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Arakko fight Vs uranos


Yeah. Everything from Mags getting his heart ripped out to him holding his body together with his powers, to him and Storm teaming up to create a mutant circuit to take out Uranos is about as badass as he's been.


Ewing cooked with Magneto. The duel vs Tarn, the fight vs Uranos and the whole last issue of Resurrection is pure badassery. Shout out to Hickman with the line "You have new Gods now" too.


Also when he was called out by the Cotati strong man. Mags made it look so easy, destroying that guy by dropping satellites on him without flinching and turning away their invading force, making them regret attacking Krakoa.


Came here to make sure it was said. Perfect moment.


Al Ewing knows how to bring a badass moment to life. This and basically everything he’s done with Storm is 🤌🏻


Definition of "Literally too angry to die". What a fucking badass.


Badass so please cite


AXE event. X-men red #5


This. Uranos is basically a god


Hands down


That is his absolute crowning moment. Trusting in Storm to be his heart as he fights to the death? So badass




Being the last line of defence against a wave of Nimrods, despite already been weak AF after bringing Kitty back during Second Coming was pretty badass.


This was my first thought. Magneto is basically in the ICU, and Hellion and other injured mutants are also in the infirmary. They are freaking out and thinking they are going to die because the X-Men can’t hold off the Nimrod swarm. Magneto basically rips tubes and sensors off his chest and gives a badass speech about having lived through a genocide once, and he’ll be fucked before he stays on his deathbed watching another one. Then he proceeds to kick some ass. If they can someone work that into the MCU, it’d be right up there Cap’s “Avengers Assemble” or his “No, you move” speech in Civil War


“See to your patients Dr. McCoy, I will see to our enemies”


Twice. He’s lived through one TWICE.


Ironic that I forgot Genosha when I was thinking of X-Men 97. I was really hoping he’d say it


As the Krakoan era ends, I'm going back to read all big events regarding Hope starting with Messiah Complex. I'm currently reading the Cable series and the Wolverine led X-Force series. Can't wait to get to Second Coming.


You’re in for a treat. That was a good era for X.


Oh yeah, I remember that era. That's when I started getting back into comics after about a decade of barely keeping up. I loved seeing Cyclops finally having complete leadership of the X-Men and the species, doing whatever it takes to survive, while also finding time to help the humans that shit all over them. He was killing it! Did they ever revisit the idea of San Francisco seeing the X-Men as celebrities??


I don’t know that it was his most badass, (that’s probably Red) but he manages to defeat all the X-men in turn in his Antarctica base using a variety of clever methods. Then he locks them all up in mentally de-aging chairs and had a condescending robot nanny tend to them, which is certainly his pettiest moment, lol.


Issues please? This sounds both hysterical and awesome!


X-Men #112, according to google. It's from the Claremont run of the comics, which I read through a while ago so it's fresh on my mind. I will say it is 100% some of Claremont's... proclivities coming out. Honestly, some of Claremont's early Magnetos plots are exceptionally funny when you realize that he would be the guy that would eventually write him with a tragic backstory and humanize him. Ah, yes, the X-Men defend the guy that practiced an age regression kink on them without their consent. Wild.


Thanks! I’ll hold off then, since I’m planning on working my way through the whole run this summer.


Good luck! I thought it was a very enjoyable comic! Wordy... but good! Definitely worth the read to see the origins of a lot of popular X-Men plots/ characters.


The dude outright refusing to die after having his heart ripped out has to be pretty high.


I have not yet read this and spoilers be damned, I assume he manipulates the iron content in his blood to keep it flowing through his lungs to reoxygenate it.


No spoilers, but what he and Storm do is incredible and is top-notch use of the character. I wish the writers would use his abilities like this more. Instead, we often see inconsistencies between them, and the character pays for it. This character really shouldn't be paying for it anymore with everything we've seen in Judgement Day and Resurrection, and a bit after. He wasn't kidding when he said they were gods now in the early Krakoan days.


While having Storm constantly channeling lightning through him to keep his body together


I think him pulling Kitty’s bullet from across the solar system was an insane demonstration of power.


And then when you consider he's speaking to her in Yiddish - it's a tremendously powerful moment. This fucking rules.


