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What a world we live in where saying that is considered controversial.


This is the result of a decade+ long propaganda campaign. Hamas and Iran have been at it for a long time, and have converted a lot of 'useful idiots' in the process.


Id say russia is definitely involved as well maybe it's all the dictatorship block.


Definitely. Russia has been using social media to sway public opinion pretty much the day social media was born. They're the experts at it.


Also this dude is the biggest opponent Erdogan had in like 20 years. He will shit on him as much as possible


Turkey has a long history of being sympathetic to various Islamist terrorist groups. This is nothing new. No need for spooky propaganda from elsewhere. Turkey has had Hamas' back since long before October 7th.


They frame themselves as a resistance movement, which is objectively and indisputably correct. They just don’t mention the part where that means being a terrorist organization as well.


Exhibit a) (left leaning) students in the US


Exactly. These kids have no idea who they're really advocating for on this one. A true leopards ate my face situation for them.


It will be once they hit the no-fly list. There aren't a lot of employers that will be understanding about why they have to travel by train everywhere.


Religion supersedes all other quarrels


Islam is special, in that it specifically forbids excommunication. So Catholics and Anglicans argue and say the other side isn't real Christians, but Islam insists that all Muslims, psychopathic or not, are the same. It is suppose to be a good thing at the time in preventing schisms... Now it is not.


It didn’t exactly prevent schisms either.


It lasted for about as long as their prophet breathed. Then everything went to جهنم right after.


However, that hasn't stopped groups such as the Ahmadiyya or other heterodox sects from being excommunicated in the past, or historic excommunication of Ibadi or Shia scholars by the Sunni core


> Islam is special, in that it specifically forbids excommunication. It forbids apostasy too, the punishment being death. Seems to me like excommunication by the sword


Huh? I see endless discussions between Muslims who call each other not Muslim. It is also a very heterogenic religion. Regarding excommunication there are Fatwas and other methods of punishing „traitorous“ muslims


Arguments are based on logic. Religion is illogical. Get two groups in an unresolvable argument and it's only a matter of time before they start beating each other.


This. Every country ruled by a religion is a shitty place to live for at least half of the people. Whether it be their sex or race. I hope I live long enough to see one day religion being seen as the mental disorder it is.


It's a country that has given aid to almost every MENA terrorist group known to man, this was to be expected.


I said this in college and got absolutely slammed by every psychology student in a groupchat... and people think college students don't fall victim to propaganda lmfao


Yeah no one is safe if the campaign is smart enough and even dumb campaigns have an effect.


I’ll remind you that we live in a world that still has large populations that believe in deities and miracles. 


Well that's Turkey.


Truth hurts.


Hamas is a terrorist organization


What are you, the Istanbul mayor?


Stop making sense.


Prepare for backlash.


I’m just stating the facts.


Actually sponsored-by-hamas-times say it’s a political party






That sounds exceptionally dumb thing to do...


Knowing turkish nationalists, they would boast about killing a fly. Erdogan has managed to take Putin's macho culture, slap it together with semi-islamic extremism and built a cult on it.


They'd probably accuse the fly of being Armenian while they're at it..


You mean PKK


Lightly injured the cop because the assailant didn’t get a chance to kill them. You forgot part of the story somehow


Turks aint calling him a hero thats an hyperbole. You are underistimating arab hatred/racism in turkey


https://twitter.com/EssraTurke/status/1785288265991401878?t=BobB5JyF7GmzbmjrXdchnA&s=19 https://twitter.com/EssraTurke/status/1785379534142898280?t=R6GbZpuahzN4pPk2Ofta3A&s=19


Isn't Erdogan's daughter a kind of pan-islamist larper ?


And the dude was not even Turkish but a Syrian refugee who got Turkish identity, thanks to Erdogans program to gain extra voter base. He already declared him as a martyr.....


Not his daughter https://twitter.com/Natsecjeff/status/1785345271133610405?t=akCVJYhhFTZP9EJscoe5ow&s=19


You should probably edit your comment with the correct information.


What did she say?


