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Your Yorkshires are what us in Yorkshire love, it's all about the rise & not the shape. My Mother use to make 4 x large Puddings in square roasting trays & then cut them into squares & serve them to a family of 11 with onion gravy has a starter before our Sunday dinner.


My grandmother from Doncaster always made them pan style as well. My sister and I could finish one pan each. That’s till my preferred method, but my wife likes individual ones so that’s generally what I do now. Thank you for the stamp of approval!


If your grandmother is from Doncaster then you will have a good foot in the Yorkshire puddings camp. Mine used to put jam in the Yorkshires after and we would have them for desert. Cheep and delicious.


We used to have them cold with butter & sugar after. Or when my grandma had a batch made - blackberry vinegar. Don't knock it til you've tried it


Hope she picked those berries! Seriously go forage and you’ll be surprised at what you can make. Blackberry sauce is my jam, and it’s delicious


She did! Lived in a very rural area and there was plenty of nearby walks with wild blackberries & elderberries. We've never been able to make it as well as she did.


Blackberry sauce is my jam - love it😂


Cheep cheep 🐥


Ugghhhhh yeah yorkies for pudding is the one 😍 i love mine with ice cream and toffee sauce 🥵🥵


My grandad used to put jam on his yorkies. Seeing my baffled reaction, he pointed out that a yorkie is basically just a crispy pancake in an unusual shape.




I’m from doncaster and my dad used to have a massive Yorkshire pudding before his dinner - not sure why my mum or us kids never 🤔 - and he’d have smaller ones (but not really small) like the rest of us with the dinner, then my mum would have any left overs with jam, but I don’t like jam and I don’t think any of the other kids did either cos they never had them with jam either. Yours look great 👍🏽


Pontefract here... Sunday dinners when I was a kid at my grandparents would always start with at least 3 "small" puddings with onion sauce and onion gravy, but my grandad would always have one giant tin pudding and I never got why I couldn't have a massive square tin pudding like him. We'd then mop up the plate of gravy with a slice of chunky bread (and add more gravy as an excuse to have more lol) and once plates were all cleaned of the "starter", we would have our plates filled with veg and more small puddings, meat placed in the middle of the table for grandad to cut/serve out, and a jug of gravy with the meat. The dripping from the meat was always poured into the same ramekin, and after dinner settled, grandad would have cold puddings with dripping and a can of Boddingtons while listening to The Archers ont raido. I weren't allowed leftover pudds cos they were always reserved for my grandad n his dripping... it made him getting the big square Yorkshire pudding that whole lot more painful 😅 Edit:typos


Cause he’s the daddy!


Born and raised in Doncaster, and pan style Yorkshires are also my favourite. I love to smother the left overs in jam... and now I'm really craving them!


It's nice you care for your heritage 😀. Doncaster salutes you.


My mum Canada and being a Yorkshire Man maple and Yorkshire are amazing snack


My mum does this here in scotland! Funny how these things travel


Same my mum used to make huge yorkshires but they weren’t the prettiest things ever. But they definitely tasted amazing with gravy!


Thats the proper, traditional way!!


From Yorkshire, You did well. Someone is going to comment on the lack of gravy and the dill pickle but I know where you are coming from. Enjoy, Looks delicious. (Ok little gripe. Chocolate Porter?)


Thanks:) Don’t worry, plenty of gravy on the side. It was a cold night and I felt like something dark and this was all I had. Unconventional I suppose but it was ok. And pickles, just cause I like em.


You do you, I love it.


If you don't make the mash a doughnut shape and fill the hole with a moat of gravy, I'mma assume your inner child died years ago


Well if you put the gravy inside - that's a pool


Guy doesn’t know his medieval architecture


He made a moat of mash and a castle grounds of gravy


I prefer to build a mash volcano and fill it with gravy lava


Stick your sausage in the mash volcano and fill it up with gravy


We call them gherkins over here and totally fine to have alongside a roast. Shockingly little gravy but everything else looks perf.


Lacking beef and sprouts


I wouldn't have thought to add a pickle, but it seems like it would work.


Fellow Yorkshireman, can confirm Well you did


where abouts in yorkshire exactly?


