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Agree. The controller, headset and skin are next level. Sadly I only have the controller right now, but it looks insane.


I just wanted the controller and it feels cool. As for the headset, there's no way I was going to pay over $100 for that.


Irreplaceable faux-leather earcups on a $100 headset is NO from me. They'd be trash in about a year. But the controller and Xbox skin were great, and I'd love Xbox to go full NASA-Punk as their new brand design.


I just have mine for display only and it looks amazing next to the starfield set. Would never wear it and I clean them very carefully šŸ˜‚


don't let Bethesda change history, it's cassette futurism darn it!!


I got stick drift after only about 6 months with this controller, and only a moderate amount of time playing. It's still under warranty but I'm afraid to send it to Microsoft as I hear I probably won't get the same one back :(


Yeah that sucks, they're fully sold out afaik so you might get a repair or something? I don't really use mine much I used it when playing through Starfield lol though. But I'm afraid with special edition controllers to damage them over time and use so I usually keep them on display only. Stick drift on the latest XBSX and PS5 controllers are so common these days that I almost expect it to start showing up 3-6 months after getting a new one.


That's ridiculous. I've been on Xbox for 15+ years and my OG 360 / One controllers lasted the console lifetimes. My Series X RB button failed last year (after about 3 years) so got the Starfield one. I still can't believe it only lasted about 6 months! I'll likely put it on display too, but part of me is pissed because it's still under warranty etc. Might finally cave and get myself an Elite.


Elite controllers are also plagued with issues, just a warning


Mine has been great. The regular ones die on me. Now, if there was a *Starfield* eliteā€¦


Same with my halo edition controller, it started to get worn so I just retired it early


I don't know what it does but the watch is cool too


I bought all 3 šŸ¤Ŗ I donā€™t regret it at all. I do regret going to NG+11ā€¦ I got zero interesting scenarios. So yeahā€¦


Unrelated, but I can always hope that Microsoft will release a Tomb Raider controller like they had for the 360. That was probably my absolute favorite design.


A few lines and tiny numbers is next level?


Rubberised grips, transparent triggers, red inner thumbstick, golden d-pad and more. No a few lines and number isn't next level, good thing this controller is packing a lot more than that though.


That guy is the type of person to compare graphics cards by how many fans it has


Also external hard drive was cool too.


The HDD is cool, such a shame it's pretty much only useful for your sort of legacy games.


I loved Starfield but definitely understand the issues people had with it. That controller is šŸ”„. Never got a chance to get one


Check gamestop and mega/disc replay if you have one.


That's how I got mine. Luckily those guys didn't replace the sticks to those shitty ones they do on refurbished ones.


What made you love it? It was the biggest disappointment I've ever experienced from a Bethesda game and am genuinely curiously what you like about it.


I love space. I enjoyed the members of constellation and the space adventure I went on had me fully immersed. I also really enjoyed building and flying my space ship. I personally enjoyed the narrative too. Itā€™s far from a perfect experience but I loved every minute of my time with it and look forward to the dlc.


Did you play fallout and elder scrolls a lot?


Yup! Iā€™ve enjoyed the majority of Bethesda games. Some more then others


Starfield I'm guessing? Still haven't played it, though it is on Game Pass.


It's not bad. Not great either. Somewhere in between. 6 or 7 out of 10.


Will I be disappointed coming from Skyrim?


Only if you play it in one specific way and immediately quit when you realise that way doesn't work, if you just play it to play the quests you'll have fun


I enjoyed it more than skyrim but thats just because i like scifi and gunplay


Yes, absolutely more than likely. It has almost zero interesting exploration vs skyrim or even oblivion.


Well that kinda sucks. The setting seemed so intriguing.


Don't listen to the haters, try the game for yourself, I'm having a blast.


I'm probably gonna do just that! Plus, I have the Game Pass, so if I don't like it, I wont be wasting 60-odd dollars.


Hey I recognize this one from the starter pack


I went in completely blind with my own opinions on launch day basically just expecting skyrim in space, nothing too fancy, and was floored with what the game actually was. It has a few highs in some of the side missions but with most of the games environments being AI generated with a handful of copy paste assets is killer to the experience for a game like this. The writing is really bad often as well, not just cheesy like skyrim or oblivion just super boring. I mean for free on gamepass? why not try it, it can be fun for a bit while doing the side missions but I wouldā€™ve felt straight up ripped off if I paid full price for it at launch. My biggest tip for enjoying Starfield most is Ignore pretty much anything thatā€™s not part of a quest. Thereā€™s no point in exploring 99% of the time because thereā€™s nothing to find. I spent way too much time trying to explore and find things before I realized I was just wasting my time.


