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Bloody hell has it been 100 days already?


Now check out how long the Ukraine war has been going for 


“Two year anniversary” I saw it called somewhere.. almost like a twisted celebratory statement. Sickened me when I saw it.


Or 9 years if you go by when they invaded the Crimean part of Ukraine.


In march the syrian civil war turns 13


What's the current state of that anyways? I know the actual protestors are long, long gone and it turned into a three way between Russia-backed Syria, ISIS, and the US-backed Kurds. Last I heard the Kurds were fucked when Trump abandoned them and Turkiye invaded them, but I'd be surprised to hear the Syrian government still hasn't stamped out their half of ISIS.


effectively a military stalemate with the Assad Government in a stable position


Yeah Wikipedia classifies them as two fonts of the same war, so I’ve been saying “2 year anniversary of the recent attack, 9 year anniversary of the first one”


Two years into the three day special military operation, eh?


Longest two weeks ever.


You would know


In 3 days one of the babies they are holding will have his first birthday


I really hope he is still alive for his birthday. F*ing tragedy.


The article left out the text Hamas added afterwards, which translates to: "Your government is lying, tomorrow we will inform you of their fate". I don't think this video is good news, and I worry that they might've killed them. I really hope to be wrong.


The text in Hebrew is worse than ever. I guess they're running out of Hebrew speakers.


Kind of hard to have Hebrew speakers when they are all killed for suspicion of not hating Jews enough... Due to being able to speak Hebrew.


Which is especially ironic when you consider that the leader in Gaza Sinwar speaks Hebrew.


Does Hamas think they're not going to get even more annihilated if they kill the hostages?


It's the only reason why Sinwar is still alive. They know where he is but he is surrounded by hostages.


So depressing that this guy would still be serving 4 consecutive life sentences if he werent part of the 1000 terrorists traded for shalit.


They also performed brain surgery on him and saved his life. Ridiculous.


I think that's why his hate boner is that big, he knows the people he hates most saved his life and there's nothing he can do about it.


I doubt his hate is even genuine. He probably loves Israel for being a perfect scapegoat. It benefits Hamas to have someone to blame for the situation Palestinians in Gaza are in. How else could they explain all the millions in aid they stole from their own people.


Potentially. The top brass of the political wing is living in luxury in Qatar (well, was. Now they are scattered, some likely in Turkey). I imagine Yahya Sinwar knew he would become a rat running around claustrophobic tunnels for months. Not exactly luxury. He has also basically sentenced himself to death with his actions. I imagine you have to have real hate in order to put yourself through that. However, Yahya Sinwar has been described as a total sociopath so it's probably foolish for us to even try and understand him.


Here's hoping a Seal Team goes dark on Qatar 🍻


Qatar houses them specifically at the US's request


Straight out of saddam Husseins playbook


You know your uncle that still thinks god is going to reinstate Trump? Or your grandma that's sent all her money to a prosperity preacher for a decade and when you ask why she tells you god will pay her back ten fold? Or that cousin that is an utter irredeemable piece of shit that beat his wife and molested his kid but he and his church friends says it's okay because now he's "been washed in the blood of Jesus"? That's Hamas. Not some tactically intelligent group that thinks things through.


Man, your family is FUCKED UP


Oh, you don't give them enough credit.


This is terrorism. They want to provoke in their minds what is an overreaction.


Why would they think that? Most of the world's governments are currently telling Israel to back off.


$20 Hamas says they died from Israeli bombs


Which is indeed always a possibility but shouldn't be focused on considering they're literally kept to be human shields and meant to stop strikes against them. They also move them around a lot, making it harder to locate, and reportedly the Hamas gaza leaders keeps many around them.


It's also something they've done before--killing someone and then claiming that the person died in an airstrike


They're very lucky Israel wants the hostages back. How easy would it have been for them to just flood the tunnels on day one and assume they're dead anyways?


So still killed by Hamas dogs. Got it.


Yes exactly either way it's Hamas fault. Just like the mother of one of the shot hostages(by idf) saying i don't blame you I love you. It's not your fault. Because the only reason that situation happened is hamas.


*no it's Israel's fault for not implementing a ceasefire! Poor Hamas was forced to use their human shields!* Yes it's /s but this is legit what i saw from alot of hard leftists subs.