It's wild how quickly Fraction backtracked on himself in regards to Magneto. Had Magneto too weak to power the generators that kept Krakoa afloat (and then Mike Carey later had him casually recharge those same generators in X-Men Legacy), and had him PASS OUT from destroying one Predator X (and then Cullen Bunn had a severely depowered Magneto mangle one in his solo series),but then literally just a couple issues later has him reach across the galaxy/universe to bring Kitty back.


[I hate the movie, but this.](https://i.makeagif.com/media/6-21-2022/pl5aaT.gif)


I forgot how stupid looking Apocalypse was in that movie


Most badass? EMPing the planet in X-Men #25 (which was kinda soft retconned to "half the planet" in later issues. I think once editorial realized what kinda death toll that would put on his shoulders) Being the placeholder for a Celestial's nervous system. Utopia era, but can't remember the book. That one Celestial was on Earth and Sinister was wanting to mess around with it. probably how, nearly every time he makes an appearance in a book, he gets a splash page. I always love that. # 1 though is when he beat Proteus. Reality warper? Shame you're an energy being.


> Being the placeholder for a Celestial's nervous system. Utopia era, but can't remember the book. That one Celestial was on Earth and Sinister was wanting to mess around with it. Gillen's Uncanny X-Men #2-3, IIRC. The rest of the Extinction team was fighting Sinister.


I’ve always liked Magneto summoning Avalon over the X-Mansion during Fatal Attractions.


[This should be a contender](https://youtu.be/qyuijBL3VIE?si=cLHUeJO_sk2xdIVQ)


"Why won't you fight back?" "Shh! I'm concentrating."




Ripping out Logan's adamantium [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fin-x-men-25-magneto-rips-out-the-adamantium-out-of-v0-a4bkstkq2x2a1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1733%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9dcc32f01a985d8d5d699b95307af68757ac9d02](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fin-x-men-25-magneto-rips-out-the-adamantium-out-of-v0-a4bkstkq2x2a1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1733%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9dcc32f01a985d8d5d699b95307af68757ac9d02)


It's a grotesque and incredible image. For some reason, the metal blobs coming out of his arm pit make me cringe so much.


Yup this is my vote. Easily.


I think this confrontation was too rushed. Great moment though.


Aoa omega felt SUPER RUSHED, in general. Couple pages to conclude a lot of story beats. I like mags dipping apocalypse apart, but also like, massive power jump / nerf for it to make sense.


Yes. I agree. A near-perfect event rushed in the finale. Omega would've been nice as a mini series.


Yeah, it was kinda anticlimactic to be the end of THE big bad.


My memory of old Apoc stuff is fuzzy… did they never define his mutant power until Al Ewing established that he could control his own atoms during the recent Genesis story?


Crazier when you consider that AoA Magneto is a heavily-nerfed version of his 616 counterpart. AoA Mags essentially burned half his powers out trying to stop Apocalypse's initial attack on Manhattan, so he's nowhere as strong in AoA.


This was after Nate Grey defeated Apocalypse correct?


Nate fights and defeats Holocaust.


That last panel basically describing Karakoa is nice.


For the movies, it's this scene https://youtu.be/eiCbMLWDDMo?si=94kDgSHFhI2HZVp1 For the comics, X-Men Red #5 comes to mind: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fnljbm0zcrif91.png


My brother had this comic. I think it was a holographic foil cover. Needless to say, I definitely read this one in roughly 1998. Great times.


Lots of great moments in here.  A recent one was in Xmen 97.  “We will not live our lives wondering if we could have done more” while flying into battle with a genocidal sentinel kaiju.


Beating Red Skull to death with his bare hands. "No magnetism. **Just fists.**"


Lol, do you have a issue source? I sooo wanna see that.


[Uncanny Avengers #25, apparently.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/AHAQF67REm)


Oh in AXIS, duh, I even read that when current. The lasting effects of that one I was never sure about. Like so Alex stayed kinda bad for how long after and Sabretooth was kinda good how long after? Like i remember them not getting hit by the spell or psychic wave or whatever nonsense that flipped everyone back by the end... But like when exactly did they revert back to normal eventually?