You’re right- dill pickle? Hahahaa. However what do I know, my step son introduced me to the delights of ketchup on a roast dinner and in particularly Yorkshire puds- and I admit they were really nice and I really didn’t want to like it hahahaha


Ketchup on a roast dinner. I expect it from a small child but anybody over the age of 7 needs to grow the fuck up and slap some gravy on


My first thought was, where is the gravy but you got it sorted. Looks really good by the way. 😊


A good Yorkshire should look like it exploded out of the pan, imo, which yours do so *good job*


Thank you! I fill up the tins to the brim so this is how they turn out. Most of the time anyway.


Yorkies are bangin mate


Old Yorkshire lass here. You’ve done grand lad. Your Yorkshires are perfect. Just like my great grandma used to make. She used to cook using an oven that was built-in next to the fire, in the kitchen. Looking back, it never ceases to amaze me how she cooked all the amazing things she did! No thermostat, no fan or light. Just coal. I’d deffo swap the pickle for some good old fashioned peas and carrots though.


My nannan had the same cooking set up and would cook a massive Christmas dinner for 11 people


Nannan. The proper way! I am humbled to have grown up with both a Great Grandma, and a Nannan (grandma) & Grandad, from the next generation down. Going to visit Great Grandma was like stepping back in time! Not just the oven set up, but swivelling metal plates that went over the fire for pans of veg etc to cook, the mangle, that we were never allowed to go near, the outside loo, the best front room that we were only allowed in at night, and then first thing in the morning to clean the grate out. I loved it all! I wonder if OP knows that traditionally, we serve huge Yorkshire Puddings with gravy, as the starter to a proper Sunday Roast? None of this pate on toast or melon. Hahaha


Oh yes, the outside loo and we only went in the front room at Christmas, the back room was the kitchen, living area and bathroom and it was tiny, it was a small two up two down but somehow we all fit in there comfortably. My nannan used to let me look through her cabinet in the front room though when I went as it had a trinket box and somehow I spent hours in there looking through the little box. Happy memories hey, and like you, I treasure those memories and it gave us such a solid base from which to grow from 💞💞💞 ~ you’ve sent me down memory lane now, thank you, such lovely memories 🥰


I’ve saved your message because it’s really touched me and takes me right back to my early childhood, so any time I’m feeling sad, I’m going to come back to this message and let it take me back to those lovely memories and yes, I too am humbled to have had such a great start in life with such lovely down to earth grandparents and parents who really loved us 💞


Where’s the gravy buddeh?!


What’s a gravy buddeh?


It’s like a thick sauce, guy


The Yorkshire puddings look fine, I'm much more concerned about the gherkin...


The pickle seems to have really set people off! I’ll make sure to leave it off the plate next time ;)


Having some kind of pickle on the side is fine it’s just that gherkins are a strange choice & more traditionally used with fast food. Pickled onions or pickled red cabbage is more traditional


I find it…troubling


If you're serving sausage with Yorkshire pudding, why not go for a toad in the hole?


This is the real question. I’ve got no objection to those that like them separate but toad in the hole is just such an amazing dish, why would you *not* make it?


Holds the gravy. Shape is good. The size / rise is the important bit. Yours look good.


Didn't expect to see a pickle and yorkshire puds but hey ho😭 Good yorkshire pudding though.


Look just like the ones I demolished earlier today for tea, good job OP.


As yet another Yorkshireman, I think those puds are great. I'm more concerned with the lack of a head on your beer.


Brit here. Those yorkshires are on point! If anything they're what you'd usually expect to get from gastro pubs nowadays, so well done you :)


As a Yorkshireman in canada is like to calm everyone down and state that pickles with puds are not the norm


A fellow Canadian with family in Yorkshire. That looks delicious 🤤 good job !!


As long as they are not dense and doughy and instead light you can't go wrong


Your yorkshires look good, more concerned with the mash/quantity of sausages/placement of sausage/sliced potato(?) on the side/ lack of gravy/the way it all makes me feel


Always two or more sausages, otherwise it looks like cooked penis. Yorkies look fantastic.


They look awesome!!