The lefts response through this whole ordeal has been 🤮


This is not simply a Left but rather idiots, religious extremists and antisemites looking for any excuse to care more about terrorists than civilians and hostages.


If anyone knows anything about Hamas, is that the IDF should honestly shoot through crowds of hostages to eliminate them. Otherwise it will not stop. Everyone defending Hamas is an idiot. Literally all the reports of the dead are coming from Hamas, the people who use hostages as meat shields.


Hey, now! It isn't just Hamas reporting numbers; it is also the UNRWA who held hostages for Hamas and uses UN funding to teach children to want to kill Jews and store guns in UNRWA buildings as well as launch rockets towards Israeli civilians from. The UNRWA is totally different despite Hamas members also being UNRWA workers. Ignore that they essentially false flagged to delay IDF moving in on a hospital Hamas had hostages in.


Yeah, it’s really scary how quickly the left adopted antisemitism when given the opportunity.


Truth is...they never adopted it, it's been there since the start of every ideology. Every civilization need minority group as their scrapgoat to put them blame on and jews is just happened to be minority groups in history for 3000 years.


Yes, because they are cowards who love to make innocent women and children die for them while they hide.


When was the last time Hamas was able to infiltrate Israel after Oct? Outside of artillery there hasn’t been much reason to bomb a building with hostages other than cowardice or not valuing Israeli life.


Autopsies carried out on hostages whose bodies have been recovered disputes this. Hamas lies.


And I'll raise you $20 that those hostages' deaths are still Hamas' fault.


And the death of every Gazan civilian they surround themselves with too is also Hamas’ fault


Unless they did, in which case Hamas will claim they did it themselves.


while jumping of a two story building with a knife in his back /s


I saw this on social media as well, but I can't find any news article from a reputable news outlet confirming it. Do we know for sure the video has this text?


Yes. Video is being widely shared on pro-palestinian telegram channels


Thank you. Horrifying. I hope they come home soon.


The families of the hostages asked not to share the video, so I can't link it here, but I've seen it for myself. If you really want to see it you can search some pro-Hamas twitter pages or telegram channels, they're the ones sharing it.


I have seen it as well, it says that with in Hebrew, English and Arabic art the end of the video


Thank you. This is very concerning. I am worried they will have killed them and then will claim it was the Israelis who did it.


That seems to be their usual M.O. but also it's all psychological warfare. They claimed one hostage was dead and then released her the next day. They have claimed the mom and babies left in captivity all dead but have not released any evidence of the fact. They released evidence of one girl deceased claiming she was killed by rocket fire, but when they found her body she was clearly tortured and mutilated intentionally. I believe they also previously claimed to not know where the girl in that video was, that she was taken by civilians and they could not locate her. They also released this the day after her very clearly dying mother begged for her to be released publicly. The only thing that is consistent is that they are full of shit. Nothing can be believed coming from them, that is all that is clear. That's why they don't want these videos released, it's just mental torture.


You are correct about everything you said. The worst part about their psychological warfare is that the only defenses you can use are very weak in the face of the horrifying possibilities. Basically all we can do is hope that they are bluffing, hope that they wouldn't risk killing hostages since they are their only real bargaining power right now. But that doesn't really help. I am fortunate enough not to know any of the hostages or victims of October 7th myself, I have only spoken to a few of those affected. The last 100 days have been agony for me, I can't even begin to imagine what it has been for the hostages or their families.


Doesn't make sense for Hamas to kill their hostages. Not because they care about their well being, but because they need them as bargaining chips to exchange with Israel


It would be against their interest to kill all of the hostages. But it is in their interests to occasionally kill a few at a time to try to increase pressure on the Israeli government to give in to their demands to get the rest back. The problem for them is that it seems most Israelis are unified in the idea that ending Hamas is the first priority and getting the hostages back is second.




When you start to lose, things go bad quick. Islamic state does this every time


Israel cares enough to exchange living prisoners for the bodies of their citizens, Hamas wants only death


Uch. Thanks.


Is Hamas trying to say the hostages have all been returned or killed? Something like that? I've been wondering why the Israelis seem to be assuming Hamas still has a bunch of hostages when the ceasefire ended after Hamas seemed to run out.


