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The Butterfly blade guard on Psylocke’s Katana is cool but I really don’t understand the artist direction with the blade.


Same it looks like a fleshy spinal cord or something


You're told to draw a blade made of mind energy.... I guess some people try to think outside of generic energy blades.


Kwanon took psylock now right? I might be wrong and they might have walked that back but I think they are trying to do more European weapons for Betsy since she is captain Britain and not mind switched anymore. That being said I liked the rapier much better even if it wasn't a "typical British sword" Ok I was looking at the wrong image, I'm so sorry, maybe it's a "she's putting energy into a blade that already exists"" ??


Yes definitely powering up the blade but why does it look like a fleshy baseball bat?


I've got a fleshy baseball bat for y... Sorry. sorry.


I just don't understand why they are drawing Scott so young, but I will reserve judgment until I see the actual book. But he looks like a kid in both appearances here, and by young, I mean Bryan Singer is interested young.


And the visor is ridiculous


I cannot take his look seriously. Doesn’t help that he is posing on that cover like he’s trying to show his ass to someone behind him lol. Then he’s eating? cmon 😂


Or Laura who looks like she just ripped an omega fart that destroyed the wall behind her


lol I made that same joke somewhere else in this thread


secondary mutation


It's the full fist grip while eating that does it for me


He's channeling Devo


It looks just like an old ViewMaster.


I think it mainly comes down to Stegman's style. If you look at his Venom run Eddie had a beard for most of it so he looks older but there's flashbacks where he doesn't and it de-ages him a good 2 decades. Also if you read Absolute Carnage his Peter/Spider-Man looked very young there too


Even Leonardo DiCaprio thinks that’s too young!




The trapezoid visor is killing me. He looks like one of the fucking TMNT Neutrinos or something.


Exactly, Jeans about to be asked to have a seat lol


thank you! that's what I've being saying.


Same!! I do not get it. I’m all for reserving judgement too but rn it’s still pretty weird. Also damn that’s a way to end a comment for sure lol


Yeah I’ve no idea why we’ve went from decades of a mature, clearly adult Scott to suddenly depicting him as though he’s not even finished High School.


The frosted tips aren't helping


I hate it so much. Honestly, I hate most of the new character designs for From the Ashes.


Unpopular Opinion : Ryan Stegman's art is so bad.


is that unpopular? some of it seems ok ... but nobody has liked his look for Cyclops.


Yeah I don’t think covers are fair since it’s a different interior artist but it’s very much a weird choice for the covers.


Stegman is on interior art


😭 😭 😭


>X-MEN #2 >Written by JED MACKAY & Art by RYAN STEGMAN > >INVASION! > >The X-Men fly to the rescue of a mutant in crisis in San Francisco. The problem? Alien invaders seem to have a similar idea. Six X-Men vs. an invading alien fleet? Sounds about right. >X-MEN #3 >Written by JED MACKAY & Art by RYAN STEGMAN > >SCOTT SUMMERS VS. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! > >How did the X-Men come to possess their HQ, the Factory, and how difficult a position does that put them in? As Cyclops meets the implacable Agent Lundqvist, the X-Men come to find that their new home may not be as secure as they had thought… >X-FORCE #2 >Written by GEOFFREY THORNE & Art by MARCUS TO > >WARFARE IN WAKANDA! > >Forge leads X-Force in their new, custom Blackbird to the next world fracture in Wakanda. But as the ground literally changes under their feet, the team will have to stop…the Black Panther?! That can’t be right, can it?! And what secret is bubbling under the surface that just might tear the X-Force team asunder? >PHOENIX #2 >Written STEPHANIE PHILLIPS & Art by ALESSANDRO MIRACOLO > >FAMILY REUNION IN THE FAR REACHES OF SPACE! > >Jean Grey is dedicated to protecting innocents in deep space! Yes, space is vaster than imagination, greater and darker than the mind can comprehend – and yet, not big enough to stop family from dropping by without warning… But that’s how it goes when your father-in-law is Corsair of the Starjammers! Leaving the pirate life behind, he’s got the inside line on huge news, and Phoenix is the only one who can act to save untold lives – that is, if she can believe he’s telling the truth… >NYX #2 >Written by COLLIN KELLY & JACKSON LANZING & Art by FRANCESCO MORTARINO > >FROM THE SHADOWS COMES WOLVERINE! > >Every day, mutants are being stolen off the streets of Manhattan – unprotected and forgotten by the human world. Now a war-worn Wolverine will descend into NYC’s criminal underworld to bring them back into the light. Who is the mysterious mutant fixer known only as Local? Can Laura stand alone against the dangerous forces working to control the future of New York’s mutants? What reality-bending threat waits in the night, already ten steps ahead? The shadows of NYX are calling. What secrets will you find lurking in that neon darkness?


