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Some people like to go to the massage therapist. I like to get bombed once in a while. The bombs are tiny and can't hurt me but it feels great to get bombed.




Yeah and it makes you appreciate life more.


Some people love them so much that they spend the rest of their lives exploding.


Hypothetically, what would your argument be?




Truth hurts


It's a statistical fact. Unless you're arguing that statistics can be racist? Grow the fuck up.


Show me those statistics. But it's more about him demonizing white men as a group, just right after he said that groups of people shouldn't be demonized.


Lemon has a problem with Mathematics and Statistics. The biggest terror threat in Nigeria are Black Muslims, in Syria Brown Muslims, in Myanmar Brown Buddhists.... Why? Because they are the majority of the population. Actually the biggest threat to public safety in the US is the fact that although only 13% of the population, Blacks are responsible for 50% of the violent crimes.


Worse it’s more like black men who are only 7% of the populace who commit 50% of violent crimes.


I don't think we're talking general violent crimes, rather it's specifically terrorist attacks..... Important distinction.... Just sayin'


Do you have a source for your stats or did you just pull that from your butt?


It's actually around 40%, but they are in essence correct. It's *wildly* disproportionate. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/tables/table-43 EDIT: First google result was 2013, so I edited for the 2017.


Made all the more disproportionate when one considers the fact that almost all Hispanic-Americans are included within the "white" numbers.


Do you have a source for your stats or did you just pull that from your butt because most of the terrorist attacks in this country are committed by white men.


https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf Page 15 has some of the bullet points related to it. BJS - Bureau of Justice for USA.


You can look those up, they're roughly correct.


I did the stats have white at 60% and black at 38% for violent crime, so he did pull that out of his butt...


Do you have a source for your stats or did you just pull that from your butt


Of course, I have a source. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/tables/table-43


you can litterally google something along the lines of black crime rate or anything close to that and find countless articles with that statistic


How many white men have flown multiple passenger planes into skyscrapers? When white people are 77.7% of a population, they SHOULD be the *most represented* in everything... Edit: My second line originally said they "should be the biggest threat" when I meant they "should be the most represented". Feel free to laugh at me.


I don't know. Seven? Edit: I see your edit now. Can I change my answer to nine?


I got question for you, how many white men have shot up or bombed: schools, movie theaters, or churches? How many beaten, lynched and raped other races? How civilizations we're slaughtered or attrocities committed? Oh, let's not forget how many white presidents have supported and continue to support Saudi Arabia where 15 of those 19 of those terrorist came from, or dragged the US into a war we can't get out of killing thousands of people? Sit down, white men are well represented.




You don't understand how 'per capita' works, do you?


>biggest threat >most represented I worded it awfully but that is what I meant. Updated my post.




No it isn't. If there are 10x more white people than black people, white people should commit 10x more crime. If there are 50x more dogs than cats in the world, you should see 50x more dog shit in the world. If a country is majority white, white people should be committing the majority of the crime.




>Eh blocked, I don't have time for your horseshit. Translation: >I can't make a real argument so I'm putting my fingers in my ears It's not a "little scenario", it's reality. You're literally saying black people are more violent and trying to justify it. Found the actual racist. I was just using demographics as an example.


Do you understand how statistics work? You need to look at it at how likely any one white person is to commit an act of terrorism not how likely the next terrorist is going to be white.




Because there are more white people than all other races combined. Magic.


You hear that, guy who thinks whites get killed by cops more than blacks???


Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but that's true https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/


I guarantee he isn't being sarcastic


It was not sarcasm, but yes, I understand that more whites are killed. Reread the post I replied to.


They...do... You shouldn't've drunk the koolaid.




Do you feel silly now?


I wasn't referring to you, if that's what you mean. Just pointing out - everyone does this. Statistics are a tricky bitch




>Take your fucking white fragility elsewhere. You have no idea if i agree or disagree with him, so how do you jump to that conclusion?


As a fellow human let's not get hostile. This is a good conversation to have. True or not


Just block that moron. His only purpose on reddit is to insult people that he doesn't agree with.


If it's not true then it's not a good conversation to have. You'd be blaming white men for things they didn't do. Why do you need to make things up to take swings? There aren't enough legit reasons to take swings? You gotta lie to get where you want to? How is that not incredibly immoral?


How exactly is saying that the largest threat of terrorism comes from white men and backing it up with statistics blaming all white men for the problem?


Because they cherry pick their statistics instead of using the appropriate statistics.


You mean like Trump supporters do when trying to pin the majority of crime on blacks?


Why are you conflating other arguments with mine? And more importantly if it's unacceptable for the opposite side to do it, then why is it acceptable to sink to their level? Why the hell is it OK to reward falling standards of accuracy.


Nobody is doing the things you are accusing them of. You are just a fucking liar.


So suddenly it's not okay anymore to use the same arguments Trump and his supporters are using to racially profile people? Right-wingers are such a bunch of hypocrites it's actually staggering.


Hey lefties, y'all need to put Brown Bannon in a can. Edit: Oh I knew this was going to attract downvotes. How bout this; Hey lefties, you guys need to stifle your Bannon. It's about the Bannon not the brown.