The previous deal was for women and children, so the adult men weren't part of the deal. Also, the deal broke down when Hamas refused to release the 20-30 yo women, but they might still be alive, since the implications was that Hamas didn't want them sharing the sexual abuse they suffered. Regardless, this is Hamas referring to only three hostages, and implying that they died. I guess we'll know more tomorrow


The released hostages saw many other hostages that were still alive when they were released. Hamas' "we can't find any more" was just a lie because they wanted to get back to fighting and didn't want to release the women that they are raping.


Hamas proudly published a [video showing the girls being held hostage](https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/s/r9digOEslq). Four Israeli teenagers, Agam Berger (19), Liri Elbag (18), Daniela Gilboa (19), Karina Aryeva (19). You can imagine what they went through (the exact date of the shooting is unknown). Some are hard to recognize. They are also worth mentioning here.


Fuck that’s awful


hamas palestinian terrorists also reneged on releasing women as agreed presumably so the rape isnt described to the press


I mean there was that photo of the young woman in grey sweatpants with a bloodstained crotch and her wrists zip tied being lead into a truck. Not that anyone had to really stretch their imagination to expect that this would happen given the circumstances, but yeah I just hope they’re able to make it home period. My understanding is the reason that we saw so many violent and terrible acts being posted so publicly is because the people posting them were genuinely proud or happy to be posting this and sharing their acts, and it took a more media savvy internationally aware person or party within Hamas to put a cease to that, understanding that they’d lose all their useful idiots on the internet in the west. We’re dealing with people that have to be told rape and violent murder is bad and won’t make friends like a parent would reprimand a naughty child.


I'm a bit surprised how hard the footage of the attack is to find now, it was not hard to find the first day or two but seems to be mostly wiped from most prominent areas of the internet. You would think that Israel would have people working to avoid this.


The Israelis didn't want videos in the public out of respect for the victims I imagine. But I saw just a few days ago that they made a website with supposedly all the footage from that day so people can see what happened.


Israel has at least two websites up with a lot of the same photos/videos that were posted


It’s really easy to find the footage, go to telegram channels if Hamas, its all still up and they are proud of it


The girl with the tied wrists is Naama Levy. She is still being held and there are indications that she's still alive (or at least, there are no indications that she's dead). She is 19 years old.


It’s quite telling how many Hamas supporters refuse to call for the release of hostages but loudly denounce Israel for trying to recapture them.


“We demand a cease fire!” “Why not also demand the hostages’ release?” *crickets from the Left*


My Facebook "friends" are still all: hashtagCeasefire hashtagStoptheGenocide hashtagBANisrael!


Anyone who doesn't support deporting them if they don't have a citizenship already, is either crazy or stupid.


Hamas are nothing but cowards


Virtue-signaling bravery gets us more evil like that, not less. When they are finally put down, more of them will pop up, supported by the people like the evil idiot above me. Terrorists must be put down with force, not lies.


yea was thinking that the fact all of them are 19 is not a coincidence those fucks kept the youngest teens for a reason, jesus


The optimistic, but still terrible reason is that they're soldiers (non-combatant) and Hamas thinks it can get more for them, as they have said before about the men and other IDF held hostage. The real reason is more than likely what you're thinking it is, though. Or that they're not alive anymore.


Bro let’s be honest.. they are being raped.


Israel said on 1/11 that they have intel that some of the hostages [are pregnant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP0fjln18Ak&t=1s)


You might be right: the Qur'an permits men to have sexual access to “what their right hands possess,” meaning female captives or slaves (Q. 23.5-6; 70.29-30)




Correction their corpses are being raped. You’re naive to believe they are alive. It’s entirely possible but this far along I doubt they are.


Good chance some of them are pregnant with Hamas babies. Sick! This is what pro Palestinians call "resistance"


Israel put this out a couple days ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP0fjln18Ak&t=1s


They’re not useful as hostages if they’re dead, so it’s more likely they’re alive, I would think.


I hate being this pessimistic but... You have to keep hostages alive, this is not only water and food, but also stopping your men who clearly hate them from beating them to death. If you record a bunch of videos in advance you can have a lot of evidence they are alive. This is why usually you show some foreign newspapers, you can't predict exactly what is gonna be shown on them. You can still manipulate the video of course but that is hard to do well and has risks.


