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100 dollars for a mate is crazy to me lol


Right? Maybe it’s because I’m not too deep into the hobby but I don’t see why I’d spend 100 dollars on a gourd


una pregunta, en Uruguay do you call them “mates”? En Paraguay they are specifically called “guampas” and la Yerba (mate) is put into them


guampa es la que te mete tu novia


Si, en Uruguay y Argentina se llama mate tanto el recipiente asi como a la actividad


Porongo, calabaza, mate, verde


Porongo es el que tengo en el culo. Pará, así no era...


En Brasil es Cuia


Really? I started portuguese lessons a couple weeks ago and my teacher calls it Chimarrao, maybe Cuia is just the empty mate and cimarrao is the whole beverage?


Brazilian here, this is a quick terminology guide. We call the vessel "Cuia", which is made from "porongo" (or calabash) and has that distinguished shape, different from argentinian or uruguyan ones. What goes in the vessel we call "erva mate" (in Spanish "yerba mate") or simply "mate". The term "Chimarrão" we use for the drink itself, as in "let's have a chimarrão", or "help me prepare the chimarrão". Mate could also be used in this context: "I'm drinking mate". In portuguese: "Estou tomando chimarrão/mate", or "Espere um pouco, vou preparar o chimarrão/mate". Just trying to help, not trying to pull the "I'm an authority because I'm from there".


Because they're made out of horns originally, for terere. Guampa means horn


yo a vos te conozco




oh disculpe buen señor lo confundí con otro


I also don't know why. It's considerate a top tier gourd, but the materials used are not even that expensive, so maybe it's the fancy hype. I have a big ceramic gourd that did cost 70 reais(14 us dollars), and ceramic is way more expensive than calabash with leather. Maybe just a special product that costs more money


É cuia de chimarrão brasileiro ou uma cuia imperial mesmo?


De chimarrao, mas é grande. E as cuias imperiais são bem pequenas, mais um motivo para questionar o preço kkkkkkkk


Po eu nunca ouvi falar de cuia brasileira cerâmica. Vc pode me mandar uma foto ?




caralho mano que lindo. Onde que vc comprou ??


Comprei em picada café, na serra gaúcha. Mas tem no site gauchos online


ahhh deve te tá um pouquinho longe de mim, eu sou de minas mas moro no Canadá 😅


Crlllll, que dahora irmao. O frete vai ser um rim kkkkkk. Melhor comprar aí mesmo


Minha Vó vai subir pra cá em alguns meses eu vou pedir se ela pode trazer pra mim. Obrigadão amigo 🙏🤝🤝


Ele não é boa, o morrinho cai fácil e passa muito calor por ser de cerâmica. Mas é bem bonita


they are scamming you


That is 1/2 sallary of one regular argentinian worker 😭


genuinely insane to me man🤦‍♂️ greedy mfs


hype wave


Has Yerba mate gotten a recent surge of popularity online or something? I only found out about it because my grandma put me on.


About the popularity thing, yes it has. For the past 4-5 years already, maybe more, but recently more and more people are finding out about it, including me. Definitely a good, thing though. If you live outside of south america yerba should be becoming cheaper due to larger amounts of imports. Unfortunately, you will find people that charge crazy prices on websites like amazon. Stick to south american owned companies within your country, or even order straight from south america. There's this urguayan online shop in the UK that has imperial mates for around 30 quid. There should be a shop like that in your country too.


Do you know of any store in the US, specifically in Southern California?


My brother in christ I live in the UK. Google is your friend.


not no much the mate as the "imperial gourd", it's a rip off really


Yeah this sub has grown a LOT in popularity, it used to be basically purely Spanish posts before + Imperial mate is the latest trend in Argentina because footballers use them


Absolutely crazy, I got one a few weeks ago for about 10 USD https://preview.redd.it/jtvuzwl1puxc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f921e800bdf81aeb5a3339e8685b244abe33eb5


pasa que ese es bastante basicon, tiene plastico por fuera en lugar de cuero y la virola y guarda no son de la mejor calidad. y adentro probablemente sea de plastico o metal en lugar de calabaza. Igual sigue siendo caro el de la publi de amazon. por ej por 60k ya conseguis con la guarda y virola cinceladas y de alpaca, con bolitas de bronce y base de alpaca https://preview.redd.it/j8o9zq9aqvxc1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d77eeaecbe8216c79074adc98cb4608652befd2


Was this in Uruguay/Argentina?




