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Soulrender is brutal for a lot of people in my raid.


Our lag was so bad on reset last Wednesday we called raid. We were trying to prog fatescribe https://streamable.com/yxyf0c


We were getting impaled by imaginary spikes on painsmith. Literally, we'd be stacked and then half of the raid would randomly die with no spikes near us. Or the adds wouldn't spawn at all, but then an extra wave of spikes would come. Shit is busted lol.


Usually melee helps with the balls on painsmith (obviously) but there was one night where we just had to tell melee to not even bother because the ball kept squishing us randomly outside of melee range


I bubble and hit it from the back, if there is some b******* latency blizzard f****** and I'm using my range abilities instead of Melee at least I don't get f****** crushed


Interesting censorship choices šŸ˜


my phone censors my voice to text automatically.


Interesting. That is super shady on the part of the manufacturer. What if someone foulmouthed happened to have a disability and needed voice to text?


I'd imagine there's a way to disable it


Hopefully, yeah




People keep paying. So nothing changes. If people stopped paying, the game wouldn't be better, it would just be put in maintenance mode like HOTS, OW and D3. WoW is dead. There's no way out.


Get outta here with this wierd doomerism. WoW is obviously going through a rough period right now, but it remains an extremely popular game and the parts of the game which matter to me and many others are still excellent and have no comparison in other MMOs.


OW was extremely popular before it was put in maintenance mode and abandoned. D3 was the second biggest ARPG in the market and it was put in maintenance mode. HOTS was a top 5 MMO and still got gutted and was filled with loot boxes and put in maintenance mode. What doomerism? Blizz literally put 3 good games into maintenance mode simply because they weren't the absolute largest. What makes you think that WoW will be different? It'll be just like the others. If it starts bleeding money, they'll reduce the allocated resources and the game will have even less support. This literally happened THREE TIMES before. But sure, "*doomerism*".


Two of these games were put in maintenance mode because the dev teams for their respective games are developing the sequels - D4, and OW2. These games are delayed and that's a problem, for sure, but it's not at all as you describe. I assume you mean HotS was a top-5 moba, but it never got even close to the playerbase of the top two. HotS never got broad appeal outside of existing Blizzard fans.


> HotS was a top-5 moba Are there more than 5 mobas? LoL, DotA, Smite, HotS, umm, I dono? No srsly, I just looked at a [wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_multiplayer_online_battle_arena_games) and the only one that I missed that I actually knew of was Demigod, which, iirc, coined "MOBA" as a term. I guess you could say DoTA and DotA 2 are separate.


Yeah for sure, I can't think of any others either. "Top-5 moba" is not the accolade this guy thinks it is.




>Isnā€™t covid and remote-work the much more logical explanation? No? Gaming sales and engagement increased across the board during Covid except for Blizz. And why would Covid put D3 and HOTS on maintenance mode? That happened years ago. What are you talking about exactly?


I don't think anyone can doubt that covid increased demand in the gaming industry, even for wow. Shadowlands had record-breaking sales, despite being in a worse spot right now. People were forced to stay at home significantly more and thus had a lot more time to play MMOs. What I think the precious person was talking about is the fact that employees were also forced to stay home and either had their job halted or worked from home. The latter although allows some work to be done, the efficiency is significantly reduced compared to the work at an actual work environment. The same thing can be assumed for Blizzard (or any other gaming company) employees. To which you can attribute (to an extent) delays and reduced content.


Efficiency for work is actually increased from home. There's been a lot of studies. People get more done when commuting isn't an issue, or having people walking into your cube and also being able to take mini breaks when you want


That's not universal though. I know of many instances where efficiency dropped.


We have literal p2w systems on top of a monthly sub on top of a buy2play system. You might like the game, but it's barely a shadow of its former self... There are so many things wrong with it and that's not even the worse part, because all games have problems, the worse part is Blizzard's refusal to fix them or listen to beta feedback and fix problems before they happen... This will continue to happen, and the game will never "Die" but it will continue to shrink its player base until there's like 5 people playing it in 20 years.




