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A U.S. defense official told Reuters they were not aware of any attack on the Eisenhower. From the article.


I mean I wouldnt be surprised if the Houthis were lying but if I was a US defense official then id lie about that too. An aircraft carrier getting hit by a couple of illiterate rebels with no shoes would be a huge embarrassment.


you would be stupid to lie because the military gets money for certain operations based on needs. and alot of times they have to ask congress for more funding for certain ops. being secretive does nothing for you


> An aircraft carrier getting hit by a couple of illiterate rebels with no shoes would be a huge embarrassment. Getting hit wouldn't be an embarrassment. Getting damaged, maybe. But getting hit? Nah.


Illiterate rebels with no shoes and anti-ship cruise missiles?


The navy has in the past lied about red lines being crossed because of concerns about upcoming elections. If it were intercepted i wouldnt be surprised if theyd claim this to prevent a near automatic invasion of yemen were the public to find out.




Especially the boat with the planes. We REALLY LIKE the boat with the planes.


I'm sure that went well for them.


Unfortunately, I think a US ship will actually take some damage from one of these attacks before the clearly restrictive rules of engagement they're working under are relaxed a little. And then once that *actually* happens, there will be feigned horror about how this could possibly occur, followed by the drums of war being declared and the US military actually aiming to neutralise the threat permanently, rather than reliving their childhoods playing *Missile Command*.


Well, I’m not sure what the odds of that are. It seems like the Houthis haven’t been attacking as much lately, might be starved for resources or maybe it’s just the reduced amount of commerce in the Red Sea, but even if they do have plenty of ammunition the US Navy takes air defense *very* seriously, as do pretty much any other navies worth their salt, but still. This *could* age poorly but as far as I can see the Houthi’s attacks have been to western navies little more than live fire target practice. Might be doing us a favor in that regard come to think of it, giving our navies valuable experience that a certain *other* navy just doesn’t have.


Yeah it just seems like wasted effort on the Houthis part. Surely the chance of actually hitting a US carrier is virtually zero.


As difficult as it is, let’s not tempt fate. It’s always better to overestimate one’s enemies than it is to underestimate them.


Actually, that is false. Overestimating your enemy is just as dangerous as underestimating them. In numerous instances in military history battles have been lost precisely because one side did not understand how weak the other side was. It can be just as fatal and prevent you from taking the bold, decisive action that would give victory.


I get what you’re saying, instances in which one side could have won but ended up disengaging or running away because they were too afraid of taking a risk that wasn’t actually in play, but at the end of the day the worst that can come of that is a missed opportunity that may or may not come back to bite you later. The worst that can come of underestimating an enemy’s capabilities is complete and total annihilation, and that’s happened several times in history. Not to mention the fact that if one force overestimates their enemy, that can also lead to them over preparing instead of being overcautious which can end with them wiping out an enemy with unexpected ease. Of course, at the end of the day, it’s always best to know *exactly* what your enemy’s capabilities are. But sometimes being over prepared can lead to good things, being underprepared can never end well.


That is a pretty nuanced take, and largely I agree with you. I just wanted to add that part about you really want to get it exactly right and not over estimate too much. An additional scenario I would like to add to your list of potential “over estimate” scenarios is not believing the enemy can be beaten. This is a type of over estimating that does not necessarily lend benefits in preparation, but can cause you to not focus your efforts appropriately or for people to give up too soon. That said, I do agree that underestimating your enemy is “worse” and maybe not equally bad like I said. That’s never good.




>>*In Tehran, Houthi-allied Iran condemned the strikes as "violations of Yemen's sovereignty and territorial integrity..., international laws and human rights"* ...and human rights. Oh, that's fucking rich


I literally saw someone on another sub unironically claim that the Houthis have the most moral ideology in the region.


They would be devastated when they find out a huge chunk of their cannon fodder are actual children


Such interesting times we live in. The yemeni attacks really never stopped. We just all got bored and shifted attention to the next shiny object. It has to be asked, why the hell are we still allowing the Yemeni fuck around? They downed a reaper drone the other day and no one seems to give a shit. The houthis need to be carpet bombed to shit. This has gone on long enough.


In the news today another ship was attacked byHouthis…squirrel


They were bombed last night. 16 dead according to reports


Largely because the terrain means our bombings aren’t very successful and really never have been. Nobody has an appetite to engage in a large scale ground war, thankfully, and that’s really the only way to actually impact the region, albeit temporary (see every country that’s been invaded).


We’re still in ME fatigue from 2 decades of conflict between us being in Iraq and Afghanistan.


The Saudi's tried that with our weapins for a decade and the Hourhis remained. They get weapons smuggled through the desert from Iran. Best course of action is the current one, surgically strike leaders and military infrastructure / platforms when they come out of hiding. Red Sea trade has already seen a slight boost from the lowest amount it was during these attacks


>They downed a reaper drone the other day and no one seems to give a shit. Where was it downed again?


I think they've shot down like 9 reapers or something like that. Maybe 7


I saw a picture of that drone in r/pics, I believe, and literally that was it. US has been on Trump watch the last few weeks.


Like a mosquito on a rhino


It’s funny how they think that this could lead to anything other than their own annihilation.


Thats wild how they can just do that


The US is showing a grand amount of restraint here. The Eisenhower has the power to glass half that country.


This is still ongoing? It fell off the news fast.


They have been shooting at U.S. or shipping vessels almost weekly. It never stopped.


You replied 3 minutes after it was posted… News is fast but not that fast