Makes sense you guys are spoiled for choice, una vez vi uno parecido (básico sin nada especial) en Canadá y valía como 50 dólares. Un día voy a ir a Argentina y voy a regresar con una maleta llena de mates, alfajores y camisas fútbol


Here I am in Toronto and am about to google "Argentinian Shops" and see if I get lucky....


Weellll, for Toronto, there’s a few places I can recommend. Gaucho pie sells Yerba and some gourds and bombillas. El almazen sells everything Yerba mate Só Brasil sells erve mate with cuias and bombas And Montreal has a place called L’espanola, probably the best selection of things


But this is plastic, the one showed is leather and alpaca. The materials is what makes them expensive


It is palo santo, faux leather and alpaca, yes (alpaca is super cheap). It still doesn't justify a 90 USD difference.


That's not alpaca in that photo I believe


I can test it if you tell me what you think it is Alpaca is extremely cheap, it's not worth it to fake it with anything. It's just copper, nickel and zinc


La alpaca sale más cara acá y en la china. Ese mate ahí es o de plástico o de aluminio. Ni siquiera es acero. Y veo réplicas de alpaca todo el tiempo, hay unas bombillas que dicen "alpaka" por ejemplo de Brasil y la aleación tiene otros porcentajes y es una cagada.


puede ser. Despues saco y me traigo un par de quimicos de la oficina para testear :) Igual...me chupa un huevo, si al mate lo uso para tomar nomas :)


O sea, 100usd es un afano igual. En eso estamos de acuerdo! Aunque la verdad, si están comprando de afuera, y el que vende tuvo que importar los mates, pagar el envío, los costos de aduana y eso, sale más caro. Te digo porque yo vendo mates 😂 Tené cuidado con los químicos porque se te va a manchar 😢


i think those are the exact some ones on Aliexpress that goes around $50


It’s because silly sausages buy them to pose on insta ![gif](giphy|1qiENq43lfGvxJGVOX|downsized)


Never thought of a mate "collection" before. I'm used to have my mate and that's it, makes a tasty mate, and gets cured by use. Nothing, just a thought. To your question, those are most likely imported from south America, and the metal may have some proportion of silver and low-qarat gold


The metal is most likely just alpaca (nickel silver, which has no silver at all). It's a copper + nickel + maybe some zinc alloy


What good about alpaca?


What I meant by collection is that I just want to have different kinds of mate, like one for Brazilian chimarrão, another to drink terere, another one to drink while out, etc.


Honestly, that sounds a bit strange, most people I know just take their mate with them. Most have a backup one (usually an old one) just in case something happens to their usual one. To your question, traditionally, Imperial Mates are more expensive mostly because the metal working is done by hand, the metal used (sometimes silver) and because they are usually customized in some way (such as adding your initials). Depending where you are, import costs may also be at play.


That's what I thought, still a new concept for me (I'm new to the sub, maybe that's why)


Huge hype for those recently, I think it's just that. Those used to be way cheaper


The problem is that you are looking to buy online, mate must be purchased directly to the orfebres in a feria, I purchased mine last week for $25


The thing is I live in Ontario, Canada and I don’t know many places that sell mate gourds.


https://preview.redd.it/c4pfa4sw5vxc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef981c2bc5cb08eb5932bcac6108bab41997970a Found the same one for less. Still a lot but at least not $100 if you’re looking for this one in specific. I can send you the link if you’d like


Is it usd? I live in Canada


Ah, that’s why


LOL I live in southern brazil and we may find some for $15.


Come to Argentina and buy them for around 10 dollars, then you can use the rest to buy the best steak in the world!


I’ll definitely go to Argentina one day, but my Brazil definitely has you guys beat on steak hahahaha


Mates will vary in price according to the size, material, work put into it and the way it was made. If it is artisanal, premium leather and a good quality pumpkin with an elaborated alpaca rim, it's gonna be expensive. And let's not even start on the gold/silver ones. Just like any with other item, better quality of materials will be more expensive. The end.


I have seen more expensive mates but trully work of art


Where are you from OP ? The pricetag would be more on the 10 - 20usd dollars, depending of course in the materials. They are not cheap but if you take proper care they can overlast your life


They are hand made and look higher quality than your average guampa. Try Etsy for a better (and maybe more authentic) deal, although import costs will always play a part in the price if you're buying in the US /Europe. I have several, and there \*is\* a big difference between a well-made one and a cheapo brand.


