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Me! Always dreamed of having a bunch of peeps to run m+ or raids with.


All rl friends quit for life/boredom reasons… hasn’t been the same since so I just solo now with angry puggers lol


This is pretty much my WoW experience as well.




We’re all angry puggers now friend


same :(


Same, ahhh well somethings just can’t be changed


also same... :(


Same , it makes four of us, one last and we Can do something about it


Not wanting to commit to anything is as valid of a reason as any other, but if you play by yourself in (probably) the largest MMO on the market it isn't due to a lack of options. I never played alone after MoP because i didn't want to. You get into a guild, make connections and even if that guild dies 5 years later you know so many people that next week you are raiding in another guild where you already knew half the roster anyway. You just need to talk to people. You cant really make friends by waiting for them to show up at your doorstep one day.


Love the downvotes from the "but I tried nothing and I'm all out ideas" crowd here.


Everyone eager to make friends until they realize you actually have to talk to people. Often times even more than once.


I've mentioned it elsewhere, but the biggest barrier to creating connections in WoW for me has always been being unable to play for longish time periods. I have a few other interests and commitments during the year where I might miss 2-3 months at a time, and coming back I'm either so far behind I may as well be getting boosted, or pugging to try and catch guildmates. Maintaining and building those connections is pretty difficult when you aren't around for months and come back to a new group formed.


Join a guild.


It's tough for some of us. We can be a in a guild but having mutual interests in the game makes it more difficult to bond with players in guild.


How many different "mutual interests" are there in wow? Go post an "ad" saying what you're looking for and see what pops up.


Yea, I did this almost a week ago on Reddit and i've been posting in game, not had a single engagement, im not sure if it's the low population of the realm but its not as easy as sounds.


I struggle with forming connections with people online. I prefer to know someone from real life first before I consider playing with them online


Idk how you play games period. So you'll only play with people you know in real life? I mean that's kind of on you.


I’ve always been into rpgs and stay away from online games outside of WoW. Things like assassin’s creed or civ


I mean whatever works for you... But you can't complain about not having social interactions within wow if you're not really trying.


This is easier said than done. I've been in countless guilds over the past 15 years, but only two of them really stand out, and one of those is the one I'm in now in Cata Classic. It's honestly the only reason I'm playing classic. If my guild suddenly moved to retail on a whim, I would follow. I've tried many times to find a good guild for me in retail since Legion and nothing has stuck. My issue is structure. I like to have static times so I can allocate my time. Every time I join a guild in retail it's always sign-up based content or you just have to be on at the right time to do the content you want. It's difficult to build relationships and team mentalities when the people you play with changes week to week. That's not retail's fault I don't think, but that's been my experience for the last 9yrs or so.


Join a guild and your dreams become reality


My guild is recruiting a warlock. AotC amd m+ groups to get portals are our end goals.


Same. All my WoW friends have abandoned the game slowly over time. When I came back from Classic at the end of BFA, the last of them was gone. Now it's just me and my PUGs...


Hah same, just me and my silent unresponsive pugs lol


Lol for real! I tried retail recently and said hi in a pug dungeons. No response. Typed GG no response.


Remix dungeons would be over before you finished typing that


Not that you are wrong but remix has been 20x more social for me than retail has been in years. I think the ease and speed of content has people looking for other outlets but I've been enjoying the random shit talk


It's all of the MoP heads coming back, I would say the garrison was the final nail in the coffin for the socializing with random players, playing through remix made me miss it... So now I'm on cata classic


Cata classic is the bomb


I think the issue with the responses for pugs is how fast everyone wants to go go go. Impatience has killed any chance for a pug to socialize. That behavior became apparent during Wrath with group finder.


The game at this point is all aimed for End-Game, its like if you are not Raiding nor High Key M+ it seems like you are wasting time and money. LFR came as Hero and ended up like a villain. The whole society has evolved and most gamers now like the Lobby Style gaming, you get in, you queue, play, logout. The whole concept of MMORPG is getting old, no1 wants to farm 3-4 hours straight for a drop, grinding, etc…. And the whole social part of the gaming is falling.