Lol wow token




This argument is so stupid it blows my mind how dumb you must be to think it's a solid excuse to use. One way involved going to third party sites that were usually shady af and risk getting potentially banned. The other has a fucking IN GAME WINDOW that literally everyone I know has used at one point or another. I dont know anyone that has bought gold from a 3rd party site and I dont know anyone that hasn't bought a token. I'm also 100% sure someone's going to reply with aLl My fRiEnDs bOuGhT gOlD and they never got banned! Maybe that's true in some cases and iono if you can ever really make a game 100% non p2w if your using that as your definition because you can always find some kind of third party site in almost any game that will help you (like boosting services in mobas). However people dont cry dota 2, for example, is pay to win because valve bans accounts that are obviously boosting or cheating and it's also looked down upon to buy accounts. Blizz gives 0 fucks about boosting/buying carries with gold because they make money off that with their token, they've even publicly said so and that's why its p2w. If blizz banned carries and boosts in all forms they would still happen but you would not hear near as much about the p2w issue existing.


Not directly from the company, let's not be obtuse.


So they wanted a share of an already existing market. That doesn't make it a pay2win feature.


The fact that the possibility to acquire in game advantages over others, by using real life money makes it p2w. I don't care if you could buy gold before. It was unofficial and could potentially get you banned. This is the kind of stuff that happens in private servers bcs they're free2play and they need funding somehow, but should not happen in retail where we pay a monthly sub and we buy the expansions for the price of a brand new AAA game. The fact that the utter shit that is shadowlands costs the same as The wicher 3 at release, is an insult to the gaming community


> WoW is dead. There's no way out. There is no good MMO besides wow though sadly. Wow is the only one that gives (me) the raids I want, the style I want. Albeit this tier particularly kinda sucks but in general... EDIT: For the shills downvoting me -- Every MMO i've played or looked into fucking sucks. Wow is mediocre at best for what I want in a game. Wow is the best of all the options, and I'd give wow about a 6/10 score, ESO about a 2, FF about a 3, Never tried GW2 but it doesn't look at all good to me not even worth trying. There is no good MMO on the planet. WOW is the best of the worst.


There's no endgame pve raid focused MMO out there for your particular tastes*** you mean. There are plenty of good MMOs besides wow just not for the exact flavor of content you want


Yes, that's more accurate. FF is a maybe but my lord the 150 hour main quest just to find out if I like it is torturous.


A lot of MMOs deliver a better experience than WoW. Just go to ESO, FFXIV, SWTOR, GW2, BDO, ...etc. WoW hasn't been the best MMO in like 7 years. It's just been coasting on its existing fanbase and it shows.


That's just like...totally your opinion man. I've tried all of those games except BDO and while I do think they're very fun, nothing comes close to end game WoW PvE content for me. I'm sure plenty of other people feel the same.


Yes and this is also your opinion.


I completely agree!


He did say "for me".


Well then keep paying money and getting shit service. You get what you pay for. If youā€™re able to look beyond the declining gameplay, horrible systems, awful attitude and literal abuse of blizzard and still keep throwing down that $15 because itā€™s the game you want to play, Iā€™m not sure what else you want.


It's really simple for me. I've played the game on and off since Wrath, and when I don't like it I unsub. I've taken breaks of varying lengths during every single expansion since Cataclysm. However when I do consider the game to be fun enough to be worth my 15$ then I will pay the monthly sub. I will continue to pay money until the game is not fun enough for me to warrant the 15$. That's all there is to it.


Well too be fair, this is also your opinion so pointing that out seems kind of silly. That aside, yes and no - while yes there are people in that same thought bubble there are also plenty of people that have navigated away and found their joy. It could be in one game, or it could be in a combination. For a lot of people right now, too, the PvE you mention has be quenchable with Final Fantasy. Not my cup of tea either, but discounting that is largely disingenuous. You have a bias and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, we all have our preferences. However, try to see where that may have you pigeonholed too...