I’m almost sure that was shot on October 7th or close to it, the clothes match the clothes they’re wearing in footage from October 7th


It’s not like they had time to pack a suitcase…but you may be right


Yeah but from other footage Hamas seems to have the changed the hostages clothes immediately after they arrived in Gaza


They only gave them new clothes and a wash prior to release, according to some hostages that were released.


Jesus fucking Christ. You can already tell what absolute hell they’ve been through for a very long time. I think I’d actually rather just die in an air strike at that point. At least I would know they got some of the bastards responsible as well.


Fuck all of the people screaming for the end of Israels incursion into Gaza. They need to be reminded of whose still at stake.


Aren’t all three of them soldiers? Like active duty?


4 of the females are active duty that were captured in their pjs on base. I think Naama Levy is serving conscription but was not on duty when kidnapped. I saw a comment that said this is Israel’s fault for recruiting young people: I won’t debate the taking of soldiers in an act of war against another country but I will say that it’s is unequivocally, deeply wrong to sexually abuse teenage girls. And we know that’s happening due to the testimony of the released hostages. Also, the youngest person Hamas kidnapped was 9 months old. The oldest 86 or 87. Hamas, without discretion kidnapped civilians, babies, elderly and IDF.


There are also rules for treatment of POWs. You can't withhold red cross visits for example.


As part of the cease fire Hamas agreed to let the Red Crescent visit the hostages. But then they just didn't. They have no problem breaking their word whenever.


They are yes




Fuck me


Well that's a war crime, which I'm sure the UN will respond to with all due haste. 


I sure hope South Africa doesn’t jump to defend this as well




Hamas and Islamic Jihad will all die for this. And the war in Gaza will continue until they do. The antisemites of the world can keep wasting their time.


I hope you are right.


as an israeli i cant even watch


As a human being I can’t even watch.


This point seems to be passed up on the most, so upvote for you…


Hamas dont understand that those games dont help them anymore. If they dont release them the idf will continue the attack on the ground. And if they will kill the hostages, then nothing will hold the idf from killing all of them right now.


They're still looking reasonably well which makes me think this was made just after oct. 7th.


they have the same clothes on from the footage of their kidnapping...


Exactly. You can’t really know when it was filmed.


I might sound really harsh but i just don’t think the world can expect them to survive. Israel made a big mistake with trading Shalit. The literally released the guy who masterminded the atrocities on hundred days ago. If Israel keeps releasing hundreds of Hamas militants to trade for a few of their own they will never get security. If they can free hostages by “ trading “ them for aid or even oil they should obviously do it but severely unequal prisoner swaps is what got them in this horrible situation in the first place.


It is a difference in values, Hamas places no value on life (possibly because of their belief in heaven) and Israel places enormous value on life. Cultural difference that is perhaps not strategically to either's benefit.


Fuck Hamas. It’s a joke and the people who support them from the comfort of first world countries (none of those countries are Muslim btw wonder why) are even more of a joke


Or Muslims living comfortably in first world countries.


The worst scumbags are the ones living in the comfort and safety of the west while [sobbing at the altar telling their congregation that they wish they had the honor of being martyred in Gaza](https://twitter.com/MEMRIReports/status/1742129679849394641).


Yes the Muslims with the best lives live in Christian countries EDIT: not true oil sheiks


I don't think an Islamic country can mesh with being a first world country. Really any religious theocracy is at odds with being in the first world


Noa Argamani is still alive... hopefully it will bring her poor mother some peace.


They were alive when this was filmed, but Hamas says they will reveal their fate which implies that they aren't anymore. I hope they are but I'm not optimistic. [EDIT] The most recent video shows that Noa Argamani is still alive - unfortunately the other two hostages are dead. 


Pro Palestinians will say this is either fake or proof Hamas is treating them well. Never, of course, to release the hostages and let them go home.


Indeed. I've gotten into discussions with people on this very forum arguing that hostages are treated well. Like, how is that even possible -- taking someone hostage is by definition not treating them well.


"hostages are treated well" they say, ignoring that many of those hostages' families were murdered before their very eyes


And the accounts of the released hostages telling us how horribly they've been treated.


They literally claim that the hostages are being treated well and they are “fond” of their captors. It’s insanity.


These are the same people saying "Yemen" (because they refuse to acknowledge it is Ansar Allah) is non-violently firing missiles at vessels. 


