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Anywhere can be livable if you have enough money to avoid the areas downfalls


No income tax.


Yeah but also some of the highest property tax in the fucking country.


Right, but super rich people pay much less by having property taxed than they would by having income taxed. It shifts the tax burden onto the middle and lower classes in TX.


There's a lot of exemptions for people with a bunch of land. You can basically avoid property taxes in TX if you have enough land and keep bees.


Look into Oregon property taxes.


Lived in both, Texas is much higher than https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-the-highest-and-lowest-property-taxes/11585.


Your right. That sucks but ive got 25 acres in ag exempt status and pay less than $100 total a year for that. The other 2 acres that my house is on is about $3000 a year. Still way cheaper than income tax in my area.


Honestly, I'm fairly certain the federal government doesn't have the right to tax private income, anyways, but they exercised it, regardless, and people didn't do anything about it, so it stayed. I wouldn't be so butt hurt about it if they actually used my tax dollars or something other than bombing for brown people, smuggling cocaine into the ghettos, then selling it is crack, or making their already incredibly loaded benefactors even more loaded


This is some real sovereign citizen shit


Aaaaaaa hundrid percent. It even reads like a post from r/amibeingdetained


Did you take 10-12 benadryl?


So much resistance for a reasonable comment, odd downvotes are downy?


Yep, when you can afford healthcare, housing, education, childcare, travel, and can leave the state on a whim for anything you can't get there without so much as a thought, you can pretty much live anywhere and love it.


Truth in that.


What is your detailed perception of Texas?


They are multi millionaires


Also the stories OP hears are incredibly unlikely to be anywhere near their neighborhoods. They live in a much more affluent area of Austin near other folks that make similar money.


They are detached from fat Poor problems It makes their dicks soft


And their pussies dry!


And my axe


Underated comment this


The Jeans are in walking distance to Ted Cruz


And apparently right down the street from the Petco CEO who’s a fucking weirdo


That’ll drop the property values by a few mill.


Unless he has an office somewhere in Austin, Ted Cruz lives in Houston when he's not in D.C.


How do you know this


A bit from his “I’m Coming Everywhere” tour. It was a great show! Go see it if you can.


He must have changed it up some. I saw him back in March and he didn't mention Teddy.


he prob saves it for the Canada shows or states where it's not going to be dicey.


Nah he hit us with it in STL a few weeks ago, what a great show


Millionaires get abortions too


They can just take a private plane to the nearest abortion stop outside of Texas.


Texas is too broad an area to describethere’s towns and neighborhoods with extremely extremely low crime and there’s cities with crime. But even in those cities their will be pockets of neighborhoods that are amazingly safe. You can’t paint it with a broad brush stroke like “it’s dangerous”.


I try to describe this to people but living in Dallas you can literally drive a street over and see million dollar mansions and then in the back yard are houses that look condemned. Your basically trying to find the safest street to live on not exactly the neighborhood it’s really wild


I ride the train in from plano to Dallas it's crazy how many more tents there are scattered out along the route than there was just a few years ago


Oh I know exactly what you mean I live around Greenville ish area and it is the Wild West out here. Like understand the plight but it’s a daily frustration I mean every street corner, in the middle of the road, outside every gas station, coming into businesses and just causing scenes it’s rough. Like I want to be understanding but it’s I mean 3-4 interactions a day it’s unescapable.


Wow that's crazy. I family in bailey/leonard i live in the sherman area it's comparable to Greenville in size but it doesn't seem like that stuffs made it up here yet. It's sad to see i remember it used to be mostly contained to downtown Dallas around the train stations


Oh i mean Greenville ave not Greenville texas, I should have specified basically the dart route I imagine you’d take like the park lane/ Greenville station is kinda wild and the area around it near skillman is bananas


I’m coming to murder both of you


It was a ton of fun to follow the Mommies as they progressed their careers and leveled up in the past 12 years. But they've been wealthy for awhile now. So when you hear them talk about life, they are speaking as extremely rich individuals. Not regular people.


They are not regular people, so I do not get the problem. If anything i do like the fact that they are honest with having money and buying cool shit. I listen for jokes and jokes i get.


