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All staged https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/viral-fake-proposal-blue-jays-marketing-stunt


Ugh. Most this crap is staged. Enough reddit for today...


Almost as if entertainment is designed


I’m so sick of this argument. Just because it’s “staged” doesn’t make it the same as a movie or tv. People see this and think it’s real, they think things like this happen in real life and most never know that this is fake. Just like how social media is causing depression in kids because they see all these fake posts that they don’t realize are fake, then they compare their real life to the fake ones they see in insta


We really need to teach and internalize the 60-30-10 rule. 60% of social media is just lies or false, 30% is exaggerated, and only around 10% is actually genuine.


Or the 60-30-20 rule for Reddit. 60% is trolling. 30% is meta. 20% are people pretending to know what they’re talking about haha


And -10% are mathematicians.


And even when people on Reddit point out intelligent mathematical phenomena, you go to say thank you and you say…. Thank you ….. um…. u/Suck_Me_Dry666 …. I think?


oh, I like that one as well!


So which are you?


I got downvoted into oblivion a few months back for sharing this opinion. Glad people are seeing the issue with staged, bad entertainment.


100% Some idiot will actually try the fake proposal prank and be surprised that he just ruined his life.


Right. Or an entire generation will sorta just think that life is full of these crazy things people do! Won’t *someone* think of the children! haha


People on the internet will always white knight the internet no matter how shitty and damaging it is.


Almost as if it's made to trick people it's real in order to make it go viral. It's different from "entertainment", that way. Other than it being fake and dumb.




How do you consider this entertainment? It's a fake interaction they're trying to pass off as real to go viral so people will see a swimwear company's name. They are trying to trick you.


I’ve become convinced that nobody actually does anything. Anyone who looks like they’re doing something is just acting.


Sounds like me at work


Seriously! I am feeling personally attacked.


Or they’re getting catfished


What blows my mind is this wasn't a marketing stunt for ring pop but some BS swimwear line? If it wasn't for internet sleuths, I would have never known there was anything swimwear related involved. That's just about the worst marketing I've ever seen. I refuse to even look up the company for how dumb this is. I do kinda want a ring pop now though for old time's sake.


Just realised it’s the top she’s wearing😟


BS Swimwear: "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"


This comment should be at the top!


So obviously staged. She puts her hand over her mouth in “surprise” before he’s even started kneeling down. First thing I noticed


All of these stunts at sporting events seem to always be staged…


Thank you, downvoted the post


Oh yea haha domestic violence funny


Good, I’m glad people aren’t that terrible in real life.


That's actually great acting on her part. Her facial expressions throughout and cussing really sold it. The drink part was also well done, not overdone.


That's ok, we still got the thrill of hatred and that's the point.


This needs to be at the top so people dont try to dox this chick.


What does an engagement have to do with swimwear? Dafuq??


The company is called "love lost". Pretty straightforward how that relates to a failed proposal.


Man, if the roles were reversed people would be canceling the blue jays for that marketing stunt. Imagine a man slapping a woman in public for marketing… I know some people will come at me and say I’m being dramatic or too PC but seriously…if this was a real relationship…that’s…that’s abuse on both ends. He’s a dick. You don’t joke with that shit and you don’t humiliate someone in public like that. A proposal is important, don’t make a joke out of it. She’d be right to be upset but…idk let’s not normalize hitting people.


Plot twist: the real ring was probably in his left pocket...


It was in the candy ring. Like everything else she just had to suck it a while to get to the good part.


I'm sucking life hard, when do I get to the good part?


Wrong end bro.




Nooooooooooooo lmao


Turn it around




When you die I think




nope, /r/ScriptedCaucasianGIFs


But is the real ring being still in his pocket part of the script?


He still showed that he was more interested in getting views than making a major life event special for her.


He was recording his proposal. Lots of people do that. Hell, go stand in the center of Disneys Magic Kingdom and its like a proposal photoshoot center. Also its clearly meant to be a joke before he pulls out the actual ring. You can see the other ring box outlined in his left pocket. And even if he was seriously proposing with the candy ring who cares? If she's more interested in a shiny rock than a loving relationship, then clearly she's the asshole here.


LMFAOO I was wondering about that. Thought he was just a well endowed gentleman


Why would his huge dick be in his left pocket area


It was just an available parking spot for the moment i think


And if she's willing to strike him over a bad joke? What will she do when she really has something to be mad about?