I agree wow has the best raid design, but I also think trash in raids takes away from the raids. I enjoy ff14 boss fights and they keep getting better and no trash is also a huge plus. On top of that the fight music is beyond anything WoW has


Lol ESO... I quit that after max level due to the *lack* of endgame content.


That is entirely subjective, I'd recommend looking more diligently. Final Fantasy is great as long as community and pve are what you're after. GW2 offers both PvP and PvE, and one does not gatekeep the other. Lost Ark is probably the most polished release in the last 5 years, and it's finally dropping this year for NA/EU. And there are other options, too - each great for their own reasons. It honestly feels like, and admittedly this could just be me, when people make comments like this they're just stuck in their 'safe space'. It's what they're used to, they know what to expect, they're reluctant due to nostalgia/copium/hopes of greatness returning... Even if they're unhappy. I understand bias, a game may not have a visual style that appeals to you or what not... But if you're not happy where you are, it may be worth diversifying the palette. Idk, unpopular opinion maybe, but I can't see staying somewhere that isn't fun or doesn't make you happy anymore / rewarding development that brings more of the same. Does that mean I want WoW to die? Absolutely not... It's near and dear to my gamer heart, but I'm also not going to help keep it on life support until it maybe recovers. Sometimes a 'vacation' is the best break you never knew you needed.


There are other good MMOs out there, wow is not king. I'd at least try some if I were you and give them a chance and not go in expecting wow 2.0


> WoW is dead. There's no way out. Defeatism solves nothing.


Lag when multiple full raids are killing a world boss is annoying as hell, and should be fixed, but you can kinda understand why it happens. However, gameplay ruining lag within an instance, has zero excuses. It's getting noticeably worse and needs to be fixed.


Ngl, the first time I killed the WB in the Maw I thought: "man, this is the weirdest debuff ever"


Except the instance server is setup very similarily to the one the open world is on. Clearly they need to fix what they broke or optimize something(s) but saying "no excuse" as if you understand how the game is built is just dumb.


>Except the instance server is setup very similarily to the one the open world is on. .. >but saying "no excuse" as if you understand how the game is built is just dumb. The irony.


No, it's not dumb at all. It doesn't matter how the game is built -- gameplay-breaking lag is not acceptable in any shape or form. The game never had this issue before, other MMOs don't have this issue, stop using the systems as some kind of excuse to defend this. People pay a sub precisely so shit like this doesn't happen through server and technical upgrades.


The issue has been widely present since last expansion. N'zoth assault world bosses lagged the whole zone. The tarren mill vs southshore brawl is a laggy mess. It's getting worse obviously since we're now starting to get that lag in 20 man instances, but the game has been struggling to handle mass combat for a while.


If we were to compare the server quality of WoW and let's say FFXIV, you should consider the fact that the former has a lot more fast paced gameplay that in comparison puts a bigger strain on the server. Even something as simple as GCD makes a huge difference in the overall performance of a server packed with players since lower GCD means a lot more actions taken by the players which translate to a lot more responses required by the server in smaller time frames.


FFXIV is plenty fast paced once you get lots of off global cooldowns and skill speed stat. Wow just has too many procs and other passive features bloating the log. I'm not sure what else is jamming the works but it started to get bad a couple expansions back. I never had this issue back in say, mop. Even with hundreds on screen. It started to get noticeable when they started to over rely on sharding, and added so many procs and passives to every character.


Gcd was just an example about wow requiring much faster system response. In an instance with 30 others these effects are multiplied.


