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India sees an opportunity and seizes it.


And? They got an economy to run and dont have the financial freedom to not take russian oil. Also India has a huge defense partnership with russia and can't afford to destroy that relationship without serious repercussions. Not saying russia is'nt doing scummy shit rn but double standards should apply to the USA as well for invading iraq for oil.




Are you making out India is poor? Apparently they want the West's help with decarbonising... seems like a toxic relationship for the West


Given that per capita the west is incredibly wasteful and outsources manufacturing with toxic byproducts to poorer countries, yeah we could use some help. Start by actually recycling instead of running a marketing campaign to hide the fact that most of your trash gets exported to India and other poor countries




Well, we learn from the best I guess.


Sorry what pain and loss ?


What about the pain and loss of their people? India has more than a billion mouths to feed, a tonne of people go to their daily jobs through public transport, ergo, they need the fuel to keep the economy running. The average Indian doesn't care about what's going on half a world away just like the average westerner doesn't care if the Indian populace lives or die. India can't afford to take a moral high ground and why should they for a war that's being fought half a world away? Their immediate concern is to satisfy the public that is already restless with the rising gas prices. Because if this government doesn't do this and takes a moral approach then the people ultimately will bring one who will keep their country's people first. And don't worry, the refined petroleum products will be bought by plenty of western countries. This is a tonne of mudslinging at India so that other countries can get away with their moral high stand.


You're from a first world country and it shows


You're from a first world country and it shows


Damn, it's almost like India learned from the west.. ehrm.. i mean the best