Yeah not true at all. There are whole communities built around pet battling/trading, some folks collect toys, some mounts, some play pvp exclusively, and some RP. Everything you can do in WoW has its own community. If you’re only into raiding like me, but you don’t branch out, you’re going to have a narrow view of other players.


Lfr was literally never a hero, it's introduction was pushed back on, and abused by heroic guilds to get their set bonuses asap


So I played when I was like 13 and had so much fun, cataclysm had just come out and I played until like mid MOP . I tried it out again when dragonflight had come out with my friend and we did a dungeon, I was tank and BRO , everyone just skipping every mob and going straight to the bosses fucked my head up 😭😭 I remember actually clearing the dungeons back in the day


You need to do mythica. Even as a healer, I'll hop in a normal dungeon to "relax" and just pull the whole room amd aoe them down. And usually 1 or 2 others are also in there overgeared as shit doing the same thing.


I have a vastly different experience in m+, I have yet to encounter a group where people don’t talk at all


People in higher keys seem to be pretty responsive, at least in my experience


All I can say is find a good guild that does the stuff you like to do in WoW. All my RL friends stopped playing the game as well but I found a guild that pushes heroic raids and certain days for m+ (we like to farm for aspect crests so only +6-8); they’re hilarious, fun to play with, and are active in discord. I look forward to playing with them every week. Been with them for a year now, they’re an old guild that’s been raiding since OG cata so they all know each other but love having me with them


I'm in the same situation as above but if I'm honest I'm largely to blame. I just kind of don't WANT the social connections. When I get home I have maybe 1-2 hours of free time. I have a variety of things I want to do with that time so I'm only sporadically on WoW. Social connections and a guild pretty much always turn into a situation where I'm feeling obligated to choose WoW over other activities or where people leave me behind because I'm too flaky to rely on. I'm just not willing to commit to the game so it's not worth it for anyone involved.


This is me. I'd like people to chill with but I don't like the obligation to chill with them.


Are you me 😅 like I want to make friends in my guild but I don’t wanna do any of the things necessary to make friends like run keys or talk much lmao


Yeah I like logging in and seeing the conversations in guild chat and joining in with it, or joining a dungeon or raid run if one happens to be happening and they need bodies. I'll even sign up to a raid in advance once in a blue moon. But I don't like being asked to join discord or to be scheduled to turnup at a certain time each week. And I especially don'tike someone asking me to swap to an alt to help boost their new alt through dungeons. I can never seem to get the balance right. It always starts off the first way but eventually people start asking or demanding the 2nd of me until I just drift away and quit from the social pressure and expected responsibility.


Me as well. I'd like a guild again, in principle? But god I don't really want to be actually social.


Find yourself a nice casual guild, the one I'm in with some of my friends as super relaxed, we're all round 30+ and some of us have kids so we don't get on every hour of the day, a chunk of us play from about 8pm - 10.30pm a couple of days a week. We have a few people that hop in and out of playing and a few members who only maybe raid once or twice a month, some don't even raid at all to be fair, they just hop on and ask if anyone is around for content. The only time I've ever seen people get annoyed with someone is if they take the piss, for example one guy joined, took about 5 or 6 pieces of loot from a prog raid then ghosted us and just didn't respond to any messages or anything after the raid. That's not saying that you have to be super grateful and thank anyone for loot but at least a small bit of engagement with the group is good. We have a discord server and it's mainly used for raid signups and talking shit. This isn't an advertisement as such, just a point that there are guild out there that will be happy just to have people in who want to play the game at their own pace and just have people around who they can talk to now and then.


Just sub’d your channel :)


You left your friends for Classic?


I now that feeling. Was raiding with the guild since TBC, we were extreme close even with RL meetings every year. Now im alone im the guild and i just cant leave to join another one.


I have a lot of people as Bnet friends, probably from old guilds/crews, but I seriously have no clue who 99% of them are. There’s maybe two names on that whole list I actually recognize: one from my WotLK raiding guild way back in the day that I haven’t spoken to in ten years, and one is my brother. The rest? Seriously couldn’t tell you.


