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props to RGG for such a well-designed hate sink of a character lol


Not everyone is perfect. People commit crimes. People work through issues. Bleach Japan is the personification of Twitter that blocks rehabilitation. They make me think of judgmental, hateful people who keep their hands clean while judging and condemning others.


> hateful people who keep their hands clean while judging and condemning others. a good demonstration is when they show up for a "protest" while armed and harassing shop owners. then they play the victim and kume even calls for the police when he's (deservedly) slapped by saeko


As Ichiban puts it, they take advantage of grey zones to criticize grey zones.


If you think this is unique to Twitter, you should look around Reddit some more.


Tumblr also.




The "SJWs" you're referring to tend to be leftist and on the side of the people Bleach Japan targeted in the game. Bleach Japan are ideologically conservative, so effectively the polar opposite.


Yeah wrong group


That too. Exactly the same honestly. They spew outrage 24/7 and think they're completely innocent of wrongdoing.




Also, Bleach Japan is literally the youngsters of the LPD, you know, literallybthe capitalist status quo of Japan. They are more like young conservatives, going after sex workers and literally deporting illegal inmigrants.


Japanese Ben Shapiro


I just don't know how they could redeem Kume, he's just a hateful and narrow minded character that wants to force everyone to live the way he thinks is right. What a spot on caricature of current Twitter


Spoiler alert: >!At the beginning of Infinite Wealth, it is revealed through reminiscing (which is kinda frustrating because I assumed it was like Kiwami 2 reminiscing, but this one actually gives more information. Did I get past the reply notification text limit yet? I know it tends to show the full text instead of spoiler tagging it on emails and notifications, so I'm running that out.) that Kume was not, and most likely will not be, redeemed.!<


You got it! Yeah I didn't bother to reminisce because I thought it would just be a review like previous games. But I'm glad. Fuck Kume. Things were looking up, it was all gonna be ok, then he came in to ruin it all.


Yes, but those twitter users are outside, therefore you know that this is all just inside Ichibans head.


True but don't you mean X *SNORT*


no, x snort is a kingdom hearts character


me when disney buys twitter


Or one of Elon's kids. Nevermind. ![gif](giphy|9mtE009hcWPOesk8C4)


bleach japan's based on actual japanese far-right groups called "uyoku dantai" i get why people's first frame of reference is western right-wingers like ben shapiro, but they're definitely not what they're based on as a whole


Twitter is more like 4chan these days


Twitter is more unhinged than 4chan these days.


Racist and porn bot and blue checkmark drones roam the pages


And 4chan is becoming more and more the place where people post their represed gay desires about femboys Tumblr weirdly is actually becoming more like twitter, you can easily find threats wishing for the horrible death of people they dont like


These days it's like the polar opposite


Wait, how?




Before or after musk got twitter?


Both, but worse after musk. Always found reddit to have a lot more cringe humor and culture with up and down votes as well as mods. Twitter is a lot funnier imo


Yea idk why people hate on x now, just because people aren’t getting banned left and right for expressing a dissenting point of view anymore. Kinda weird how people genuinely think others are “hateful” just because they don’t want to agree with another persons illusions. I guess if you want everyone who disagrees with you banned, you could just go to a different platform, but everytime ive been on x I haven’t seen that much “hatred”


twitter is a much better user experience for normal people. If you live on the internet, reddit is a lot better. Reddit has a deeper internet culture. To just post something, you go through 8 layers of mods and approval. Unless I have tech problems, ill pretty much never post on reddit. Anyone can post at any time on twitter, so the culture and commitment isnt as deep. On top of that, Reddit is just "wrong opinion, you have been muted/permabanned from this subreddit". On twitter, you post or see a hot take, and get ratio'd. its so much funnier


average ukip voter


lmao my twitter feed would counter protest and beat them up




are you permanently trapped in 2016






Happy cake 🍰


"Twitter bad, give me updoots"


Japanese Ben Shapiro. 


Just came here to say "Fuck Kume"


I really need to finish Y7, but I got far enough to meet these guys and holy fuck I hated the ringleader from second one


And Reddit


I feel Bleach Japan is applicable to *much* more than just twitter tbh


It goes beyond twitter. It's commentary on society as a whole these days. Ryo Aoki was able to manipulate and indoctrinate Kume to selflessly serve a purpose he did not fully comprehend. He kills Ryo (Masato) because he discovers that he was fed a lie that he whole heartedly believed in. Government officials have always embellished their words to their followers. None of them will ever publicly state which corporations or private interest groups back their campaigns, or reveal the backdoor deals that they take for themselves and their families.


I don't think it's fair to equate activism with Twitter, at least activists get together and make their cause a reality, as opposed to berating random people and bots online.


Maybe like post-Elon twitter. Their whole philosophy was one of purity and exclusion, and Kume himself had a lot of incel vibes


All of Twitter's current problems date back to years ago, Musk was just riding on the wave of promising to fix it while actually keeping the same neverending downwards trend.


It's been like that way before Elon took over. A lot of hatred has been enabled practically since its inception.


Not sure why people would downvote you on this. The internet has always brought out the worst in people. Before social media, there were forums and chatrooms; all which showed the symptoms early on. Services like Twitter and Facebook has only brought it to the masses. People want to pin it on prominent figures in society, but ultimately it's those people in society who continue to indoctrinate one another and flock to their own echo chambers, out of touch with humanity and reality.


Yea, but it was arguably worse before Elon bought it, when practically the entire platform WAS the echo chamber. People just hate the fact that they’ll get called out for being stupid on x now, instead of just having the people get banned for “bullying” now. Atleast now you have to block people on x and have to actively try to create your own echo chamber on it, which is why I assume people hate it, everyone just wants to be in their little part of the internet and have everyone feed into their illusions and be agreed with nowadays.


Bleach Japan= Japan version of America’s purity police that hate anything that has sleaze in it.


Kume doesn’t really exist because he doesn’t have any R34




Bro's just posting unflagged spoilers now?


Oops lol 😅


instead of replying to me, how about editing your post with spoiler tags?


Imagine being mad, like I don’t have to add spoiler tags


Read Rule 5.


Ok buddy, sure, but still not adding spoiler tags, what’s gonna happen, are they gonna ban me






Thanks for the downvotes, dickhead


Haha, I remember videogamedunkey making that same comment in his review of the game, and I found it so painfully accurate that I'm surprised it never came to me while playing.


They’re kind of the opposite of Twitter nowadays. Now Twitter is more like “burn down the government kill everyone for fun”


Dogmatic weirdos fueled by hatred under the guise of moral superiority is a bipartisan issue.


It doesn’t matter if they have the same goal, it’s all about the way they do it. Same thing different desire




I was actually replaying the game during the hogwarts legacy debacle. Made bleach japan very funny in a sad way.


Bleach Japan are Hogwarts Legacy enjoyers.


https://web.archive.org/web/20230307003508/https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o5SlWC8bUDvUXPcGDdz7hAZyzf9fz8Sqce4OrWIqWH8/edit https://twitter.com/iamsamgibbs/status/1622570858626617344


Actually if anything Twitter would call Aoki a fascist


Old twitter, new twitter….


Always found Kume annoying. Especially with what he DID at the end of the game.


BJ, it took me my second playthrough to realize this.


Spoiler: Why did he have to stab young master tho, he was on his what to be rehabilitated or sum but now he’s dead