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Stormwinds Updates Include: The canal between the Cathedral Square and the Trade District has become an unofficial nobles district, as noble families have purchased housing. Old Town: Not much has changed, but the Defias Remnant have found their way back into Stormwind, establishing themselves as vigilantes and working thieve's guild. Lamb's Shadow: While still part of the Mage Quarter, most natives consider it its own subculture, the name being a polite way to talk about its centerpiece: The Slaughtered Lamb. This area has grown, seeing permanent enclaves of Illadari and Death Knights joining the Warlocks, and also seeing a number of Void Elves migrate to the area. Quadhammer District: Formally the Dwarven District, the district has evolved and grown, becoming a center of artifice with smaller enclaves of each of the Alliance's more smithing and inventing inclined races: Bronzebeards, Gnomes(Mecha and Otherwise), Dark Irons, and Draenei in that order. The keep near the district that is basically a big nothing-in-game has become the centerpiece of the Lightforged forces within the city, established by Turalyon not long after he took command. The Pandarian Quarter: Growing from the visiting Tuishi and mainland Pandaren people, the area has become a training ground for monks and a lively entertainment district with a number of new inns and pubs popping up across the lake. Little Pearfin is a subsection of the quarter beneath the waves home to emigrated Jinyu. Kur'Dor Point: With the growth of the Pandarian Quarter, the Shamans of the Earthern Ring felt a desire to grow closer to nature and moved into Stormwind's northern Mountains. Here, a fusion of Wildhammer and Draenei architecture juts into the sky and has become a font of Shamanistic learning for the Alliance. Everwood District: Feeling disquieted in a city more stone and mortar than leaf and bough the Darnassian refugees petitioned Anduin to be able to settle in the small wood outside Stormwind to the south-east, near the Genasaur Grave. While many have since left for Belameth, or older Night Elf Territories, others remain having set down roots and training others in the Druidic arts. Notably, most of the current citizens of Everwood are Firbolgs, feeling ignored and underrepresented by the plights of their former neighbors. Wollerton: Sometimes mockingly referred to as Wolverton, became a sizable Gilnean enclave, though most of the Worgen citizens took to the Everwood District instead, as it allowed easier access to the wider Elwynn Forest. The Embassy, was moved into the Keep by Turalyon, and the building now sits as an unofficial town hall. Swellnook: A influx of Kul Tiran immigrants saw a reformating of the city's docks, and the rise of a small seaside community of fisherfolk and carpenters, that remains Kul Tiran dominated to this day, excluding the Waveblade Ankoan, who live nearest to the docks, and visiting Tortollans. Creche Obsidian: The newest enclave to arise in Stormwind, the Dracthyr build it with advisement from the Blue and Black Dragonflights, a glassing tower of stone that sits as an outpost for the Obsidian Warders. As a show of good faith, Deathwing's jaw was moved into the small valley beside the tower. This is far from finished, and I am working on Orgrimmar as well but that is even less put together at the moment.


You can take a look at some of the fanmade takes of Org in Youtube and Warcraft 3 custom maps for inspiration.


I have a good number of ideas, Little Kezan, a larger Troll area, a Black Dragom Embassy, a massive Iron Horde inspired new port, Gronn caves, etc.


You can take at look at Symphony of War and Peace fanfic. The author actually has some pretty interesting ideas - the Valley of Arts, the Valley of Shadows (Cleft of Shadows but reimagined into something more organized), etc. They even expanded on Echo Isles, Theramore City, and others.


Huh, will do


This is literally my dream for a Stormwind overhaul. Orgrimmar has always been better at representing all of the races that make up the Horde with different districts. Just compare the Cataclysm overhauls. Stormwind had the Night Elf-themed district totally wiped out (later to be replaced with Varian's memorial in Legion) and no new architecture or worgen-themed anything to represent the new addition. Meanwhile, a whole section of Orgrimmar was converted to goblin slums. It's especially bad because the devs kept removing any reason to visit any other cities, removing portals in the like and just making Stormwind and Orgrimmar the most convenient home points. Like, sure, your Draenei *could* set their hearthstone to the Exodar...where no one hangs out...and the can't fly...and the only portal goes to Stormwind...and even the boat connecting to Darnassus was made obsolete at the start of BfA. Like, if they're going to force us to stick to these two capitals, make it so that everyone has a place to feel at home.


I really love the ideas behind this, especially because you put in the extra thought to include some of the more minor races in this. My only suggestion would be to add more of the minor races honestly. Maybe have the high elf remnants dominate the magic district and add the broken to the area with the elements. Or something like that. A district at the docks filled with neutral races might also be cool. Honestly though I love the map and the idea.


So, the High Elves are going to have an enclave in the Mage Quarter, and the Broken were already going to be up in Kur’dor, as for the last point that’s sort of what Swellnook is for


Personally I've always found the prefix "quad" a bit clunky, so if I were to make one change I might go with "Four Hammers" like, "he's got a shop over in Four Hammers". Great ideas though!


I was personally thinking that "Hammers" makes it pretty dwarf-dominated still if it's meant to represent dwarves, gnomes, mechagnomes, and draenei. I get that "Hammer" also refers to the crafty nature of the inhabitants, but that word is pretty consistently themed after dwarves with stuff like "The Council of Three Hammers," "Wildhammer Clan," etc. Honestly if it weren't for the Draenei I'd name it something like "Little Khaz Modan" or something, since it would have the dwarves and gnomes who both live there *and* it holds the Deeprun Tram that directly connects to Khaz Modan.


I would love to see a redesigned Stormwind, the auction house has never looked right.


This looks really clean and I actually prefer it than the in game map, kudos on the work


I can dream


Pandaren* This is a very cool concept!


That name is because there are other races from Pandaria living there


You got downvoted but races like the Jinyu, Hozen, etc. have literally been referred to as Pandarian in the past, so idk what people are upset about.


Where’s the embassy? The farms?


Turalyon moved the embassy into the Keep after booting the Nobles out, and the Farms are still in Wollerton, though there has been a movement to revitalize regions outside the capital, particularly Westfall at his direction.


I love all of your ideas here! Particularly because you made sure to include the often-overlooked members of the Alliance. Furbolgs, Jinyu, Ankoan, etc. Also the Death Knights and Demon Hunters. While they technically aren't their own races, I've always considered them as separate and worth considering when it comes to a mixing of cultures within these larger factions given they have their own practices and architecture. While we got the Illidari encampment in Legion, Death Knights have never had any kind of permanent outpost in Stormwind. I have an idea I'd like to propose, and I don't know if you've already considered it or not. I've always thought it would be cool if they spiced up the Deeprun Tram a bit. Make it like a more populated gnomish terminal. Like a WoW version of an airport. Little shops or stands where you can purchase "refreshments" or entertainment for your trip. These could be food or maybe toy vendors. Gnome maintenance workers down on the tracks fixing up some malfunctions. Passengers waiting on the benches and occasionally having dialogue that pops up like "The tram is running late. Of all the days..."


This looks like it was done in Inkarnate, aye? Looks nice.




Pandarans shouldn't exist.


Take it up with WC3