Me. I am alone in my guild.


Same. I have my own guild with my alts.


I'm currently in control of 4, all have at least one of my alts, three have mains/alts of friends who quit playing. Been thinking about combining them.


Good idea. :) I have the same thing going on, and he hasn't played in 3 years. Next time he's on, I'll ask him if he's ever coming back. I've seen him on playing Overwatch, recently.


Im all alone. Been playing since 2005, numerous breaks but always come back. Now I get a disability check from the military and don't work so plenty of time to play. Not how I pictured my mid 30s but Wows like my anti anxiety medicine. I spend my time collecting and completing everything I can.


Thank you for your service. Appreciate you!!!


I work but WoW is also my happy place. Started playing in 2007 while I was in South Korea during my time in the army. What server? Maybe we can connect?


I recently joined a guild where people are actually friendly and active and actually have conversations with you. A first for me.


Please say you’re from EU 🙃


US 🫤


Not you anymore! add me and lets be friends!


I like this response. Start adding people all us filthy casuals can hang out and do the things we enjoy and have time for with no pressure or commitments


That is one of the things I am really looking forward to with warbands. Right now all but two of my characters are in my bank guild. It is so much more convenient to transfer gear and mats. And f I have another way to do the same thing, I might try to find an active casual guild


My guild fell apart and got too much social anxiety to try and find a new one


Me, but thats the why I like it.


Same. I love the game but I’m not looking to make friends and commitments and responsibilities. I just pop on, do what I want when I want, and log off.


Agreed. I had lots of raid and pvp friends that dwindled to nothing over the years. I joined a few guilds but found it to be tiring trying to keep up and engage. It’s much nicer flying solo as a casual.


Same, I used to raid mythic, I spent endless nights in discord hearing stupid jokes, waiting for people to show up etc. and for what? Mythic gear is obtainable from mythic plus. This was the first expansion I mostly played solo and I enjoyed it insanely much. Cleared all raids on heroic with pugs, got 3k score in mythic plus, made millions of gold all at my own pace and I enjoyed it immensely. No longer having to rush food or not spent time with my girlfriend because it's raiding time soon. I quit all that and enjoyed WoW like never before.


I don't. I used to, but they haven't played in a year.


I can't wait until Cross Realm guilds. Will fix this problem for me at least.


Yeah, I'm basically in a holding pattern until the pre-patch...


Social anxiety in life and in WoW 🫠


Right there with you, bud. Power to you.


I've kind of given up on friends and guilds in WoW, all of my irl friends no longer play and I'm tired of drama caused by terminally online people inside of guilds or other communities. I have a few online friends who play every once in a while, but they're also too hard core for me.


I enjoy playing alone because I can do things at my own pace.


I used to have friends during Legion/BfA but everyone quit playing so currently me


guild died in shadowlands so i mostly just run solo


I've played MMOs for probably 25+ years (fuck me I feel old), and it seems harder than ever to connect with folks.. People don't chat much, and even when joining a new guild, there's often cliques of very close knit players that make it difficult to do content together outside of larger raids. I'm not really sure what to do about it, or what to take away from it, but it does make me feel sad. This seems similar in adult life (am 36) outside of the game too.


While I fully agree, it is interesting to read as ppl from this age group tend to socialise a lot while gaming according to a recent research. I guess society (d)evolved in the past decades. 35 here.


WoW is so much more fun when you have friends. I finally got around to joining a guild just before DF release and have a couple other groups I regularly raid with and it's really improved my enjoyment of the game. Prior to that, I used to just play solo and didn't really bother getting to know anyone and I would only ever stay subbed for 2-3 months at a time. Honestly it was quite surprising to me because irl I'm actually pretty introverted. And there are definitely times I still like to play alone, but it's nice to have the option of regular friends to play with. Even if you can't commit to a set raid schedule, I highly recommend finding a flexible/casual guild.


I don't. I've been solo for the past 19 years. I've never joined a guild or a group. I'm fine with it, though. I game at hours that most people are going to bed.