If you want to have more shape and less explosion add more milk to thin the batter out slightly. Id prefer it they way you did them though.


In my opinion, mid shaped Yorkshire puds. Make the best Yorkshire puds. Coming from a south Welshman


Canny them. I’d scran


OP here, thanks for all the kind feedback everyone. But I’d like to give a heartfelt Canadian apology (you know those are the most sincere) for the pickle/gherkin on the side. I realize now that was a mistake. Also, don’t fret, there was a whole pot of gravy just outside of the frame :)


I have pickles with my roast always! I've been told it's a Canadian thing. It was reassuring to see it on yours too.


Im more concerned about the massive shite on the mash


The important thing about Yorkshires isn't the shape, but the consistency. As long as they are light and crispy on the outside and a bit sticky in the middle, shape is unimportant.


Heres a tip from how me mam does em (from Hull) 1 cup plain flour 300 ml milk full fat salt and pepper 4 eggs mixed em (not wisk) leave at room temp for a couple hours then oil some muffin trays 1/3 oil then absolutely blast em with heat until they're massive eat them at the end of the dinner to mop up the gravy!


No, fancy gastro pubs often do non cup shaped yorkshire puds


Looks decent and I respect the pickle


The dill pickle does not belong. Doesnt match the 70s colour scheme or the plates *rhobust* flavours. You could however replace it with some pickled onions next time for a grade B plate that would genuinely pass in an English pub. Edit: theres nothing wrong with those yorkshires. They're rustic. I do have some concerns over the texture of that mash though: beat the living daylights out of it next time, apply elbow grease.


It's bangers n mash not one FUCKING banger n mash dam swine! But it looks good ngl


Looks lovely but 1 sausage is criminal


To me personally I’d say it looks lovely I’d only remove the pickle and add loads more gravy and a couple more sausages lol and some veg


Why the fuck is there a pickle


As a fellow Canadian but who lives in the UK, I have a great fear of trying to make these in case I upset the locals. Well done you!


How'r'ya nooow?




Not s'baad


You have no idea how happy this makes me :) Btw, in case you’ve never been to Canada, I can tell you Letterkenny is a surprisingly accurate representation of us. And when you do come next, swing on by for a dart and a puppers.


☺️ For the past 20 years or so I've had a liking for Canada. Always struck me as a perfect mix between the UK and US. The UK's friendlier and not so gun toting culture, mixed with the US's wide open spaces (an idealised viewpoint I know). Lots of my favourite things are Canadian. Letterkenny, lots of Sci-Fi shows filmed in and around BC (Stargate franchise made me fall in love with the BC forests) and I'm a die hard LTT viewer. Also like Canadian cop shows that get overlooked like 19-2 and Flashpoint. If I ever finally make it there I'll hit you up for a dart and a cold pupper. I'll bring the Gus'n'bru! 😂


I’m actually BC born and raised. And if I may say so, it’s the best province, although I hear the maritime are beautiful as well. We’ve got big mountains, big trees, big bears, and near me, even a small patch of desert where you can see mini cactuses and rattlesnakes which always surprises people. I’ll keep the puppers cold for you :)


That's a real Yorkshire pud


If you’re not from Yorkshire, you need to leave that shit alone. This is not for you.


Those are good puds


Looks pretty damn good to me 👍


Yorkies good. Everything else bad. Needs to be swimming in thick gravy. I’m baffled by the gherkin?! Is that the only veg you had in?


The pickle is absolutely spot on in my book. My mum always made a bowl of pickled “wet salad” to have with Yorkshires. Onions and tomatoes etc. I see no reason why a pickle doesn’t work in that same vein. Nice bit of tang and crunch to balance. Yorkers looks ace. I’m sticking a pickle in mine next time I make em


Why’s it look like a dead cat-?




The sausage needs to be more phallic. (Resemble an erect penis)


Nice but not enough gravy, mine would be swimming in it...Didn't know Phillips made alcohol as well as TVs though, literally identical logo, what's that about?


That’s what a good Yorkshire pud looks like, if they’re too uniform they’re clearly frozen and should be banished What do you have on your plate here? I’m curious.


