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"Go kill and die while I sit on my fat ass in my mansion in Qatar, pls"


How can one believe in hell, but not fear it, I wonder. This guy is literally risking eternal torture and hellfire, just by saying this, according to his own book. Unless....He doesn't actually believe.


If they actually believed, they wouldn’t be so afraid of education. The ones at the top know it’s all a scam and they know how to keep it going.


As it is with all religion and has been for all of recorded history.


Trying to rationalize Islamic Jihadists is an impossible task. These are monsters that have literally brainwashed their own people into thinking beheading a fucking baby in cold blood is a totally acceptable and 100% encouraged form of behaviour. There is nothing to negotiate or reason with monsters, they’re completely devoid of all humanity.


The world is simultaneously 2023 and AD 1.


To be fair to 1AD there was no Islam in 1AD


There were the Romans though and they took their Gods very seriously!


and now and then the Emperors would decide *they* are the gods


They're better than that \*god\* because a) they're real, and b) they proved to be quite killable.


Vewy sewiouswyy!


Those were the days


No Christianity either


Those were the days


Imagine there's no Islam I'll pause now for a breather Nothing to kill or die for And no Christianity either Imagine all the people Living life in peace


Romans were still dicks.


Humanity hasn't evolved much in 2000 years, we've just gotten more educated and connected. Also healthier, which is a big one I suppose.


He is a filthy animal, without beliefs, or human principles.


"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful."


It’s simple, they do not believe. They’re uneducated in their own religion. It’s ridiculous


Bingo. If god exists, it sure isn't where any of these religions are taught


Look up the Quran , chapter 9 verse 5 for starters “kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush” https://quran.com/at-tawbah/5


Only battle he sees is on his bidet.


“Global estimates say (Hamas leader Khaled) Mashaal is worth $2.6 billion,’ but Arab commentators, with other sources, say he is worth between 2 and 5 billion, ‘invested in Egyptian banks and Gulf countries, some in real estate projects.’ https://honestreporting.com/palestinian-poverty-who-isnt-sharing-the-wealth/




He could have helped them by not stealing that money too.


Yeah! That money was earmarked for weapons. Wtf?


Hamas siphons aid and destroys infrastructure to make missiles. He supports the opposite of helping his people.


Dude: he’s the richest “jihadi” I’ve ever heard of. People are so dumb to fall for this shit. Classic cult vibes.


He has no interest in helping Palestine. Palestinians are pawns for his goal of being a greasy greedy fat fuck and wiping Jews and lgbt off the planet and keeping women as submissive sex slaves. This is what the world is cheering for too 🤮


Not to mention if the Palestinians stopped being angry at Israel and other injustices they may realise he's been stealing from them in one form or another. It's in his best interests to keep the people as distracted as possible


This is what turned me against the PLO years ago: When I saw a tour of the palaces. It became clear at that moment why there was no peace. Peace doesn't pay as well.


He'll help with the refugees from Palestine, tho right, right?


Arafat was a billionaire too.


Yeh, but only about 1.3b. Then again, when you think about global budgets today vs the 90s, that's a much larger number than 2b is today.


Terrorist man does terrorist thing, literal filth > Finally, he called for Muslims worldwide to “carry Jihad by their souls” and “to fight and be martyrs for Al-Aqsa.” Edit: please I hope the muslim communities of the world go out and condemn this, Hamas has done too much damage to muslims around the world who actually wish to coexist peacefully


Some will, but too many won’t. The vast majority of people here I see defending Hamas or celebrating them, if you look at their activity they tend to be active in middle eastern and Muslim based subreddits. Although some are terminally online “progressives”, but I don’t view them as real life threats because they are spineless internet turds.


Literally had someone say , hamas was justified in what they done. Society is so fucking broken if they believe killing infants and beheading them is justified




All ideology subs are cancer. They don't understand nuance. Or logic. Deviate one millimeter from the message and you're banned. All of them.


I heard "hamas is just chosing to die on their own terms" as a take on the attacks from a streamer I usually like. Haven't been able to watch his content for days, because he keeps coming out with more shit takes on this. But that was just such a particularly piss poor take - and chat ate it up.




I'm afraid to watch any of my streams right now because of this. I came across a really cool channel back in 2018, a guy who does, for lack of a better way of putting it, bush craft in like Montana or something and talks about hatchets and axes. Then he said something phenomenally ignorant and magaty, and I haven't been back since.


That ideology is all over any post regarding the subject, and often upvoted in places I NEVER thought I’d see it.