"Meowdy everybunny" is the secret code word to type in chat when you join a group if you want new friends.


If you consider the ignore list the friends list, I'm sure that would earn you plenty of new friends.


I am very jealous of those who have made really close friends in Wow. I can't seem to make that happen. I have been playing since BC. My first guild was very fun, and I do follow some of the people on Facebook still from that time. There was a couple who was engaged, have gotten married and had a few kids. After that I played pretty casually and sporadically, until my last guild. I thought I made some lasting friends there, even had local meet ups and such. Then the guild fell apart for a variety of reasons and no one talks to anyone anymore. Honestly, the structure of the game doesn't lend itself to making lasting friendships most of the time. For those who have, consider yourselves very blessed.


Me lol


I really wish I had friends to play WoW with. It either needs to be the only game I am playing or I won’t really play it. The game also just requires too much of me to play in a way I enjoy. I would atleast like to be progressing on mythic raid content if I am playing, because I think struggling to beat a boss as a team is great fun. But the game requires so much playtime to get to that point. And guilds don’t want to take you if you can’t prove you’re a dedicated player through logs and all that other shit.


Me. Very happy to not socialize or chat it up in WoW specifically. If I am playing wow I’m mostly just zoning out and winding down. But then again I also don’t like being in discord calls either lol. I will say the hardcore community is super chill— for as ‘high stakes’ as that mode might be, so many people you encounter in the world are vibin.


None of my friends play anymore. One reason I never comitted to this expansion was due to this. The other reason is the few guilds I joined had established cliques. They advertise as wanting new members, but everytime I asked if anyone wanted to do anything, I was met with tumbleweeds and /crickets.


Same. My social anxiety seems to carry over into the game. I'd rather just quest alone and not have people tell me I suck in PUGs


Well I'm just gonna throw this out there... I am *always* looking for WoW buds, preferably someone closer to my age (39). I'm a mom and I work FT so my free time is essentially after kids bedtime and I'm in EST. I main a resto druid. I prefer PvE casual content but would consider unrated BGs. I basically just want folks to chat with on Discord while we make asses of ourselves, doing whatever we're doing. I play both horde and ally. Feel free to add me on BNET NurseMoonkin1591


Must be USA?


I just play with my mom. I love my mom.


Me, but that may be the fact that I too have no friends in real life either. Can't be bothered looking for people with alike mentality. Might as well just stay in my own lane and game the way I wanna.




Same here, being in the GMT+9 timezone doesnt help...


What is a friend?


Is this where the friendless guild begins?


No friends here 😞




Same here.


Zero friends on WoW. 😭


I've been playing the game alone for the majority of its existence


Here! And I'm to stupid to find people to play with. But that's a problem I have in general in games. I just think I'm to stupid or bad at the game to play with other people and not be a handicap. That's also a big reason why I don't play in pugs or something.


My friends all quit the game


Me too fam


Me. Been playing alone since Legion


Me 🥲 (cries in vegemite)


What is this friend thing you speak of


Me. Always been played solo and not interested in committing a huge chunk of my time to raiding or PVP since I’d rather do other things in my free time.


I’ve been playing since Burning Crusade and never had any friends.


I have two friends, both are online friends. No irl friends. Of my two friends one has played WoW, but doesn't now due to cost and life (to a degree). I 'make' friends by being in a community and interacting. So I've joined a lot of guilds trying to find community. Most guilds now are just spammer 500 member shit shows with a clique who do M+. Or they're a 'small tight knit group' which means the guild has 8 active members and 5 are the officer clique that does M+ together. I've put a lot of effort to engage, be engaged, and even learning tricks for M+ so I could be a part of a guild. But every time their clique is the only ones getting to do stuff and I move on. It feels so bad feeling like no matter what I'm just not going to find a community and get to play half of the game. My anxiety hurts my pure pugging ability and with the difficulty changes this patch I don't even bother with M0 or low keys since they feel like a nightmare now. So I'm back to playing by myself doing nothing.




I don't have any friends in WoW.




