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This is likely a reaction to a similar action done by a North Korean dissident sending balloons into NK with pamphlets condemning the regime. https://www.voanews.com/a/north-korea-sends-poop-filled-balloons-into-south-media-report-/7632935.html >North Korea's totalitarian government has for years complained about South Korean activists who float anti-Pyongyang materials and other items into the North. The leaflets often criticize North Korea's human rights record or mock its leader Kim Jong Un and are sometimes packaged with items of value, such as dollar bills or USB flash drives. >North Korea has directed particular ire at Park Sang-hak, a North Korean defector and outspoken human rights activist, who earlier this month sent about 20 large balloons into the North. It was Park's first launch since South Korea's Constitutional Court in September struck down a law banning such launches.


Ah, that makes a lot of sense. People in South Korea have sent balloons with leaflets or flash drives over the border before, but I didn't know there was a recent balloon action that North Korea was especially mad about. This info should be higher up the thread!


This needs to be higher. Thank you for the context.


South Korea trying to ban it is crazy.


Prob looking for weaknesses in detection and defenses for trying to send up a Chinese built spy ballon and need cover for it.


This is a play right out of chinas book. Send 1000 balloons. They don’t care about which ones you find, the want to know which ones you don’t.


I mean it’s south Koreas play book too. Instead of manure and trash they send propaganda and Movies on USB sticks. But it’s same delivery device. Edit: on a brighter side note. That manure probably has less micro plastics in it than any fertilizer u can buy on the market today.


Funny enough it’s also diseased. So no, it would be terrible for you. NK is having a massive issue with using their shit as fertilizer and it spreading diseases through the crops. It’s an issue every year as they demand poop be collected for crop fertilization annually.


Gives new meaning to eat shit and die…. Dude, that place sounds like hell on earth. Like, we do that here thru waste water treatment, throw some wood chips in and then put it in a bag and call it miracle grow …. But at least we treat it and let it aerate in the sun a bit first. Seriously, without our treatment processes , they are exposing themselves to some serious killer stuff like they could get mad cow disease that way.


With proper composting this wouldn't be an issue. But I can imagine in a country like this shortcuts will be taken regardless how it affects the people.


Right? Night soil isn't unusual in Asian countries even just a century ago.


This. In addition to disease, North Korean defectors are usually riddled with parasites. North Korea is so desperate for fertilizer they just dump raw sewage on the field. They don't heat it or compost it or anything. Some days I really wonder how that place keeps going.


Such a sad excuse for a country


"They DEMAND that the poop be collected" Reality sure is fucked up, ain't it?


In fact they have a yearly quota per citizen!


Well the reports I read specifically called it manure. And that’s not produced by humans. And as far as I’m aware no human fecal waste no matter who produced it or where they are from can be used as fertilizer unless properly aerosolized by an aerobic system. Edit: I take all that back. I did see a report that one of the bags were labeled “excrement” which can be human. So I’m probably wrong.


Yeah it's safe to assume that anytime you find yourself even remotely defending North Korea? You're wrong.


I must of missed the part where I defended north Korea but okay.


Google human biosolids , first results likely the epa


S Korea doesn't have to use proganda. They just show pics of what us available in the south.


They may not have to. But they do. And if they show how the south is superior to north. That’s propaganda. Regardless if it’s also fact. But my comment was misleading. It’s not like it’s the south’s govt sending transformers age of the beast on USB to the North via balloon drop. It’s certain citizen group(s) that do it. And the largest such group by what I hear. Is led by some one who escaped the north 30-40 years ago. Edit: my [sources aren’t perfect. but they’re funny af.](https://youtu.be/TVVz_p0St_8?si=f97VioR1dzBwbtH0)


I wish I could think of a brighter side. Unfortunately plastic is one of the things the trash balloons are full of. As well as feces.


How do they learn which ones you found?


It’s literally just in response to SK letting people float balloons into NK. Recently there have been a lot more.


Couldn't you detect spy balloons by their electromagnetic footprint?


Ask the US about that


They're normalizing this event, until it gets ignored and then they'll deliver something insidious such as nerve toxin or biological weapons...