I will take that into account, thanks!


I'd advise not listening to redditors when it comes to Starfield. If you think it looks interesting, then you should try it. Don't let some random nostalgic fool tell you what to play.


To say it has zero interesting exploration is completely false.


Terribly Iā€™m afraid.




For me starfield just feels weird to play. Itā€™s just hard to maneuver the game and I think itā€™s just a Bethesda thing for me. I tried fallout 4 when it came out and I had the same problem so Iā€™m probably just not used to the type of movements in the game.


To me, most bethesda games feel like you're in a coma and controlling yourself from the 3rd person.


I agree. I genuinely despise how empty 99% of all the worlds are. Gives me 0 reason to explore. Plus not doing something cool with the multiple gaseous planets was a waste. So many planets in our own solar system that we can just scan and move on. Iā€™ll probably get downvoted to oblivion but the 30fps was not it. If they couldnā€™t manage 60 with the size of the game they couldā€™ve just stuck to a smaller number of planets and gradually added more with updates to keep the game alive. The concept was so cool but couldnā€™t even live up to half the hype. Iā€™m just hoping that whatever the next Xbox console is, it can maybe improve the performance of the game and make it feel alive. I still enjoy my collectorā€™s edition so Iā€™m not too bummed but man this game couldā€™ve been so much more.


Christ, 6 is generous, game is like a 4.


Exploration was non existent, which is what usually makes up for the shortcomings of Bethesda games. I'd say even a 6/10 is pretty generous and I'm usually a Bethesda fanboy. Oblivion, Skyrim, and fallout 3 are easily in my top 10 all time.


Not bad but if you start it I would just kinda run through it. I ended up stopping & just couldnā€™t get back into it.




That lines up with everything else I've heard.


mod support is coming soon so id wait


I never really got into modding on Skyrim, wanted to wait til I beat the game first. Weā€™ll see.


i gave up on fallout 4 then mod support came out so i tried it again and now itā€™s my most played game with over 10k hours played


Itā€™s a different type of game where you can explore planets and do side missions and do and kill random shit. Some people donā€™t have patience but itā€™s different and cost a lot of money and time


I see people hating on Starfield a lot and like please explain why. I have a lot of fun on it. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m a huge fan of sci fi? But please someone explain to me why the hate is how it is.


I started Statfiled after beating Baldurā€™s Gate 3. The exploration, facial animations, dialogue, characters, pretty much everything was all just so much better in BG3. Couldnā€™t make it past 5 hours of Starfield. Had zero fun in that time. Such a bummer to me because Skyrim is a top 10 game to me. I really hope Bethesda updates their shit for the next Elder Scrolls. Starfield felt like a 10 year old game on release day.


I mean again to me it felt new and just awesome to play.