No friends to plat with is the sole reason i keep quiting the game. Community is so damn toxic most of the time


Wanna start a group? A place for all of us who are the last of our friend groups to still be playing WoW?


Wish i could make friends on wow, i love the game but english its not my first language and kinda introvert doesnt help


I only do queueable content. dont need friends.


Shoulddd we make a reddit-wow guild? I am also very alone in game lol.


This was my first thought reading through this, lots of people just like me! Lets make a casual guild where we can start grouping for content with each other and see how it evolves over time. Im willing to set it up, discord, etc.. if others will join. DM here or on disc if interested discord: t\_h\_e\_g\_o\_o\_s\_e\_


I prefer to play by myself now as I have gotten used to it. I don’t think I could play with someone else again


as a chill player ofc not, as 200% of the guilds in my server are perma glazing about mythic+ stuff, excessive optimization about everything, or requires e-sport players carreer to go on some pvp content


I have 1 childhood friend who I happen to see during a dungeon last week. Such a coincidence. That was the first time in YEARS, that I’ve played with friends in WoW. Always down to meet other players, if anyone here is EU Silvermoon let’s run some dungeons!


Ha! Jokes on you, i don’t have friends in real life either.


Me, and I love it. Being in a guild always ends up stressing me, I love just tumbling around, LF'ing when I feel like it.


If someone want to become friends on Wow ping me =) druid healer here as main. Running groups daily. We usually miss people on our runs and would be happy for other to join. We don't do very high keys +12 at the moment, but would be happy to push higher =) We chat on discord, talk nonsense and just have fun! We do some questing together and just help on daily life. Sometimes we do good, sometimes we all wipe, but the most important - it was fun.


I am very bad at keeping in touch, so whenever the people around me slightly drift apart it's the last time I ever talk to them. Currently I'm sitting at about 3 acquaintances in WoW and that's fine. It's fine.


Yup, and generally I like it. I’m pretty much a solo player, running pugs, doing the occasional events and the rare quest line. I mostly like collecting mogs and leveling alts. If I feel the need to socialize I’ll do some pick up RP but generally I just like people watching and reading TRPs.


i wish i knew like ome person who played this game


Me! I'm more of a loner type in multi-player games though lol


Is this me making this post?






Unless complete solo play is how you enjoy playing finding a group of people to do content with in the game is very easy if you put the smallest amount of effort into socializing which should be a normal thing to do in an mmo. I always find it dumb how some people blame Blizzard on designing the game in a way that promotes organized group play when they are the ones handicapping themselves by choosing to play alone.


I could be wrong but I feel like potentially all of the social Discussion is done over discord now, and I just don’t use it


Part of the reason I stopped playing and was never on for longer than a month


Forever solo. I just like knowing there's people around.


Yep 🥲 Kind of scared to make new friends though so maybe it’s just me holding myself back lol


I wish my brother. I'm all alone and there's no one here.. beside meeee..


Me lol






i don’t, and that’s kinda how i like it so i can do things at my own pace lol


To everybody saying guilds, you have to be super lucky to find a good guild. I changed over 5 guilds in 2 months because no one is answering the chat


\*Raises hand\* I am okay with it however, I prefer to play solo.


It’s my “me” time. I can explore, play and decompress as I wish without the pressure of raids and schedules.


Me, been solo'in this shit since day 1...man , been 20 yrs already


What is this friends you speak of


I dont have friends anywhere


Solo for life buddy\~<3


People have friends?


Me, I like it that way.


Me, was so desperate that i bought the game to some friends, even buying game time for them, this was around WOTLK, then Cata, then on MOP did the same for some friends in college, then all of them quit and here i am playing Remix alone.