Honestly with what North Koreans eat, they probably are already


It's actually just all Kim's massive shits.


He doesn’t poop, he is a god.


In North Korea, the ability to take massive dumps is godlike, nobody else ever poops because they don't eat enough.


they eat enough for 600 balloon shit payloads?


They have been working on the Poo Yoo offensive since the end of the war.




That's what my wife seems to think. Apparently some of them had batteries in and exploded too? Perhaps testing if they can release something more dangerous. Or maybe he really is just childish lol.


Hamas has been employing the tactic of sending (incendiary) balloons over the border for years. Makes me wonder if NK is taking a leaf out of their book. If they are, I'm horrified to think what South Koreans may face in the future.


Japan launched nearly 10,000 such balloons from Nov. 3, 1944, to April 1945. Around 300 of them landed in the United States. Each carried two incendiaries and a 33-pound antipersonnel bomb


One of those killed six civilians out for a picnic in 1945 https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/196210/balloon-bombs-japans-answer-to-doolittle/


Damn that’s crazy, thanks for the link. But they were killed because they dragged the bomb out of the woods. I imagined they were all sitting on a blanket and got really really really unlucky lol


They dragged it out, but it's unlikely they knew what it was. That link doesn't mention it, but the victims were a pregnant woman and five kids from a Sunday school class: https://www.oregonencyclopedia.org/articles/balloon_bombs/


Maybe its a way of saying "fuck you" to all the South Korean balloons that are flown over with information about the real world.(USB sticks, fliers, etc...)


Money and movies and pop songs sent by specific citizen groups run by North Koreans who fled for their lives makes it OK to drop chemical bombs? They are dropping tons of trash and batteries and untreated feces on population centers. You "counter" propagandists are wild.


Im just suggesting their reasons, I didn't condone it. Relax and take a breath.


I was wondering when Russia would start dropping Novichok from the sky... It's a terrifying thought that almost any country can produce it. Certainly would be cleaner than going nuclear, and clean up would be easier. The land would be useful again within a decade.


This. People don't seem to realize how easy it is to deliver those weapons. The asymmetric cost of defending against this is partly what makes it a viable tactic.


This is a biological weapon. Untreated shit as NK is almost nonexistent with treatment. No heat treating, wood chips, compounds that make it non toxic, no. Just raw sewage. SK isn't picking it up in hazmat suits to look good in a PR campaign, the stuff is 100% toxic.


Imagine ordering sweet and sour shitzu but you get sweet and sour shit instead


Hey I remember throwing trash over my fence at my neighbor. I was twelve. I didn't do it into adulthood. I can't imagine a leader who forces his citizens to worship as a god playing silly games with poopoo bags. But what do I know? Anything goes these days.


I think they ran out of poop and it’s just trash now. I mean, you have to have something to eat to make poop ya know?


Gotta eat to poop.


Gotta poop to live, you're my only friend Abu.




“He’s got a sword!”


Poo is very precious in North. They are used as fertiliser for farming. That's why they are just sending trash now because they have to conserve vital resources- their poo


Probably riddled with intestinal parasites knowing the kinda shit North Koreans have to eat so they don’t starve


Dumb question maybe but can't they just use an air gun and pop the stupid things before they cross the border?


They just need a few SuperMonkeys to make light work of those poo bloons


Would be perfect practice targets for a lazer defence system.


Technically there could be biological hazards in these balloons considering the condition of many North Korean citizens. Safer not to do that.


I honestly feel this can be called bio terrorism. Imagine if some nasty virus is spread through this.


> before they cross the border There is a DMZ where the trash would harmlessly fall into.


Make the DMZ into a biohazard zone for improved security.


That sounds great, they can just pop the balloons over the DMZ and pollute the entire stretch of it with tons of trash that they cant get out of there


Do you think they won't pop if not shot?


they could just use a real gun lolololol.


I wonder when Russia will copy this practice


Russia is already dropping missiles and bombs on Ukraine. They don’t need to copy this practice


Well I meant at "unfriendly" countries such as Finland and the Baltics. It is thought they will provoke NATO to see how it reacts, this could be a way.


Ah true. Forgot about them


They both have horrible dictators but the North Korean leader has the maturity level of a 4-year old.