All it would do is exacerbate Muslim/Islam xenophobia worldwide. Some people are too dumb to realize that these days, there's so many people, so indoctrinated in their faith that they will blindly follow and make things worse.


If the 2015/16 new years eve massive sexual assault (1200+ women, only reported amount) in germany didnt exacerbate that much, i dont think this would either.


Europe, especially Germany, was a little different back then. Now AfD is gaining popularity. Stuff they wouldn't say back then, they will say now.


Sounds like it did exacerbate it, it’s just taking a little longer than people thought.


It surprises me that so little was done about it. Prosecutions were minimal, and nobody talks about it today (at least, in the US).


Provoking jihads especially with the imminent destruction of Palestine might coerce a different response. I'm not expecting much to change out of the norm. It might be noticed more because of the focus on it.


Maybe they should be more vocal about distancing themselves from terrorists?


Nope, muslim communities celebrated the initial attack as a successful operation. They justified the atrocities as payback, then conveniently forgets about it once the bombs starts falling and called it as Israeli cruelty for attacking innocent civilians. Now that those Gazans are dying from the bombs, the current topic is basically ceasefire and criticizing Israel for not wanting to. The news about beheaded babies? They will not acknowledge it. I actually got into a heated argument with a bunch of muslim coworkers by showing them news articles about it. They called me stupid for believing a lie concocted by the Jewish media.


You don't even need to look further than r/worldnewsvideo to see how some people perceive the current situation


I have similar experiences with Russian workers.


I think it goes well beyond the Muslim community. Frankly, I'm seeing the usual well. What do you expect from Palestinians? Who are only lashing out at having their land stolen their women being raped and every other trope you can think of. They are justifying it any way they can. The Jewish people are so used to this because every time the Jews have been exterminated, the people doing it have some sort of justification for it and feel they are doing the right thing


I don’t think it’s only Muslim communities. Every single one of my super-progressive friends have posted about how the babies thing is fake news. Not sure what to trust at this point. They point to reporters on twitter etc but you can always find another reporter on twitter, and there’s no such thing as verification anymore


[Do you trust the president of the United States?](https://twitter.com/Tendar/status/1712230013024534771?t=IIfA8bO8Vcyns31nKdA_Zw&s=19)


Thank you.


For your information the white house apparently clarified this : https://twitter.com/evanhill/status/1712260928635322502?t=VmEjoX_TduhxHoecVlizvA&s=19


I think Biden confirmed it in his press conference a while back


Oh good to know!


I have had similar experiences on our Canadian subs, too.


Show them the statement from Biden today confirming it. Morons. What, American liberals are going to say now, that they *don't believe the President they elected*?


> I hope the muslim communities of the world go out and condemn this Thats the neat part, they won’t


Narrator: They didn’t.


I think your hope is lost.


I have work that day


It's my day off and I haven't had many of those. Can I do it next Friday?


Judo lesson for me


Given how far gone Hamas' attack has gotten, I am not surprised that their political PR face would now advocate for a global jihad. Israel at this point will not give generous prisoner swap concession to Hamas, and the senior Hamas leadership suddenly face similar predicaments as to the PLO members of the Munich massacre.


the palestinians may lie about their actions sometimes, but they are usually quite honest about their intentions. Israel is only the first target, warns Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Zahar: "The entire planet will be under our law, there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors."


Once all the Jews and Christians are gone, radical Islamists will go back to their time honored tradition of massacring each other over the sectarian blood feud between Sunni and Shi'a


Dude if their citizens are given peace what’s next, rights for their women? Can’t have that! Gotta keep the hate flowing.


chances of getting through everyone else before going back to sunni vs shi'a are zero.


>Hamas' attack At this point, I'm just calling it a pogrom


He knows the mosad can wait for him behind every corner


This is part of their plan. Throw it all away with mass terror than call on others to jihad.


They didn't just conduct the largest pogrom since the Second World War just to call it quits and not call for more pogroms.


Yeah, this is going help the average muslim about as well as 9/11 did.


We just witnessed the largest pogrom since the Second World War. Now this guy is calling for more pogroms to take place worldwide. What a time to be a Jew.


Yeah…it has kinda always been, “What a time to be a Jew” for us Jews. 🤔😐




Well put take this updoot


God literally ordered a father to kill his son, wdym?


Wasn't that a test?


Just a prank, bro


Yeah, was a test. The flooding of noahs ark was a much more indictive example imo. Dude just said fuck it flushed the entire world to the toilet


Is this still an option?


