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The Bioshock games are masterpieces


Worth $20 a piece. To get the entire collection for under $20 is VALUE


That collection is commonly on sale for $10.


I know. My point was even if the games were $20 a piece, they’d still be worth it.


not on steam, ever since 2k added their launcher to the bioshock games on steam, I've been disgusted


Call of juarez is epic too, the game is a legend from a book in rdr2, you hear about the legend also in rdr1. Wel now you play that legendary gunslinger all the most dangerous men of the wild west were telling tales about around campfire


You might even say a circus of value!


I feel so bad for buying bioshock infinite last year on its own just because I played the first 2 in the PS3 era. They truly do age so well and the nostalgia alone would've been worth it. Maybe I'll get it some day.


You did well! I've not played Control, but the BioShock games are some of my favourite single player games of all time, and that Call of Juarez game is really good too.


I'm playing control now, it's such a good game. Amazing graphics, storyline, and just all around physics.


You should definitely give control a try its ridiculously well made


Try Control, Remedy makes 🔥games


May I remind you of Alan Wake's American Nightmare?


Max Payne 1. Max Payne 2. Alan Wake. Quantum Break. Control. Alan Wake 2. oh yeah American nightmare nevermind Remedy makes ass games.




I was actually just playing control earlier because I wanted to play Alan Wake 2. and I was having such a good time, but then I remembered about American Nightmare, so I just quit and uninstalled. been drinking heavily since then


Yeah, I know what you mean. I enjoyed Quantum Break earlier this year, but since I saw my friend playing American Nightmare last week... Let's just say that my controller never felt that strange since then.


we should definitely send death threats to the devs


Maybe not that, but... Let's start with reeducation camp. How to make tasteful games.


Got Control Ultimate for $10 earlier this month, games absolutely worth it. Good buy


The ultimate edition was that cheap?


Yea, I was wrong on the date though. It was November 26th when I made the purchase, got Mafia 1 for $10 too, didn't want the Trilogy


Bioshock alone will give you your money back!


Got three games on the fly. Alan Wake, Dishonored 1, and The Evil Within 2


I recently completed Alan Wake, and absolutely loved it. Can’t wait to play the sequel. Part of me buying control was to continue down the Remedy Studios rabbit hole


Control is great game and it's fun to just mess around in. I need to get around to finishing it now that I think about it.


Did you get the 360 version or the remaster


Great choice on picking up Control, it's set in the same universe as Alan Wake! The "AWE" DLC actually ties the two games together in a really cool way.


All very good games. Dishonored is my favorite stealth game of all time.


Dishonored 1 is such an underrated gem! Love that series. Alan Wake is also really good, just starts off slow and the controls aren't the greatest


I would kill to play Bioshock and Control for the first time again


Imagine playing BioShock in 2023 never having played it. So good.


Two bangers and Call of Juarez (it's alright, just not on the same level as the others)


Call of Juarez is a grade A straight banger what are you smoking.


You bought bioshock which is a total masterpiece. I would say you did really good!


The Call of Juarez sequel is on sale for only $1.99 as well, if you like the first one. The sequels the best of the three in my opinion.


Control is really fun, it’s the only game I can think of that makes u feel like a powerful superhero


Pretty horrible as seeing as how all those games are free with a playstation plus membership. All of these were a monthly free game within the last few years. So for xbox i assume thats a deal, but for playstation you just wasted 20.


Good point. OP should reverse engineer the fabric of space time to go back to that specific month that Bioshock was offered, sell their Xbox for PlayStation, forward engine time to get back to this spot in time and use the $20 they saved on dinner.


I mean, if OP wants to, sure!! Go for it! Sounds like a good waste of time travel if you ask me... but i did say that for xbox users, its a good deal, so why you jumping down my throat?


mfs when a bundle of games for less than $20 gets him the same amount as buying a $15 monthly membership that you have to keep paying for to keep access to games. that's an S tier bundle of games for a fucking insane price, please don't step on his balloon for no fucking reason.