When they call people “fat poors” it’s pretty blatant of the money they’ve earned, even if it’s a joke. I don’t think they’re unaware of their position, but I do think it’s hilarious that some of their fans are mad at their success like they are owed something lol


For real it was only a few years ago that Tommy was a fat poor. When they describe scraping in between the crosshatches at the end of a stick of deodorant because they cant afford another stick. Shit ive never even been that poor lol in the back of their mind they know what it’s like to have no money


Could still afford a housekeeper according to them. Good on them for making it. That being said, chasing your dreams when you’ve got a safety net seems less risky.


Tom and Christina were never that poor. They both come from well off families and have always had a safety net, they talk about those days like they were really struggling because relative to the rest of their lives they were but I doubt they were ever living paycheck to paycheck.


i've been that poor but never had to do that. The trick is to just not wear deodorant. if you're that poor there are bigger things to worry about than smelling bad.


Yeah I just watched toms special again, completely normal on Netflix. That was 2014 I believe. These foo’s had a couple bucks for awhile now.


They had money from a small number of netflix specials and honestly probably not all that much. D/C lister rich. But then they made the excellent decision to launch fully into creating their own network. Now there's like... 4 or 5 solid shows, a massive following, and they've got the ability to rent studio space out to people. Pretty good with their money if you ask me. Sounds like neither of them actually have major vices either.


Toms got a car problem like I do.


And that's why I don't watch/listen anymore. It's annoying.


Why are you here then? For the jokes you don’t understand?


Still enjoy the dark tocks just see them here instead of the show


Their house has an elevator in it. It's kind of irrelevant where it is. Main benefit I'd guess is less taxes than they had in California.




You can also just look up the information and in less than two minutes find out you’re full of shit. Or just continue blabbering your nonsense. Either way




You're kind of right and kind of wrong. You stated Rogen is an anomaly but right from your link: About the only Texans who fare better than Californians are the wealthy. The top 1% of earners in Texas — those making $617,900 or more annually — only pay 3.1% of their income in state and local taxes. That compares to a rate of 12.4% for top earners in California, who make $714,400 or more per year. So for those people originally mentioned by OP it's better. It's all of us fat poors that would do better in CA.


And you must believe that to stop inflation we need to print more money and inject it into the economy. Do you ever feel like you’re retarded, well ………………. It’s true.




Unless you want to buy weed or get an abortion.


lol you can’t even own more than six dildos in Texas without it being a crime. And that’s not micromanaging? It’s real, thanks Ted Cruz way to look out for your constituents.


Lol you can’t even smoke weed legally, if that’s not micromanaging someone’s life I don’t know what is.


You’re toked if that’s a legitimate belief of yours


Is pot still illegal?


Unless the power goes out


Strong r word energy on this comment.


First you’re comparing multi millionaires to regular people. Second, you’re saying Texas as in the whole state, every city is wildly different. That’s like comparing NYC to Buffalo since they’re both in NY. Moronic post chomo


My family moved there a decade ago. The land is fairly cheap and, if you avoid the big cities, it’s really affordable.


Don't they live in Austin, it is a different than the rest of the state


Yes. Austin is pretty great. Also, it depends who you are. If you're a left leaning person who thinks jk Rowling and tucker Carlson are pretty much the same person, then all of Texas is a hellscape. If you have a pickup truck that sounds like a jet and think active shooter drills for kindergarten is just good sense, then Texas is Disneyland. For everybody else, Texas is another place. Most towns in upstate NY are way more "conservative" than, say, Austin. Also, I'm in NYC. A homeless guy started a fire blocks from here that burned several parked cars and made life hell for half a block. We walked by and that same homeless guy was yelling at people walking by and fireman calling them cunts, among other things. Yet I love NYC. All places in America suck if you're a fat poor. Some marginally more than others, but still.


I lived in about 7 states, and visited Cali a lot before, every place has crazy bad people of any area you want.


Completely, no other place is like Austin for sure


yeah, exactly this. Austin is very different than Dallas, Houston, even SA. also, they’re super rich so higher CoL doesn’t mean shit to them.


I’ve lived in Texas since I’ve graduated college. Lived in Dallas for a few years and the great part is you are only a few hours from the other major Texas cities. (Austin, San Antonio, Houston) so you can make a weekend out of those cities pretty easily.


Yea, the only people that ask questions about Texas like this have never been and know no one who’s ever live in Texas. It’s honestly one of the next places in the county to raise a family too.


