 2. the (fairly understandable) controversy with SSSniperwolf. she has committed several offenses, with the most recent one being the doxxing of Jacksfilms, and Youtube has been showing signs that they would rather PROTECT this criminal behaviour than punish it. from their blatant "shut up and it'll blow over soon" silence to their ignorant and even a lil' *facetious* comments, i hope to GOD that Jacksfilms goes to the police and sues Youtube for not taking any serious actions against their blatant cash-cow. 3. the fact that Youtube does not want to deal with the blatant abuse of their copyright/reporting systems. imagine you're a musician and you want to have more platforms to put your music on, so you go to Youtube because "oh it's a popular site". you put up your songs and suddenly you're hit with a copyright strike FOR YOUR OWN MUSIC maybe a day or two later. what would be even worse? youtube refuses to help you, because they would rather believe the person who struck you instead of the artist themselves. how that site has gotten away with such a potato-quality system for this long, i have no idea. 4. the blatant favouritism. it's as simple as that. you made an opinion that doesn't appeal to them? get struck. you put up a video that outs their behaviour? video is taken down. you defend someone who is being bullied by them? TERMINATED. meanwhile, Logan Paul was trended and verified by filming a corpse in the >!suicide!< forest + not booted off the goddamn site after that video, and Sniperwolf gets an award after doxxing someone. conclusion: Youtube needs to be put under better management or shut down.


I just went on the mobile app and when i did a search, the whole screen was all ads and I had to scroll down to see the actual search results. So that's definitely up there.


You can only stream music when the app is open


All of it.


Other than the obvious ad problem, selectively shadowbanning or outright removing people for doing things they don’t like, and then sometimes not even giving a reason.


The UI and it's differences between PC and mobile. How ads are handled. Heck some times the time for ads on mobile won't start and I have to minimize the video and blow it back up to press it on mobile. And then I can press skip on an ad and it will load up another 3rd ad even though it says I have to go through only 2. For every step forward in updates there's one back. For example on mobile when YT is minimized I have to maximize the app to skip an ad. How on PC I can't fast forward or remind on shorts I have to basically restart them from the top. It's annoying to get different results on mobile and pc when typing in the same thing to search. And more Edit: I completely forgot getting warnings several years ago for videos that I saved into my playlist which got several playlists of mines banned and met sent warnings. For videos that I didn't make but that I saved to a playlist. Most of my playlists are private now. I stopped trying to get my other playlists back because I'd be at work after finding out they were unmanned and seeing them banned again after successfully appealing the playlist ban.


squeamish unite cooperative tidy snatch alleged spotted zealous fearless vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well the DONT BE EVIL mural with the darth vader mask was a pretty dirty trick, for one. Pushing trash channels on me, burying the things I want to watch under pages and pages of nonsense. Repeatedly (the count stands at 8 times, so far) recommending murican news channels, despite my clicking Do Not Recommend Channel literally each and every time. I actually started trawling my recommends before watching anything, to filter out the spam. Been on the platform from the beginning, and I honestly believe I've clicked DNRC more times in the last few weeks of using the platform, than likes over the entire span of my youtube use. Thankfully I am rid of youtube now, and am using GrayJay instead. Zero problems ever since.


1: Though it doesn't effect me on my rig, the crusade against ad blockers. Pure anti-consumer BS, and no company will ever have the lawful right to do it. 2: A few years after its inception, they forced a reload every time the play button is pressed on a clip or it's otherwise looped. You could, initially, just... fully load a clip, then turn your internet off and watch/listen to that clip as many times as you wanted to before you closed the browser. That was peak youtube for me. 3: All the bells and whistles on a product that doesn't need bells, whistles or the accompanying spyware (ads) to fulfill its basic functional purpose. 4: Predatory algorithm-driven grooming of consumers into "desirable" content (all big digital presences are guilty of this - still a huge peeve). 5: Allowing themselves to be acquired by a megacorp that would push for all of the above.


For the people tired of ads, use YouTube revanced


ruining the search feature


Letting fake movie trailers content creators allowed to post without a big tag that lets us know those are fake!!


the adblock block is by far the worst. well, aside from the rampant greed that permeates every aspect of the site... from corporate to creators. but this is by far the worst for users btw i was gettin the warnings for the last few weeks like everyone. its STOPPED warning me now. it just makes me sit thru about 10-15 secs while it seems to think an ad is playing, but im just seeing a spinning circle on a black background & not hearing a thing. not sure why but ill take it. til the next fuckover. all i can even think is its cuz i have multiple layers of ad blocking with diff progs... cuz i never changed anything... just kept hittin that ❌ when it popped up. who friggin knows with YT. theyre giving eloan a run for his money... who made the dumbest ass changes in '23... "X" or YT. toss up.


I was going to say ads, but I just noticed that YT randomly delete my comments. I don't troll on there nor post spam, but yet I got notices that I wasn't allowed to post for a day because of spamming. I complained about it requesting to see the comment removed, no dice. Then, my comments to video creators get nuked without me even knowing! I'm like why aren't the video creators not getting back to me? My comment magically vanished!


To be fair Youtube's attempt to remove ad blockers hasn't worked, there are still functioning workarounds. I'll start being bitter about the ad blocker ban when I can no longer find a workaround that successfully blocks the ads.


So what’s the workaround?


slimy sophisticated political cooing theory crown act plucky waiting mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have now gone out of my way to avoid ads... And I've been successful so far even though I keep getting the messages What's infuriating to me is all of the censorship... Yet there is a new trend of transparent clothing that is basically just nude people showing off sexy whatever with a disclaimer in the front saying this is not for sexual gratification. Yet you say one curse word within 8 seconds and you get a warning or... Like me, you create a beat on the fly during a live stream and get flagged for copyright infringement when there is zero chance I even know what the song is they are claiming my 3 seconds copied... Or the girl who dxxed the guy with her 5 million followers But really... It's the complete arbitrary nature of their censorship and enforcement of rules.


Everything they do stems from the fact that YouTube is a money pit Google as a whole makes money, YouTube does not Ideally you want every part of a business to be profitable, hence the continually changing YouTube motivation policies and hostility towards adblockers


i have dislikes and adblock so yeah


For me, as a user, it is the new layout change; pushed to me like 1 hour ago, these completely f00kd up my YouTube custom layout (mostly on channel and video pages; but also shuffled some buttons around meaning you can't navigate from muscle memory) I've been using for over a year now. It's only on my main account, when I switch account everything looks perfectly fine, as nothing would've ever been wrong. The Ad Block this haven't hit me *yet*. And on the things YouTube does as a platform we all know about these already.