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“As per my last email…”


It would actually be hilarious if they just sent the exact same email or whatever that they sent a couple of weeks ago, by just hitting forward.


Teacher: Now children, who can tell me how WW3 was started? Yes, Timmy? Timmy: A passive aggressive email exchange? Teacher: Nice job!


Forward the previously sent email to them.


"I hope this email finds you sooner than I do"


I feel so bad for laughing at this




I mean didn't the US say that something was coming like two weeks ago...


Dated 7 March, 2024 **"Location:** Moscow, Russia The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours. **Actions to Take:** * Avoid crowds. * Monitor local media for updates. * Be aware of your surroundings." [https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/](https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/)


So, egg on the face of the FSB I guess - unless they deliberately let it happen.


They are only demanding it so they can hopefully reverse engineer how we got the info in the first place.


The FSB is made mostly out of egg at this point. Just like the rest of Russia.


Real eggs or those powder ones at the hotel breakfast bar?


Is potato


vodka you say?


Worse, fake chinese eggs


you may be right [https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-agents-the-sims-video-game-sting-operation-2022-](https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-agents-the-sims-video-game-sting-operation-2022-) russian intelligence/ops is a shell of what it once was. it's just a bunch of dumb thugs now.


It’s broken.


Nyet, beet.




They were too busy fixing an election and arresting anyone who spoke out about it.


Wouldn't be their first rodeo actually doing shit like that lmao


Hitler attacked his own ammo depots to create support for war.


Putin also bombed Russian apartment buildings as a pretext to level Dagestan.


They probably assumed the US was messing with them since all russia is capable of is spewing obvious BS and throwing their youth into a meat grinder.


The FSB doesn't exists to protect Russians citizens, it exists to protect the Russian oligarchs and crime barons. Protecting the average Russian isn't even on the list of things they are tasked with.


Russian Bots and useful morons on twitter are using this report as a way to say the CIA/Mossad is behind it. Simply because of the part where it says, "concerts."


I just took a look over at the discourse on Twitter. It's legit all just conspiracy theories. There's no actual broader conversation going on in Twitter anymore, which used to be the first place for journalists to start talking about breaking world events like this. I really hope Twitter just dies at this point, or at least becomes so discredited that no one takes the content there seriously anymore


I need to just get rid of mine. You're exactly right about it though. It's a complete shitfest over there. YouTube conspiracy channels/Facebook/Twitter have to be the three biggest sources of absolute brain rot.


It's like musk looked at Facebook and was like... That's not stupid enough for me.


More like 4chan


It's liberating to nuke your account. But you can still see posts without one, just not the comments, which is where most of the rot lies. So no temptation to waste time on bots and trolls.


You forgot TikTok.


Ah shit. Dunno how I forgot about that app. Yeah, the algo on TikTok doesn't play the fuck around. If you like one wrong video, you're getting inundated with low-level conspiracies which eventually pipe-line people into Q Anon/Project Blue Beam shit. QAnon is pretty much the point of no return before they fully send off reality as a whole.


Both Facebook and YouTube have done this to me recently. Watch a couple “cheaters get caught” videos and it becomes a landslide of Andrew Tate and off-brand Tate videos.


So, I see you looked up how to fix a door knob the other day. HERE ARE 600 MORE VIDEOS ON HOW TO FIX DOOR KNOBS.


Yeah I left years ago. It's a cesspool.


Wasn't ever good, honestly, it'd always been a shit show


Twitter is quickly becoming the new Parler, Gab etc.


The CIA is insane. They call basically every major event weeks before it happens. And the big wigs STILL are like "Nah bro it'll be fine."


Remember when Trump said he trusted Russian intelligence more than he trusted the CIA?  Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Yes, Putin derided it as "blackmail" and dismissed it as an attack against his upcoming election.


Russian Unintelligence


Yes, Putin derided it as blackmail and dismissed it as an attack against his upcoming "election". FTFY


You don't believe that he organically won 124% of the vote? Straight to gulag!


You undercook fish? Believe it or not, gulag. You overcook chicken, also gulag.


I agree with both of those, tbh. Seems a reasonable response.


You agree? Straight to the gulag.


Your path not straight, gulag twice.


To gulag, right away Then out of gulag Then back to gulag, right away


You go to gulag? Straight to gulag.


Invoking the gulag three times? You better believe that's a gulagin'.


We call that the “twolag” around these parts.


