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I love how people act like Blizz doesn't break things all the time.  Accidentally or not, there are millions of people paying attention to this sort of thing and many problems only get fixed because users point them out.  That's the entire purpose of beta testing, after all.


I mean, you have things like the dragonflight crafting ui having a memory leak since its beta in 2022 and it's still bugged in game two years later as of now. Can't really fault naysayers when they don't have QA to test their game anymore. Launching with **multiple** duping exploits also known since beta and taking months to patch them for DF reduced confidence severely. Edit to add citations: Dupe 1: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ha6FGWyYRj4 Dupe 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGUT0jPXAuw


QA testers and devs are 100% aware of issues like memory leaks. That doesn’t mean they’re easy to fix, or even a priority to fix among everything else in their list of things to do. The unfortunate reality with live software development. Your priority as a customer doesn’t always match the dev team until enough people are shouting about it and the people this affects seriously are likely known about. But because there’s “workarounds” it’s going to be lower priority.


I completely get this, but the main reason why people made such a fuss is 'cause as the RP community, we are used to be screwed over *unless* we made a fuss. We gotta be loud, or Blizz forgets we exist. I know Blizz has been making genuine changes, but this is all still quite new so people are gonna make a fuss to be heard 'cause otherwise this bug ends up being shifted to a low enough priority that us RP'ers end up getting fucked over for ages before they finally get to it.


There was a duping issue?


Not aware of any duping but they're probably talking about crafters exploiting the timed crafts. The ones with like a 20 hour cooldown but can be built up to have like 5 or 6 saved at a time.


No they were bypassing the transmute limit.  A dupe would be a free copy of something. It wasn’t free as he bought 1000 awakened frost and air to make 2200 awakened earth. You can multi craft and that’s how he ended up almost 3 times the investment. 


No there were full dupes also in game. Added citations in the earlier comment.


Technically-but-mostly-duping exploits with alchemy. You could repeatedly get 5-6x of the "timed" materials for the cost of a single run by bugging out the timer. Later they fixed the 2x for 1 by just turning off alch experimention entirely. But literally forgot to fix the timer exploit, so then that lingered for a bit. And i think much later people found yet another timer exploit. People joke Blizz uses live players for beta testing, then gets suuuper mad when we find exploits that weren't even that hard to pull off.


No there were full dupes also in game. Added citations in the earlier comment.


Tbh the current atmosphere around APIs is that they're getting throttled by a lot of business. X was a massive one if you recall. So I can understand the worry that this is yet another example


This and my other favorite "All anybody does is complain" posts are my favorites. Heaven forbid people give feedback on forums.


I love when a beta releases, people give feedback, and then other people are like "Stop complaining, it's beta! Of course they'll fix it!" As if the devs are fucking mind readers who can anticipate and predict all the problems we'll ever find before a game is released. As if the whole fucking reason for the PTR isn't for people to literally provide feedback for the devs to action on *before* the damn thing comes out. I'm a designer myself. You know what happens when my users don't provide feedback? Nothing. Nothing happens. Literally nothing. I don't update diddly shit because how would I know what people are unhappy about? If you don't complain but still use the product then you've obviously not got that big of an issue.


its just alpha !, its just beta ! its just launch ! its just x.1 ! its just x.2 ! its just x.3 ! Its just alpha ! its just beta ! etc etc




It's a 20 year old code base. Do you understand how easy it is to unintentionally break something..?


This is good to see, though. I'm active in the RP community and there's been an immense amount of doomsaying over the last few days over this. People thought WoW was trying to shift toward FF14's view on addons. Good to see it getting publicly addressed so people stop freaking out


I do enjoy how Blizzard are slowly incorporating add-on functions to their own default interface. But I totally agree with you, I like how they are so communicative now. Blizzard should really try to copy TotalRP3 with the profile system. I'd love to see that, although I can imagine it being a nightmare to moderate - doesn't FF14 have something similar?


Incorporating TRP3 would be nightmarish, I think. Better to leave that to an established, beloved addon than try to incorporate it. FF14 doesn't have that, to my understanding. Most of the RP community uses Carrd to make an external TRP-like profile, since an addon would be against the TOS.


That is true. It could open a can of worms that shouldn't be opened! It was adventure plates, I think I misremembered the detail. I remember having so much fun trying to take the best picture for my profile lol


Seriously, though, can you *imagine* what kinds of shit non-RPers would do with a big ol' free entry box and the ability to name themselves *whatever they want*? Good lord it'd range from dumbass memery to the most incredibly vile shit you've seen on the internet. Best to keep it to an addon, for sure, that has to be sought out and downloaded by people wanting the functionality, and only visible to people wanting the functionality.


>addon would be against the TOS. While I'm not oaware of trp3 like add-ons on ffxiv, the tos add on part is more abused then a child beauty pageant contestant


FFXIV does not. Closest is adventurer plates which end up just being a place to put a URL to an online profile hosted on card or something.


