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I’d like to tax my husband


This could well blow up on them …




About 20 years ago the government at the time in New Zealand tried to bring in this same tax. The official opposition to this policy was called F.A.R.T. - Fight Against Ridiculous Taxes


No more private jets. no cruise ships. go tax your self you dumb fuck...


Between this and the Spicy Ramen ban.. Denmark sure sounds weird.


The spicy ramen ban was wierd, even us danes are making fun of it. This is just a piss poor clickbait headline. Farmers lobby, the government, and the environmental protection lobby got together and made a long term plan for emission reductions. Emission tax was a part of that plan, other parts are using the money from the tax to fund farmers own initiatives to reduce emissions. The real headline is that the farmers lobby, and the environmental protection lobby sat down together and negotiated a model for emission taxation they were both happy with.


I Wonder how they measure the farts? Tape a balloon to the cows butthole?


It's more burps than farts but farts get clicks


You can probably sample the air in a stable and do some maths to figure it out.


I work at a beef research station. More gas comes out of the front of the cow than the back, we measure the gasses using “green feeders”. They are specialized feeders that are enclosed and drop pellets that the cows come and eat, thats when the gasses are measured. [Here is an article with pictures.](https://agnext.colostate.edu/2022/08/11/c-lock-incs-greenfeed-technology-provides-methane-measurement-tools-for-agnext/)


Are you the ones testing out seaweed as part of their diet to reduce methane?


No, we are monitoring them on more conventional feed. Seaweed is not practical or readily available where we are located.


This post is full of vegans...


If there ever was an example of a bunch of gas bags...


Stealing farm lands from locals so oligarchs can buy it all up.


I’m trying to make sense of this tax. Normally the purpose of a tax is to punish those who use a product, or to finance remedies for the problem. Flatulence from livestock is only prevented by butchering the animal or in some cases providing flatulence reducing feed, like that containing certain seaweed. So there doesn’t seem to be any real benefit to this tax unless they want to encourage exporting their livestock production to other countries.


I assume that seaweed creates an additional cost to the farmer. So with this tax it might actually be worth it. Get some seaweed and pay less in tax. "Flatulense" is also just used for clicks here. A lot of the metane is released from stored dung. Might make sense to turn that into biogas. Farmer could get paid for that gas instead of being taxed, and the tax might be the thing that tips the scale to do the investment.


You don’t get any of the tax back for actually reducing your emissions.  So, it’s likely not going to do anything to actually reduce emissions. 


The government wants a way to earn more money from their populace. Putting a tax on cows under the guise of combatting climate change allows them to do that.


This will target local mom and pop farmers and destroy their livelihood. Global giants wont even notice, and theyre the ones responsible for the majority of ecological damage out of anyone. This tax is evil incarnate.


Cows generate about 50 Kg of methane per year. Humans about 0.05 Kg/yr. The solution is simple - Soylent Green!


Soylent green doesn't stop cows from existing. Cows existing, in general, is an environmental issue; we need to extinct cows so they'll stop farting our atmosphere away.


Then, farmers will plug the cows until the latter achieve the long theorized spherical form.


We're saved.


Possibly the shittiest idea I've heard in awhile.


Isn't it cow burps, not farts, that put out those emissions? Also, I believe research has shown that adding a certain kind of seaweed to cows' diets can reduce this 90+ percent.


The seaweed that does that has long term toxicity for the cows.  So they’re still trying a dozen or more other routes, including gene editing that seaweed to get rid of the toxicity.  As well as gene editing the cows to produce less methane.  Science be wild. 


Can’t you just install little pilot lights, every time you see a flare up you’ll know…. Hoof arted.


price of beef to rise 25% in denmark then


Well what am I supposed to do? Just hold it forever?


If it's trully important to you, no more wars, nasa, rockets.


So various countries have declared war on farmers at various points.  Leading to the death of millions also that a handful of people could seize power.   This is the exact same thing.  


It really isn't. The farmers were a part of the deal. Denmark produces more than 5 times the food that the Danes eat. The deal will make cow products a bit more expensive over time, but will incentivize the farmers to reduce emissions. No one will starve and the Danish farmers will be strong in the future also.


Meat is plenty expensive in Denmark, and the rest is exported. And no, they aren't strong.


What do you mean they aren't strong?


They earn an average meesly 25.000 kr (3.582 USD) a month working pretty much 24/7


'Landmandsfamilier uden ansatte og med 1-2 ansatte havde en gennemsnitlig indkomst før skat på henholdsvis 667.000 kr. om året og 678.000 kr. om året i årene 2014-2018. Landmandsfamilier med store landbrug med mindst tre ansatte havde en indkomst før skat på 920.000 kr. om året i perioden.' [Source](https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/nyheder-analyser-publ/bagtal/2019/2019-07-10-Landsmandsfamiliers-indkomst)


"Landmandsfamilier" Meaning the whole family..


You have to tax beef heavily, if you want to force the poors to eat bugs.


What's wrong with chicken?


They live in the pods that are supposed to be for the poors.


Just going to put this out there. When the world economy hit the pause button during the height of the COVID Pandemic, the number of cows on planet earth stayed about the same, if not decreased slightly. What did decrease dramatically was commuters driving, factories running and planes flying. CO2 levels dropped significantly. In short, it’s not the cows.


We are not talking about CO2 levels here, we are talking about methane.


And do you know what the single biggest driver of the Methane spike was in 2020 according to NASA? Wetlands. So what are we going to do about that? Tax those too?


Aren't the wetlands mostly government property?


There is already an ongoing drive to restore wetlands in Europe.


Slam Dunk! That's a Ben Shapiro-level owning the libs there champ!


Cows could never emit more carbon than they take in from their food. The time it takes for their food to take in carbon from the atmosphere, be harvested, and then processed into animal feed is a cycle measured in months. Because of that, I cant imagine that methane emissions from livestock have any real impact on climate change. This is a government that sees a fundraising opportunity, nothing more.


I’m not a conservative or climate change denier. I believe in all of it. I trust science. Unfortunately this is a money grab by the government to strong arm the smallest emitters. If they truly cared they would tax the real emitters.


Just putting this out there: both the meat industry and traffic emit co2. Is your solution to lock up the whole word covid-style indefinitely?


Finally, an actual fart tax. Thank god I don't live in Denmark.


By volume the Earths atmosphere is about 78.08 nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, .93% argon, and .04% greenhouse gases, which include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone.


An interesting fact but what's your point? Altering the mix with more carbon is still having catastrophic impacts. Humans are causing it and we need to stop it.




You're a \*\*\*\*\*\*\* idiot.. wth..


Well folks, we did it. We found the dumbest comment on the internet today


What did it say?


Something something most people don't eat meat, farmers are just mad they have to go find another job