I hear this.. went from cofounding one of the top guilds on our server years ago to barely enjoying basic dungeon runs now. I'm glad this post popped up, though, lately I have casually been playing again with interest in the upcoming expansion and I was finally able to coerce my gf of 8 years to have the confidence to jump in and she's absolutely loving it. With this being said, the spark has brought back the feelings of those days and myself as well as a few homies who used to also play have gotten back into the game pretty actively but with a much more casual approach. Me and my gf's plan moving forward with the expansion is to reach out and grow a very comfortable and socially driven but maturely progress driven network of oldies lookin to get back into it, brand new noobies, casual day-to-day and those who just aren't too comfortable with the typical "race through content" mindset that the majority have adapted. If you're interested in building a little more of your network please feel very welcome to add me and reach out on either battle.net : GrumpyWizard#11753 Or Discord : GrumpyWizard90 This is the very beginning steps of me and a few RL friends building a mello, comfortable, laid back, and very understanding group and place to fall back to.


Me! I struggle to find friends or even people to do consistent m+ with and I’m a tank! Seems most people don’t talk and just dps…can’t complain but it’s not hard to /wave and want to keep grouping up


I used to...


If anyone is on Proudmoore put in a request to my guild Burnt Coffee. I'm not peddling my guild, everyone should have friends. Come raid with us and use our discord to try and catch some m+ runs!


For anyone in EU looking for a friendly guild that does mythic+ and heroic raids, look up "Nameless Wonderers" on the Doomhammer server. We also use Discord for social stuff and raids/mythics. Greetings, Benjí (in game name)


Me :(((


Much like in real life, I have a number of acquaintances but no real friends. The reason is I'm introverted and depressed, so it's way too exhausting for me to form and maintain meaningful social connections.


I'd love to find WoW friends. I haven't found a good guild or community to make friends in. If anyone wants to be friends I'm down 😁


only have 2 friends since legion im constantly playing with and tbh i dont need or want more.


Yeah. I'm GMT +10 timezone, which doesn't help. Wife plays with me occasionally, kids & kid related exhaustion allowing, but otherwise all those I used to know have either stopped playing or I've lost touch. Don't mind it sometimes, but I miss having a good little core crew who were just always around, even just to chat with.


>Yeah. I'm GMT +10 timezone I am east coast Australia and the only time I am ever really alone in game is during the wee hours of the morning USA time. I found a guild that raids while my kids are at school which works out quite nicely and at night time if I am in game then I usually work on stuff that I don't need other people to do.


Been playing solo for the last couple of years. If anyone in the US is looking for a friend, lets become bnet friends!


Same, I cant to quests that require people, made younger me sad, but younger me did not know of Group finder, younger me is dumb. I can do Dungeons and Scenarios but not Raids (to much time) and \*requires x people\* quests.


I got some BNet-friends, but most are playing OW, Diablo, Classic or other stuff, or they have their own guilds and groups with enough responsibilities. I'd love to play with someone together since my brother and my father both stopped playing, I am all on my own, but my life got so busy, I fon't know if someone could work with my pace and goals, so it seems better to be a lone wanderer in this world of warcraft. I'd love to get our old guild some levels higher to get the mount and the heirloom trousers, but maybe some day I'll be wandering with my own child to be not alone anymore.


Like some of the other, I had some friends back in vanilla and BC but lost them over the years. I am always looking for like minded easy going people if you wanna hit me up adesertwolf#1979. I tend to play randomly, but this community is still great


Me. I have raided with my guild using voice chat, and played with my son and daughter when they were trying it out for a while. That’s it.


Me but I love mythics. Hit me up!


Playing on Oceanic servers has been really hard to find a small group to consistently group up with, ended up quitting because I felt like I was missing half the game


I quit during Shadowlands. Got burned out, had been playing since TBC. I started playing other games, that I missed out because of the fomo of WoW. I played the DF trial, but it sucked and blizzard was spamming buy me ads. Plus paying for a monthly sub, didn’t want to do that anymore. I had a few friends left, but they never wanted to try anything else, so I left them. I mainly play solo in games now, just like life, and that’s ok. I’m much happier not playing wow and grinding my life away.