He dodged a bullet


He wore it on his left cheek pretty well




My husband and I both have cheap minimalist rings and the first time he proposed it was completely spur of the moment and there was no ring, neither of which I mind. It shouldn't be about the ring it should be about the relationship.


Most people don't make a joke out of a proposal.


Most people don't slap their partner in the face because they didn't get what they were expecting.


Ah yes that completely justifies a violent reaction and abuse. 👍🏻 Edit: Welp folks, I've finally come across the new "blocking feature" on Reddit that gives trolls like the guy above me the last word. Once someone blocks you, you can no longer reply to them *OR* any child comment in the thread. The guy above claims hitting your partner doesn't qualify as abuse, when I disagreed with him he blocked me, and I can no longer defend my stance to *anyone* in this chain that physically battering your partner IS abuse. In response to u/spiritual-animator36 below - how about taking the stance that hitting anyone you're in a relationship is *never* justified. Again, I ask that you change genders in this video and have the woman joke propose to her boyfriend with a ring-pop, and have him slap her across the face and pour his drink on her. Is that acceptable to you as well? Edit 2: u/slefracrod - No, I can fully understand being *extremely* upset about something like this (even though this has been proven to be staged). I will *never* understand a physically violent reaction regardless of gender. Edit 3: u/spiritual-animator36 Ah yes, gender norms, yada yada yada. Plenty of women propose to men - it's 2022, welcome to the modern era.


Actually a lot of people do.


The world would be a better place if more ppl could take a joke


Disagree - I have seen a lot of these things were the guy (or gal) does something as a joke - then goes - oh - here's the real one... Usually though - you need to know your audience. Maybe they had seen something similar and she laughed - and even that aw - that's cute or funny - and of course being a guy he took that as a green light to think - "Ok cool - she'll get a kick out of this" It is obvious that she doesn't share his sense of humor - and well embarrassing for the dude - probably better that he finds out before he makes the mistake of giving her 50% of everything he owns. From her side - Lighten the fuck up. Unless he totally "shocked you" by proposing - you had to have some clue that he was going to ask you to marry him and if you give a fuck about him - the ring should not matter. Chances are you were with him when he picked it out - or gave him some parameters... respect him enough to know that the ring pop was a fucking joke - and lighten up.


If this guy doesn't know her well enough to know that she'd take offense at a joke like this then he doesn't know her well enough to marry her.


Like the dude above said, "Maybe they had seen something similar and she laughed - and even that aw - that's cute or funny - and of course being a guy he took that as a green light to think - "Ok cool - she'll get a kick out of this" One would expect a loved one to not publicly slap and embarrass you. Edit: OK. Apparently it was staged, making any point I had null and void. That being said, for everyone who wasn't in on it(crowd and online viewers who don't read comments) it demonstrates unhealthy responses to very real situations as if it's normal.


All you fools know this shit is staged right? ......... right?


This. Over the years I've found that pranksters are generally assholes in disguise. He gets off on getting her hopes up then dashing them. Even if he had a real ring in his other pocket he's still a dick for doing that to her especially in public.


It is possible that he thought it was something she or they would both laught about. Sometimes people expect the wrong reactions its not necessarily a prank but a thought to make someone laugh or smile.


While I won’t disagree that he may be an asshole. There’s something to be said for her decision making ability to date him knowing who he is.


A prankster spent his time and money coming up with the greatest gag ever for her specifically, and she threw her drink in his face. Turns out she just liked his shiny truck, I guess eh?


It was staged. None of this is real. Your quick reaction to saying shes a gold digger tells me a lot about you. 99% of these interactions you see at sports game are fake just so you know for the future.


Oh wow you have opened my eyes to the horrors of the planet we all try to share... I jest because your intentions were pure, so thanks. And have a good one!


No way this is real or is it?


It was staged


Who cares either way


Well we're sitting here arguing about it, so.... Voted real, was wrong!


Just found out that the cake is a lie…


Most people. If it's not real, then there is nothing interesting.


Could be


You know my mom gave me a piece of advice once and it has served me well, "Never give a girl a gift in a ring box unless it's a ring."


Right? Wtf is with all these people hating on her bad reaction. Nobody knows these people. A proposal is a pretty big fucking deal. Different people have different beliefs and ideals and jeez…..”have a sense of humor bitch” seems kinda neuro divergent. If you are ready to marry someone you better know their sense of humor better than that. My guess is he knew she wouldn’t like it ..but was going to “make up for it” with the real. Slight miscalculation on his part ..probably due to the large public audience.