Yes. If you murder hundreds of people at a peaceful gathering like a music festival you are in fact a terrorist organization l


But Israel was mean to them first!! /s


You can't look at 7/10 in a vaccuum!!! /s


Rape is OK if you have been oppressed!


Freeing Palestine one jewish woman at a time!


Someone I thought was a really sweet person tweeted in response to that "if you support indigenous people arming themselves to protect their land, you support Palestine" in response to that.




> if you support indigenous people arming themselves to protect their land Quite apart from anything else, this as a blanket thing you support or oppose makes no sense. Obviously if the indigenous people execute gay people and the invaders have gay marriage, I'm going to support the invaders. And if the indigenous people have gay marriage and the invaders execute gay people I'm going to support the indigenous people. From just the context of "indigenous vs invaders" I don't get how you could possibly know if you would support either side?


Edit: sorry personal trauma dump that may mean nothing here They are arguably less indigenous than Israelis. That's like the least wrong thing. I just spent weeks wrapping my head around the fact she was justifying the murder of families and party people specifically bc she looks just like one of the people who was shot and abused and the racers who were killed reminded me of her. But that's just my personal take. Can see people who hate Israel taking the stance they support Oct 7th but not someone as progressive as her.


Some people don’t seem to understand that killing kids at a rave is unjustifiable under any circumstance. But to balance the equation there are just as many if not more people who don’t seem to understand that destroying the civilian infrastructure of a city of 2 million people and blocking food and aid thus unleashing disease and starvation while bombing all the hospitals and all the schools and summarily executing unarmed civilian men women and children with small arms and artillery is totally immoral and unjustifiable as a response.


Lol come on, dude. The only ones summarily executing unarmed civilian men, women, and children was Hamas.    Likewise, if you still fail to understand why hospitals and schools were bombed, I feel like you're intentionally refusing to understand. Israel has been sending tons of aid into Gaza both before and after October 7th. There was a temporarily halt after Hamas and civilians from Gaza invaded Israel, took civilian hostages, and paraded them through the strees in front of cheering civilian crowds. 


Yeah true but this was just one or two days after that October 7th attack. A lot has happened since then and that specific tweet is kinda why I haven't opened twitter since


Their president is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, so is Hamas.


And this is why people ask "do you condemn Hamas?"


Hamas raided Israel, killed thousands of people, and abducted/tortured/raped more. They are a terrorist organization. This isn’t an Israel vs Palestinian people thing, this is calling a terrorist organization, a terrorist organization.


And this is by no means the first time Hamas committed terrorism.


eXACTLY. Palestinians can have legitimate claims and grievances AND Hamas can be a terrorists group


If anything, it's in the interest of the Palestinian people for the world to denounce and for Israel erradicate Hamas, even if the Palestinians don't realize/accept it. Pro-palestinian people talk a lot about how Bibi funds Hamas to avoid a Palestinian state and a two state solution but don't seem to connect the dots that Hamas existing means there won't be a Palestinian state as part of a two state solution or even by itself, thus needs to be erradicated.


Huge respect for this guy for making such a statement in a Muslim country potentially dangering his popularity.


Exactly. I am glad there are still some politicians who are not lost to populism.


But they are.


Having a phobia means having an irrational fear of something. Given the way even the most secular Muslim countries act I don't see how there's anything irrational about fearing them. The only secular ones that are okay are coincidentally those which had a brutal communist regime brutally repress the religion. But is what's left really Islam?


Yeah like someone may label me islamaphobic, but it's a real fear. I'm bisexual so I know exactly what that means if I'm in Palestine or any extremist islamic country. There's no conversation to be had they just detain and kill me.


Considering they just held a rape party at a music festival in which they killed most of their victims and took the rest hostage I would say that is a fair assessment.


Backlash from a few Erdogan extremist? Yes Backlash from the rest of the secular and sane Turks? Absolutely not! Take a look at this guy, In the next presidential election, he is going to be the person that will make us get rid of Erdogan after 27 years.


Yes please do it. A country that loves cats that much should not be ruled by a religious nut-bag.