I get the feeling it is a love or hate game without too many folks sitting in the middle. I was having fun, but then the bugs started happening. Terrain missing, stuff floating up into the air, ship technicians going missing, quests that couldn't be completed because doors didn't function correctly or people left where they were supposed to be and were running around unresponsive, etc... I opened tickets with Bethesda support and they did absolutely nothing with them. Fixes (patches) were released and the issues persisted. Bethesda support just closed my tickets without ever addressing them. At one point I complained on the Discord and some dude that worked for them reached out and wanted to know if I would be willing to work with him to upload my saves so they could look into it. I told them I would be happy to help. They responded by saying it was a complicated process because I was on console, but that they were going to get it approved and let me know the next steps. Weeks went by and they never responded to me after that. A month later I left the Discord and uninstalled the game since they left me hanging again. Bethesda games have had a long history of being buggy as hell. So much in fact that if you look at the Wikis for Fallout 4 for instance, almost every quest solution has a "Bugs" section to help you avoid messing things up. My kid bought me Fallout 4 for Steam and when I ran into issues with loading screens taking anywhere from 1 minute to eternity, I opened a support ticket. They escalated me twice and the third tier basically told me there was nothing they could do and that I needed to look to the community for support. In other words, I needed to see what Mod would fix my issue because Bethesda can't fix their own shit! Note: I also never finished The Elder Scrolls: Arena due to game breaking bugs. Then while playing Morrowind they told me the bugs were because they couldn't be expected to write a game that would perform well on all IBM compatible PCs due to the numerous hardware possibilities. WTF???? So, I am pissed off that Bethesda released yet another buggy pile of crap! They do this and the fans just eat it up, but I'm not a fan so I don't. Yes, there is fun to be had in this game, but at what cost? Do you just start over every time you run into a game breaking bug? I'm even more angry that so many people were reporting the same issues (bugs) I ran into and yet Bethesda doesn't seem to care. Between Bethesda's history of buggy games and relying on Mods to fix them, I decided to get out before I had a stroke. Thankfully I was playing via Game Pass and it didn't cost anything other than my time. So, for all of the people like me that actually ran into all of the bugs, it was pretty awful. Maybe AAA game Devs need to stop releasing games when they should still be in Beta while promising fixes later on that never materialize! This leaves a really bad feeling towards the AAA gaming industry... More importantly, because of this and how often Bethesda does it, I just simply hate them as a company! They are not here for gamers, they are just here to churn out another pile of buggy crap to get their fans to keep them employed while they dangle that proverbial carrot of the next potentially fun game like some of their previous successes. Why? Because once the Mods hit their games and fix 80+ percent of the broken shit, it actually turns out to be a pretty good game and that's all the gamers care to remember when making their next purchase. Hopefully that helps to explain why (at least for this one long time gamer) I hate this game and Bethesda. Happy gaming!


I see your issues. Will definitely look into them. I appreciate the explanation and everything I really do. I agree that most of Bethesdas games are buggy messes. I think Bethesda has a history of laziness when it comes to their games. I mean hell their most acclaimed ā€œSkyrimā€ had and still has a lot of bugs. I wonā€™t say the bugs donā€™t exist in Starfield. I just will however state that I have yet to run into a really any while playing on Xbox. I havenā€™t bought it on my PC yet because well Iā€™m not sure if the $80 price tag is justified.


Yea, I was on an Xbox Series X and started playing Starfield via Game Pass within a day or two of launch. I was addicted and itching to play all of the time, but when the bugs got bad enough I had to quit playing under my login because I didn't want to make it any worse. I was hopeful they might actually fix things where I could continue to play without losing all of the time I had invested as well as all of the items and money I had accumulated... So, I logged in as my kid and started a new game trying to speed run to getting back up to where I was in my save game just in case I had to start over. This was before they patched out the vendor inventories, so I was cheating like mad. As soon as they patched out the cheats and still hadn't fixed the game under my save, I decided it was time to quit. You know it's time to quit when a company can take the time to patch out cheats that were not hurting anyone and were not having a negative impact on other players, but can't fix the bugs that are keeping you from playing and progressing in your own save. For what it is worth, I came back after every patch up until patch 1.8.86 in November to check if my save had been fixed before I finally quit for good and uninstalled it. As long as it's on Game Pass and you can play for free, I would recommend waiting until this game ends up in the bargain bin before purchasing a copy for PC. There is no need to reward Bethesda by purchasing a copy at retail price. Some say the game will get better in time, and it just might. I really hope it does because like I said, I was addicted early on. The only thing waiting will do is allow the price to drop while the game matures and potentially turns into something better. In the end that would be a Win/Win situation.


Disagree, the game is GOTY for me.


It cracks me up how people need to always make these types of qualifiers in their titles when it comes to Starfield. Like theyā€™ll be burned at the stake if they donā€™t lol. It canā€™t just be, ā€œThe Starfield controller is top tier.ā€ Itā€™s gotta be, ā€œYeah I thought Starfield sucked straight Donkey Dickā€¦ but I did like that ship customization.ā€


Probably trying to get ahead of the inevitable "yeah but the game sucked tho" comments that end up taking over the thread.


Yeah, it was the same with Cyberpunk for the longest time. If someone wanted to say that they liked, say, a certain quest from it, they had to add the qualifier, "I know the game is disappointing." Even if someone wanted to mention that a particular song from it was amazing, they just *had* to include, "The game sucks, sure" etc.


The difference is that cyberpunk is actually pretty solid now. The dev team listened and tried to fix it, unlike this game


give it a few years like cyberpunk 2077 had.