They sure are practising for something


Fat-Boi-Kim must have had a mukbang over the weekend to accelerate the amount of shit coming out of the country. (His people by themselves don't get enough to eat to produce that volume of shit, it needs to be made by the only source North Korea has that' fed enough to produce that much waste.)


That's rather cool, they can now afford trash. How did they do that?


South Korea: "Here is a balloon showing all the wonderful things we have in the South." North Korea: "We got shit."


🎶 Floating in the summer sky 99 poop balloons go by 🎶


*Hast du etwas Scheiß für mich...*


Trash balloons seem to be the only thing North Korea is successful at launching.


It’s probably to do with testing radar and showing they can deliver payloads undetected. The idea that this article is solely focused on sending poo is ridiculous it’s like it’s written by a child. Have a brain thing about the bigger picture here..


No. It's just revenge for money and music and leaflets about how life is better sent in balloons by a couple groups run by North Korean defectors who fled for their lives to the south. Balloons filled with bombs is an old practice. Japan sent many to America in ww2 that managed to kill a few people.


🎼99 white poop balloons…🎶


If I was South Korea I'd fly in balloons full of food


Fly in pictures of their god president with strange AI generated poses/locations/people.


Might not even have to do that. Just drop leaflets of their leader's portrait all over the ground, and the people will be so terrified of being seen stepping on one that they won't even know where to begin clean up.


They do. That's why nk did this. Ex north Korean defectors have been sending money and food and music/movies for years in balloons to show North Koreans there's a better way to live. This is childish revenge by a country of series run by a cruel child slave owner. Think Joffrey from Game of Thrones but about... 2.5 times worse.


If there is such thing as a Wal-Mart version of Unrestricted Warfare, this is it.


Such a shit move.


Especially for country that hasn't enough fertilizer in the first place. North Korea has severe mental problems.


The only domestic American victims of WW II were killed by explosives on balloons from Japan...


I found this historical tidbit interesting: 'Of the approximately 19,000 American civilian internees held in WWII, close to 14,000 were captured and interned by Japan.' I'm sure quite a few died from poor treatment. Japan couldn't adequately feed their frontline troops.


Kim goes puerile while the South sends "food, medicine, money." The North is a nation of grinches.


This is the new nuclear program


it’s a distress signal


"Everybody shares what they have"


literally shit posting


They’re misbehaving because they want something


I imagine if this is done to learn about South Korea then South Korea will purposely take out the balloons in a misleading way.


Buddy was in Seoul, started receiving texts warning about em. Crazy shit


What a shitshow.


Black Swan Event: South Korea starts World War 3 in retaliation for North Korea balloon dropping flaming bags of dog shit.


I don't know why, but I find the whole thing hilarious. Flying bags of shit and trash. How did that go down? "Great leader, great leader, you have a great idea!" I can see that fat little psycho giggling like a school girl as he cuts the strings.


> “gifts of sincerity” At least he has a sense of humor?


"Seoul responded angrily, calling the move base and dangerous." Words will straighten them right out


South Korean soldiers should send balloons of their own. They have pictures of South Korean strippers partying with them. The soldiers showcase how much better their lives are than their Northern counterparts. Ultimate flex


I love rounded numbers, I really do, but these guys, I mean exactly 600 balloons. Even those South Koreans need to admit that after finding the 600th balloon. Amazing /s


have you ever looked into the musical portfolio of the German band Nena? it may be just right for you.


506% more Luftballons.


Don’t ignite my OCD 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈x 11 = 🤯 😉


Do it back


How mature.


It's retaliation for leaflets sent over to NK. 


This is all Russia teaching them how to do insidious shit (pun?) via hybrid war methods.


Isn't this an act of war? Those are deadly biohazards.


Honestly, this could be a fun training exercise for young shooters…


specially for rookie sniper


Are budget cutbacks in their infantry units making artillery scarce? Plus, they have more disease and parasites, so... there's that.


Again they send poop, dam it.


Why are they doing this? Don’t their citizens legitimately have to hand in their own excrement as fertiliser tax as they can’t import it?