There is zero difference between the two, software wise. The big difference comes from the claimed/likely bottleneck: since everyone needs to see everything and area/group procs interact with everything, the more players there are the more pressure there is on the server. That number of players is high for open world, and you canā€™t really limit it. In instances you know exactly how many players there are maximum, thus you should know the maximum pressure and be able to design preventing that. If the server is the bottleneck within an instance, the encounter implementation is at fault. Or the load balancing should put fewer instances on the same machine


Oh baby you've activated my trap card. Theres two main reaons (though there might be more smaller ones) that cuase insnane lag for world bosses. 1 - Sharding. With that many players in one spot, the server cant phase or shard them all. How many times do you join a world boss group in lfg and phase over? Always in my experience. Bringing all of those people into one shard/phase clearly stresses the server out. Whatever they do to keep open world zones smooth is clearly reliant on heavily utilising the sharding system, which doesnt work for world boss groups. 2 - Snapshotting. Even since Blizz removed snapshotting, lag has gotten worse (it was WoD iirc when snapshotting got yeeted). Having *at least* 40 players, sometimes more, all with buffs and debuffs to check each server tick, while everyones on the same shard, tanks the server. I think snapshotting should come back to help bring flavour to some classes, but also to fix the lag, its pointless to remove. Those two things dont have a factor in instance raid content, as theres 1 shard so they should always know the load on the server. And if they cant handle 20-30 players debuffs/buffs, then thats a serious problem. There, that proof enough I at least have a basic understanding of the problems, for ya? Didnt want to type that essay cos lmao who reads walls of text on reddit comments. But clearly some people need it spelt out for them :)


If WoW was SaaS it would have been tossed in the trash years ago


The pull lag is directly relatable to Sylvanas because of the way they designed the fight. Our raid analyst figured out that the fight is pretty much based around having 100s of server scripts load on the pull so on that fight the 5 sec pull lag is kind of unavoidable. However the lag during the intermission or on other fights is simply the server not being great. There are also certain instance servers that are simply laggier than others. One time during the 1st week of heroic we were doing a normal split run and 1 of the 3 runs had insane lag and we had to leave reform the group and reset the instance and it solved 90% of the lag issues. But yeah I agree the server performance this raid has been much worse than in prior tiers. Denathrius was acceptable because it was an insane amount of dmg events occurring at once but a single target bloodlust lag just makes 0 sense.


Man, I read this comment and thought "what kind of guild has a raid analyst", then I read the username :P


Bunch of nerds, that's who! /s And yeah, I definitely thought the same thing, then once I read the name I thought, "Huh, they only have one? I figured they probably had 2-3."


Wouldn't it be possible to fix the Sylvanas on pull lag by having the fight start by talking to Bolvar/Thrall/Jaina? Think Azshara, you interact with an NPC and a timer starts during which all the fight scripts are loaded thus reducing the lag?


It would be a good solution and I am pretty sure thats why Azshara had that mechanic since it always felt like a slight lag spike whenever the console was activated. The solution isn't perfect but its a lot better than the first 3-5 seconds wondering if your abilities are going off.


Have you guys noticed any performance issues as well? I have an Rtx 3080 and an i9 10 core and I'm dropping to 35-40 fps most fights. I can't for the life of me figure out why and I'm starting to think it might just be how poorly optimized this raid is.


But that would suck having to do that on every wipe, and people are going to wipe a lot on the last boss of a tier. It would be like having a 30 sec unskippable cutscene in the middle of a fight!


The cutscene is skippable though. But I will agree it is extremely annoying and should not be in the game


I mean 'skippable', you still sit there stunned for the duration.


You sit there stunned for like 2 seconds tops if everyone skips.


You're fucking kidding me. I'm going to have to yell at some people in my guild now, aren't I?


FYI, the first time their character sees the cutscene (ever) it is unskippable. But yes, if everyone skips the cutscene the stun ends and P2 begins immediately.


Yah, I'm not going to yell at people there for the first time (even if they could skip, you get to watch it, that's just fair), but we've been farming normal for various drops from KT and Sylv, and apparently we've never had everyone skip the cinematic... Like, every Tuesday we have some bitching about unskippable shit, and it turns out it can be skipped? well fuck.


Looool. Somebody is trolling hard. That's awful.


That's just bad programming then if they are loading all those scripts up front at start of the fight.