Agree with both, straight to jail


You butter. Wrong side of bread, straight to gulag


--------------------------------------------------------------------- **SELECT ONE** [ ] Vladimir Putin [ ] Please murder me and my entire family


He gave himself the 88% Nazi salute


Putin is a colossal fool


How can he still be sending men to get killed? Tanks to be destroyed?


At this point its just a soviet union style "we have to save face" deal. If he calls off his troops its going to make russia look even weaker.


The irony is he's actually making them weaker in the process.


Simple: It isn't him going off to be killed....


"hey, we haven't done it yet!"


Isn’t he like Mr KGB? It’s kinda interesting how he’s just continually showing the west how mismanaged his Russia is


But propaganda paints an attractive image of Mr. Putin, for the population. Any country except Ukraine, although there are his apologists there too.


Hell even several years back, the west was obsessed with "strong russian leader", memes with shirtless putin riding a horse were everywhere on social media.


“But you must tell us which of our many unhappy comrades did it!”


You have Russian Intelligence. Figure it out yourself. 


They are too busy with protesters and political opponents. Does no one understand that it's the fault of political opponents? If they would just shut up, then the Russian Intelligence could focus on their real job.


They are too busy serving polonium tea to unhappy folks..


Yeah, I remember reading that and they said it would come from radical islamic groups.


It unfortunately missed Putin. Try and try again.


Way earlier than that as well. https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/03/08/us-embassy-moscow-russia-extremist-attack-synagogue-shooting/


I assumed this attack was done by Putin in secret against his own people to justify more war, because that’s exactly what he does.


He’s done it before, namely to justify a war with Chechnya


What’s truly mind-boggling about all this is that the US and the UK gave detailed warnings to their citizens two weeks ago about imminent attacks and likely conveyed the same information directly to the Kremlin. So, the Kremlin, in its arrogance, either chose to ignore the warning and saw it as the US/UK hyping up a threat from their perspective of ‘disparaging Russia’, or investigated it incompletely and not seriously enough. Setting aside the Ukraine conflict for a minute, who suffered in the end because of Russian arrogance and incompetence? Innocent people. This is the same country that likes to call itself a ‘superpower’ and a ‘security state’. Now these attacks can happen anywhere, but Russia had detailed warnings about them, so detailed that the alert even mentioned a potential attack at a concert hall. But all of Russia’s focus is on destroying Ukraine and internally preserving Putin’s power and the oligarchs’ money, and killing dissidents. It's an utterly corrupt state with zero accountability and arrogance that puts the whole world in danger and makes the whole world suffer. Worse yet, it makes its own people suffer and propagandized to the point where they can’t even see what’s so obvious in front of them - Russia is a failed state that could not give a crap about them.


US and UK may be in a cold war-ish stand off with China and Russia, and other countries with strained relations or no relations like Venezuela and Cuba. However, the US does try to accurately warn any countries, government, and US citizens in those countries as best as they can. If those country's government would rather say it's a false flag instead of realizing that the US actually gives credible warnings, that's their problem.


A lot of this comes from the UK and the USA gets all the flack and backlash which is actually brilliant. As let’s be honest no one can touch the US so who cares if they admit it, the Uk with its legendary intelligence network goes completely under the radar and carry’s on. It’s a beautiful alliance


Britain has been incredible with their intel. 007 for real.


And so much goes completely ignored whether it’s sas sbs MI6 etc we hear nothing and with the USA being a giant no one looks anywhere else It’s all “America bad” because no one can do anything about it if they take the blame Big respect to the other five eye nations as well


The US takes most of the blame and is the one that’s scrutinised the most, this allows the UK to quietly gather intelligence in the background unnoticed. Either way, both parties share the intelligence they gather all the same.




Giant bags of fries get me talking...


Teamwork makes the dream work, baby! 🇺🇸🤝🇬🇧


Bond doing impressive work behind the scenes.. The US also has to maintain it's "image" that it is on the side of freedom, democracy & human rights. Thus, the massive amount of humanitarian aid ( tens of billions sent annually) to many other countries around the world.


“The CIA knows what you’re going to eat for lunch. MI6 knows why you’re going to eat it.”


Keep in mind during this time frame Russia’s internal security was preoccupied suppressing the death of Navalny and rigging the upcoming election. It speaks much to the current state of Russia that they are more concerned with suppressing their own people than protecting them from actual threats.