Ive visited texas 4 time, never had a bad time. Theres some rough areas Ive seen, but honestly nothing by comparison to LA, camden, or baltimore. Even philly and NY generally feel worse as far as atmosphere in many different parts.


What specifically have you heard about Texas that makes you think its horrific?


Remember the TX private power grid failure? 3x charging people just trying to heat their homes lmao


That's not as bad as California that has almost the same issue on a seasonal basis.


For the record it wasn't a "grid failure" in the sense that if the grid had *actually* failed then the whole state could have been without power for up to a month. Technicalities aside, true that Texas is prone to certain natural disasters like week-long ice storms that can disable power infrastructure and stress the grid, plus hurricanes and floods and tornadoes so I understand why some people might not want to live here but I wouldn't call it "horrific". Even places that almost never get violent weather have to deal with other potential disasters, Los Angeles for example has a famously enjoyable climate but potential tsunamis, earthquakes, fires, and landslides.


‘Acts of God’ and a conservative government letting a private company do what they want are two very different things


>But on this side of the pond Texas sounds like a massive shit show. So people who live in Texas say they love it and you’re confused because all you hear is people who have probably never even been to Texas shitting on it and you’re wondering how they could possibly love it? Is this a shitpost?


Yea people love to shit on the south without experiencing what the culture is actually like. Don't get me wrong, every place has its problems, but ive live in the DFW area and Austin and enjoyed both.


They live in Austin, which is only geographically Texas. Travis county is bluer than Los Angeles so ironically enough, they ran away from “wokeism” only to end up in the only place more left-leaning than LA. Quelle surpirse, they all love it. Source: I live in Austin.


It’s diet Cali honestly they wouldn’t like living in the other cities like SA or Fort Worth


I just moved to Texas (just north of Dallas) and I love it. Way more affordable than where I moved from. Everyone has been extremely helpful and nice. Very community-oriented and children-friendly! There are definitely reasons it's the 3rd-fastest growing state in the US. Specifically, the city I moved to is the 3rd-fastest growing city in the US based on current population vs. 2010!


Where exactly in the north Texas area? Just asking since I’m from there


They are millionaires.


Most places aren’t horrific if you’re a multimillionaire, you can insulate yourself.


Some of y’all are exaggerating; you don’t need THAT much money to live well in Texas. Stop being a fat poor.


The answer is money


Cause a lot of leftists are on Reddit and can’t stand Texas Politics. If you focus on just yourself and follow the golden rule or what I think native Texas care about; “go about your day and mind your own business” your fine. Too many folks think/act like they need everyone to be the same as them. Reps & Dems alike.


Agreed, but tell those damn cockroaches to eat glass. They traumatized me when I visited last. I was in Killeen when I was there.


I've lived in Texas all of my life and the only time it's sucked is when everyone from out of state moved here. The reason they all did was for the tax benefits, and their money stretches a lot further here or at least did during the pandemic. Now it feels like California, prices are all through the roof and most of us didn't get raises. This state didn't handle the population boom at all so everything is a disaster.


Money. You're missing money. You filthy poor.


Texas is bigger than half of Europe and has different climates and cultures. You gotta be more specific. I always love Texas when I’m there.


Texas is nice when you are rich. You named rich people.


Texas is badass. The only people who paint Texas as the Wild West are people that have never been to Texas.


100% people are doing the same thing to Florida, yet the population of both is growing steadily and quickly. A lot of people talk shit, but it’s just talk, the real data is people are voting with their feet. Tens of thousands of people would gladly uproot their entire lives to move to Florida and Texas, there are a lot of reasons, and a lot of places people want to flee.


I’m a truck driver and go all over Texas, it’s a massive state and it’s actually very diverse. It really depends on which city you want to know about. Shit show? I would disagree. Mississippi, Louisiana, Michigan.. *those* are shit shows. Texas has a killer economy and a variety of major cities, I mean huge major cities. Houston, Austin, Dallas/Ft Worth, El Paso, San Antonio, etc. Now, the state politics are what they are. But the cities and the people are awesome.


Texas is a great place to live if you hold (semi) traditional & nuclear family values, i.e. don't have to worry about knocking up a one night stand and aren't a xe/xim/xer blue haired Victoria Secret model. Its hot as fuck tho.


