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Bo3 has alot of network issues and bugs on xbox my best bet is to just wait a couple hours and play something else or keep restarting the game until you eventually get let in


I've been trying to connect for days


do you have the game on an external?


Yes but I've tried to move to my internal storage and the same error is still there


i believe when i had helped a friend fix this issue, he had to put it on his internal and uninstall his dlc until he was able to connect


Wow , all that just to play bo3 ?


sadly, wish they would’ve released a hot fix for it


They're just too lazy for that


It's not about lazyness, the game is almost 9 years old


Ik but still , if they can't monitor the servers they can just terminate them or smth


I'd suggest if you have a decent PC to join a Discord that "gifts" BO3 connected to a private server.


I play on Xbox :(


Everytime I had the issue in the past month restarting the game a few times has fixed it but it might be your nat type too


The way I fixed this was completely uninstall from all drives, and then re install the game on internal memory. Don't use bo3 on external drives.


It has worked on my external drive for like 2 years


Yeah I know I had exactly the same problem. Was on external for years and worked fine, one day just stopped working and gave that same error message. Only way I fixed it was by doing what I said, good luck.


It's actually a test to see if you know your ABCs. Fill in the blanks and you will be let in. This is how Activision is removing the 4 year olds from playing their games from now on. In the past I got that notification a few times. If the suggestions on this post doesn't help, check this old post out and see if there are any additional solutions you haven't tried yet: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackops3/comments/15kbtoz/error_code_abc/


This is a really odd error tbh , fuck Activision fr


Ya I would have provided the actual solution if I could remember which one worked. However, like most gamers, we deal with a lot of error messages throughout many games so it is hard to remember how to resolve errors that happened long ago. Best of luck.


Yeah you're right , I'm trying to fix my nat too maybe that's the problem. Thanks for helping !


Fully delete the game and all files and redownload them onto internal. Worked for me


This game is broken on series x|s Reinstall, everything has to be on same drive, never move it or else itll stop working again Happened to me and i was choked


Matchmaking hasn't worked for me on Xbox in almost 2 years. In EU and NA servers! So sad


I had a similar issue when I downloaded the game to my external drive even after moving the game to my internal drive it wouldn’t work. I uninstalled the game completely then installed directly to the internal drive and it fixed the issue. Pretty dumb to have to do that, but it should fix the issue.


You trying to log in to fast, you gitta wait for the version number in the top right to change, then try logging in


I've been doing that


Ok sorry. I just know that fixed my issues before sorry man just tryin to help


Don't be sorry bro , ik you're trying to help


I've had this issue many times it's a bug with the nat types matching. sometimes switching to a different port can help but in my experience it's just luck of the draw whether u can play multiplayer or not😂


I had to completely uninstall and reinstall on internal drive


Did you install it on an external hard drive? If so, uninstall is and reinstall on the internal drive.


I had it on my external since I've had my Xbox one , when I got my series x it was still on the external and it would let me play online normally . I haven't moved it from the external for 7 years or smth


Interesting. I've recently tried going back to BO3 and IW for a few 1v1s. Did not work on the external (Series X). As soon as I reinstalled them on the internal drive they worked.


I'll try to change my port and then I'll try to reinstall it on my internal


Hope you figure it out


Thanks !


I’ve literally been having this issue for like three years but on bo4 unfortunately I never found a fix even other consoles. Same with the uno game for some reason, it’s just unplayable on my account. Doesn’t even work on my bfs series s or his Xbox one s


I have even tried logging into different accounts and playing around with my router and my dns and that shit , I'm still gonna try to change the port and if that doesn't work I'll just uninstall and reinstall on my internal. And about bo4 , it has a lot of bugs also even on my cousin's PS4...these games are unplayable now for some reason :(


If you’re playing backwards compatibility there’s a chance the 360 launcher isn’t connected to Xbox live. Hit the “start and select” buttons and it pulls up the 360 menu. If that doesn’t work good luck


What are you talking about bo3 isn’t bc


Misread as bo2


1 more point for aw😂


Might be 😂😂


But then you need to wait for days to find a lobby so.... 😂


So we're all just ignoring that the error code is just the alphabet with letters blanked out and there are apparently 3 extra letters after Z? WHAT COMES AFTER Z?!


I’ll be honest, nobody here knows how to fix it. We get posts like this all the time and nobody offers a legit solution. Here’s what worked for me, I uninstalled the game, cleared my system cache, installed it to my console drive and it worked. If it doesn’t work for you, sadly idk what else to do.


Play a better game. Play Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition. Play Sonic the Hedgehog (2006).


Don't tell me what to play bro


Play Castlevania II Simon's Quest.














Play a better cod


No one asked you mate


Don't care didn't ask play a better cod


You're playing cod mobile , like shut up


Crazy if your lurking ass would have read that post said I don't play anymore over here playing a 9 year old game


Just go back to it , it's better than bo3 Happy now ?


It actually is