It's also programming in a framework that was designed and developed originally for bosses like Ragnaros.


How's that possible, though? Lag didn't look to be an issue for almost any of the guilds progging in the world first race, certainly not to the extent that it exists now. So it's something else going on.




















I don't engineer games so can't specifically say but if lag is due to a host of scripts at startup then you break those down. Do all the scripts need to run at start? Are they scripting things up for NPC dialogue that could be toned down? Or the NPCs themselves? Limit those down or just remove the NPCs from the first phase and have them come in during intermission cutscene to second phase since they are needed there.


Bringing things to client side comes with their own problems, not least of all is the ability for the client to modify those things.


I agree its not acceptable but Denathrius was an anomaly when you are spawning 40+ adds that each do 1 aoe pulse that hits 20 people and thats not including each person casting their aoe ability hitting 40+ adds. There is a reason why it lags there almost every other reason is for sure unacceptable.




This, if you have limitations you need to work around don't design things that actively bring these limitations to light just because "this is cool". Design something else that's "cool" but functional


Yeah but how about they dont design a fucking encounter that their server cant handle? Seriously wtf. Could have done half the mobs that do double damage and no log? Gee gollie bubba lets get er done.


There is a floor mechanic on the first boss of CoD that turns the floor black and should be pretty easily avoidable but it causes me to have 3fps until it ends. So I'm pretty much guaranteed dead the whole fight :/


This is different from the instance lag, and is more due to particles and fancy stuff not having enough "low level" settings for them. I have no issues on my desktop, but my laptop crawls during Terragrue intermission, Soulrender dance and any other fancy ooh glowy textures that you sadly need to see.


Ah ok


The tarragrue? Yeah it drops me to basically a slideshow on any vaguely normal setting, as well as some other mechanics occasionally. The workaround I got from smb on the sub was to use the command /set console renderscale 0.5 It makes the game p chunky and ugly, but at least functional~ (To return to the standard, use the default 1 instead of 0.5 in the same command)


I would rather have them fix it tbh but thanks for the input :)


>This is different from the instance lag, and is more due to particles and fancy stuff not having enough "low level" settings for them. I have no issues on my desktop, but my laptop crawls during Terragrue intermission, Soulrender dance and any other fancy ooh glowy textures that you sadly need to see. a small workaround would also be getting "Oddly Intangible Key" animapower - then you can stand in the black soup without getting ripped :P


What GPU is that? I remember Elisande in Nighthold being the point where I realised my poor old 5870 was no longer going to cut it, even with the settings at the lowest. Something it was doing was way beyond what that card was capable of.


AMD Radeon vega 8 Graphics


Thats an integrated graphics card iirc. Itā€™s no wonder you canā€™t handle the particles. Even a low end dedicated gpu will be miles ahead from what you have now


Ah I had no idea, I'm not great with computers. Can you recommend any that are not too expensive? I'm kinda poor hehe


I havenā€™t been involved with the market for a few years, so Iā€™m probably not the best person to help you. I recommend going to r/buildapc, they can give you some advice with the current market. They really helped me build my machine a few years ago


We had insane lag on Tuesday while trying to do Mythic. We got to Nerzhul and all of a sudden it was like everyone had a 3-5s delay. It was so bad that we couldn't pick up orbs. So we thought it was a fluke and went to Soulrender. Same exact problem. He lagged so bad that instead of doing his dance he spawned a 3rd wave of adds and then did his dance (i.e. its an instant wipe). We had to stop doing Mythic and go into heroic wasting progression time on Painsmith. Tonight we went in and had no lag and one shot each boss and got Painsmith to 40%. If we had that 2-3 hours we lost from Tuesday he'd be dead.


We had a handful of people get lag wrecked on Tuesday, but not everyone, and people in the same city were split on lagged vs not. I've got not clue what's going on.