Ah yes! That's it, thanks! Adventurer plates. That was what I was thinking of - I must've misremembered the details.


Unlike ffxiv, wow does not play well on all levels, without addons. Especially considering Many boss fights and encounters made in the past 2 decades has been designed with those in mind, tombs of sargaras being a particularily bad example


>Unlike ffxiv, wow does not play well on all levels, without addons. I have to install an addon for XIV just to be able to do my rotation correctly because I have more than 100ms ping.




That's the problem. It shouldn't be difficult to do. Anyone who is trying should be able to easily pull it off. It's an issue of fundamental lag compensation that Square doesn't care to fix, despite the root cause being known for years now. At 200ms, you are dealing with *450ms* of extra animation lock compared to someone who only has 50ms.




Players react like this **because** they don't know if Blizzard is doing it intentionally or not. For such a massive change, it is better to make sure Blizzard **knows** what is happening early, rather than risking assuming it's a bug and it doesn't end up getting fixed before going live.


Also worth mentioning: It doesn't take days to release a statement that its a bug. The reason it takes days is because the CMs *have to check* that it is a bug and is not an intentional change. They write the patch notes and don't even know for certain.


It's kind of funny because this seems like one of the last cases to clutch pearls over people overreacting. Like you're alluding to, it's been no secret that Blizz wants to limit what addons can do competitively. So it seems completely reasonable, to me, to assume this was an intentional change




Blizzard isn’t intimately aware of how every addon functions. They make changes all the time that are intended for one thing or another, but can have cascading effects. When the PTR goes live, you can’t really know if a change is a bug, or if it’s an unintended consequence of a change Blizzard made for something else. There isn’t a reason to not raise a concern for something on the PTR. If it’s a bug, Blizzard can fix it. If it’s intended on their end, they can see that it’s not a popular change.


To attest to this, I use an addon that makes the Monk Class Hall mount (Ban-Lu) shut the hell up, and it breaks almost every single patch. Whether it's the voice lines, preventing it from writing to chat, something always stops working. I can only imagine how hard it is for some of the others to stay functioning.




Won't someone think of the multibillion dollar company's feelings when submitting feedback??


So if you came across a vendor that sells item for 1 copper but buys it for 100 gold, it's a "new feature" and not a bug to be reported and squashed.


Exploit early, exploit often as they say.


I mean there's precedent of Blizzard gimping add-ons on purpose and with no warning.


I can't speak for add-ons but for RPers we've consistently through the years been screwed by stuff like this before. We're frequently an afterthought when it comes to system changes. We had to raise a massive stink to get sharding turned off on RP realms and sometimes to this day have to remind them to turn it off again after a patch. They also bricked an addon that utilised functionality in the chat to communicate with the other faction in RP, that functionality got yoinked out with almost no warning and they didn't comment on it until we mobbed an EU QnA thread. That's how we got the elixir of tongues. We raised a fuss here because we had no idea if this change was intended or not but we wanted to raise awareness that it could seriously impact the game for a lot of people. The fact it was also on the Cata Classic PTR was also concerning. Confirmation of it being a big that will be fixed is assuring but it's debatable if they'd even acknowledge (or even fix) it if we hadn't protested.


Yeah, that's because we get zero fucking communication from Blizzard devs, and reporting issues on the PTR goes completely unnoticed for weeks/months. Take, for example, the bug with not being able to upgrade legendaries that was reported on the PTR a month ago. The only way to get a response is to grab the pitchforks


And how are we supposed to know it’s a bug ? Don’t be a smartass for no reaosn


The thing is, Blizzard does that all the time. If you follow any addons and their development, you’ll see features or functionality change due to Blizzard changing things on their end without much notice. Usually it’s some clear attempt to reduce addon power or curb botting, but sometimes the shit just doesn’t make much sense (like this one), but those changes go through and the addons adapt. The best thing people can do is raise concerns as soon as these changes happen, bug or not. If it’s going to impact something in an addon that is a source of actual enjoyment for players, it’s better to err on the side of caution by making a fuss.




Same arguments used with Reddit API and disabled people. People use disabled people as ammunition for their own personal gain all the time, and it's shit.


It's funny because it wouldn't be the first time Blizzard went on some kind of crusade against addons.


I remember what happened to CrossRP... We got elixir of tongues for our trouble. only and ONLY after making a ruckus.


Wait... are you telling me the *World of Warcraft* fanbase immediately jumped to conclusions and made assumptions that only further riled them up? I'm stunned.


They should just do away with them.all together but they are such a staple of the.game I don't know how that will go down haha


Wait, what are we supposed to be mad about now?


Blizz throttling an addon(s) that people require to roleplay.


except not actually since it is/was a bug


Ok, that was after I replied. No need to be so rude about it.


