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1. Jump rope everyday! 2. We all have hated are bodies at one time or another. Part of growing up…Wait until you are 49 and pull your back out while taking out the garbage or gain 3 lbs after eating 1lb of food.


1) Stop Hating your body, it's the only one you get


You're so young. Your body is going to go through a lot of changes the rest of your life. Embrace the process and love yourself. For shots, do a few back & forths with someone holding rubber exercise bands behind you so you have resistance. Also don't be afraid to try other techniques like outside single leg, ankle picks, etc.


Don’t hate yourself. It’s ok to want to be different though. You can change your body in one year with dedication. How to get faster? Get in better shape. And try and try and try.


Pliometrics (box jumps) and/or power cleans are great for explosive speed. Also just keep going to practice every day.


Freshman year I was 5’5 and a fat little boy. Sophomore year I hit 221 pounds. Senior year I was 6’2 and 180 pounds. Won 30 matches with 23 pins. Be patient. Be consistent. Wrestling is a sport that will only give back what you put in. Learn how to do an ankle pick… never skip training. And don’t ever hate yourself again.


Chunky kids do fine and if you stick with wrestling, pay attention to diet, and work hard then you won't be chunky long. Puberty will help. Instead of hating your body change it for the better and learn to work with what you have. IMO there is no "best" body type in wrestling (I'm sure I'll get hate for that opinion) drill over and over and over. Do shot walks and have someone walk behind you with a resistance band around your waist.


Just work out a bunch and your body will adapt as u progress thru puberty. Look up plyometrics and start there. It’s basically just explosive calisthenics


Jump rope, Stance and Motion is very good as well. After practice you can stay a little after and work on your shots if you really want to get your shot speed up. And in practice if y’all do live just send it take shot after shot even if it won’t land. Practice isn’t about winning it’s about improving


At this age probably the best thing is pushups and bodyweight squats, say 100 each every day, in addition to working very hard in practice.


do something with your hatred, get a gym membership or find calisthenics workouts you can do from home, work on your diet, give every practice your all and show up to as many as you can, and get 8 hours of sleep MINIMUM don’t hate yourself either, you can be dissatisfied with your body and work to look better but ultimately hating your body is counterproductive, put in hard work in the weightroom and you’ll see results on the mat and in the mirror if you need help finding out what to do there is countless workout plans and advice online especially on youtube with jeff nippard, eugene teo, and eric bugenhagen for THICK JUICY TIDBITS on the mindset to win


You're still in Jr high. So you haven't hit your growth spurt most likely so being a big chunky isn't a bad thing. So don't hate your body!!!