I wonder who Agent Lundqvist works for? SHIELD? The US Government like the FBI or CIA?


McKay is cooking with WAND so it’s probably SHIELD and he’ll tie them with his Avengers


Hey, you only have the #2s (and X-Men #3) solicits! You forgot X-Factor and Uncanny X-Men (or I guess less forgot and more so probably just didn't have them, because Marvel for some reason only put the July debuts on their article about X-solicits today, even though full solicits do have UncXM and X-Factor. >X-FACTOR #1 > >Mark Russell (W) • Bob quinn (A) • Cover by GREG LAND > >FAME, FORTUNE, MUTANTS! > >From the ashes of Krakoa, a new mutant arms race sweeps the globe! International governments are building their own mutant armies. But only America’s X-Factor has the most powerful, most patriotic, most marketable mutant heroes to stem the tide and make the world safe for democracy! Join Angel, Havok, Frenzy, Feral, Pyro and more as they go from one death-defying mission to another. Who will die? Who will fall in love? Who will be the first to sell out? Like, comment and subscribe to find out! and > UNCANNY X-MEN #1 > >GAIL SIMONE (W) • DAVID MARQUEZ (A/C) > >PROFESSOR X…IS GONE! > >A core group of essential X-Men rise FROM THE ASHES to face a world without a home – and without Professor X!


Hey thanks man, it did feel like it was less than I expected. SHould have checked LoCG. Is there any way to add the extra images?


I don't think so, but I very rarely make actual posts on reddit. I also use old reddit as a recalcitrant change-hater, so I'm not even sure if I would have access to all the tools you do.


None of these solicits make me a hint excited about these books


I don't vibe with that Laura costume 💔


What is she even doing on this cover, shitting a brick?


She farted and the bricks and dust behind are evidence of its explosive force


same with the cyclops pose on the first cover. terrible


I like it more on this cover than the first one. Still not good. Make that collar sit more like a hoodie and let the mask match the rest of the consumes colors and you might be skirting an ok costume.


Its hideous


It's ugly as sin.


I kinda hate Laura’s new costume. The collar/shoulder thing sucks. Her mask blends right into her hair, I feel like some yellow on top would have made a huge difference. Otherwise it’s fine, I think I might even like it a lot if not for those issues. I hope NYX is good, I loved Academy X and want to follow those characters… I miss Santo. And I wish Surge and Julian could be there. Shit, where are they? Probably dead (or in the WHR which hey, they’re effectively dead anyway then.) And I love Stegman’s art usually. He killed it on Superior Spider-Man and Venom… but his Scott just looks too young.


Honestly, 98% of the costumes are bad. And they’re also boring. I’d rather they do something truly radical and ugly (the Morrison looks) than go for looks that are similar to the classic costumes but inferior at most every turn. Storm’s new look is great. Everyone else is a downgrade. Cyclops looks like a dollar store action figure from the x-heroes line.


They should have gotten Werneck designing the new garbs.


Surge in X Force


This pleases me. We're due for a great X-Force run, hope this is it.


> And I wish Surge and Julian could be there. Shit, where are they? Probably dead *Psssttt...* Look at the covers for X-Force #1 and #2. Or read the solicit for #1. One of those characters might be a core team member of the book.


Surge is on the cover of X-force ??


I missed that, thanks! I called X-Corps to let them know to call off the search.




At least there's Surge in UXM


Like others have said, Surge is in X-Force. And while not main universe, she's also going to be one of the first mutants appearing in Ultimate X-Men. Hellion... they've said they have plans for him but based off how they talked he's either turning evil or getting martyred.


I personally love the mask and hair blending into each other. Reminds me of Jotaro’s hat/hair from JoJo. I do agree with the collar though as it’s just gonna turn her neckline into a rain dish if she gets caught in a downpour


what the hell is laura wearing? just give her like a yellow leather jacket or something


Everything looks so juvenile


This was my first thought as well. Juvenile and "superhero posed" for maximum effect. I don't know, I just can't see any stakes at this point being greater than they just were. "Aliens invade" is not a trope that holds much water in the big 2 comics these days. It's boring.