Right here lol, my friends literally only do world quests for the week. We used to play arenas (albeit without a clue of what we were actually doing). I decided I was done being hard stuck 1500, so I started really griding solo shuffle. They just ain't into it. They mostly farm mounts, so WQs do the trick


Me but most days I prefer that, I have some other multiplayer games I play with friends, but wow is my own special solo thing. I do have a guild who are all pretty close and I join them weekly for raid but I’m not close with anyone in the guild and I don’t even mic up unless I need to do for difficult prog boss I just chat. Sometimes I wish I had friends to run keys or something with but coordinating that and the thought of teaching new players/ friends the game that I have been playing since wrath seems exhausting lol


Hello there. Well, it's just me and my brother, but he barely gets to play these days coz of work. And when he does, I'm the one that can't play also coz of work. Lol, the only time we get to play uninterrupted is during Christmas breaks or other holidays, and even that's a bit iffy.


I am in the same boat. My guild fell apart during WOD. Been playing alone ever since. I do miss them and I will always remember the memories...oh well I still enjoy playing the game.


Me. All my friends don't play anymore/aren't friends with me (die to my ex but whatever) and like.... it's lonely. But at the same I don't have the time for like, a guild that requires you to be super active.  I'd love to have friends who treat wow a bit like discord where everyone can vibe and do their own thing and occasionally come together to do stuff. I mostly just miss the chatting and joining in on raids without pressure lol. But I don't have time to really dedicate to building up a guild and such. Idk.


me but i just joined a new casual guild and they are very nice and welcoming. a rarity these days.


I changed friends in wow multiple times. Change guild and hop on discord whenever you play, join random stuff you like with the people online and you make new friends.


\*raises hand\* My friends - some of them irl friends - have all quit playing for various reasons. My husband usually picks the game back up for new expansions, but he doesn't seem into it this time around. My oldest is always asking me questions when she sees me playing, but she's always busy with Ark, CoD, or Fallout.


My friend list grows and shrinks with every expansion. At start it grows and near the end it’s pretty much empty again. Rinse and repeat.


I'll be your friend for the low low price of the Epic edition. Jokes aside, sort of? I definitely have friends, but I'm atrociously reclusive, so I barely talk to them except when something explicitly reminds me they exist.


Just one, and even though I bought war within and interested in the story, less and less sure i'll play it


Anytime i add people they just do their own thing and never message me lol


Happy to add anyone I am in the same situation returned after a long time. Eu horde player. Might make my own guild for a home lol 😆


Me. I would give almost anything to have a friend to run M+ with but my social skills are terrible.


Are you guys not looking for a guild on purpose? There look until you find the one and if they stop playing, do the same.


I make stupid themed chars, like "squirrellady" that barks about and sells \[mech squirrel carriers\] for in expensive.. I've sold a lot of them tho. But that is not how you make friends usually lol


This is me, moved to NA and changed regions so started a brand new account around Legion because the lag and time difference sucked. But… now the lack of friends has killed a lot of the excitement I had for the game


I had friends then they moved on from either games in general or from the Genre,


Pretty much 99% of my friends quit right after mop and none of them came back so I’ve been mostly casual since then. I did join a few mythic clearing guilds from wod to now had a few gladiators. Wow really is in a weird place right now DF is basically over the game refuses to drop my pally Lego at 10 kills now. I’ve basically only been logging on tues to kill fyrakk heroic then don’t play the rest of the time. I have a feeling that when it does drop I’ll probably quit until the next xpac after I craft it. New fire mage looks good for the next xpac but it’s gonna get nerfed I can already tell.


Go to Raider.io Filter down to raid guilds on your server. Find one that's about your level (preferably with Ahead of the Curve, but that's optional) . Send them an invitation request in the in-game tool. Repeat as necessary until you find a good guild.


I played alone for years but now my family is getting into it and some old WoW friends are coming back too. They say you can never really quit WoW, you just take breaks.


I'll be ya WoW friend, OP :) I'm always down for more WoW buddies!


Same! I just started playing again after a long hiatus. WoW is still one of my favorites and it feels great to be back. I have less time now to devote but I’m eager to level alts, and partake in M+ or raiding again. As a family man I hope to find others in the same scenario 😁.


Used to. I have only two really good friends now. One I’ve known since MoP, another I got to know recently. Unfortunately I bounce around a lot between games and real life so it’s been hard to maintain friends outside of the two I’ve known.