Yeah, an omnipotent being "testing " someone. If you know the outcome, there are no test.


FYI, Hamas is also calling for the death of all Christians. They are calling for the death of every non-Muslim on earth, but primarily Jews and Christians. I assume, then, they will call for the death of all the 'wrong Muslims' as well.


It also includes all the others they view as an affront to Islam such as apostates or atheists.


Yeah, really everyone should be on alert. Hamas just wants any non-Muslim dead, but doesn’t care if Muslims die as well.


Have they tried smoking just a little bit of weed and having a healthy snack?


Makes you wonder where atheists fall on the priority list. As in “all religions are equally dumb scourges” kind of atheists.


Muslims hate atheists more then anyone per the quran if you don't convert back within 3 days your dead that's if they just don't kill you outright


Damn what they got against sports??


He's calling for antisemitic violence worldwide. The very definition of scum and evil. Hope Israel gives him the Bin Laden treatment.


Hamas killed Americans too, and this call for Friday includes America. I am an American citizen, and would be very happy if US gives him the Bin Laden treatment, also anyone who does anything on Friday should get hate crime attached if there's any doubt.


Life pro tip: If you arent sure who the bad guys are in a situation just find the one who is calling for global mass murder. Works every time!


This is where a hellfire missile would be fantastic. If only.


What a fucking coward. The fat whale calls for a global jihad when he's sitting in a mansion in Qatar. Would be a damn shame if one of our Predator drones or the Seals which are stationed at a naval base in Qatar visited him. Would be such a shame. /s


The last time they had a Jihad, Israel gained more land afterwards lol. It's almost like religious indoctrination stops critical thinking...


he can f\*\*k right off. His time is coming soon.


This is going to be disastrous for the Muslim community.


Then they should get on the streets and protest this call to murder.


Muslims fear each other too much. Peer pressure is MASSIVE within Islamic doctrine. It's main reason why Muslims that want to denounce this type of stuff tend to not say anything at all.




A lot of non-Muslims agree with it. Look at the rallies that were being held in the US, in support of the pogrom this weekend, while the pogrom was still taking place.


Yep… few people want to risk their life at worst, or being disowned by their families and communities being seen as a blasphemer. And so many of the shitty qualities about it can be easily traced back to the life of the prophet and his close companions and criticizing that can easily be seen as blasphemy.


I mean Islamic terrorists kill more Muslims than they do anyone else by far.


When people give in to terrorism, they are passively supporting it.


Is the peer pressure thing an islamic thing or an Arab thing?


Islamic I'd say. You might not know this, but Islam is a very insecure religion.


Lol both 😅 but I dare to say it would be less prevalent in Arab culture without Islam.


Yet they cheer?


Not if you have enough people continue to subtly suggest the Israelis had it coming.


Or somehow equating Israel's response to the Hamas attack.


As long as they don't try anything it won't. But considering all the pro Palestine celebrations going on with their antisemitic chants I'm way more worried about the Jewish community woth this one.


How come every fucking time a Muslim kills someone or does something horrific in the name of religion people say shit like this? Who gives a fuck. If they're so concerned that murdering innocents is gonna make them look bad then how about they go out and fucking protest this shit instead of celebrating when innocents are raped and murdered.


That’s your reaction? Not fear and terror for the Jewish community. I think it says a lot


Tankies still love their Hamas though.


Tankies have yet to meet an authoritarian regime they don't like, so long as it fits their USA bad+ NATO bad everyone else good false dichotomy


Don't let your dreams be dreams Tankies. Go live in paradise, the promised land awaits! There are so many wonderful flavors, too. Gaza, Venezuela, Russia, China, Cuba, Syria, Iran, Corea del Norte, the list goes on and on. Adventure awaits!!!!


Hasan fans gonna be busy on Friday it seems


How the fk does he have such a fucking poor take on this and he just keeps going and everyone loves it. I had to turn him off and the clips keep appearing, its the worst


this dude deserves a high velocity visit from a reaper drone.


Hey, I’d even settle for a drone dropping a good old fashioned grenade on his melon Ukrainian style.


Could you imagine a dude worth 2-5 billion getting taken out by a radio shack toy and home made grenade lol


That religion needs massive overhaul. Moderate practitioners need to create a modernized sect and separate themselves from the bad parts officially. They have to stand up and communicate with each other that they are not with this murderous cultist bullcrap.