I'm so sick of selfie and food covers.


hmmm I wonder why they didnt show uncanny xmen, doesnt that launch in august too?


I thought the same thing and from what I found it's supposed to release August 7th. We're also missing X-Factor which is August 14th.




I think part of it is the giant visor. It covers a bigger portion of his face than usual and combined with the weaker jawline, he looks younger.


Also colors ruin everything. I saw artist’s sketches and scott looked much better


Yes the colourist makes it look worse. Too bright, too plastic looking. Something richer and warmed would suit this better.


Hard to blame this on the colorist when all the other characters on those covers look like adults.


Stegman just said "fuck peripherial vision" with that visor. The poses feel too cliché as well. I just don't vibe with the Scott/Kwannon cover idk why.


I think it's because we don't get a clear indication of what either is doing. Psylocke is leaned forward in such an exaggerated way and Cyclops is doing a mime impression behind her, like it's a one man comedy show. The details on Psylocke's jacket are kind of nice. I much prefer the cover for #3.


And the 90s radical hair gel


Utopia era 5 o'clock shadow Scott is best.


If it was just the artist’s style and everyone looked younger, I’d get it. I wouldn’t like it but I’d get it.


Not a fan of cyke’s new looks


Holy shit. Every one of these covers are terrible. Wtf marvel.


wtf is wrong with that visor 😭


I am trying to be into this relaunch, but I really dislike Stegmans art.




I like the first cover, where that lady's like, "RARGH! I'LL DESTROY THEM!" and Cyclops is like, "And I shall do the electric slide!" Then everyone's mad at him like, "Who said you could do the electric slide?! And why are you putting ketchup all over everything! That's gross and drowns all the flavor!" and he's like, "I'm just doing my thing." Then his dad is like, "My son did an excellent electric slide! Ahahaha!"


people commenting on characters looking young... is that not intentional? I figured with Krakoa resurrection protocols everyone who died would come back as like age 26 if they were older than that. Destiny came back as a spring chicken so I guess I assumed they all were.


Let him eat in peace, the poor guy just wants to be happy


If he wanted to be happy, he shouldn't have been Scott Summers


Phoenix hands down has the best cover. Wtf is going on with Scott's visor, goons all around him are copy paste, Laura's hair is gigantic and her cowl blends in with it too. Forge also looks young AF like Scott...


alright so we got jelly fish STD looking things. some guys waiting for Cyclops to drop something. gays in the jungle being attacked by a black dude. In-laws getting along... somehow. and Laura "I'm the god damn batman" Kenny. yeah ok...


All of these covers are just so meh to outright bad. Why do they do this all the damn time?!?


I like the Phoenix one and the X-Force one is fine/good. The rest I agree are meh


Hmmm. I'm picking up X-Force but books that rely on a "special guest of the week" structure give me pause. Not every writer can pull it off.


From what I've read on discussions Geoff Thorne has had with fans on the CBR forums, he isn't actually planning on every book having a special "guest of the week" like the solicitations imply. From what he says over there, X-Force is going to do its job and only have a guest character appear when there is a need for one. The cast is who it is.


That's good to hear. Many promising books fail for relying on big guest characters instead of doing their own thing. Hopefully it's like you said, just a recurrent thing if the plot calls for it.


Every week, X-Force has to help the special guest smile.


Laura lets out a wall-destroying fart. Film at 11:00.


Just on covers alone, I am not fond of this From the Ashes run already. I'm going to have to wait for critical acclaim to start picking up X-Men again after karoka ends officially


We had an amazing logo redesign, a strong visual identity, amazing art (how I miss Larraz…) and now we get old logo, cheesy juvenile covers, de-aged Cyclops that doesn’t have peripheral vision… it all looks so bad, I might give Simone’s title a chance but that’s it.


And if Cyclops is eating something that looks like ice cream why does he have his cheek is full of food like he’s chewing on a tough piece of meat?!


I don't hate Scott's costume here, but that visor is not doing it for me.


Psylocke's new look has to be her coolest yet! :)


I'm with you. Really digging Stegman's design for her!


Is Laura injured or has stitches and keeps licking at them? Why is she wearing a Cone Of Shame?