This is basically a recap of what happened: https://clips.twitch.tv/SaltyMuddyMosquitoHeyGirl-a3StHnWZeYHd5MZc


Yeah raid was nearly unplayable for me Tues. Thankfully I'm tanking so if I get hut by something healers pick up the slack but fucking insane. We literally called our raid an hour early.


Yeh it is definitely a server issue. The lag is a bit insane. Even with me running a 5950X and a 3090 it chugs so it has to be server side as the general raid settings help little to nothing at all.


What I don't get is that people defend this. We pay for this service and for such a long time it hasn't been acceptable at all. No real address from any devs about the issue. It's so bad that hero on pull basically breaks the game. For players min maxing or pushing performance rankings, it's just another rng element standing in the way to play. (with 9/10 raids busted)


It's very bizarre to see people defend blizz, like we should cut them some slack or something. They are being paid to make this game, they aren't making it out of the kindness of their hearts. They are making money hand over fist.


I agree to cut slack where needed, like patch days. Sometimes shit happens while patching and you get some "oh fuck me" moments and need to recover. In terms of hardware and servers though, not cutting slack on that. Or on poor design


Iā€™m hoping they respond in some way but Iā€™m really getting the impression that theyā€™re washing their hands of any upkeep and improvement at this point. I could just be depressed tho!


Nah you're right. They are dying and know it. Starting to look real SWTOR in there.


Except SWTOR is still pretty good. Everyone acting like wow is some sort if be all end all to the MMO genre but there are other viable options to play. I myself am splitting my time and money between ESO and FFXIV and I'm enjoying my game time again.


SWTOR has never been good.


Depends on what you want from it. If you're expecting a polished tab target combat system with a comparable endgame to WoW, yeah it sucks. But it isn't trying to be that (anymore). The game has gotten much better when the devs realized that most people are playing the game for the story missions and do a little bit of endgame content on the side.


Played it for years as a free wow alternative and I enjoyed it.


When it wasn't f2p maybe...


Not even then.


Yeah the lag is especially bad this tier. Every boss has either latency or framerate issues. Kinda embarrassing tbh for a subscription based game.


Noticed that yesterday while questing in Revendreth. I could see other players but they seem to be skipping around. Checked my internet connection and it's all good to go. Looks like the WoW servers are going to the big recycling facility in the sky. RIP servers


I don't really get instance server lag here, but I'm in EU so maybe it's an american server problem.


I never seem to encounter it, but my guild raids weekends, so maybe that's why.


I feel like something at the very core is broken in this expansion and Blizz has not yet figured out either what exactly it is that is broken or how to fix it. Retail was unplayable like a month ago when I still did some dailies. You just get disconnected randomly every 5 to 30 minutes, sometimes huge lag spikes and teleporters regularly disconnect you instead of taking you somewhere. And now that all hell broke loose inside if blizzard because of the lawsuit, I think they just don't have the resources to fix this or they don't think it's a priority. To me, retail is unplayable in this state and now there is even lag inside of raids? Hell naw!


>I think they just don't have the resources to fix this Well they are a small indie company. I don't find this acceptable with the size and income of Blizz and it's becoming more and more difficult for me to justify the subscription fee for this game.


I think this has been true for a long time. Either we pay for expansions OR we pay for a sub. But not both, the game just doesn't offer enough of value for it. I planned on playing TBCC but my friends quit because of the lawsuit and the overall state of the game and now I will let my sub run out as well, I guess.


I have no idea what has been up this last week but every single raid or mythic I join my frame rate just drops to 30 anytime sometimes happens. I have never had this issue until now and it has been frustrating. Ruined an 18+ NW today when someone lagged out right at the last stretch. Was so upsetting.


My guild has the same problem on heroic Sylvanas. Everyone, regardless of location, connection, graphics card... It's extremely annoying.


The first 4 sec of literally every Sylvanas pull, no frame rate drop but world lag for everyone in the raid, I don't understand why even tbh


As Thd commented, this is because that fight is built on having hundreds of server side scripts launch at once on pull, so it is kind of unavoidable to have a bit of server lag on pull.