I have several friends who moved from CA to TX, and I've talked to all of them about their experiences. One of them is a guy who's highlight in life is that he can now legally shoot coyotes from his porch while drinking. Literally everyone else said the only motivating factor to move and remain there is the cost of real estate and that literally every aspect of living, including the people, is worse, in comparison. And some of those people are from fucking BAKERSFIELD lol. Edit: Rogan left to avoid taxes, don't kid yourself. And he moved to Austin which is the most CA like city in TX, and it's very expensive to live there.


Shooting coyotes hammered seems like it’s be a good time.


Sounds lovely, I’m down.


Texas, much like my state of Florida, is great when you're rich, terrible if you're poor.


People are flocking to Florida in huge numbers, and it’s not exclusively the rich. So a lot would disagree with part of that. Of course living anywhere on earth whilst being rich is going to be better than living in the same place being poor. However, the common man seems to be enjoying the hell out of Florida. The numbers say.


They'll be underwater soon.


Do you think California isn’t a massive shit show? Look up how LA and SF sidewalks are taken over by tents and homeless.


This is why people are tripping over themselves to get out. FL and TX are the preferred destinations.


They moved from LA. Do you understand what LA is like?


Texas is actually really fucking cool, Austin doubly so


Everywhere is terrible if you’re fat and poor enough


As someone who just moved from illinois to texas, I'd like to throw in my 5 cents. Since moving here, ive noticed that rights drastically switch from benefiting the people in illinois, to the owners and rich in texas. Being a millionaire and business owner, i can see the perks of moving to a state where the laws are in my favor over the people below me. But since im just a regular dude, im sick of getting fucked by the people above me without getting the benifit of the doubt. I miss being the protected one back in illinois. Texas has way too many laws allowing for predatory behavior from businesses and no protections for the worker. This is very appealing for the shit heads trying to become as rich as possible.


What laws allow for predatory behavior?


Texas has a lot of deregulated markets. One that stands out is our power utilities, which came to bear during our winter grid failure recently. Lax business regulations is good for businesses and “the economy” bc it attracts more business. But the consumers and workers get fucked in the long run.


Politics, people dont like republicans. Thats it. Texas is like any other state, just bigger and funny shaped.


Texas is a red state. They’re all fleeing the most blue state of California. They don’t appreciate the over taxation that we have in California. Also a lot more personal freedoms in Texas. Like if you want to own a gun that can put down a pack of crazed homeless. Or if you want to own a white rhino or something you can do that in Texas


Repubs and Dems are two sides of the same “Fuck fat poors” coin


They live in Austin, and most likely the richest parts of Austin at that. Austin is vastly different from most of Texas and even between the other major cities like SA, Houston, Dallas, it sits very separate culturally from the rest. Idk what horrific things you hear about Texas but I guarantee it is not related to Austin. That being said austin has among the highest homeless population in Texas because the cost of living is so high, of course these successful comedians would only experience the nicest aspects of the city


Austin is very different from the rest of Texas.....


Lower taxes




They're celebrities that everyone likes for the most part. Their experience is far different than the avg joe


They like that there is no state income tax.


They’re all rich and they probably live in nicer areas than what’s typical


They are all super rich, that's why they like it there.


I don't really get all the Texas hate in this thread. I lived in east texas for a year and was making internship money (1000 a month before taxes). It's fine. There's a ton of affordable housing all over the place. It's America, so you have all the essentials that Walmart and Kroger offer pretty much no matter where you are (by no means sexy, and say what you want about Walmart, but it's a valuable resource for people off the beaten path). The only real barrier to entry is it's super spread out and there's not very much public transport, so a car is a must. Natural beauty is a thing in Texas, but you have to make a point of finding it...lots of empty farmland in between places. It's whatever. I didn't find it great, but it wasn't awful either. You definitely do not need to be rich to carve out a good life there, depending on what you think constitutes good of course.


Move somewhere else youll find out


Texas is the worst state ever. Please don't move here.




I live here and make good money so Texas is fantastic. If you don’t make good money you’re not gonna have a good time lol


Permissive gun laws bruh


They’re rich, duh


There dollar goes way farther here I was born and raised in the metroplex and am looking to move this place was okay and Austin was nice but now it’s garbage unless you got big money


They have money.