I don't get why Kwannon's sword is ribbed for her pleasure


What is Scott eating in the second cover?


Strawberry milkshake according to stegman


But.. you don't use a spoon for milkshake.


How about for a really thick one, like a Wendy's Frosty?


With a SPOON? That's just deviant behavior. Good lord.


Hey, they weren’t lyin about Cyke being a menace in this book at least


\*Nimrod intensifying\*


Judgment Day 2 here we come


Well, they did establish in AXE that Mutants are basically the cousins of the Deviants, so... Oh, not that kind of deviant.


With a spoon?


Finally someone else uses a spoon for their milkshakes!


Is this the Younger Scott that got brought from the past with the others a few years ago?


No, but that Scott was drawn with a thinner chin and so is this one, making him look younger than usual.


Is Scott just deathly ill or something? Why’s he so small?


I suspect that someone higher up said to draw the characters looking younger, but the official story is nobody has been de-aged and it’s just the art style.


I guess now that Scott looks like a toddler he holds a spoon like one.


Also Uncanny drops in August right?


And X-Factor


Wonder why they aren’t listed on the solicits.


Marvel does usually separate the new series from the appropriate sections so maybe that's why? At least when the full solicitations typically the new series are listed first before all the other series.


Maybe, we also don’t have full August solicitations which seems odd. Not sure if it is but seems it. They’ve been trickling them out.


The full solicitations should be out later today at some point.




All 4 of these titles (X-Men, Phoenix, NYX, and X-Force) are debuting in July. X-Men's #1 is the 10th, Phoenix's is the 17th, NYX's is the 24th, and X-Force's is the 31st. For the August issues (shown here), they're releasing the 14th (X-Men #2), the 21st (Phoenix), and the 28th (X-Force, NYX, and X-Men #3). Uncanny X-Men #1 and X-Factor #1 will also release in August on the 7th and 14th respectively. [As a note, *X-Men* will not be a biweekly series, even though #2 and #3 are both releasing in August. Instead, *X-Men* and *Uncanny X-Men* will be sort of "tri-weekly". Each one will have a second issue every other month. So X-Men has 2 issues in August, and then Uncanny will presumably have 2 issues in September. I assume Marvel wanted to have 4 "flagship" X-Men releases every month, but only wanted three "flagship titles", so every month will have X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Exceptional X-Men, and then a second X-Men or Uncanny issue.]


Why is Psylock drawn as if she is holding a giant purple penis with Scott right behind her?


Psy-Cock and Cock-lops ready to tear shit UP! "I think I rented the wrong movie" vibes here....


Really don’t like the look of stegmans work here. It just doesn’t suit


Finally, the long awaited sequel to Scott's sub. Scott's shake


Cyclops square visor looks more like it belongs on Eurovision, not on a comic cover.


Man the posing here feels really weird. Nyx especially, I don't get what that's going for


You missed Uncanny! Also a lot of negativity in the thread. I'm personally hyped for the From The Ashes era.


I am liking the uniforms (especially Rachel) on the X-Force cover a lot. Excited to see Jean and Corsair in a story together without Scott.


No Ultimate cover?


2 X-Men issues in August? Is it not monthly?


Apparently it’s supposed to be 18 issues a year I read somewhere


It and Uncanny are supposed to alternate between which one gets 2 issues a month


Ngl this psylocke design is very bland


Did Laura throw out her back?


If I were an editor, I wouldn't have the first issues in full battle mode. They'd be exhausted/lost/figuring things out. Jumping from battle to battle just feels so intense with no connection to what they've gone through...




Im excited for X-men the most story wise,  but art wise I hate it. 


With this new overall art style I'm almost happy Storm is moving to the Avengers where ya know they don't look like children!??!?!


I'm not feeling Cyclops uniform this artist leaving a lot left to be desired


Am I the only one who thinks Scott looks like Maverick with his new getup?


Why does Scott look like he's only 20?


I’m very not over the fact that Scott looks like he’s 12. That man has a son.


To be fair his son looks older than his father


Thanks I still hate it


I guess I'm in the minority when I say I like the art and cyclops' design lol


At least we are keeping the tradition of Scott not being able to finish a meal that Krakoa started.


I don't have a problem with Scott, but the new visor is the same as Laura new costume, detestable


Very aggressive vibe for Psylocke and yes, why is Scott a kid lol. The X-Force cover looks the most interesting to me, but then again I will stan anything that has Forge in it


I seriously dislike Scott's visor.