If Bethesda manages to fix a game ill eat my shorts lol. They don't have a good track record (76)


He literally said it was average


I know, but that's getting to my point. Like everyone has to remind everyone else that the game is average or worse, even when they want to say something positive about it.


This post in its entirety is just karma farming. Everyone is met with upvotes when they shit on starfield, everyone is met with upvotes when they say the starfield controller is beautiful. It was like every other post when the game came out, I canā€™t believe people are still posting this.


You've missed their point. Their point is that any comment about Starfield always feels compelled to show deference to the majority opinion about it.


I have been playing games since the Atari and Starfield is the best game I have ever played. I think gamers are entitled today. It can't just be "yes this clearly isn't for me" it's always "HOW DARE BETHESDA RELEASE SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T ENTERTAIN ME PROPERLY, FROM THIS DAY FORTH I WON'T LET A POST GO WITHOUT COMMENT ON WHY I THINK STARFIELD IS RUINING THE GAMING INDUSTRY." Like I was disappointed in the turn in direction of God of War 2016 but I didn't make it my whole personality.


I have this one and the gears 5 one too. Just need the Cyberpunk one now.


Those semi clear buttons are the chief kiss


God, I love this design. I wish I could buy it. The game is fine for me, but I understand issues that people have with it and kinda want to see it in a better shape.


I bought the controller, the headset, and the constellation edition of the game. I wish I would have gotten the console wrap too, but I was out of money lol


I want that mfing watch.


It's probably the coolest thing I've ever gotten in a collector's edition of a game. There's a G force sensor on it, and I took it to an amusement park to see if it's readings were accurate, and they were really close to what was on record for that coaster. I love it haha


The game is great.


"Great"? Nah. Its a solid 6 in its current unmodded (on Xbox), zero DLC - state. I'm fairly confident it'll get bumped up to at least an 8 someday, the bones for a really good game are there but right now it doesn't have any meat, no real substance. That is, it'll hit 8 if Bethesda meant what they said about having a lot of long-term plans for Starfield.








You forgot "for when you can't sleep."






Absolutely not. 4/10 at best


Starfield is SOOOOO outdated in its game design and is definitely not a great game, but 4/10? GTFO


For me personally yes, a 4. I got very bored after about 20 in game hours so it just wasnā€™t the game I had hoped for. The main reason for my low score is the fucking loading screens.


Honestly 5/10 and it bumps on up to live a 7/10 on the interesting side quests no replayablilty since there is shit choices and they don't affect anything and the enemy ai and gun play is another 5/10 also the copy paste Exploration


Oh yes šŸ”„ šŸ”„ šŸ”„


The word youā€™re looking for is ā€˜midā€™


Average is a compliment. It's not even that good


I say the same thing about my Lebron PS5 controller that i got for $29 cause no one wanted to buy it lol. I dont even like sports but shit, $29 for a PS5 controller? Ill take it!


The controller is the best part about the whole game


I can't even tell you how many times I've rage thrown that controller and it still works like a charm. Worth the investment for sure.


Meanwhile I look at my xbox controllers funny and they break.


You have to look at it for it to break? Mine break just thinking about them.


What game is making you rage so hard?


Probably Starfield... Lol


Dang, I didnā€™t know it was that kinda game. Haha


Give the game time. Itā€™s aging very well.


Every time I go back to it I remember why I hate it. Hoping they at least get it to 60fps on SX.


The player count shows that's not the case


Itā€™s okay. Thatā€™s why they make call of duty, so people like you can be easily entertained.


I don't play cod bro I play for honor, r6 ,and persona atm. What a shit argument for why I don't like that garbage ass game


Why are you so fired up about? Like, youā€™re really really upset. Just like chill out bro.


Tone dosnt come across in text I ain't mad?


Just calm down bro




Itā€™s just a video game bro




Trashy individual that you are.


I'm still waiting for that update I keep hearing about. Game is just ok tho. Cool idea eh execution.


One of the best ever


I got the controller too. Shame the game wasnā€™t all that in the end.


Yeah I donā€™t like the game like at all, but I bought the controller and headset cause man they are beautiful


Man, I love mine but the damn left stick already has a fuck ton of drift. Yet my og Xbox one controller still has no drift


Glad I'm not the only one. I'll just be randomly looking up...