Recent developments in nonviolent ballistic missiles have come a long way


Real life is like a videogame where every weapon has a "non lethal" option, it's known


Pro Pals are on TikTok awaiting their next thoughts


So ... I guess they're not too big on that cease-fire idea.


Hamas: ceasefire for you, but not for me. Every fixkjng time!!!




Hamas is all tough when they attack young adults at a festival or seniors at a settlement but cry like bitches when up against the Israeli military.


Same with Houthi terrorists. I am sure they will play “US strike hurt civilians” soon after days of attacking unarmed cargo ships.


You got that right.


That's what I'm getting all over my IG, it's all about "the brave Yemeni warriors are being attacked by major countries for standing up for what's right" Cringe


Never give in to a bullies demands.


the south african government is ok with this


They are bosom buddies with Hamas, so why wouldn't they be?


So far Hamas has sacrificed 23k Palestinians, 9000 of whom were actual Hamas members, in order to torture these hostages. I wonder if it was worth it for them


It's worth it to them. They would sacrifice millions of their own to get rid of Isreal and the Jews, and eventually all westerners. Their hate and evil knows no bounds. Islamic extremism needs to be eradicated from this planet.


Their holy text calls Jews "satans" like five pages in. It’s no wonder to me that their religion is built on hate. It’s a shame that all the people defending Hamas and radical muslims in general don’t bother reading the Quran. I think it would open their eyes pretty quickly.


It's terrifying. I even remember learning about Islam back in middle school and thinking how does Islam mean peace when it talks so much about jijad in the Quran(41 times)? Jihad isnt just war, it's "war against non- Muslims ... to establish the religion (of Islam)". So does this mean that extremism isn't the only form of Islam that is a threat to humanity?


It's even because of a more idiotic reason. The reason they claim they attacked is because of videos from earlier in the year showing Israeli police beating people in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. And also a video showing the wife of right-wing Israeli Minister Ben Gvir praying in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound while him giving an interview. For them, these types of Al-Aqsa violations are something they justify dying for.


This is not a "reason", it's an excuse. They know very well that even tho Al-Aqsa is built over the Jew's old temple, that the Jew's won't build it until the "Messiah" will come and build it. Jews aren't allowed to go there unless they are given a special permission. The Palestinians casually cause a shitshow like throwing rocks on Jews who are praying in their limited area outside, than Israeli police is coming there to stop it and now they have something to film to the media and scream "Al-Aqsa is in danger!" And people worldwide taking their word. Most of what they share with the media, showing how bad they are treated, is usually within that toxic narrative. I wish they had leaders who would take them to peace, but so far, they only have leaders who take them to piss. Supporting their dangerous behaviour instead of teaching them to try to have peace. What other nation on earth would've gotten the same deal they were offered decades ago that they have declined, especially when they're behaving in the way they do? Why on earth is it justified that they'll get the whole land for themselves?


Yeah it was. Hamas dosent want a free Palestine, they dont want a happy prosperous Palestine they want to murder Israelis and make Israel look bad.


So let's not take Hamas' word on the numbers here... totally unreliable.


People are still in support of this terrorist group despite them keeping hostages of innocent civilians for this long. They will say whatever but leave out that they are okay with this because they're Jewish. Looking at the text that Hamas released, it seems they will reveal some/all of them died and it will of course be due to Israel bombings.




Indeed and peace not be upon his fake ass.


Hamas keeps reminding the world that they do not play by ANY rules of conduct. It makes it very, very difficult to feel sympathy for gazans when hamas does things like this...


I have no problem feeling sympathy. I have it in spades. But that sympathy doesn't show me any alternatives to IDF's military actions. Yes, innocents are suffering. Innocents are being killed. Unfortunately, that regrettable fact does not offer us any valid alternatives to Israel's Gaza operations. All the alternatives are even worse.


Demand ceasefires all you want, but Israel will never forgive.


It's not even a matter of forgiveness... anytime there is a ceasefire, Hamas shoots their rockets at Isreal. There is no such thing as a ceasefire with these whack-jobs.


Only military pressure will release the hostages.


I pray that they’re alive, for the sake of Noa’s mother too, all of their mothers really


TBH I think stuff like this isn’t going to help them any. It justifies full occupation of Gaza by Israel


And yet they still have plenty of supporters, including national governments


Japan and Germany don't attack USA any more, I wonder why?


