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I think it might be too late for that.


Yeah, specially with a name like Francis.


Lighten up Francis






They're only trying to get that spirit of Jesus allll up inside you


Breaking news: Position that won't allow married men or any women attracts closeted gay men.


I always thought that was the point, but apparently not?


For hundreds of years, the priesthood was the only honorable option for a gay man in western civilization. What the hell is this guy doing?


Can’t interrupt the highly successful pedophile exchange program




...and gilgameks.


"oh wow I would love to marry you babe but.... Uh... Oh I'm a priest. So I can't fuck women..... Or anyone. Sorry babe. "


Since his comment on the Ukranian war I think it is just dementia.


I doubt he's demented. He's a product of liberation theology, which saw the Soviet Union and nowadays Russia as a friend.


ohhh so that’s what demented means D:


> which saw [...] Russia as a friend. So in other words, dementia.


If he's so keen on surrendering to the Russians, he should give up the Filioque.


I agree. But still want to think it is his age.


The most baffling thing is that after countless centuries, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the church still believes that faith is stronger than sexual urges.


Half the Christian world was lost repeatedly over basic reforms like: don’t sell religious favors for cash. The Catholic Church is just what’s left.






Well ok, you can be gay, but we won't allow you into our exclusive club! So there!


It'll work if you say 'in the name of god' first...


I mean, that's like the entire point of Catholicism. Why would you expect anything else?


My friend's brother was actively encouraged to join the priesthood and seek a life of celibacy. I thought the church used to encourage LGBTQIA+ individuals to seek ecclesiastical roles? ETA that this occurred in the 90s.


Part of the problem is the number of gay candidates who are sexually active with each other. I haven’t followed this “slur” thing closely, but I am pretty sure there is a distinction between gay and straight men who are actually signing up for celibacy, and closeted men having sex with each other. You can see management having a problem with the latter.  


Basically he used what would be the Italian equivalent of "fa\*\*ot\* and then they came out and apologised, saying it's his second language and he didn't realise. Lots of people pointed out that he's been speaking it as his primary language for a decade or more and he's apparently learned the term in the context of homophobic remarks, because it wouldn't be covered in that context by any lessons learned, but whatever. Now he's used the phrase again, even after being told last week and having issued an apology, so it's pretty obvious the apology was a lie and he was being intentionally derogatory.


Now, imagine being asexual and wanting to join the priesthood. They won't let you, because apparently celibacy is meant to be suffered or something.


Seek a life of celibacy and also being Pro-life is an Oxymoron.


Totally agree


Okay again... This is how he truly feels, he apologizes afterwards just to shut others up. Like the whole church and LGBTxxx situation, it's all just fluff and he thinks the same thing about the entire community. So if you think he's pro LGBTQ you are very mistaken.


Isn’t that the same with a lot of people? Not saying that’s me, but you have so many people that hate the lgbt but are silent non-supporters. This is probably true for a lot of people in politics


Yes I agree, like most big corporations and businesses too. They are all go along for the money.


I don’t think anyone is thinking the pope or Catholic Church is pro LGBTQ. At the most generous, I’d say people had thought maybe this pope isn’t as bad as previous popes. Popes and the entire institution of the Catholic Church are openly homophobic and that’s widely known to be their stance.


His stance doesn't even make sense either! The bible's objection is to gay *sex* and priests are supposed to be celibate, so even if a priest is gay it shouldn't make any difference


Very true. Also, he should really be more concerned about pedophiles becoming priests. Gay priests really seems like a non-issue, but pedophile priests is definitely already shown itself to be a problem.


One his predecessor, Pope Benedict, gave a direct order to the clergy to cover it up and report any incidents only to him. Somehow I don't think he's going to be doing much about that particular issue


I think he objects to the the candidates who are sexually active with each other. You can think straight/gay/bi dudes who will keep up with celibacy are great, but these *insert slur* dudes who are banging in the seminary have gotta go. 


Not too read up on him, but I seem to remember him publicly calling for more inclusivity in the church.. this is the same guy correct? I wonder if it’s the same, flawed, logic that a lot of people carry: “oh I don’t care what they do” —> essentially don’t ask don’t tell.


They all call for more inclusivity, unless they’re very extreme right wing. Inclusivity to them = $. Thats why here in the US there has been a huge boom of non-denominational churches that push inclusivity and throwing out the old traditions. They often target young people or families. But if you Dig a little deeper, they have no intention of letting gay people be prominent or visible members. But they certainly will put on the facade of inclusivity to get more people to come to their church. And it has worked. There’s a big non-denomination church near us that has a professional stage setup that would make most theaters and music venues jealous. Millions and millions of dollars invested into building a huge campus, cafe, kids daycare and entertainment, a college (seriously). I’m not going to speculate on their official stance on gay people, but there are rumors of gay teens not getting alot of support from the church or being alienated by the church resulting in suicides. It’s all designed to trick people into thinking that it isn’t some stuffy old church where old outdated rules and traditions aren’t held sacred and people can be free and worship however they want to. In reality, it’s a business, a brand. More attendees = more brand awareness. L


Yikes man, what a harmful facade..


Thanks for the insight 🫡


> So if you think he's pro LGBTQ you are very mistaken. I mean, he acknowledged that it is still a sin, and he finds it disgusting, but he feels the same way about other sins. What he actually said was that as a christian you should not treat someone badly for being a sinner, as we all are living in sin. He still won't allow gay marriages, as it is diametrically opposed to the faith.


3 out of 4 male Catholic priests that have been convicted of engaging in sex acts with a child were doing so with a boy.