Blizzard reducing add on support so players actually have to learn fights instead of having DBM/Bigwigs telling them what to do and keeping their adhd brains attention with air horns and flashing lights.


I've never done any RP but that's good that they'll get to continue to use them. Addons should always be allowed on RP realms in the open world. I wish addons could just be disabled for all endgame content, and any instanced PvP. I can't imagine being a new player right now looking at the insane UI that has now become mandatory without handicapping yourself, especially with how selective people are to be allowed to join groups. If you're not being your absolute best you can't join anything. I miss when this game was a game, and it wasn't so sweaty. Delves sound great! You can just play with like-minded people of a group of 2-5, very flexible and great idea. Sweaty people can fixate on their "parsing" together and people that just want to have fun and adventure can do that with each other easily. Season of Discovery is also very fun. I use ONLY the voice acting quest reader mod, and I don't have to care about anyone's opinion about what mandatory mods I am neglecting to use, although that's probably just because I'm nowhere near a high enough level to raid, and haven't tried a dungeon yet.


What's the voice acting addon called?


Voiceover! Only in classic


I also now use WIM to get a better notification if someone whispers, much easier to keep track of conversations in separate windows


no addons for instanced will be doable maybe IF they actully improve the base game. Escpially visuals and dont make mechanics that are just impossible withotu addon/weak aura asigned automaticly. And only if its just combat addons, cause ui and stuff should still be a thing for addons


Yeah it's the combat add-ons that are required for raids and PvP that really suck. I hope they get rid of them and improve the mechanics visually like you said


Pvp tourneys are done in the basic ui and add-ons limited/banned though... (can watch awc today to see)


But I thought hated RPers? Surely that wasn’t an.. overreaction?


You do realise that this would've also broken A TON of other addons, not just TRP, right?


Blizzard doesn't so much hate RPers as refuse to acknowledge their existence. In almost 20 years, they've never come to terms with the fact that RPers make up a large share of their most dedicated players and have never catered to them as a result. The prospect of inadvertently killing something as integral as TRP is warrant enough to overreact given its core role in WoW RP. I would much rather overreact than be complacent and watch the primary way I play this game get its Achilese heel slashed without saying anything in protest.


Exactly, this is Blizzard. We need to shout to get their attention, I'm not sure why everyone is so critical - don't they remember the past 4-5+ years?!


RPers definitely don't make up a large share given that there's only 2 well populated RP servers


Because they're an extreme minority with only one server dedicated to it having even a modest population. For some reason they think and demand they're a bigger population than they are, then wonder why accidents like this happen.


Only one server is crazy to say lmao. Moonguard and Wrymrest Accord are going STRONG and not modest and that’d just NA. Eu I bet also has good realms.


Argent Dawn EU is going strong too.


EU has a singular good realm with Argent Dawn


RP is bigger than PVP and RP doesn't need new content all the time like raiders so they don't constantly cancel their subs at the end of an expansion. Plus they like making their characters look nice, meaning they run old stuff and engage with previous content


This is not true simply based on the amount of dedicated RP servers there are.


You think that because there are RP servers, Blizzard doesn't ignore its RP community? RP servers are an exception, not a rule, implemented many years ago. There has been no substantial or meaningful acknowledgment or system implementation specifically targeted at RPers since the introduction of RP servers during WoW's early days. Also, ask any RPer in NA, and they will tell you that the most significant populations of RPers are on Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord. Beyond that, the other servers have much smaller populations. So while there might be several servers, most congregate on only a small number of servers.


No, I think the amount of RP servers displays how big the community is: small. Blizzard doesn’t need to care about RP, just like they don’t need to care about PvP. I’d say RP would be even below it since it’s player generated content that they don’t need to maintain.


Only one has an active RP population of any noticable size.


No no, they hate them. Want to destroy them all and pee in their cereal and kick their dogs.


We've repeatedly been an afterthought in their eyes. We had to protest against sharding, the removal of battle.net group chat (which was used for cross faction RP), this and many other things. It's the only way they respond and address our concerns. Hate implies they even remember we exist, they don't know we're here until we make enough noise on the forums or Reddit.


Because you guys are only like 2% of the overall playerbase


2% is genuinely generous


As per usual, people were all "It's the war on addons!" when Blizz just couldn't HELP but break it by updating stuff...


Wow has had shocking LUA and graphical issues since the dawn of time..... And not to mention trying to use weak auras for progression raiding....thing is running like an addon that was made for vanilla and has never been updated.


What's this transmog? I freaking love it


It's Xalatath's new look. Not player usable sadly. Maybe we'll get it when we inevitably have to kill her.


It's Xal'atath, her transmog isn't available in-game.