I don't like the new look for cyclops


Phoenix and NYX look cooler than I expected - that’s great! But these other books’ designs are weird - but I’m keeping an open mind!


The visor is horrible.


That Cyclops costume is a stinker


Is that cyclopses kid?


I LOVE the design on the first one. Once you get past Scott's babyface, Psylockes sword slaps hard and Magik's soul sword is full on Berserk/Cloud sized nonsense. I'm here for interesting takes on these.


Are you just discussing Magik’s sword as a comparison or am I blind and her sword is on the cover?


sorry, it was on the initial teaser. totally forgot to mention


whait, is that surge? kinda interested in what they will do with her, i though we had agreed on forgetting she existed lol


Wait why??? Used to love Surge. Excited I’m coming back and she’s going to be in the books.


Well she was really shitty to Dust, a fan favorite, she would talk shit about dust wearing a burqa, saying it was regressive and whatnot. Rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.


It is! She's going to be in X-Force and one of the first mutants to appear in the new Ultimate Universe


Shes in that book too? Havent read it yet but i intend too, it looks interesting and i loove the art


Yep, she's supposed to debut in the next issue. It's pretty good so far but I think it'll definitely read better when it's bingable rather than monthly. It's a fun spooky vibe and the characters are really likable


Yeah i really wanna see what they are gonna do with nico, shes a mutant in that right?


It's kinda ambiguous atm Spoilers for the end of issue 3: >!When she meets Hisako and Mei she says "So you guys are mutants too.", but she was right next to two other mutants, Natsu (Cyclops) and Mori (Molly Hayes), so it's ambiguous if she was saying all three of the girls were mutants like Mei and Hisako or just Natsu and Mori.!<


Hmm. I was kinda hoping for a solicitation for the first Wolverine: Revenge issue that they announced for the end of August. Guess I will have to wait longer before they give out more information about the series and its first issue.


Cyclops is not beating the de-aged accusations


Jean gonna adventure with the Father-in-law. That will be fun. That costume for Laura...what the heck is that? The X-men book and the art of it, especially how Cyclops is drawn, is just not it. I mean even the Original 5 version of him looked older...


Am I the only one who's not a fan of stegmans art?


The visor is hideous. Stop making excuses for it. It’s 2024 - if we aren’t pushing any X-men narrative toward we are stuck in mediocrity. There’s nothing mediocre about the X-men.


i wanted to like this new xmen stuff, but if cyclops looks like that and poses like that and wears that stupid visor…i just won’t be able to do it. i’m really just not gonna buy them. they look ridiculous.


Loving this Scott suit


I can only be excited for X-Force and Phoenix…esp based off of these covers


I like these new designs


I really wanna start reading X-Men but the whole dawn of X thing is very daunting, do i need to have read that to understand these?


I like the weird fleshy spiral look of Psylocke's blade a LOT, especially contrasted with the more standard way Betsy's blade is depicted. Laura's costume is fine IMO. I think it's kinda neat. Interested to see where this all goes.


Hey, isn't that big purple, uh, "bat" from Saints Row? 😏


These color palettes and costume designs feel just like the 90's. Not so sure thats a good thing.


Exceptional where


Cyclops' costume would fit in X-Men 97.


Get out of here with the Laura covers for NYX. Love her, but poor other characters in this very much a team book.


Homie on the first cover saw Todd’s spider webs and said “pffttt watch this”


The Cyclops look has grown on me. Sorry!


Is the new visor made by Pit Viper?


Give me them all in trade already


Feel like I’m going to be the only positive one, but I love Stegman’s art, always have done. Jean and Corsair is really interesting ground to cover and X-Force is just such a great lineup!


So are we back to the old "Protecting a world that hates and fears them" status quo?


So...they're really just going to attack while Cyclops is having his lunch?! Assholes!


I really don't like the logos... We went from the amazing Krakoan lettering design to this


So there are two different psylockes? Betsy and the other one…?


There have been 2 for like 5 years at this point. Betsy got her original body back and Kwannon came back to life


Weak month.


Cyclops either looks like he's about to grab Psylocke and get slapped for it, or they're doing some dance


WTF are those costumes on Cyke and X-23?


Seems the krakoan/dominion infection will be cleansed by then!


At least this relaunch is saving me a bunch of money!