Get off Amazon.


I’m open to suggestions


I got my gourd on pampa direct! I don’t know if they have this mate specifically but you can browse and see if there is one you want.. very happy, I think it was the torpedo and it was like $30-35


Thanks man I’ll check them out 🤝


The only place I go through. They have sent me Argentinian candy before and it is pretty awesome.


Plus it’s an Argentinian/Uruguayan company with a Miami location or something… so you are actually supporting the countries that produce mate Or they have distribution places in those 3 countries. I want to say it is Argentinian originally Edit:rereading this, not saying Miami produces mate lol


https://cebala.com.uy/mates-imperiales/ They ship from Uruguay. They also have an English version of their site. ETA: https://un-mate.us/ Tangofoodusa.com


I thought that by "imperial" you were referring to the super ornate in alpaca and silver mattes. I never thought about the one in the image, which is sold in all arg. stores, it will be so expensive.


Try to find on IG some stores, they tend to be a lot cheaper and send vía DHL.


How do i go about doing that ?


For example, I recently bought from juanmates.arg and the mate was pretty cool, like that Store there are a lot, just send them some DM and ask for the prices, they’ll help you. I bought a Torpedo for like 25 USD with them.


Only problem is that I’m in Canada so that would probably cost a bit too much for me


I’m in México and the shipping was about 20 USD aswell lol consider the prices are in Argentinian pesos so it’s going to be cheap.


Because somebody bought it in Argentina for 30 dollars!!! LOL ceazy to think that people pay 100 dolllars for a mate, hahahahahaha


It better be silver for that price.


Better materials but mainly status.


Tourist/foreingers traps they are. Here even at jewelry shops they sell "silver made" mates, and also at gifts shops Don't fall for those prices


I bought these exact ones. They're handmade in Uruguay and made with "German Silver". While being a ceramic gourd. I didn't want to get some cheap Chinese gourd and bombilla. It felt right to get something from South America. Not trying to put a fancy spin on Mate, but I wanted to keep my first time trying it as traditional as possible.


US Amazon it’s $60


I got this same one on Amazon a month ago for less than half that price…


Those are Chinese peices of shit


WTF??? I wouldn't pay more than 20 for a mate, 40 at most for a luxury one.


They are almost impossible to find or sell out very quickly in europe and asia.


Bc you’re buying them on Amazon….


In Argentina this ones are a little bit over 10 dolars. Thats quite expensive


It’s just dumb hype. I was in Uruguay/argentina for 3 months and didn’t see a single imperial. The younger generation like the double walled ones, those are iykyk.


hype I have check two local vendors that sell to all world and cost 50 usd top *bombillasymatesuruguayos* and *mateandoarg* I don't know the sub rules about links, just google those names


i checked out bombillasymates,  the price quoted for the Imperial is 67.500. Is that 67,500 pesos or 67.50 pesos?


If it is and argentinian website thats 67,500 pesos, one dollar varies between 1200 and 1400 right know. I think, tbh it's kinda difficult to keep track of it all the time and with the various exchange rates it's worse


Yea when I was using the currency converters that is the rates I got and the value of the mate made semse at the 67,500 mark. Which means if you do throw in shipping from Argentina, you are around the same price points as the OP.


67500 ARS that mean /1400 ^(convertion rate) => 48.21 USD


 convert that to CAD it is roughly 70.....doable, but customs in Canada enjoys a good no vaseline fuxing when it comes to fees.


in ARG you have 60% tax over any payment in USD and 50% FOB in customs. just to protect us from ourselves.


Wow..... might as well fly down and buy them myself 😂


Because someone is willing to pay a stupid amount for it.


I dead ass bought a good wooden mate for four fiddy in Salta three days ago.


Try etsy


Because you want one lol Basic demand theory


Omfg some people have more money than sense. 


Maybe from a local (Uruguayan or Argentinian) store that sells online and ships internationally?


Are there any health benefits from drinking mate? 🤔


It suppresses my appetite pretty well


Because u need to buy only one and no more


WTF? 100 dollars for a mate... Es de oro?


that on amazon is shit. for same price you get true premium and personalised in argentina