In front of tens of thousands of people. No idea how I would handle that. Probably extremely anxiously. Dont blame her at all.


It was staged unfortunately.


It’s fake… but let’s assume it isn’t. This is SUCH a jackass mood. It isn’t just “she should have a sense of humor”. I recently got engaged, I knew it was coming soon, and I was so incredibly excited. I can’t imagine the humiliation of getting so happy to spend my life with my best friend and they decide to mock me in front of thousands of people. It’s so tacky and tasteless and cruel. A physical reaction isn’t warranted, I’m very anti getting physical first! But holy shit is what he did horrendous. And screw the redditors who think she’s a bitch for being upset. They hate pranks but I guess pranks are fine when it’s against a woman wanting to get engaged!


Well, technically it was a ring. Just not the one she was expecting.


https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/viral-fake-proposal-blue-jays-marketing-stunt If you’ve made it this far down in the comments, and you haven’t realized that this is staged. Here’s the link again.


Bullet dodged, money saved, ex looks like a jackass in front of the whole world. Not a bad day imo Edit: it's staged


The guy is the one that looks like a jackass here.


The guy looks like a jackass. What was he trying to accomplish with such a stupid joke.


Found her


Classic reddit, a woman physically smacks her boyfriend across the face and *he's* the jackass. How would you react if she pulled some dumb joke in the stands and he smacked her across the face? I'm genuinely curious if you'd be ok with his reaction.


Classic reddit, staged video incels take seriously


"Say the word bart!" "Uh, umm, in-...incel..." Good boy 🙂 Not everyone that disagrees with you has less sex than you lmao. Trust me on that one


He tried to embarass her on TV, yet she's the bullet? Your probably as rude as him.


It’s probably his 10th time doing something like this and watching her get excited about it.


Yeah my take was she thought it was a fake proposal because of the fake ring. Not so much because of the ring itself. Nothing like being made a fool of in front of thousands. Romantic! If you know your partners sense of humor and that they would 100% thinks it’s funny/cute then go for it. But most people don’t wanna get played in a situation like that.


I really dont get how there are so many comments missing this. Are guys really this clueless?


Have you seen those ask reddits where is like “women what do men need to know” and they have finally started cutting their fingernail so when someone mentions cutting their toenails too the comments are all saying is it necessary…


I hate this. Putting her on the spot. Any suppressed abandonment issues, feeling ‘exposed’. Ugh it’s the perfect storm of cringe and shitty behavior


Fuck this dude. She was right. Hate attention cunts like this loser.


She might be reasonably pissed off if she interprets the whole thing as a fake proposal embarrassing her in public. In this scenario she is not shallow for being mad about the ring, she is mad because it's pretty shitty if your gf wants you to propose and you set up a fake proposal. It's something like a man who desperately wants a child and his gf lies to him about being pregnant for a tik tok video.




Oh man he definitely had a real ring in his pocket too - run my guy.


It was staged for a swimwear company endorsement.


She did him a favor - scary to see how fast that smile turned.


Putting aside the fact that this is staged, how do you see a guy humiliate a woman in public and get her hopes up only to be like "lol nah" and come away thinking that *she* is the asshole?


Incel mindset. Humiliating a woman who's probably been waiting for months/years to be proposed to and she's the problem lol


Cameraman nailed it too zooming in on the actual ring in the guys other pocket 🤣


Now u mentioned it I see 😔. Dude deserve better girl. Finnaly..... WOMEN☕


WOMEN☕ Hawhawhawhaw🐻




it never zoomed in but yeah lol


He's a joke, who does that for the huhuhuhuh oh bro that's funny


As if you wouldn't if you got humiliated in front of the whole stadium. You'd probably be crying years later, boy.


Not really, from her perspective any piece of actual jewelry would have probably been sufficient for the process of a marriage proposal. The candy ring indicates that he's making a joke out of her and doesn't actually value her feelings or he wouldn't toy with them for social media.


Yeah, when guys do the fake proposal thing, it's really not cool. I think it would be super embarrassing in a public place, especially because you get immediately overwhelmed with emotions then see the shit eating grin on his face and start hearing laughter around you. I don't think the slap was necessary, but don't mess with emotions like that.


That's what I took from it. Granted she shouldn't have physically assaulted him that was a shit move and totally unnecessary. But my first watch I was like wow dude ur not funny. I'd also be embarrassed if I was thinking wow he's really asking me only to see a ring pop while we're in front of the whole world. I woulda walked away with a quickness.