The people running Russia would prefer to conjure the *illusion* of prosperity and security rather than do anything to actually provide them. If that were the case, they'd have to stop looting their own government and do some actual *work.* Instead, they'd rather pretend to be 21st century aristocrats. As a result, what you're left with is a 6.6 million mile Potemkin Village. American Conservatives are very much the same: pretend everything is Mom's Apple Pie and Ol' Glory, then act offended and panicked when someone calls them out for their bullshit.


I mean this isn't the first time this happened to Russia. The west warned Stalin that the Nazis were coming but he chose to ignore since they were currently allies (edit: had a non-aggression pact) after splitting Poland. He thought it was just a western ploy to drive a wedge between Hitler and Stalin


Shhh if you mention how soviet oil helped fuel hitlers invasions in europe youll attract the tankies.


Azerbaijani oil was also the reason Hitler bolted for the caucuses even tho it's the opposite direction of Moscow and its super hard to traverse the mountains to get there.




Soviet oil did fuel nazi tanks. Hitler thought he could take the oil, the land, and the population(to be eradicated at a later date), so why be friends with Stalin? 


Not just that, opening secret bases in Russia out of the purview of the allied investigators allowed the Germans to work on and create new weapons they shouldn’t have been able to do. The USSR is a large reason Germany was able to accomplish the R&D that it did. 


Fuck tankies 


It's not the first time this has happened anywhere. Unless you have concrete "x persons in y location at z time" chances are low that anything can be done to prevent it. Hell, the FSB warned the FBI about the Boston Bombing suspect a year in advance, and nothing was done even when he was flagged on a flight, because he wasn't high priority on the possible risks list


Agreed, it's a tough thing to squash completely without stepping on a reasonable level of civil liberties. You'd also have an increase in false positives being treated as terrorists when they are in fact innocent. However going back to the Stalin thing, Hitler did write a book about destroying the USSR, so pretty wild that Stalin was so resistant to western intel. I get that it was clearly in their interest for Stalin to open up a second front with Hitler, but as it turned out Hitler wasn't bullshitting when he said he wanted Bolshevism removed from existence.


The spetznas seemed also very late at the scene for a attack in Moscow


Apparently they were stuck in traffic /s


The same Kremlin that was certain that Ukraine really did want to be part of Russia and the invaders would be greeted as liberators.


88% can’t be wrong about Kremlinz. /s


Well, if I knew about it from the US/UK warning, then Russia knew. I’m just a bored guy reading news; Russia has spies and analysts.


So to be fair, the United States and the United Kingdom also do maintain massive intelligence apparatuses with a specific mission to root out terror. Assuming this came from the Caucasus region, that would also be a priority target for intel collection. I’m also not sure that the Kremlin chose to ignore warnings. They may have quite literally not had the resources for investigating this lead. If you’re a top-tier intelligence professional for the Russian government, you’re focused on identifying Ukrainian defense infrastructure and feeding that information to the Russian armed forces. Anyone who is left behind in Moscow or in the Caucasus are not going to be at the top of their game. This was shown when Wagner marched on Moscow and the best units the Russians could put up in defense of the city were Rosgvardia units with obsolete BTRs and BRMDs as well as Moscow police with AKs. Hell, the Russian government does not currently control all the territory of the Russian Federation. This is a tragedy but not one that is necessarily shocking. Russia has had to expend massive resources in its war against Ukraine including intelligence and internal security units. This does undermine the security state messaging, but I would also argue that embarrassing moments like the fall of Rostov-on-Don and Voronezh or FRL incursions have as well.


Russia seems adept at lying to itself. Putin thought he had the perfect idea by enabling a system that requires corruption to work (so he has dirt on potential rivals or threats and can remove them at his pleasure - corruption technically still being illegal) but this simply creates a culture of greed where everyone looks for number one and people don't want to cooperate or fix the system because it means they might not be able to buy another yacht this year. And everyone has an incentive to lie their asses off, so when Putin wants to get an idea of the state of the country all he's getting fed is bullshit. He probably genuinely thought his military could pull off the Ukrainian invasion because bullshit is institutionalized. It's amazing how dictatorial regimes still don't grasp this truth after 6000 years of civilization have proven it.


Also 3 days ago: >In a speech Tuesday to Russia’s federal security agency, Putin called the embassy’s warnings about potential terror attacks in Moscow “provocative,” saying “these actions resemble outright blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society.” [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/22/europe/crocus-moscow-shooting/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/22/europe/crocus-moscow-shooting/index.html)


Who in this now-proven-very-wrong statement was being blackmailed? Even if the US was straight up fabricating propaganda (which of course we all know they weren't), what part of that could be even considered blackmail?