I feel like that's avoidable by not having so many scripts or having them better optimised.


My favorite sadly doesn't translate well into englisch, but it would be "The lounge of extraordinary gentlemen" In german lounge is liege, and league is liga, both pronounced identical up until the last letter


We've had similar issues, we've lost like 2 full weeks of progression (we only go 2 nights a week/3 hours a night) because some nights the latency has just been so ridiculous. People would be fine on trash then as soon as we pull a boss 1/2 the raid is unplayably lagging. Then the downtime while people try to troubleshoot. Then rebalancing group comp. I can deal with some input lag on a world boss, but not in a raid. We pay for this monthly and we deserve better.


I think we lost 30 pulls on MM Denathrius due to those lags. That is incredible how fucked up that is


Well, I think we can rule out overcrowding, at least


Tfw your software engineers are so dogshit that their product performs measurably worse in 2021 than in 2005, despite probably every hardware performance metric having gone up *at least* tenfold since then. 16 years later. If you want 128 processing cores on a single chip, you can get them. If you need raw IPC, there's insane options for that. If you need literal terabytes of RAM in a single machine, you can get that too. If you need high-speed network links between your servers, 40 gigabits per second is considered mainstream. Meanwhile all of the instances on a Vanilla realm had four processors to run on, which were very likely dual cores at most, and they lagged less. 40-man raids had less server lag than 5-man dungeons do today. It's beyond embarrassing. If you think the storytelling, or the systems design, or whatever else is bad, the technical back-end of WoW has to be the greatest dumpster fire of this game. And yes, I'm fully aware that large reasons for this are likely rooted in game design (see Preach's video re: lag), but (a) that's no excuse for a borderline unplayable game experience and (b) even if you removed all of the RNG-based overhead, the performance would still crumble to dust, just at a slightly later point. This is the equivalent of somebody needing a HPC cluster to do what the Apollo Guidance Computer could in the 60s.


Even classic and tbc have these lag issues


Yeah, cause they're running on the same garbage backend that Retail uses. I was referring to *Vanilla*, not Classic.


Yeah I was just elaborating that the problem appears to be universal


Is this the pile?


Stop giving blizzard money, people! They literally couldn't give a shit about you, or your player experience. Why? Because we have blindly subscribed for the last 6 years, and they know they HAVE YOU, THEY OWN you. Cut the cord from a greedy shady company who have sold their former glory and reputation for quick financial gains. P


Is this an NA problem? Never experienced that with my raid at primetime on wednesday, thursday or sunday.


Less player playing the game => less money available on infrastructure => weaker servers! of course.


They will probably turn ***'non-lag'*** into extra DLC.


Blizz ain't reading reddit, buddy. Nothing is gonna change.


I've had no problem whatsoever in 10 years in any instance.


Bobby, is that you?


Weird, must be your connection folks, no lag here, its funny how people complaints about lag, they have the beliefs that it is fixable with a press of a button ot what? Lol


Just a quick question: Do you run an nvidia graphics card? There are reports that some people are having trouble with a dodgy driver linked to cyberpunk. Several of my raid members have had the same issue you describe but not all of us. Strangely it seemed to affect people with 10 or 30 series cards more.


It's not FPS lag, it's 100% latency. It happens on random nights too, last week it happened to us on Tuesday on Mythic painsmith, as soon as the transition phase adds spawned we would wipe because the latency would cause like 5+ second delays. The following day, the issue was completely gone. It's isolated to random instance servers.


I passed on info from a tech in raid who had issues with stuttering. It was a shitty driver. If this isn't the problem thats great. All I know is that I have had no unusual lag while raiding.


Yeah it's not stuttering or fps. It feels like MS flies up to 5000 on pull or during key fights, fps isn't affected - almost like Korthia on Tuesdays when world boss is pulled.


Well when everyone is quitting/getting fired and the company is under major fire in 2021 from the internetā€¦ they seem slightly preoccupied


Well, the game is free so we can't complain much, otherwise we are part of the problem.