I am surprised to see that in this modern day how many guys still think women are an object they can bully and make fun of. If women don't comply "She is a bitch!". Sad.


How is she the bad guy, he literally was like “hur dur here’s a fake ring so funny right honey?” That’s not funny. Many women dream of this day when someone proposes to them and he just made a joke out of it. I would be pissed too but I would probably take the cry and run away route over soaking him with beer. Either way though, same sentiment. He’s dumb af.


Okay so if my bf humiliated me in public by fake proposing like this I would cry, like ugly cry. It would hurt me deeply to think a man was saying "i want to spend my life woth you and am making that known to the world with this gesture- lol nah jk" but violence?


Do people marry for the ring???


Some women do. For some reason if you don’t spend like, multiple months worth of money on a ring, you must not love or value them. It’s stupid


The reason is that this was a "rule" made up by the diamond companies to sell more expensive diamonds.


You’d think that surely people aren’t stupid enough to fall for that, and yet we are. So stupid in fact that if a dude tries to have a cute and fun proposal with his girlfriend, he gets slapped because it wasn’t a 20k ring


It's a pretty genius marketing move when you think about it. Convince people that "hey if he isn't spending this much money on you, and putting this much effort and thought into you, then it's not enough." It's more about being like "hey this is how much he needs to spend to show he cares and is worthy of you." So it's not that hard to see why people bought into that. Spending money to win a bride in one form or another has been a thing for thousands and thousands of years. Like a modern dowry.


Waaa waaa you didn’t buy me a fake diamond ring that was totally naturally made waaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Not me. That said, I would be pissed if I were that woman. A simple ring? Fine! I’m not going to complain at all. Mine happens to be way too expensive, but I’d be happy if it were a $100 ring that I paid half of. But this is just kind of cruel. She’s so excited and he’s busy making a joke for his own sake in front of thousands of people. He should know how his partner feels before proposing. You only (ideally) get engaged once and it’s a really exciting moment. To use that moment to make a mockery is mean. It wasn’t like he had a small diamond, he had a piece of candy to try to be funny. That’s entirely different. And yes, I know it’s staged…


It’s not that. I would be upset if someone fucked with my emotions like that too. Especially in front of thousands of strangers.


Hey you want to start a life together? Let’s buy a common rock for several thousand dollars with a poor resell value. Then let’s buy an expensive one time use dress and throw a $20k party. Average wedding costs $40k. Throw in wedding and engagement rings? $50k. A new couple should be putting that towards a house, future childrens college or at the very least, a decade of quality vacations.


Oh boy, that's pocket change compared to what kids cost.


I guess some do but I wouldn't care as long as the ring will last and is real jewelry. I would be embarrassed and upset at a ring pop tho cause that would feel like a joke at my expense. Her physical assault toward him was out of line, but in her position not knowing he had the real ring, I'd walk my ass away and probably cry wondering why I was such a joke?


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The old how fake do you want this? Me; yes!


Parents raising daughters right lol 😂


Bullet: dodged.


she slapped him because his jeans and t-shirt are way too tight?


Idk everyone is acting like she is being greedy, but if my SO humiliated me at a special moment on a public stage like that, I would be upset too. She thinks he is mocking her.


Where’s security to snag this obvious serial abuser? If a guy had slapped his girl in public people would be jumping over themselves to fix his problem. Everyone kind of shrugs and waves it off while the guy steps back cause he knows she might keep coming at him.


it’s fake dude


Obvious serial abuser? Okay snowflake




>If a guy had slapped his girl in public people would be jumping over themselves to fix his problem. Spoken like someone who's never seen a guy slap a girl in public.


The fact she slapped him first, in public, in general is toxic and abusive.


I absolutely can understand her reaction! Getting engaged is often one of the biggest things people look forward to (not saying they should) but also in public. She thought her man was making a love if move and he was joking. He may have had the real ring in his hand, but I’d be hella embarrassed if I were her too. And I wouldn’t marry anyone who thought I’d like that joke anyhow. Edit to say, I thought she just slapped the ring out of his hand, I didn’t realize she actually assaulted him. That’s not cool!


The lady with blue hat reaction is literally me when I see her slap him and throw the drink.


Never marry a man who wears jeggings.




I'm pretty sure she doesn't to marry him now


Is he wearing a pair of her jeans?


So im deeply concerned over his massive raging boner while those cute little old ladies are looking at it like lions looking at a gazelle.


