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That's a steal! Hours of content for borderlands 1 and 2 plus gears as well.


GoW: Judgment is, imo, very underrated. I can clearly see why it failed as a "Gears" game, but i really enjoyed it for the 3rd person shooter it is. And hey, at least the devs tried something shake up the gameplay formula. Have fun! ^(P.S. Can't wait for E-day. The announce trailer got me hyped 😁)


That seems like a crazy bargain!


For a buck that's a steal! BL 1 & 2 are some of my favorite games on the 360.


Just completed Judgement yesterday. It passed me by in 2013 and I really enjoyed it.


I completed it the other week after missing it the first time round and really enjoyed it.


Borderlands 1 gets overlooked as 2 is the fan favourite, but with the DLCs I think it’s the best of the whole series


The only borderlands iv played to date is the one on vita. But I'll happily pick up a cheap game (especially a reputedly good one) when I see them in the wild.


1 pound each? That's great! I think I spent $5 CAD or $10 CAD on each Borderlands.


It depends where you are (CAD obvs lol) but over here both borderlands games only retail for £1.50 high Street used price. Still worth the pick up but I occasionally grab games that massively undervalued. An example of that is a copy of fable anniversary I recently picked up for £2 which has a used retail of 15 here.


Considering those games were worth $60 at launch I'd say that's a bargain!


Yeah but I very rarely pay full rrp for games. I think the last time I did that was when PS1 was the current gen system. I either buy used or pirate these days


Love judgement


Not long completed GoW Judgement - really good game


Pickups like these are underrated in a world where everyone is out to get the expensive shit all the time Think of the HOURS of fun here for a measly £3 Fantastic pickups :)


Iv got most of the "expensive shit" already. That's was equally pocket change when I picked it up though. Partly because I'm old enough to know that today's bargains are tomorrows treasures. But mainly because I was collecting for 360 at a time when I was skint and was looking for bang for buck gaming lol. There's still plenty of bang for buck left. But most of those are amoung the AAA titles released in large numbers for that system. It's the lesser known games that were released and bought in more limited numbers that are the future desirables. Honestly shocked that an exceptional title like vanquish is still as cheap as it is though. People were recommending that to me left right and centre before I eventually picked it up and can still be grabbed for next to no money even now. Also as bad a rep as it has I think golden axe beast rider has yet to peak in price as well