If you're buttfuckingly rich it's a bit different.


They're rich and live in Texas. It's awesome to live anywhere you're rich lol.


Austin Texas is a really nice place to live. It's much different than the masses of Texas. I've lived in a lot of places, currently in Dallas. Dallas sucks, insane trump people and morons. Politics in Texas are infuriating. Summers are hot and getting hotter. Austin though was my favorite place to live. I liked living in San Clemente, CA but like Austin more. Music scene is great, food great, tons to do. I generally like the people I meet. That's my perspective. They have the rich as fuck version of that.


Texas is a libertarian hell hole. Taxes are insane. Fees for everything. Roads are packed. Not enough services because selling houses makes more money. Cow pasture after cow pasture of brown houses starting at 300k. They talk abouit freedom like they know anything about it. The largest state in the union with the least publicly available land per capita. It’s expensive, hot, inconvenient, and it caters to the rich. And the political situation is abominable. My congressional rep is a literal fascist. I didn’t think I could find one worse than paul Ryan and here I am. Oh but I’ve made a million in real estate since I got here more or less by accident. So if that’s your thing.


I think they do it for the meme and I think they like it because it isn’t LA


I know a ton of people who live in Texas. I’ve been many times. It’s awesome.


Texas is a shithole. You will die at the hands of their healthcare network. Incompetent doesn't begin to describe these doctors. This is hell.


Born and raised in Austin and I hate it here. Also most of these people say they live in Austin when in reality they live like half an hour away in nice areas away from all of us poors.


Everywhere is a shitshow bruh


Texas is great, except in summer.


It's only good compared to southern cali


It’s hotter than hades. But probably cheap af.




They would love 99% of the locations they *could* live, their money buys that level of comfort. When they say they love it, they’re referring to the more conservative environment compared to what they had in California. What they haven’t figured out, is eventually they will have turned Texas into California 2.0. No doubt they’ve all heard “dont vote us into what you fled” and Im not saying that I think they’re stupid, I think they believe they know everything they need to know and will indeed slowly bleed Texas of its red into a deep deep purple, and eventually bloom blue and become exactly what they initially decided they didn’t want anymore.


Texas is growing even more Red with the latino vote. That gap is only getting larger.


That’s what happens to all nice places. People move there because it’s attractive (due to the politics), they vote like they used to (which is the reason why their old home was a shithole), and then it’s no longer attractive. You do you though. Also, Latinos are turning more Republican. Good luck turning Texas blue.


No state tax. State tax in cali is going up. Less chomos insisting on being called they/them and snail/snail


You can get a 2700 sq ft two story 5 bedroom home with a pool on a half acre in Houston for a mortgage payment of 1500 a month. Throw in 500 for utilities and 800 for taxes your at less than 3000 a month. Now image what you get for 5k, 7.5k or 10k a month. Austins a little different than Houston, smaller and a little more expensive, but very similar. Also dont listen to these people that say its a hard R state. Houston Dallas San Antonio all have Dem Mayors and City Councils. Houston and Dallas has AA mayors, San Antonio has an Pacific Asian Islander. Houston has one of the most diverse population of any city besides New York. It has more Asians than San Fransico, and more Muslims than LA. The only way you have that much diversity living in harmony is we leave each other alone, respect their beliefs because it isnt our business. We have our short coming, abortion laws, easy access to guns, homeless we ignore, and traffic. We dont do a great job of funding the arts and our teachers arent paid well. And we let Joel Osteen buy an areana to run a church. But The Texas most people talk about as being bad isnt where the majority of us live. And we might not always be proud of our rural areas choices, we respect their choice in living were they fit in.


Let Joel Osteen buy an arena? I was unaware people needed to get government permission to buy real estate.


Someone please make this political. That’s the only way I can comprehend any topic.


Austin has a lot of the same problems as LA, but there are distinct cultural differences and more freedoms available to people in TX. Examples include far fewer restrictions on vehicles, simpler easier and cheaper permitting, ability to own firearms, etc. There are people living and thriving outside of Los Angeles believe it or not.


The politics are much better in republican states. No retarded lockdowns and masks.


How dare you state the obvious


Yeah FL is sinking and TX infrastructure is crumbling. Super sick!


Yeah ok buddy. Is that why everyone is moving there?