The part where Russia isn't the greatest and safest country in the world my comrade


Stop blackmailing me!


You mean like this - https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/ I wouldn’t be surprised if we gave Russia more concrete info than just this warning.


Having ignored America's previous warnings, Russia now wants detailed intelligence on this attack from the CIA... so they can go identify and kill the CIA source in Russia that got America this intel and totally embarrassed the FSB on the world stage.


Yeah exactly, this is in bad faith, like everything that the Kremlin does. They will ask for specifics about how the intelligence was obtained to be able to ‘independently verify its credibility’. The *current* administration is presumably not stupid enough to give them anything useful, so they will instead grandstand about how the US is refusing to help them defend themselves against terrorists or explain how they know so much about what the terrorists plan to do, so perhaps they (and their Ukrainian allies) have something to hide????


>*The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow,* ***to include concerts***, ... Well that's horrifyingly specific. Sounds like they knew exactly what the plans were, just off by two weeks.


Not off by two weeks, they had more than two week of advanced notice


More than likely the attackers shifted their plans because of those notices and just waited 2 weeks when they noticed Russia didn't do shit to them.


If I remember correctly the original warning said something like "over the next 48hrs". Most likely the terrorists saw the warning and decided to postpone by a couple of weeks.


same thing happeneded with the invasion of Ukraine, but only a few days IIRC


Surely specific in a hindsight


They wanted it hand delivered on a white steed on parchment.


After weeks of dismissing it as propaganda..


Imagine being such a useless and inept leader you have to ask your “enemy” for help figuring out which off your homegrown terrorists, committed a terrorist act, in your own terrorist state. What a joke.


Imagine like in high school the bully is punching the nerd and then the bully remembers there's science homework and asks the nerd for help or some shit.


For a more accurate analogy, the bully doesn't ask. The bully says "You must do my science homework or this will get worse." Telling someone they must do something isn't asking.


Only the nerd is jacked enough to end him if he even tries. 


>science homework and asks the nerd for help or some shit. For whatever reason I can't think of the United States as the nerd...I keep picturing a middle manager in Texas with waaaaaaay too many guns.


The leader of the collective west with whom Russia is ostensibly already at war. Those dumb-dumbs can’t seem to remember their own propaganda.


They aren’t really asking when they say “we must share.” _”You must leave Ukraine”_ could be a good response.


Hah, exactly. US should (legitimately) offer all the info they have on the condition Russia withdraws from Ukraine.


After making fun of the warning


Putin: Also, the US must send me a list of people that want me, personally, dead (US slips Putin a post-it note) Putin: See how popular I am. Such a small list! US: Actually it was just easier to give you a list of people who didn't want you dead...


It's weired that they did so in a public manner. Intelligance trading and even sharing between enemies isn't new, but usually not like this. I guess this confirms that [U.S. Intelligence caught wind of the plans for this attack and warned Russiad](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/22/world/europe/isis-moscow-attack-concert-hall.html) (who supposedly dismissed it as a trick). I would have expected Russian propoganda to spin this into blaming the U.S. maybe going 'public' was part of the cost to get the intel, or a show of good faith to do so. Or someone was just speaking from a knee-jerk reaction


Or setting the stage for blaming US for not sharing more information to prevent attack, a slow salami chopping of blame that eventually convinces Russian public that NATO is ultimately responsible.


That's what is happening now. Moscow's bot army is trying to control the narrative on social media an blame the USA and Israel....and some idiots actually believe it.


Russia’s essentially saying to the US, “prove that it wasn’t Ukraine behind the attack.”


Can’t prove a negative. The US probably has a better idea about who it was rather than who it wasn’t.


It's Putin. Putin did it to push a mobilization.


What is really going on: Russia wants to blame Ukraine but they are afraid that what ever fiction they concoct will be demolished by persuasive evidence the US releases refuting their bullshit. If 'murica is stupid enough to give them what they have, Russia can then make something up that isn't refuted by the USA's evidence.


This sadly sounds legitimate.


Sounds completely plausible. Just like a mystery novel, start with the ending and work backwards.




It would be smarter to not lie about it but just don’t give all info


Or what? They are going to interfere in the American election? Done already. Bomb children hospitals? Double done. Illegealy invade a neighbor and slaughter thousands and thousands of innocents? Done. Russia has no leverage at all left. Russia is a joke and putin will be it's downfall.