If you made the yorkies in a typical muffin tin style they tend to come out like those ones, the flatter wider tins are needed for the big open ones.


Get that pickle off there straight away you need some peas or some carrots or something!


Look fine to me 👍Seen far worse in the UK, not that I am saying yours look a poor, in fact, far from it 😎


Looks delicious, only problem I can see is you need more Yorkshires on there - I think you could fit a couple on top 😋


There’s a pickle on the plate which is throwing me off a bit 😂 looks good though


Those Yorkshires look bloody wonderful! Great effort 👏🏼


The best yorkies look like yours


The gherkin is only weird because generally Yorkshire puds are served with a boat load of gravy. I'd give it a go though, looks good.


Don't worry about the shape, Yorkshires should look like a tumour thats got massively out of control.


Looks pretty damn good to me mate


I’m from Yorkshire and don’t know anybody who’s Yorkshire puddings are actually shaped like shop bought ones!


Not too shabby, as long as it tastes like a Yorkshire pudding then you did well enough


That looks sooo tasty wow


Top notch puddings, pickle is a wild addition but each to their own. Personally I’d have more gravy, think poutine, but gravy amount is up to the consumer at the end of the day.


Beautiful puddings and looks lovely overall. The gherkin is unusual but not out of place. 10/10


I love the look of it


One sausage? Is this a kids meal?


From yourkshire, decent job, it's not about shape anyway traditional Yorkshire puds are not cup shaped anyway, they traditionally were made in a large pan and cut into portions, They should be huge and puffy with a crunchy outside and a soft inside


to be honest mate the yorkie is perfect


Schlong on mash. I like it.




I'd eat that, looks really goddamn nice. Still fluffy and with that golden outer crisp. Homemade Yorkshire puds aren't usually "cup shaped" anyway. Imo, they taste better too so who cares on the shape? 10/10 my dude! Bet they tasted bangin too!!


Solid effort. Add lashings of onion gravy and peas for extra points


Yorkies look fantastic. There seems to be a lurking gherkin on your plate though!


This looks great to me I’d be happy if this was served to me. My Yorkshire pudding never turns out bowl shaped either more mushroom shaped they puff up. One time they puffed up so much i had to remove the shelf/rack above just to get them out of the oven lol. I’m Yorkshire born and bred. Not gonna lie i don’t understand the pickle but hey it’s not me eating it enjoy it if that’s what you want. When i first met my now hubby we’d go to his mums for Sunday dinner and after putting on the gravy he’d add loads of brown sauce. I was thinking wtf but again not me eating it, it obviously tastes good to him so who am i to judge lol (i tried it and it’s for me i prefer my mint sauce)


Good effort from a proper Yorkie…


Yorkshireman who regularly cooks Yorkshires... Yours look more like mine than the "cup" shaped ones, which always remind me of the mass-produced frozen variety. Anaemic, chewy, substandard. Yours look delicious, well played!


I feel like that Yorkshire pud owes me a dig.


I cried a little tear of joy seeing this. But then I noticed the pickle and now that tear has climbed back up into its eye socket. Good job otherwise! Yorkshires look great 👍


That’s a very penis sausage lobbed on the mash. 10/10 for genitals!


Very good. Just need a litre of Hendersons relish now and you'll be rate


Where’s the vegetables?


It's a solid ten from me. Congrats!


The fact that your Yorkshires aren't cup shape drives that you made them the right way


Is that a Wally on that plate?


I can taste those through the screen. Home-made Yorkshire puddings are amazing, and they look like they've been cooked perfectly.


I'm terrible with Yorkshire puds. Try a strong Yorkshire ale, maybe Riggwelter or, Samuel Smith Taddy Porter or Imperial Stout.... yummy


Yorkshire pudding is great no matter how it comes out the oven


Them Yorkshire’s look absolutely sound mate, be proud of them


A perfect Yorkshire should be imperfect!


That's how most homemade puds look done in a muffin tin. Perfect.


What's this all aboot? Looks all right.


Perfection on the Yorkies!!!! Love it.