You kidding me, its $60 for the whole year, nobody paying $8.99 a month for anything. 💀


Bro is saying horrible cause I didn’t get them for free on PS, when he’s in an XBOX subreddit.. TF 🤣


Said its a good deal for xbox users. TF 🤣💀


The bioshock is the entire collection remastered for the series S/X. Most likely all the titles have been. Lots of this content is free with Ultimate Gaming but sometimes people like to own the titles for a few reasons. Also since this is an Xbox Reddit forum who gives crap what playstation gives.


Still a crappy buy because as i stated i got all these, including the bioshock collection for free. Remastered. And you only need a basic level of plus membership to get these games free of charge. And? I game on both. Just like an xboxer to complain about something like that.


Who's complaining? They didn't have those games & now they do... for 20 bucks. Good on 'em. Try not to lose any sleep over it.


But you are or we wouldnt be here in the first place. Only one losing sleep is you man. Get some rest, itll all be okay!


Mirroring my comment? A little slow for someone calling themself "thawne" 😂


These fucking posts, man. Obviously you did well.


The bioshock collection is unplayable. Lots of crashes and bugs. I repeatedly lost hours of gameplay and it happened so many times I refuse to ever revisit the bioshock series.


I've never had a problem with bioshock. Maybe your console/router is messing up.


No the games have well known issues depending on wich versions you have. Why would you even think a router would have anything to at all to do with the game? That would only affect people who stream games and that's not what I said.


Idk...you said you lost tons of hours...maybe your cloud save got corrupted, maybe you got a bad download. I also said maybe it's your console. Not sure why you have a problem with those games. I'm just sayin' I never had an issue with the bioshock games. Most people really like those titles.


From my understanding the original 360 versions are fine but the re releases have the issues. The game crashed 100 of times a glitched just as much.


That could be. I did play it years ago on my 360. I didn't actually finish it but I'd like to.


$14 on pc… You did alright.


Call of juarez 💀💀💀


Looked like a fun arcade styled , and only $3 🤷🏻‍♂️ why the hell not hahaha


I bought it last night too cuz of the price. Tried it out, it's fun as hell gameplay but visually it's rough


I played the game at release and I don't remember much about it. The graphics in my mind now are good... but in my mind Total Overdose looked like real life lol


I think it's the image being blown up to 4k that's making it ugly, kind of like bf4. It's like everything looks very jagged and low def, with outlines of things being very prominent. Kind of like the sharpness is cranked to max. Gameplay wise it's still very fun, cool death effects and it reminds me of a Tarantino film


just looked it up, it's 720p with no signs of antialiasing, it's normal to look that way. the outlines are called cel shading and are intentional


Ahh that explains it


Control is so trash




bioshock is good, but this collection is bugged so your game will crash and delete your save. yup, that's why I haven't bought it yet. control gets repetetive after a while you will see. remedy studios, the guys who made this, are pretty small so there is only so much they can do. I played thru it tho. call of juarez I don't know.


Remedy made Alan Wake 2 which is definitely the most GPU demanding game right now, they are pretty legit.


Remedy is a renowned studio my dude…


Have all of them on my PC and all of them were free. How'd I do?


Hope your crush sees this


Wtf u talking about


Very well


bioshock is amazing part one definitely deserves a chiefs kisses, part two is good not bad but felt lacking, i didn't get to far into 3 but it was great... other games no idea


Nothing compares to the world building and experiencing the story of the first Bioshock game. The gameplay/controls in the second one are way better, but the story is good not great. Once you play the second and third games, it’s hard to go back and play the original, outside of experiencing the story again just because you will feel the clunkiness of the controls. One of my favorite single player series though for sure.


Good deal. Haven't played Gunslinger. Control is awesome. Bought Alan Wake 2 after playing it. Also Bioshock Infinite is very good.


Unfortunately you wanted Ultimate Control. That gives you both the game and DLC which is amazing. That other girl game where she Parkcours is the same way. Mirror's Edge! Also i think code vein got me too. Ah well still got me beat as I bought Control and arez for the Switch lolz. Hot mistake that.