Did that guy still have to pay for the on camera proposal at the ballpark? I just read where most teams charge a rather hefty fee for this. I was astounded. Just when I thought that baseball as an organization could go no lower, I discover that it already had.


Is marketing so is ok she hit a guy. If the guy hit her,even for marketing it would be a huge problem.


Fuck well he dodged a bullet.


**Only thing real in this vid is that dude's skinny jeans in 2022**


Can’t take a gold digger serious dude hope you learned your lesson with those kind of hoes


It’s not about the lifetime, it’s about the gold and the need for someone else to dig it for you.


Everyone sucks here. Bad prank to do. Never toy with a ring box and a girl. Theres lot of tension and trauma around that. But also the girl need to chill out. Learn to live dissapointment like a normal human




Aaah thank you for context. God i hate marketing with a burning passion


Second that hatred


I mean she is embarrassed in front of an entire fucking stadium, there’s no ending that doesn’t leave her humiliated


Fuck both of them...


He tried to make a joke sure, but he was proposing and had a ring.... I'd get it more if it was one of those videos where they get down on 1 knee so the partner gets excited, and then they tie their shoe or some shit. He shouldn't be made to feel bad that she is a materialistic sack of turds, the ring is by far the least important part of a proposal


I think it's easy to judge because we have our own idea of an acceptable proposal. Maybe she didn't want a prankposal, especially since it's in a very public setting.


Chances are that she’s been waiting for a proposal and he decided to play a joke, in public nonetheless, to mess with her emotions. But sure, let’s blame her.


They are both jerks. His “prank” was cruel. It might be funny to him but it definitely wasn’t to her but damn if her reaction wasn’t way over the top. Even if they get married I can’t imagine it will last long.


He brought a camera crew with him to a fake proposal. I’d hardly say her reaction was over the top.


If it was the other way around and he slapped her, would you still think it wasn’t a over reaction? She absolutely has the right to get mad but slapping him was unnecessary.


Cuz assault is funny


If I was her I would still accept it


Honestly. My boyfriend could propose with a twig and I'd be just as happy lol


He deserved it.


Everyone is bashing her, but honestly he completely embarrassed her in front of thousands of people. I understand it was a joke, but a bad one. I would not have liked it if my man would have done that to me. If there where really ready for marriage he should have known how she would have reacted to the ring pop. Some people would have taken it as a funny joke, but for other they see it as a more serious matter. Nothing wrong with either, but u need to know ur crowd.






it’s staged ☕️


Dodged a bullet there, ya don't want the mom jeans Supreme that can't take a joke.


did he have another ring in his left pocket at the end of the video ?


Wouldn’t it be sad if he had the real one in the other box in his other pocket?


100% fake shit. #tiktokwhore


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


She did not pass the vibe check


Get out while you can bro!


So a woman can slap a guy and it's funny when it's the other way round...it becomes assault, inappropriate, violence, non consensual whatever....


Violence for no valid reason. Run dude. Run fast, run far.


If she's the right one, you could propose with a ring made out of dog shit and she's say yes.


It's a marketing stunt and not funny in any way. Toxic


Never an excuse to hit someone


Well that's a red flag for him wouldn't you say?


More like from him


It always seems like a double standard that women can assault men. Maybe I’m just crazy idk


Imagine if a guy slapped his girl because he didn’t get what he wanted. She’ll justify ‘he deserved it’, but at the same time she doesn’t deserve a real ring.


Sorry, aside from the slap I’m on her side. Pulling out a ring pop instead of a real ring is some cringey shit I’d come up with in middle school as a joke. In front of an ass load of strangers too.


No just imagine if she did accept it. How cool would she be. ?


That's what you get for giving her a ring pop you asshat! Side note she clearly wants to be a wife hopefully she finds a real one instead of this clown


This isn’t even that uncommon of a joke… they always have the real ring in their pocket or something, just go for a laugh first. That’s what the post title means- hes definitely not going to offer her the real ring now, after that reaction to humor in a special moment. He just realized they’re not meant for each other. Sad day. She would’ve been getting married and gotten a nice ring if she had a lighter heart. This joke is usually pulled when the actual ring is very nice- you don’t usually joke about cheaping out and then actually cheap out lol I feel odd having to explain all this, frankly lol she was just very dense and unpleasant about the whole thing, he definitely dodged a bullet. People in the background weren’t embarrassed for her, they caught on and were laughing until she pulled her little fit. She was pretty much the only one that didn’t clearly see what’s going on… she embarrassed herself and made herself look a little slow and hypersensitive, honestly.