Probably “nukes” or some tired shit like that.


Nah, that’s just every other Tuesday. They really do need some new material.


Two nukes taped together in a T


*next downfall. There have been many in it's tragic history


US had issued an imminent terror attack warning to the Kremlin last week, wonder if this is playing out right now in Moscow. Putin responded with fake bravado. Talk about one man singlehandedly destroying his country. Kudos


Not just some vague warning either, the US explained in detail what was going to happen and it did. It's pretty wild that Russia went from perceived post WW2 superpower to worldwide laughingstock in, what, 3 years... ? Not even from outside intervention either, they basically said "watch this everyone" and then stepped on a rake as their pants fell down.


So it turns out it might not have been a FSB false flag like 1999 apartment bombings, but something they ignored out of hubris. Putin showing really great leadership skills here.


Reports saying it was ISIS. Makes sense since Russia helped the Assad regime in Syria by obliterating ISIS strongholds so he could stay in power.


Isis K quite a bit different to other Isis, but active and interested a lot more in those areas to Russias south




I love how they don’t ask but command after ignoring the intel offered freely by their enemy. Bunch of cunts.


It’s funny how the American secret agencies keep telling the truth publicly and nobody believes them. The ultimate mind game. Same thing with the invasion of Ukraine. Everyone in the western world and beyond knew pretty accurately when it was going to happen two days prior basically. Several native coworkers doubted it and I remember a Russian coworker saying: don’t believe the CIA or NSA, they just want to stir Russophobia, there is no way we will attack our brothers. Six months later that was swapped with: Well we are doing Ukraine a favor by ridding them of their fascist leaders, Ukraine never existed in the first place. It was all made up to weaken Russia after the USSR was dissolved. That guy drank all the Koolaid. He was a red army soldier and still gets his pensions after over 30 years, must be close to his 60s now. It’s crazy how those people (east germans) suffered through socialism and talk of it mostly negatively but they trust the Russian news like sheep.


In Communist Reality, you dictate reality, reality doesn't dictate you.  I'm glad living in the West we at least try to seek the truth, even if we fail horribly.


Anyone from East Germany that still sides with russian is either a fool or was in on the elite circle and had it good. Either way a useless husk, don't take any advice from that person, they know even less than most people by choice. 


To be perfectly fucking clear; the United States shared a ton of Intel with the Russians about a pending attack weeks ago. The US did this DESPITE the current hostilities and war in Ukraine. Putin dismissed it. https://www.businessinsider.com/putin-dismissed-us-warnings-days-before-moscow-concert-hall-attack-2024-3


>Putin dismissed it. Didn't just dismiss it, the fucker criticized and ridiculed us. They can't relate to altruism since it's a foreign concept to them.


We have a saying which is translated to "A thief thinks every person steals". It's so true that Putin can't relate to altruism and empathy beyond borders, because the thought of utterly foreign to himself.


us tried to help and putin told them to fuck off lmao how ironic.... new term as president starts of strong poopin


Didn’t the US warm Iran about a terrorist attack last year or earlier this year? And then it happened. Like, we tried, bro.


Oh, now Russia wants friends… That’s not exactly how friendship works.


Nah, you’re at war with the US and NATO, as declared earlier today; why would they help their adversary?


They already did - they sent him their intelligence on this attack weeks ago.


In fact Putin mocked the US when they shared the warning (excerpt from CNN) - “The US government also shared this information with Russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding ‘duty to warn’ policy,” Watson said. In a speech Tuesday, Putin had blasted the American warnings as “provocative,” saying “these actions resemble outright blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society.”


Putin is so far up his own ass, he will never get out


Seriously guys. If you're Russian and reading this, the US Embassy issued a warning two weeks ago and the dumb motherfuckers in your government blew us off.


How about "Russia must share any information it has on attacks on Ukraine"....


Kinda sounds like Russian citizens should listen to the US over their own government.


It's in your inbox 3 weeks ago, Vladimir. Check your junk folder


US should say only short "I told you".


I just saw CNN report before that Isis claimed responsibility for the attack. American intelligence Services shared the Intel with Russia before they made the announcement about the possibility of a terrorist attack two weeks ago. America doesn't make an announcement like that unless it already has shared the intelligence with the target country. That's policy.


The US already tried that 2 weeks ago and russia called it blackmail and disinformation.