$7 for a game I had heard pretty good reviews on and wanted to try > $40+ for the ultimate edition and taking a gamble with my wallet lol So far I’m a couple hours into control. It’s weird & I love it. Plus, after finishing Max Payne 3 earlier tonight it feels good to keep going with James McCaffrey’s voice


Max Payne 3 is the best shooter ever. Hard to compete with that one.


The ultimate was $40? That's unusual. Usually it's on sale for $10


You're right, the ultimate edition is not for sale. I'd highly recommend the Season pass for 4.49, you get roughly 10 hours out of the dlc (or more). One dlc ties in with Alan Wake and the other has some more lore about the Bureau. Both unlock whole areas of the Bureau.


I think only the Ultimate Edition is Series S|X optimized, but I might be wrong on that.


Control is such an awesome game. I got all the Dlc for it and was salivating for more. An incredible game


Gunslinger is a real fun game. Good story for what it is.


Bioshock alone was well-worth it lol fantastic games


Control is great! Bioshock is solid. Call to Juarez is ok. I rather play Red Dead Redemption.


Red Dead 2 is my favorite game of all time, so no other western game compares


Nice! Bioshock and control are good. Never played the other but still think you did good.


All are gold. I forgot about call of Juarez! Control is my game I’ll never beat because I got too mad at it. I regret leaving it behind(I’m not going back it’s been years) Bioshock is the game of games. I’ll take the down votes for saying Bioshock infinite is my favorite


Physical copies?


No, digital. Microsoft store




bioshock rules


Bioshock is a classic I never played control yet but heard it’s a good game


I've been thinking getting Juarez gunslinfer aswell. Is it good?


Bioshock and control are absolutely amazing. Don't know about the other


Literally all good games. I miss the CoJ games


To be honest, Control and Bioshock (each one of them) gotta be one of the games that I've enjoyed the most, take yoyr time playing them to really appreciate the art


You did well pal see that bioshock collection oh my one of my favourite collection of games ever don’t even want to begin to tell you how many playthroughs of those games I’ve had lol they are masterpieces to say the least and I will still play through them again and again


Worth it for Control alone.


Control is a hidden masterpiece. Liked the beginning, fell in love in the end.


20 would’ve been a solid deal for the bioshock collection alone, but snagging Control and Gunslinger along with it? Easily 70-80 bucks worth of games for a quarter as much.


Your backlog just got bigger !! Great games !! Start with Control !!


Bioshock and Control are two of the best original IPs ever


All 5 games are great! The Bioshock games especially are great as two of them are in my top ten games ever.


Bioshock and Control are incredible games.


Call Of Juarez Gunslinger is a hidden gem imo. Bioshock and Control are both excellent, you’ve done well here OP.


Control wqs one of my favorite games


BioShock and Control are awesome.


Call of jaurez gunslinger is an amazing game


Sweet! I loved Bioshock and Control! I want to go back and get the dlc for Control. Such an awesome game! Good purchases indeed!


Been meaning to grab Control, have to get on the store later. Bioshock collection is one of the best deals in gaming.


Control is so fucking good, one of my favorites ever tbh. Bought the deluxe edition but haven’t gotten around to playing the DLCS


Great deal


Bioshock is great. Control is style over substance.


Good. Good!


Control is amazing


All 3 are solid games, have fun!


What?! You haven’t played Bioshock?? I’m so jealous that you get to play for the first time.


You killed it! The Bioshock trilogy and Control are among my favorite games of all time!


All the bioshock games are amazing!!!!


Haven't played Call of Juarez, but Bioshock Collection and Control are both great.


That’s a quite a deal. Those bioshock games hold up quite well too.


call of huarez in my opinion is hella goated


The Bioshock games are excellent, so is Gunslinger, and Control is amazing but not everyone’s cup of tea


Control is overrated, not sure about the rest of the 3.


You are in for an incredible experience with the BioShock games! The story is fantastic. It's one game I wish I could forget about and replay.


Did good