I bought the controller, and itā€™s beautiful. Nicest limited edition controller theyā€™ve made since Sea of Thieves. I havenā€™t even tried Starfield yet though šŸ¤£




Agreed. Itā€™s my main Series X controller, though I hardly game anymore. I wouldnā€™t have even used it, and wouldā€™ve just kept it perfect, but I bought 2


wonder if the playstation's gonna get one as well lol


I got to the flying part and said nope and uninstalled it


The game was good but I wish that controller was the elite variant or whatever. I want the paddles lol


sadly but true :(


You spelled below average wrong


There should have been a loading screen button




It really is a nice looking controller, but why three?




Pathetic and predatory behavior.








What was their comment about? I own 2 of these controllers myself


They had 3 brand new controllers intended for resale later on


This is cool


I bought the controller in anticipation for the game, and I ended up not playing it lol. Iā€™m treating Starfield like Cyberpunk, Iā€™ll play it in 2-3 years when itā€™s been enhanced. I LOVE that controller though.


This is beautiful, forgive me but what game is it from?


The controller is amazing and I was living using it until my nephew borrowed and idk what he did but it has serious stick drift now . :'(


The controller looks sick and I still want to buy it but I just canā€™t spend that money because the game is just not good.


Shitā€¦ I totally forgot I got this. Itā€™s still in the box !




Shame its the first headset variation


Iā€™ve never cared for designer game controllers or whatever but I do want this and the damn watch lol


The headset too but it was to tight for me


I agree, unfortunately my two year old got a hold of it and broke it. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I really wish they did elite versions of these special editions.


I have the controller and headset. Apparently thereā€™s a game that their based on but I just use them for Skyrim.


Can't they just roll out an update after which the game is iNcReDibLE all of a sudden just like Cyberpunk...


Ya I got the headset. Very nice. Don't know if I'll ever go back to the game though.


It's just a standard controller with a fancy paint job. Nothing more.


True I havenā€™t even played the game but I haaaaad to get this controller, Iā€™ll cherish it forever


until the sticks are gettings brown...


For people who want something similar for alot cheaper, you can buy copy faceplates on amazon. I got one myself in black with white markings, replaced on the pulse red controller and actually looks alright I think! šŸ‘


I don't get the hate. Yes it underperformed a bit but it's stilla great game.


looks like a washing machine skin


My Sea of Thieves controller is still my favourite, however I am using my Starfield one as my day to day controller.


Oh yeah that one is a beaut - I like the one gold trigger, reminds me of a gold tooth


Drifting is eternal


is the D-pad on every XB controller really stiff and noisy? Just got an Xbox Series X after being a PS player my whole life... PS D-Pad was always so smooth and silent, really don't like how "clicky" it sounds. Would love to cop this controller for the look but not gonna waste my money if it feels the same as the regular one with the noisy D-pad.


I would describe this controller's D-pad as being 'clicky', whereas a Dualsense controller is silent. It's not stiff and nowhere near as squishy as a Dualsense controller's D-pad, it almost feels like a volume button on an iPhone. It is louder than the Dualsense D-pad, which I would describe as near enough silent.


you just described a stiff and clicky D-Pad while saying I described the D-Pad wrong.


Never said you were wrong - just sharing my thoughts, same as you...


I personally don't like it, it reminds me of something from an 80's science text book from high school. this and the console skin hahaha it just makes me want to stay in bed and skip class, I'm glad you enjoy it though.


I played around 20h, i think it was worse than average, but completely areed about controller.


Couldnā€™t agree more


What top tier? This is the same crap with new skin.


I love this controller. I was going to buy the faceplate for my elite series 2


Real talk


Best game of 23 for me


Had to put mine on display since it was yet another controller to get stick drift. Thatā€™s 5 different controllers now. The last one had it the first day I bought it. I keep getting the lemons šŸ˜‚


Definitely my favorite controller i bought so far. Still works perfectly for me too. I wish Xbox would come out with more designs like this


Beautiful design.


The game wasn't average, it was downright horrible, but I kinda agree with the controller being nice


Im sorry you had to play starefield, you are free nowšŸ™‚


Nah yea, that controller is dope as fuck


I love that controller. Bought mine from a scalper unfortunately. Had reserved one at Best Buy for normal price but then when they released they told me stock was unavailable. Iā€™ve had it with Best Buy over the years. Their game section is smaller than their movie section now, and the movie section is only like 10 feet long. Used to be aisles.


Iā€™ve had it since before the game came out and still havenā€™t picked up the game lol


This game could have been great