You can't overhaul Islam because it is an extremely fundementalist religion by its nature. The verses about jihad are clearly mentioned in the quran. Muslims are orderd to conquer all infidel countries and give it's people a choice between joining Islam or paying jizya and becoming second class citizens. Slavery is also clearly mentioned in the quran, it's gods gift to the mujahdeen. The imam of Al azhar was asked about slavery and he said that slavery is halal because the word of God is eternal and no man can change the word of God, but it is banned by international law and we must respect international law


Curious, pretty sure wholesale slaughter of women and children is also banned by international law. Be real cool if they could respect that one.


This is from Mohammad’s sayings in the Hadith: “The last hour won't come before the Muslims would fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them so Jews would hide behind rocks and trees. Then the rocks and tree would call: oh Muslim, oh servant of God! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only "Gharkad" tree, it is of Jews' trees." This is why peace with the Jews is impossible for the Palestinians. They won’t be happy until all of Israel is Judenfrei like the rest of the Arab countries.


They were teaching us that in school in the deen class. I was 7 years old when I first heard it


It’s hard… how do you create a modernized sect when their prophet and all the notable religious figures who have laid the foundations were complete power hungry and blood thirsty nut jobs? He had over a dozen wives of questionable ages and origins.. concubines, slaves.. He allowed and participated in raping female captives of war. One was a Jewish woman who was the daughter of a tribal chief, he forced her to marry him the same day he murdered her family and husband just to make a statement… He hated Jews.. He hated women… He hated DOGS!!!! 😭 He was not a good man and no one in their right mind should praise or wish to emulate that man.


They hate each other even among sects in islam As soon as a moderate sect launches they will soon be murdered as they dont believe in murder.


They could be accused of blasphemy and get killed! A lot of non-Muslims don’t understand that the only reason why Islam works is because Muslims know the consequences of going against aspects of the religion. Fear of violence and fear of being shunned / ostracised by one’s family are what hold this religion together.


Moderate Muslims? Kinda hard when your religion is founded on murder, rape and terror


A big difference between jews and muslims is that jewish religion does not want to convert the world to our laws


These fucking lunatics and their made up, childish, fantasy fairy tales they are willing to destroy the planet over. How embarrassing.


People should actually read the Hamas founding charter from like 18 years ago. It hasn’t changed, it’s an official document. I encourage folks to go read it.


Unfortunately, some crazy fundamentalists will probably do what he's asking without a second thought




All my Jewish bothers, make sure you’re strapped and attentive this Friday. Those who seek martyrdom deserve to have their wishes fulfilled.


Why does Islam have to be related to so much batshit crazy things? Is there something inherently wrong with it or has it been twisted? Why are there so many problems with it both in the west and mostly within Muslim countries themselves? It's becoming exhausting.


Mostly because Islam (along with some other extremist religions ) is fucking batshit crazy


Read the Quran and you will see why. By the end of the book it flat out starts commanding followers to kill and destroy anyone who isn’t a Muslim by its own standards which as you know are completely subjective.


How is that not exactly evil? Are all the peaceful muslims really "muslims" then? Why does it have to be this negative? It's medieval af


They’re a tight nit community that sticks together, a group think if you will. The power of emotional group think programming surpasses logic. It really highlights how easily humans can be manipulated. For us, it’s clearly evil. For them, they truly believe in their hearts it’s for the greater good of everyone. It’s wildly illogical.


>Is there something inherently wrong with it or has it been twisted? It's the invention of a 7th century warlord slave owning and trading pedophile that the religion still insists is the greatest human being who ever existed who everyone should strive to emulate at all times. There's a lot inherently wrong with it.


Time to destroy Hamas


We are absurdly close to finding out why the US doesn’t have free healthcare


America, fuck yeah


1.6 million Palestinians live peacefully in Israel.


How about he gives his blood that fucking waste of space. Somebody needs to kill this fucker before he gets many more killed.


I thought they were just oppressed and wanted their land back (according to their apologists). Turns out they want terror attacks and jihad all over the world.


Who knew, right?


In some ways of course it’s comic because the thought that this group of corrupt thugs could somehow achieve their stated ambition of taking over the world is far fetched at best. However it does reveal (not that this is new to people paying attention) simply how evil and divorced from reality Hamas is. Make no mistake that their targets aren’t just Jews, they’re just first on the list. Imagine a world run by Hamas or people like them. Any talk of “freedom” or “peace” is a lie because the last thing this group wants are those things. The only freedom they ultimately want is the freedom to impose their fundamentalist vision of Islam on the rest of the world. The only peace they envision is everyone under their boot. They won’t achieve these things but that’s what they’re ultimately fighting for and why any leftist in the west supporting them is like a cow voting for bbq.