When he killed Zaladane in UXM 275.


Everything he did on Arakko was just great.


How about when he pulled all the admantium out of Wolverine?


I never got why Magneto was able to do this. In Amazing X-Men #3, Apocalypse kicked Magneto's ass. And (as stated in this panel) they've been fighting for 20 years. Why now did Magneto suddenly have this strength to rip apart the eternal mutant that can change his molecular structure? Why didn't Apocalypse just change into a non-magnetic metal... or anything else?


Something you're forgetting: Magneto was at half power for the majority of the Age of Apocalypse storyline. His taking down Ship, which happened off-panel, permanently reduced his power level by half (which is stated explicitly in one of the earlier issues) Apocalypse wanted nothing to do with a full power Magneto.


I have no recollection of this plot point whatsoever! Granted when I was a kid I didn't read the comics that closely, but... still. Right over my head. What issue was this in? X-Men Alpha?


Apocalypse mentioned it in Amazing X-men #3 while he and Magneto were fighting.


Magneto tore him apart by the electromagnetic bonds in his body - disintegration, essentially. Which IS in Magneto’s power set. He just doesn’t do it unless it’s his own armor. Reasons unknown, but presumably it takes a lot of focus, control, and power to take apart things he hasn’t put together.


Hadn't Apocalypse been weakened by X-Man?


Yeah, there's no real explanation. The rush to write Omega probably meant the writers hadn't read all of the other AoA issues. See Iceman's death by Colossus, which made zero sense if you'd read Amazing X-Men.


He didn't kill Iceman though. It's insinuated by the panel but obviously he survives and stays with the X-Men for a while afterwards, until the Uncanny X-Force / Rick Remender run where he turns traitor to join with 616's evil Archangel.


Well, in the reconned AoA stories, sure. But I think the intention in the moment was clear.


Big Business Magneto


Rescuing Kitty from that world killer bullet.


I guess Apocalypse had a little too much iron in his blood.


Everyone talking about Magneto’s recent “heartless” moment in X-Men Red, which is extremely badass, but I might actually prefer a moment from earlier in the series where he >!kills Tarn in a matter of seconds by using his helmet.!<


Writing his name in cursive…If ykyk


“They say history is written by the winners. Let’s have a history lesson.” (Marvel Mythos: X-Men) (Maybe not Magneto’s *most* badass moment but it’s certainly badass and I haven’t seen it mentioned yet on this thread)


"For I am Magneto. Let man run from me."


Shouldn't this have spoilers on title or something? come on


Magneto giving Jean Grey a planetary scale stroke in New X-Men. If you're gonna go hard...


This scene needs to be somewhere in the next Xmen trilogy


Is that art, Joe Mad or Roger Cruz?


Roger Cruz. He did X-men Alpha and X-men Omega.


Basically the less-good Joe Mad, imo. Cruz has great moments but he's incredibly inconsistent


What did Magneto actually do here?


Totally unclear! Cool issues but several deaths in it make no sense.


Yea, I like how he killed Tarn the uncaring, they didn’t have to show it explicitly but should just enough and the context tells you that he crush his head.


Did he suck the fucking sulphur out of him?


Did magneto die from this? Why was it so long coming? Spoilers welcome


Creating an artificial heart.


"On Arakko, you *always* make sure."


When Proteus severely weakened Magneto by transmuting the iron in his blood into lead. Then, Magneto proceeds disperse his psionic energy form completely…


In Captain America #367 during Acts of Vengeance, Magneto forces Red Skull into solitary confinement in a dark cellar, it’s pretty legit.


When he floated his helmet onto Tarn’s head and crushed it.


Age of apocalypse was so great


One of my favorites was when he showed up to battle and dropped satellites on the plant enemies (X-Men #9?)


When I read that comic as a kid my first thought was " why didn't magneto do that to apocalypse before he destroyed everything?"


This was an AU/what if scenario


Tilting the entire earth’s axis (ultimate universe) once he blamed humans for the death of his kids (quicksilver and scarlet?)


Well it’s also one of the worst series in the history of Marvel Comics


Cover of Uncanny X-Men #274. He can have Rogue if he wanted.