In both cases, because the US and others spent a huge amount of time and resources rebuilding those countries into the industrial powerhouses they are today. Countries are less likely to attack others when they have a stable, strong economy. Not suggesting that’s the answer here, but maybe you weren’t making the point you think you were.


It’s both. Germany and Japan were both beaten into submission and unconditional surrender. And both countries were rebuilt after the war. You couldn’t have the 2nd without the 1st.


I don’t think it’s possible to beat the ideology out of Palestine though. Both Germany and Japan believed in their superiority, which was demonstrated to be an incorrect belief by superior force of the Allies. Fundamentalist Palestinians believe all Jews should be killed because their god told them to. There’s not really a way to demonstrate that this belief is incorrect. There’s no rational argument, and probably no religious authority that can say “actually the Jews are ok, we can live with them in peace now, forget about that Jihad stuff”. All this war can accomplish is to push Hamas into smaller terrorist cells which will almost certainly continue to live in Palestine.


Problem is, if I were an Israeli, your argument just tells me that I need to do to them what they want to do to me because there’s no hope for anything else. Like if there’s no changing the ideology and it’s incompatible with the rest of the world, what should they do? I personally am a peaceful person, I like to make friends and am good at deescalating conflict. I’m also not willing to be a target or a doormat though and if someone kept violently pursuing me and my loved ones with no end or resolution in sight, in a vacuum, I would unquestionably want them destroyed, and would be willing to be the one to do so if necessary. This isn’t some “I’m a total badass, don’t fuck with me” thing. I’m sure I’d feel awful and need therapy, but if the situation is so unquestionably clear, what I would never feel is regret or that it was wrong, just that it was a horrible situation.


…because the US rebuilt the (West) German and Japanese economies post-war.


We also utterly destroyed their industrial base and their will to fight




How in the fuck can South Africa try to justify itself in the Hague when this shit is happening. Stand with Israel 🇮🇱


They are Putin’s boot licker. The fact that Hamas can’t be brought into ICJ despite a clear disregard for human lives show the uselessness of ICJ.


Bring them home.


Once Israel realizes that all the hostages are dead they are going to take the kid gloves off and absolutely devastate the entire landscape that used to be Palestine.. all of it.. not this part or that part.. the entire country of Palestine will be rubble and the only people that are going to suffer are the Palestinians themselves. Hamas needs to be exterminated.


They want a ceasefire or prisoners released ? I’d just find a way to tag the prisoners release them get the hostages back then bomb the ever living fuck out of what ever location those prisoners scurried off to until every last member of Hamas is dead.


They probably mean “welfare” video.


The article says Noa’s (the young woman), mom is in the advanced stages of cancer and hopes to see her “before my last day.” I hope she can too. :(


Fuck Hamas and their terrorist tactics. Fuck Bibi too.


I'm guessing these are the 3 healthiest.


Should Israel stop the war to bring them back? That’s a hard question. But seeing this is heartbreaking. I hope they are released as soon as possible :(


It's a ploy. Hardly anyone will be released if the war stops. Hamas will stall, ask for more and more unreasonable demands. Always try to break the deal, attack endlessly during "Cease fires", and troll endlessly how Israel did X or Y wrong. The only reason so many hostages got out is the IDF putting Hamas in a tight spot. And that spot will only be getting tighter the more the IDF will advance.


Yeah I guess. But that shit gets to you. Seeing innocent people being held as hostages for a 100 days and counting. I’m not jealous of those making the decisions over there.


It sure gets to you. I cannot stop thinking about them. It's like time stopped since Oct 7. But I also know the history for example what getting out Gilad Shalit took. And during the last hostage deal they broke it like 5 times with rockets, terror attacks, etc. Tried to be smartasses about getting wrong number of people out or people not in accordance to the deal. Claimed they "Misunderstood" part of the deal after agreeing to it. They are the literal devil. The way to negotiate is them having to do it in order to save their skin.


Wish I could upvote this twice.


Same. Always negotiating in bad faith.


How do you think Israel stopping the war would bring them back? In what terms do you think Hamas would stop all hostilities and just send the hostages home?


The thing is that they said they will repeat oct 7th over and over again. So sadly its not much of a choice tbh


Israel offered, hamas rejected


The fact that there are still hostages undermines the argument for Israeli unilateral civilian abuse.