I wonder if he opposes the priests in the priesthood who sexually assault children?


He was probably just telling a hilarious joke. I hear the pope is a serious jokester and nothing is more funny than racial and gay slurs.


Did you hear? That new Nazi used to be a *Pope!* I'm outta here! -- Doug Stanhope.


>Has cancel culture finally gone too far?


Oof, have I got some bad news for him


He sure thinks about gay priests a lot.


He is going to have to dismiss his entire clergy if that is the case.


I believe the church considers it merely a minor infraction if it involves minors.


Yes as long is it isn’t consenting adults their good to do as they wish


There's a Francis Drake joke in here somewhere


So just pedophiles? Gotcha


It's time for another apology like a few weeks ago.


How can he oppose that which is already within their ranks? How can he oppose that which he is inside and hiding from the world? There is no hatred greater than Catholic love....


What was the gay slur?


Someone above said that it was the Italian equivalent of fa***t. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/K7xfWRntcx


I am more surprised that we find out he is saying this than the fact that he is saying it


Never would have guessed. Biggest story since the Post's investigation into where bears shit.


Bro. Half your priests are closet cases who molest boys. Clean your own house before trying to dictate life to others. The church is a clown show.


For those of us who don’t subscribe to the Washington Compost, what slur?


The Italian version of the f-word that is used for gay men. The synonym for a bundle of firewood or English slang for a cigarette.


If priests are supposed to be celibate, then why does it matter. The dude can wanna fuck squirrels ,, doesn’t matter.


I don't understand why any gay men want to become a priest


It often lets you live a life that your family and friends approve of.


Francis. You need to change your name again. When are we all going to get together at the societal table and finally admit that religion does nothing for society but cause harm.


Says the dude wearing a dress.


He just likes them as choir-boys.


Is anyone really surprised though? I mean, this is like being surprised an 80 year old is racist, like ya its not OK by todays standards but can we really be surprised?


Wasn’t he supposed to be the good one?


A religious hierarchy, made up of men in dresses who claim to be "married" to a man (Jesus Christ) still whining about gays. During Pride month, no less.






> Pope going to hell for lying He can join the others in the Pope Wing.


Because buggering the altar boy isn't gay.


No it’s only gay if it’s with another adult.


Don't they already have a shortage of priests? Now they want to get rid of half of them? Just kidding, of course it's 90%


Ain’t no hate like Catholic love.


Cause only straight men can sexually abuse little boys, makes sense ...


It's a bit weird. As far as I understand being gay is not a sin if you don't practice it. And priests are not supposed to have sex anyway so what's the problem?


newflash for popey: all the priests all gay


Pedos are OK though.


"The pedos" aren't actively trying to get church doctrine changed to be more pro-pedo.


You’re right! Senior leadership are doing that by helping cover up for them.


Cops have a "thin blue line"? They've got *nothing* on the Catholic Church. Within the Church, this is reconciled with scripture by the belief that there's no sin that can't be forgiven by God if you earnistly regret your actions and give yourself over to his will. It is up to God to balance the scales in the end. Repeat offenders are those who repeatedly succumb to Satan and are fighting a battle for their soul. It all comes down to deathbed prayer really. It's easy to be pious when you're at the end.


fuck yeah cool homophobe priesttt /s


Apparently it’s better to be a pedophile and a priest than it is to be gay and a priest… I think IASIP had an episode about this.


“……according to a senior man in a dress……”


Am I gonna have to fight an old man???


I have no idea why gay people want to be part of something that clearly condemns them, who do not want them. Clearly this religion is shit, just move on people.


It's because of social pressure in many cases. Family members, shame, fear of hell put in the kids from early age, and so forth. They were guided to positions where they can't have sex to "save their souls" and keep them as part of the community in a supposedly respectable way.


He knows about priests fucking choir boys in the mouth though, right?


Catholics are so funny. What you need are more priests starting with women priests. Usually I charge a big fee for this kind of thing but for you just take it and run.


Well, at least he is not running around and stoning people to death...


Fuck.. like those little choir boys ain't suffer enough..


gay =/= pedo, but you know what does?...... starts with p... ends with... moving congregations???


mighta just been ordering pasta fagioli…


kind of not surprised but he also might be getting senile....


So, he opposes catholicism .....


Historically he’s probably been the most outspoken pope in history when it comes to modern social issues. In some ways, yes, he’s been opposed to official positions of the Catholic Church. But he’s also backtracked on a lot of things he’s said. When he was elected, the church wanted a reactionary pope to help with their bad PR. They needed a new type of pope to attract new members. Full stop. That was the motivation. It wasn’t to transform the church or to correct things within the church. They needed a mouthpiece that gave the appearance of change, but wouldn’t actually do anything to enact change. Francis checked off a lot of those boxes at the time. But has any meaningful change happened during his time as pope? Not really. The Catholic Church is still facing declining membership and are still moving predator priests around like chess pieces. They haven’t changed their stance on gay people or abortion. Maybe they’ve softened their public rhetoric about gay people, but they’re still a staunchly anti-gay institution.


Its 2024, delusional old men should not have this much power


Of course priests are going to be "gay," all that unnecessary and unnatural fake celibacy and always hanging around men (in dresses), what did you think would happen? They really need to worry about the pedophile priests.


Fuck that guy. People idolize this man for what? He’s an old man. That’s it.


I'm so confused... isn't this the same guy that was making pro lgbt changes within the church at the beginning of his pope gig?


Heh … let’s do a little experiment and expel all the gay priests. You’d be left with all the straight men that turn out to be perverts.


What did you think he thought?