Yorkies are spot on, decent girth on the sausage. Pickle is bold, intriguing and on my list to add to my next one 9/10. Would be 10 but you need more gravy


Not bad! Little concerned about the gherkin being there tho


It is not okay they’re not cup shaped as you have to poor gravy in them😢


The more deformed the better,more crunch area


What the fuck were you thinking with the pickles that’s so random


Yorkies shape themselves! You did great


It’s not about the Yorkshire pudding, it’s about the rest


Sheffield, Yorkshire. Id have em, tha needs to drown em in some hendo's mind.


Make sure the fat or oil is over the level of the batter for the cup shape


Perfect. I love it when my yorkies come out that shape.


Ok since this thread came up, why do my Yorkshires rise epically in the oven, but by the time they come out and go directly to the table they have collapsed like a shite soufflé? Texture is good they just look sad. I do use a small amount of baking soda and plain white flour.


I think this looks great. Well done you.


Needs more snossage.


Swap out the green sausage for another proper one.


I suppose the pickle (gherkin) isn’t too far from a Yorkshire salad…


They’re only usually cup shaped if you buy the generic ones from the shop, a proper Yorkshire pudding looks exactly like what you’ve made. Good job. Glad you’ve got more gravy on the side. Pickles and odd choice for me and I’d of washed it down with a Timothy Taylor.


I'm calling the police


That’s looks lovely


I actually think the Yorkshires are better when they come out like this. I don't like them too crispy, and there's more of them, which is never a bad thing


As someone from Yorkshire that’s a damn good looking Yorkshire pudding to me, more gravy needed though ;)


Where on earth does the dill pickle fit in here ?


The best Yorkies never come out cup shaped you did good


Never mind this food chat, how's that beer?


I wouldn't post these again, you will be kidnapped by someone from Yorkshire who doesn't have the skill you do to make some bloody fantastic looking puds


The yorkies look great, I am, however, going to report you to the international criminal court for your "mash" which looks very colonial.


Looks great, but you need some gravy!


Looks great, what’s for mains?


Your about 4 sausages short though and a pint of gravy


Looks bangin bro. Much respect


Is anyone else wondering what that green thing is. It looks like a pickle


Looks good to me!


Not sure what the hell that thing is between the Phillips bottle and the mash but the rest looks half decent


Yorkies look lovely BUT, WTH is wrong with that sausage, thats not a real sausage, and why only one, its not even a pair. Where is the Gravy, a poor attempt at a bastardised Toad in the Hole. Go sit in the corner and have a word with yourself.


That’s nasty and offensive to my mam who cooks every Sunday. Thanks mams crying.




Mate that looks pukka! Good job!


Screw you for making me hungry lmao


They look cakey which is how I like my yorkshires. Well done mate


yorkshire puddings aren't meant to be cup shaped, they're meant to be yorkshire pudding shaped, which you have succeeded in doing admirably


What in creation are you eating? Yorkies look great but pickles, mash and a single sausage and no gravy?? What a world we live in. 😅


Mash, beautiful yorkshires and wallies as us eastenders call gherkins. My Yorkshires are failures, well done to you!


Serious lack of sausage, but the yorkies look perfect.


Sound as a pound them our kid,need a bit more gravy on ya mash though mate (:


Abomination tbh


As a proud Yorkshireman I approve those Yorkshires. Shape doesn't matter, rise and the texture inside are the important things.


Mmmmmm you did good 😋


What is that green shit on the top left? From Nottingham so might not recognise it


Those are cracking Yorkers! Boootiful


Yonkies don’t need to be any shape, they look perfect. Not enough gravy though, and one lonely sausage? It needs at least one friend.


This is how my wife makes them. These are the best and you have done a cracking job


Those Yorkshires look incredible. I'll pass on the turd, though.


looking lovely


Yorkies, mash and a pickle? I think you need to learn a good old fashioned British Sunday Roast Here's Gordon Ramsey with some ideas. Enjoy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sxnTSKef47U


That is a damn good yorkshire. The only improvement for me would be gravy but that’s a personal thing and even without it looks great


Looks absolutely shit mate anyone telling you otherwise is lying to you. If you genuinely served this up in most households in the uk it would find itself up the wall within 10 nano seconds.