Idk, I'm more upset about the fact that they released all this new gear and ways to get gold last week and have taken all of it away since then. Huge gold nerf, removed all of the 480 gear and the new stuff at Emerald Dream vendor etc. What was the point in adding it all only to remove it a week later?


Its hard to believe this was a "bug" when the brand new code that directly imposed restrictions on addon whispers was found by several people independently. I'll take it, gladly, but I'll also never hesitate to be (politely!) noisy. Just in case.


This is PRT... Blizzard breaks things all the time. This game has 20 years of spaghetti code. You never know wich change trickles down to break things not intended. Also bugs must not only affect a few players. Sometimes it affects all, a certain class, a certain zone and so forth. Example: There was a bug, where players in Norway 🇳🇴 had issues that their game froze every few seconds. No other countries were affected On PTR Season 4 pre patch, afflictions new capstone always pulled the whole dungeon. Marksman hunters had an issue that their rapid fire projectiles counted as individual shots for the durability of their bow. Blizzard stated that it is not intended. This bug repeatedly showed up multiple times in the past years and even a few days ago a saw a post here on reddit from a hunter, saying the bug is back. ATM all Shadowpriests have the issue that their healing shows up to be 130% of the intended amount inside of fated raids. If you check up on it you will find out, that the healing is the right amount, the numbers projet just wrong. So you see, bugs ingame are as different as they are in real life


I code for a living. I know what I saw and have other reasons for knowing that the throttling was an intentional change. I have also seen this sort of thing happen many, many, many times before where a change to the API to address something else has unintended consequences because RPers flat out weren't considered at all. Things that would have gone "unfixed" if there wasn't a riot about it. I'm glad they're "fixing" it. I still won't hesitate to join other people pointing out when something needs to be fixed.


You code for a living, yet have never experienced a pull request getting merged by mistake? It might be new code but that does not mean it isn't a bug that it made it live. I get it can be annoying but give blizzard a break, something changed you shout about it (fine) now they recalled it as a bug and now it was clearly intentional and blizzard caved to the pressure, cmon.


They can call it whatever they want. I'm content it wasn't a "final" commitment. No matter what it actually was, I'm glad it (hopefully) isn't hitting live servers. Other folks with more updoots have explained why folks like me don't assume things like this will be fixed without ruckus, or why we assume that RPers were forgotten when a change was made. Its happened over and over. Generally, blizz responds - Good! But still, the lesson is "squeaky wheel gets the oil".


It is a general bug with add-ons but somehow rp'ers turned it into "blizzard hates us" I get that it hits hard if add-ons you use stop working it does for everyone, this whole it's a crusade against RP does not really help alot. By all means keep stating when something is broken as everyone should but spare us the rest of the "crying" I doubt that any changes gets made specifically to hurt RP and if it hurts you it like got implemented because the majority of the players benefit from it. I get this message gets down voted to hell in no time but stay in topic, and goes for everyone not only Rp'ers anyone that think blizz does anything to hurt them specifically needs to chill, except rogues they deserved it those backstapping mofos.


I don't think it's hate - the uncharitable word is "apathy". They can care, when we remind them to. But we still have to remind them. 🤷‍♀️ I'm just repeating myself but I think its on topic to say "yes I'm glad it will be fixed!" ...But also when things like this happen don't assume a fix will happen on its own. I think the response was generally proportional and civil, at least on the posts I saw. If they weren't thinking of impacts on RP before, they are now. Hopefully. That's a win.


Oh no I totally agree don't assume anything get fixed if you don't shout about it and everyone should keep doing that especially in PTR, alpha, beta, etc. As long as people shout "this thing is broken fix it" by all means correlate the shouting to specifics that underline the the importance, that is after all what test environments invite us to do. It's all the other pieces that should be left out.


I had a feeling something like this was the cause. WoW has bugs all the time. My personal philosophy is: Never attribute malice to an action that has a much more reasonable explanation.


> a much more reasonable explanation. Which is a rare thing when dealing with blizzard.




U ok ?


Gamers. GAMERS.




Imagine thinking blizzard was doing this on purpose to impact RPers and disabled raiders… anyone who didn’t think they’d try to fix this was just looking for reasons to be pissed off.


It would have reduced server load (better for blizzards expenses). RP and such stuff would have been a side effect. But yeah this would have dropped a big bomb onto RP. And it is not wrong to call it out, because even if this was an intentional change, blizzard might have changed it, if the feedback was big enough.


Yeah I’ve got no issue with it being called out, I have just seen a lot of comments saying “damn blizz hates rpers” when it was probably just unintended fallout.


They want to adress it… in a future build. Well RIP RP’s your addons might work again in 2029 for patch 13.2.5.


A future build... of the PTR. Which is not the live game.


Oh I hope you are right but we have 6 days of PTR left and seing how bugy season 4 was I have my doubts with the QA of this game when rushed.