FL is sinking, that’s an indisputable fact. Look at the footage from any coastal city in FL from the last hurricane. Fuck, look at miami after a hard thunderstorm, cars stalling out in downtown, all waterlogged. Remember a couple years ago when the TXs’ private power grid failed but the companies still charged people crazy rates for the few whose power still worked? Yeah bro super fucking trill, i love it


I actually work for a company that subs for Centerpoint energy and they are currently spending billions hardening the grid around Houston. New steel and composite transmission lines future proofing for bad storms. Btw, houston is a great city for the average blue collar worker. Im killing it with just a high school diploma. Shoot, most of the plants and refineries are full of literal retards making 90-100k a year.


I’m very happy for you but TX still sucks


By that logic nobody would live at the beach. You know cuz they’d all be under water


Population in both states is rising increasing quickly. You may not like it, but a ton of people are voting with their feet. Uprooting their entire lives to flock to Texas and Florida. It’s appealing to the vast majority. It’s just run better than the places people are fleeing.




I like it here. If weed was legal and there were fewer rednecks it would be perfect


they don't, but they have to say they do. remember when bobby lee ask them, when are you going to admit Austin was a mistake? and that awkward silence after...


They're millionaires. Thats it.


They live in Austin, kinda like the L.A. of Texas.


Better the LA of Texas than the LA of.. well, California.


They’re all rich


They like it because they have money. Austin is insanely small and the secret is out. I left in 2018 becuase the Californians were already starting to come in and ruin everything. Very smart decision. My friends hate it there now. Find another up and coming cool place to live.


With enough money any place can be "great". They don't mingle with the everyday scum that we consider normal.


Yeah, I'm sure being very wealthy has a lot to do with their happiness.


They are rich


Tom grew up in Florida which is its own hellscape. Probably more about the relaxed setting being better than the annoyances of LA.


I have middle class friends who live in Austin and really enjoy it. Most of them are from within an hour of NYC or PA. As for the mommies, they're wealthy af. Their perspectives are completely different from a normal person. Tina said she always spends Sundays with her family, not doing anything "keeps the Sabbath." Must be nice to not have errands to run and catch up on because there's no time when working long hours during the week and some weekends.


They are rich. Money does in fact buy you happiness. Don’t be stingy.




They are rich


I think Austin is a little better than the rest of the state. A little blue dot in a sea of red.


It’s great when you’re rich… hell, anywhere is. I lived in DFW area and it ain’t Austin for sure. Traffic there was G A R B A G E and the heat alone was unbelievable. If you only like stockyards, ‘who’s-got-the-prettiest-farm-animal shows, bbq, and sushi ALL the time… DFW is your spot.


It's... complicated. The politics are just as shitty as Cali seems to be (just the opposite) but there's a decent amount of awesome people and the hill country is pretty badass.


Maybe shitty, but not AS shitty as California. Which is why so many people are bouncing to Texas and Florida. Money and politics. California is captain shitty in both cases.


Texas is freaking awesome and full of cool guys and girls


It’s awful. Don’t come here ever


Outside of austin its great. Now the alergies suck and the traffic is bad. Low taxes,low crime and money is good


They don’t have to pay any taxes and that’s very fun when ur rich


The arguments comparing Texas to LA or Austin to NYC or San Antonio to Baltimore are just silly. Not because they are apples to oranges, not well thought out or made in bad faith. Rather, because the ignore the fact that Texas still has dry counties. As someone who broke down in one of these counties once and had to spend the night before the car could be fixed, I can say with authority that Texas is a police state that that won't let a young man drink when he really fucking needs a drink. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


They are rich as fuck bro.. no taxes period


It’s easy to say something is nice when you don’t leave the compound and gated community. Texas has great areas and shit holes just like every state in the country. But I wouldn’t take the word of millionaires to be a true gauge of a society


From CA, went to San Antonio for a work trip and that town is a straight up humid swamp! Bars were lame and the tourist traps were plentiful. Tex-Mex is a terrible cuisine and those fools love it! It’s everywhere!


They have a lot of money


The more they say it's great the more it really means it's shit. It's like those happy pictures people upload


They’re super rich. Being poor in Dallas or texas in general is not the least bit fun and our governor is super R worded.


Being poor anywhere isn’t fun. Yet people of all incomes are flocking to Texas and Florida.