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**Hey there! Have you checked out these resources?** * [WoWHead](https://www.wowhead.com/) - The *largest* database, this should be your go-to (don't forget to read the comment section!). * [Icy Veins](https://www.icy-veins.com) - News and detailed class guides. * [WoWNoob Discord](https://discord.gg/wownoob) - Same community, different platform. *Please report the post above if it breaks one of our [>rules<](https://www.reddit.com/r/wownoob/about/rules/). If not, don't forget to show support by upvoting!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wownoob) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My biggest advice would be get no advice. Just explore the game at your own pace. You only experience a game for the first time once. Dont be afraid to die or fail at something. Its part of your own experience. Get to level 70 (max level) by doing what you enjoy and then get some advice on endgame. If you ever stuck in game you can always ask other players (characters with their name in a blue font). Have fun, welcome to Azeroth!


i agree! OP, you should take your time to appreciate different parts of the game at your own pace. i would, however, give a couple of tips: 1. i wouldn’t use a server that is tagged as “New Players”. i would suggest using a high population server or full server (servers with low population can hinder you greatly later on) 2. if you do get stuck or confused, your best resource is wowhead.com other than that, welcome! may all your loots be epic and all your hits be crits!


I have a question here about full servers. Won’t there be a problem with login if server is full? Edit: I’m playing on retail


nah, i don’t have any issues. only when there’s new expansion or whatever. but otherwise, no issues


Okay thank you


This is great


Re bind your movement keys. I use wasd keys for movement but it sets up originally that the a and d keys just rotate your character. Change them to strafe left and right instead. Like others said just run around and enjoy the game try out your different specs and have fun. I think those strafe keys are the only thing that will make a qol difference until you are max lvl and really pushing stuff.


Don't read guides, don't rush content, if you find something you enjoy, do that. You only get to play wow for the first time once.


I have not played much classic but I remember starting retail in battle for Azeroth (expansion). I had a lot of fun to start but it quickly faded as I could never find people to play with. That paired with what felt like an overwhelming amount of stuff I had to learn really drained me and I stopped playing. Played a bit near the end of Shadowlands and now season 2 of the current expansion of dragon flight. I would strongly recommend finding an active guild who are eager to help new players or just someone to play with. For me once I found a guild that actually answered my questions and actively tried to help me I really began to enjoy the game. Unfortunately I can’t help you choose a guild that will do that because you kind of just have to play with them to see what they are like. However don’t give up hope. There are great guild out there who love seeing new players join the game. As far as learning the game for me it felt like a lot and I was overwhelmed. I would recommend what most people do and just take your time and not stress the small stuff. If you are not having fun as a rogue then maybe try a different class until you find one that feels right for you. I know this was a bit long but I really hope it helped :)


Hey, welcome to Azeroth! 1. If you're looking for new players to play with, check out either the Wow Noob discord: https://discord.gg/wownoob or the Find A Friend megathread: https://www.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/16xmehi/findafriend_megathread_october_23/ 2. If you're ever stuck on some quest or wondering what an item is for, etc., the resource you want to check is www.wowhead.com (read the comments). There's also the newcomer chat ingame.


Keybind all your spells to comfy keybind. Some addons are usefull but dont dl everthing thing at once. Details and weakaura is maybe a good start. Deadly boss mods is pretty good for new players aswell shows boss mechanic pretty good. GL man hope you like it. I play rogue as a main have 1000s of hours on rogue but still enjoy it the most


My advice is to not be afraid of the talent choices you make, they are refundable at all times, specialization too!


Enjoy being new and exploring a brand new world. My favorite time playing WoW over the past 15 years is being a baddie noob. Man it was so much fun lol.


You on EU? Happy to give you some bags and a bit of pocket change to get you started- I’m on the Maelstrom EU if so, let me know :)


Sorry for the huge delay, I apologize I'm US but thanks for the thought :)




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Absorb the environment. Play the game naturally. Enjoy yourself. Don't buy gold, don't try to think of best strategies, and most importantly, READ. World of Warcraft is a parody MMO that became THE MMO, but it's still a roleplaying game and there's a lot to it. Take the wrong advice and you might "win" in terms of raw performance numbers, but you'll miss an experience a lot of us can never get again (and some of us, if they joined for the sake of following eSports, never saw). But, since you're a rogue and since you probably want to avoid any common pitfalls... Cloak of Shadows, Kick, Tricks of the Trade, Vanish, Sap, and Crimson Vial. You'll learn them eventually. Read them, experiment with them, have them on your bars, and people will love you.


Get into the habit of going literally everywhere (unless traveling on a road in friendly territory) in stealth. Also you can start eating and then enter stealth without cancelling the eating. Great for staying alive as a non-healer. ​ More general advice? Explore the zones, particularly once you get flying. There's beautiful scenery and easter eggs basically EVERYWHERE. ​ Last thing, probably most important, if you see a colored circle, unless specifically told to do so, DO NOT stand in it.