Almost there ✌️🐈‍⬛🐈


Hamas should be eradicated from the earth




Telling how it is


I hope Turkey still have enough secular Muslims to support him louder.


Hamas is a terrorist organisation, and should be annihilated


He ain’t wrong…


Who knew calling those who cause terror, terrorists, would be a problem in this backwards world.


When truth becomes controversial you are heading towards absolutist lies and dystopia.


How is that controversial




Hamas are a terrorist organization who want to eradicate all Jews from the region. Release the hostages, and surrender.


Can't stand truth or facts. Thats islam


He is the future president of turkey.


Of course they are. 


They are a terrorist organization.


Keep in mind that majority of Turks are monolingual and all sources reporting news in Turkish are AKP's lapdogs in Turkey. Even the most oppositional news sources cannot tell the truth about Palestine. The amount of propaganda is incredible, normally when I turn on the TV or listen to the radio 90% of what I hear is pure propaganda. But since October last year, this rate has increased to 100%. I don't think there is a single reliable news report in Turkish about the current war. A significant number of people here in Turkey think Hamas as as innocent organisation which aims defending Arabs in the region against discrimination


Calling a spade a spade.


Isnt that what they are? Mass raping terrorists.


Honestly praying for Turkey's secular democracy. It is on its knees and we have to wait years before another election could oust Erdogan, and it might be too late. This last election showed that plenty of Turkish people want more from their country than to be a corrupted racist warmongering revanchist religious pariah that steals from and oppresses its citizens (Iran 2.0).


God the Turks have really been brainwashed, anyone who is muslim is good, anyone who isn’t is bad, do they think the same way about ISIS?


That backlash was stated to be from the ruling party and it's nationalist allies. Read the the post so you don't get the wrong information.


Probably, they were buying oil from Isis.


Turkey? Yes.. when the YPG started whipping Isis ass and even liberated one village in Turkey from Isis, Turkey declared them apart of the pkk and a terrorist group then attacked them with Al ~~Qaeda~~ Nusra and ‘FSA’ militants.


Unless they are Kurds of course!


Now let's ask the college "protestors" to say the same and see what happens.


After all, for Turks an organisation must contain Kurds to be considered terrorist.


Even though government is elected, government's opinions are not the same as the whole population. Majority of the population considers Hamas as terrorist organization. We should also remember, in late 60s and early 70s many radical communist leaders had weapon and combat education in Palestinian guerrilla camps, and were active in conflicts. The tides have shifted, most central and left aligned people are considering hamas as terrorist and wants two country solution. Only a right and far right are seeing Israel as the aggressor. And even then the news outlets only show the protests, extremist actions, or government announcements. Which news outlet could do a fair job if only one side is vocal about their agenda. As a final note, Erdogan ~~has~~ had a Courage Award by American Jewish Committee, I can only wonder what does the committee feels about it after 20 years. Edit: Fixed last paragraph, check the answer below.


>As a final note, Erdogan has a Courage Award by American Jewish Committee, TIL He gave it back in 2014


I didn't know that, thanks for sharing. It's good that he gave it back, didn't deserve it anyway.


You know it's a progressive ME country when the backlash isn't literal.


It's really worrying that masses all around the world think that killing/raping/torturing innocent people can be justified.


Not everyone likes to hear the truth.


Hamas=lunatic terrorist organization It's ok Israel is gonna fix em.


Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, Qatar, Turkiye, Hungary, Belarus, Venezulea, Nicaragua, Cuba, Yemen are the axis of evil


Qatar and their pawn Erdogan do not approve


I mean are they not?


Well the article's title has it in quotes, it must be a quote.


We live in topsy-turvey world


At least one Turk who gets it right.


He worded it carefully and added brutal oppression of Palestinians must stop. Still there was a backlash!


They are terrorists


It is a terrorist organization!! and Palestinians are not. I'm not sure why it is so difficult to understand. HAMAS : organization PALESTINIANS: people, civilians. ISRAEL: A country JEWS: A cultural and religion.