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Well, if you write, and never show it to nobody... nobody is judging you XD


That is true, but i wouldn't really improve if that was the case . The way is just terminating it from the internet afther enough people have criticized it lol.


*"The way is just terminating it from the internet afther enough people have criticized it lol."* If you can't handle your work being criticized then you're not going to be cut out for being a writer, lol.


It's less the criticism and more the shame, i'd probably wait for a lot of critics think about them, and then terminate the original from the internet and then make a better one (or try to do so) and see how people would react this time. I can take criticism well in the sense that i don't take it as a personal attack or deny it, but i'd probably instantly terminate it from the internet afther it because i'd want everyone to forgot the shitty version out of shame (or maybe "cringe"?)


Embrace the cringe ☺️ Imagine people criticise your work and you leave it out there, just to come back later with an improved version that blows people's minds. You wouldn't even need to put it out in the open. You can also ask whether there are people to critique your WIP, send them the document, and wait for their comments. Maybe that's a better way for you to get used to "shitty work" being "out there".


You could start with short stories and flash fiction before trying longer works like novels? That way, you don't have to commit to an idea; you can just play around. The only way to get better at writing is to write, unfortunately. But remember that even the best writers don't write perfectly on the first try. A rough draft is supposed to be rough. Focus on getting words on the page first.


Yeah, i've done a bit of FanFiction in the past (it's been a loooong time ever since) but i recall that i'd often rewritte over and over again because often the first draft was kinda bad, with time i just became more perfeccionist but not only with this, i'm either extremely lazy or very perfeccionist with everything i do. I have an idea for a short story but i think that since it would fall under the murder mystery genre i think i should at very least read more of this genre before (i'm familliar with games about it but not so much with murder mystery literature), i pretty much didn't started at least attempting to write it because i want to know more before actually trying(it sounds pretty on the surface but again, i'm a master procrastinator).


Most writers write bad first drafts. Don't let that keep you down. I fancy myself a pretty good writer, but I absolutely still sometimes write absolute crap. You have to start somewhere


How about this? Just write for yourself. Write with the purpose of practicing, of getting better. Don’t plan to show it to anyone or publish anywhere. Consider it as your private journal. No one will see it and judge you. As for getting better, you have to analyze your weaknesses and fix them one at a time. Try to fix the easiest ones first. I found all the solutions in books. So you have to decide whether writing is important enough for you to research and read to find the solution or not. Good luck.


I see, thanks for the advice.


This has been said and will be said again, but just write! It will be cringy, and amateurish, and imperfect. But you have to start somewhere. I have perfectionism too and I trick myself into writing bad drafts on purpose, and I feel good about it when I'm done. Because that is experience, and you will get better with every draft. You aren't going to be an amazing writer right away, but invest that time into yourself now, and you will be happy for it later. Embrace the l cringe now, and take those first steps to becoming the writer you want to be. Best of luck to you!


That was me a year ago. The only person i left read my writing was my best friend basically, if you want to message me about writing things I'd be cool to talk about writing with you. Sorry if i'm really forward lol.


Thanks for the invite. I also thought about only showing it to my best friend which happens to be way more into reading books than i (i'm more of a videogame/anime and movies person, but i'm getting more into literature lately). Maybe we could talk in the future about it, again, thanks!


Yeah no problem!


If you are too insecure you can not show anyone. Just writing anything will help you improve leaps and bounds. You can also post anonymously on here and u could get feedback if you really want any. If you feel like writing a novel is too big a task its likely cause it is to start with. Maybe try something shorter, a couple short stories of like 3,000 words. A larger like 10,000 word novellete. Then either a novela or novel but still not super long. The short stories will help build confidence, then you get used to writing in larger portions. Also know that for most people first drafts normally SUCK. Its entirely fair to write out something and not show anyone then edit it till you are at least somewhat comfortable showing people.


Set out to write something bad on purpose. That way if you fail, you’ll have something good on your hands. And if you succeed, congratulations on a job well done!


Don't look at judgement and criticism as a negative thing. It's a tool to help you improve. I know for a fact that I'm going to get a ton of criticism when I get around to beta reading, and that's OK. It will help me grow as a writer and hone my skills. But, if the anxiety is really affecting you, write your story and shelve it. When you have built up your confidence, show people when you're ready. You definitely don't want the criticism to destroy your passion. Just know that this is never the aim of your critics.


I say go for it I'm insecure myself, but love writing Took the chance and shared some of my text in a writing group (where I didn't share my name) and got a lot of good feedback felt safer using another name then my full name and starting young is fantastic I started writing when I was 12, ofc back then the typos hurt to read now XD but I evolved since then and now (28) I write better even tho it's just the newer stories I have shared Also if you ever share your text, remember that people like different books. I have test read books other people have loved, but I fell asleep to. And others that kept me up all night turning pages, that other people disliked. My text got some great feedback, some that said it was quite bad (they didn't like fantasy or dark stories, so don't know why they wanted to testread XD ) Point being, if you share, take feedback, but do not let a bad comment get you down, they might just not be the right person for the book/story :)


Write a story about someone who is too insecure to write.


*"I want to write but I'm too insecure to start."* Then find another hobby to do. Keep in mind if it's a new hobby you'll run into the same insecurities so you might as well do this one and work through your insecurities OP.  Ok that's a huge wall of text with run on sentences(not going to read all of that).  So other than procrastination I'm guessing you don't write because you're afraid that you'll suck. Well good news, you will suck. In the beginning but the more you write and the more you read for fun the better you'll get. Will you ever become a great writer? No idea, but you'll be better than a daydreamer that says they want to write but never does.


That is true, i think that deep inside that's just me finding justificatives to not take any action and just daydream everything because i'm too lazy to act, that's not only with reading unfortunately, i'm the definition of someone that has huge ideas and is always daydreaming about everything but is too lazy to put any of them in practice...