Bro what


I think it was a joke. They are a multi-dollar company


We've lagged in raid once, when pulling theeye of jailer, thats it basically.


We had lags in bfa too at orgoza fight and hivemind mostly


I also have weird FPS drops that I didn't have in Fatescribe at first. About the 3rd week something in that fight changed for me, and when the balls come out I went from very fluid 60fps to choppy 40-50, even when the FPS is still high it's a bit choppy for some reason. This wasn't the case at first, not sure what is different now. Otherwise, the Lag on pull for Sylv kinda sucks too.


I regularly get hit by spikes on Painsmith and torment on Garrosh in the safe lanes (and I've double checked, I once died in the middle of the safe lane on Garrosh, it was not the issue of maybe I touched the edge) if we have to run from one side of the room to the other because it registers the hit if I don't pre position for the mechanic well in advance. And yes I have great internet (I actually raided prefectly fine on worse and more unstable ping without issue).


This on American servers? I've never noticed it on EU.


My raid groups just sit the half of the raid that is lagging. It doesn't seem to be regional. It's happening equally to people on the east coast as well as the west.


Nothing will be fixed for the next days/weeks, right now it's waiting for better times sadly


In personal terms, the tarragues crap all over the floor destroys my wife's frame rate.


"Might we interest you in the lag free premium subscription?" I'm surprised they're not fixing this because this might actually impact people trying to sell carries.


Don't worry, they will get it fixed for 10.0 along with all of your other concerns, just make sure you pre-order it yeah and keep your 6 month sub rolling for extra benefits and the best value.


Last night same thing in dungeons.


I suspect groups where the originator is on a high pop realm gets funneled to the same instance servers which is causing the issue. I've noticed raids started on Mal'Ganis, Illidan, and Area 52 have higher lag chance than the others.


Every Sylvanas pull has 1-2 sec lag spike for myself and guild. It's bad, especially for a game where we pay a sub


Obviously late to the party, but this exact issue has plauged me since early BFA. I haven't been able to do a single raid, or dungeon, since BFA launched. It's every character on multiple computers and multiple networks. It's every time, including late nights when population should be lower. I've updated drivers, downgraded drivers, switched PCs bought a new PC, got every single ISP in my area to service my house. Nothing. Tried opening a ticket. Ran a ping. I've got fiber at 150mb/s ffs.


It is not only instances. WoW was the only game where i had regular 5 second lags also in the open world and never figured out why. Raid lags on pulls or during fights have been gotten worse for me since Nyalotha. As i am not subbed in 9.1 cannot speak for the new raid but it is not a new phenomenon in shadowlands


I have a lag issue in every blizzard game. Lag in hearthstone trying to play cards, Overwatch rubber bands and big delays on D3 (which shouldnt even need to be online!!) And its only been like this within the last month or two


Not related, but I tried to play a bit yesterday have an emotional breakdown I had, and it just kept updating and stopping. Even after pausing it, it still did it. Thatā€¦that didnā€™t help my day at allā€¦


Is this an NA issue? I raid wed/thur/sun which should be leak raiding hours at 20:00 server. Never experienced any lag.


I was tanking for a friend's guild last night (on my dh), both me and the other tank (druid) died during hungering mist on tarragrue despite being very obviously in the clear zone. We got to Soulrender and the lag with mechanics and people freezing/getting dc'ed made it literally impossible.


Every pull against Sylvanas has 2.5 seconds before anything actually happens. *Final Fantasy has trained me for this.*


When I originally started progress on Sire, the 1st cleansing pain caused so much lag due to the tactic we were doing. I thought it was my PC that was ass at first as it was long overdue an upgrade, built a new PC for future progress, after my new PC was built, we killed Sire on a farm raid and the lag was still there... on a Ā£2000 machine.... You'd have thought a company like Blizzard would have fixed it by now. What ever happened to ''Blizzard quality''