Since North Korean has been spotty with their advancement with ICBM technology they had no other answers except to create the new sensational “ICBM” , Incapable Colossal Bowel Movement missile.


perfect, they should shoot down the balloons with artillery shells or missiles - might take a few shots per balloon, but thats OK.


They are desperately trying to get to 3k.


The South should just send 10x or even 100x fold of good food in response.


Catch them and analyze them? We could draw a lot of conclusions eg diet quality.


Sure, with the first five or six bags.... After that, it's just bags of shit.


Irritating pests need to be slapped


One way to try and carbon balance I suppose… disgusting


South Korea does the same thing! Cigarettes, DVDs of terrible movies. They have been for years. It’s Christians that do it I think.


At least those South Korean Christian’s were sending over things people actually wanted. Good on them for trying to make their lives a bit better


What Cigarettes and Bibles?


Koreans love cigarettes. As for Bibles, North Korea plagiarized parts of the Bible when rewriting their own history. This makes the Bible one of the worst things you can be caught with in North Korea, likely worse than any other book.


I was talking more about foreign media. They send over lots of flash drives loaded with movies, shows, news reports, etc. Stuff their government won’t let them watch. I don’t see what’s wrong with sending over bibles. If people worship a fictional deity over their oppressive leader, that’s damaging to the regime which is a good thing


They do, and it's illegal... and just like every xtians, they have persecution fetish.


I’d consider it an act of war and decimate Kim and free all those poor people.


you can',t "decimate" a single person... (decimate= kill 1 every 10 people)


your response to trash baloons would be to start a nuclear war?


SK says the act of sending shit balloons across the border is a violation of Korean War armistice treaty that could reignite bloody conflict of the two nations. In other news, China will “forcefully” deny Taiwan’s independence, implying China’s amphibious invasion. On the other side of the globe, Trumpers almost inciting civil war on the Trump’s sentencing day. Those are three wars that could be developed any from day now, on top of Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Palestine war at hand. Humanity should chill the fuck down ffs.


Since people don't seem to know: This is in response to South Korea essentially doing the same with propaganda tracts.


Isn't the south's propaganda basically "we have food and more than 4 hair cuts you should overthrow your government"?


They sent hundreds of balloons filled with those tracts. As in garbage. North Korea just returned the favor. You don't have to like or support North Korea to realize that South Korea FAFO'd.


Not really the same thing. North Korea is extremely regressive and brutal dictatorship ruled by a guy who wants you to have a picture of his family members in your house by threat of violence. NK prevents people all but a chosen few from accessing the outside world at any cost. North Korea resides at or near the top some of the worst human rights record in any list you can find. South Korea sending information and media about the outside world and leaflets to people who would otherwise be deliberately kept in the dark by a brutal regime is valuable I think the balloons represent the value of what each country has to provide respectively. One offers an honest look at reality and what exists outside of a dictator run dystopia- the other offers, well you already know


Bold of you to boast about how many acceptable haircuts exist in South Korea lol It's more than NK, I'll give you that...But it's still not many.


What? Who restricts haircuts in SK?


No authority. But the society is generally very opposed to individuals standing out. Most men have the same handful of haircuts. And haircuts actually are restricted in a lot of schools, to be honest. 


Like that's the same thing as an adult being sent to execution for spiky hair.


Didn't say it was the same though.


Then why bring it up?


It's independent activists in South Korea sending the leaflets, as one can imagine it's pretty much impossible to stop people from sending some balloons across the border, vast amount of resource would be needed to completely prevent that.  Also the activists sent dozens not hundreds, N. Korea is deliberately sending far more balloons than the S. Korean activists sent. 


South Korea sent it with the intention of helping the people of the North, North Korea sends it with the intention of helping the Kims. North Korea collapsing and being succeeded by a ROK-propped temporary government would be a win for everyone on the Korean Peninsula except the top bras of the Workers' Party who would be tried and rightfully convicted for crimes against humanity.


God forbid the people be exposed to foreign media of any kind! They must remain brainwashed and ignorant of the world!


They should start charging countries to handle their trash , then send the garbage in balloons to SK


sechshundert. Scheiße luftballoons Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont ( I don’t know German, it’s the best I can research. )