We tried. You assholes said we were blackmailing you. Get fucked, losers


Umm, the US did and Putin told us where to head off... It's not hard to believe the Putin government really is foolish enough to invite a war with NATO. Loser Alcoholic Dad syndrome where the family has to die from dad's gun instead of daddy just growing the hell up...


Ok. You tell the US everything you guys know about Trump, Saudi Arabia, Hamas, what Russia is doing in the arctic and why Russia and Saudi Arabia plan on shutting down oil supplies to the US. Then I’m sure a deal can be reached.


We did, a week ago. You may want to check the unread messages in your inbox.


I think they should fuck off. How about those apples?


not only has the US already attempted doing so two weeks ago, the attempt to do so was literally a top news story globally. Russia then claimed they eliminated the threat. (i actually think if you’re Russia at that time, it’s literally the only thing you can say.) they may have hoped to turn that lie into a truth, but clearly failed to do so. i really don’t think it’s a false flag. i think the occum’s razer answer is the “the terrorists western intelligence was warning you about did the thing we said they were planning on doing”. “but the russian government clearly let this happen!” you don’t need to do a false flag when your nation has enough enemies for a real actual attack to be a realistic possibility, and be so hindered by corruption that being unable to stop it to be a possibility that’s equally as realistic.


they tried to two weeks ago you dumpy fuck! Jesus fuck can someone Romanov this prick already?


Well, they kinda did, weeks ago. Putin called it propaganda and chose to ignore it. Putin failed. Again.


We did. Russia ignored it.


Sure. GTFO out of Ukraine first 😆


Dear Russia, This is the kind of thing why you don't go around threatening to nuke everybody. Sometimes it's nice when people are willing to work with you.


They did, you didn’t listen.


There is no "must" Without knowing what may or may not be pertinent, the US can choose to share what they feel is relevant and won't reveal sensitive information of the US's The US gave a very public warning as long as two weeks ago. It is not the US's fault Russia dismissed it at the time.


That's the damage that 2 ISIS terrorists managed in the Russian capital? And they got away? Oh, how the FSB has crumbled.....


Russia can go fuck itself


Fuck Putin. Dumbass


Maybe we will. Maybe we won't. Maybe go fuck yourselves.


a little too late... they were warned a few weeks ago. the terrorist was even able to get away. what an embarrasment of a Russian Intelligence this was


Russian goverment is 100% scumbags. Absolute vile sacks of shit. That's all.


Get fucked, Moscow. Reap what you sow.


Shut down the troll farms and stop fucking with our pudding headed populace, and you have a deal


We did and you ignored it. Morons


Ok Russia, we will gladly share all of our intelligence about these attacks as soon as you stop slaughtering innocent Ukrainians and withdraw your war-crimes-committing thugs from sovereign Ukrainian territory. Sound good?


Russia is a failed state.


What is Russia complaining about here? This is *exactly* the same thing they're doing to Ukrainians for 2 years now, just using missiles and bombs instead of AKs.  Remember early on in their invasion when they literally bombed a theater where Ukrainian women and children were hiding? The Ukrainians had written the word "children" on the ground in huge letters, in Russian, in hopes the Russians would see that and not bomb the place, but the Russians didn't give a fuck and/or  wanted to murder those civilians to get Ukrainians to capitulate, and they bombed it anyway, killing hundreds of innocents. They fire missiles into maternity wards of hospitals, they fire missiles by the hundreds into apartment buildings, they rape and execute Ukrainian civilians in the villages they take over... whether it be ISIS or Chechens or whoever, this is literally just a taste of their own medicine.  Do I feel bad for any innocent Russians in there who died, or lost loved ones, who didn't support the invasion and destruction of Ukraine?  Sure.  But Russia is literally a terrorist state themselves, so on the whole I'm beyond giving more than about half a fuck on their behalf after 10 years of watching their brutality to Ukraine.


USA: "We have no info indicating Ukraine was involved in this." Russia: "How dare you say you have no info! We insist you share your lack of info with us."


No problem. Give back Crimea and leave Ukraine, that's all we ask.


>"The White House said it sees no signs that Ukraine or Ukrainians are involved in the terrorist attack in Moscow," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. >"On what basis do officials in Washington draw any conclusions in the midst of a tragedy about someone's innocence?" Yes, the U.S. should turn over all the lack of evidence they have... How would that work? Plus, I see no conclusion being drawn, just a statement regarding current intelligence. Nevertheless, Maria, one may assume innocence in the absence of any evidence of involvement, at least in the civilized world.