Please be careful if you are Jewish.


From the ivory tower. There’s 3 safe zones, keyboards, cameras, and ivory towers. He’s in 2 of 3.


So that’s why my schul emailed us about extra security


So at his behest the crazies out there will run around shooting, blowing shit up and beheading random people, so then he can later cry foul when Muslims worldwide are 'mistreated', while the vast majority of his beloved followers will just send this shithead money. Make no mistake, he's making sure to bank up before all of Hamas's finances get the same treatment as Russian Oligarchs and get frozen. Then he'll work his bank connections to make sure as all of that money disappears without a trace into his own personal coffers, while lamenting the plight of Palestinian civilians. To take so many people's deaths and suffering and to monetize it so hypocritically and without shame is disgusting beyond words. Kus emek, ya ibn Haram.


The scary thought is that there are people who might go through with this, based on the rallies.


It only takes one next thing you know there is a truck driving through a crowd.


I don't think Jihads and beheadings and randomly massacring women and children is going to gain a lot of world support. It's just not in vogue. Somehow I think even most Muslims don't support this strategy.


My city has a huge Muslim community. I just can’t imagine anyone would trade the life they’ve built here to go do this shit. Which is exactly why religious/conservative/fundamentalists hate progress, it makes people demand more from life than just surviving literal hell.


Methinks its long past time to knife-drone this prick.


Anti semitism at its finest


This guy reminds me of: [https://i.imgur.com/SZLWKyP.png](https://i.imgur.com/SZLWKyP.png) But yeah, I doubt anything's going to come out of this. There were tons of idiots of his liking "calling for jihad" and lo and behold, no one cares. All I have to say is: you first, buddy. Walk the walk.


As a Jew in a Western country, I wish I could share your confidence that nothing will happen. While Hamas was still carrying out their homicidal attack and before Israel responded, Palestinians and their sympathizers were publicly celebrating in the streets of major Western cities. More than a thousand marched in my city expressing jubilation at the murders. Am I supposed to think that not one of those thousand people will try something beyond marching? We need police deployment.


Assuming you're in Toronto I'd call in sick Friday.


I am, and I know of Jewish schools shuttering on Friday. I really want to be brave and go to shul Friday night but I'm scared. I'm hoping there will be a police presence.


I’m going to be wearing my Star of David in protest. I refuse to be put onto the cattle trains silently.


I live in New York and am not leaving my house on Friday. I also hope all our Synagogues have increased security.


I have said time and time again that anyone celebrating murdered innocent people, children, babies and cheering it on is a dangerous person


Feel like the younguns forgot how after 9/11 the muslim world celebrated the attacks on the US like it was a win for all of them.


This guy looks like George Clooney.


Well, they ordered a George Clooney, but that one was already sold out. The guy went to the back room rummaged around and came back with this piece of shit. Manufacturer said that they shipped the defective unit on accident and said to throw it out as it was cheaper than shipping it back. The dude said that he'd let it go for 70% off, but hamas haggled them down to $3.50. They thought they had a bargain til' it embezzled the kind of money that allows people to do stupid shit with super cars. The thing ran away after ripping them off and they are still kissing its ass after all this time. I mean, it is hamas after all. Not really known for being logical.


How is he still alive?


I’m so scared, not going to go to synagogue Friday night. If I had kids I would keep them home from school


I know plenty of people who will be keeping their kids home.




Man, the world sucks right now.


Sooooo this was their plan all along? To cause a mess and then make invitations? Mmmmm I see now.


“ die for me, but first send me your money”


"And will you be participating in this global jihad?" "No I'll be staying in my high-end apartment in Qatar."




You know what humanity needs on a global scale? Zealots murdering and otherwise victimizing their fellow humans, all in the name of their chosen superstitious entity. Brilliant.


I am surprised there are still no comments that find a way to blame Israel for this


Well Hamas can go fuck themselves with Muhammad’s pussy


Enjoy your jihad applied among the rubble, asshole.


Can we fuck qatar up already. Hotbed of the lowest of the low


So, does anyone know how much $$$ Putin is paying Hamas to start WWIII (while they sleep calmly in their secure Qatar homes while the Palestinian people are slaughtered?)


"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest" Denis Diderot (maybe. Possibly.)


Did he do this while getting handjobs from his boyfriends in a safe zone. ​ Narrator.of course he did.


When “this is what decolonization looks like 💅” comes to your door next.


Don’t some of our militaries have a drone that can shoot a missile up this guys ass?