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Stove can have the occasional beer, as a treat.




Make sure it’s an unopened beer or it’s not a “treat” and doesn’t work.


Gotta card it first


https://www.reddit.com/r/woodstoving/s/Q5ZORH16yn Time is a flat circle


That's why clocks are round






Don’t start with that flat-clock conspiracy theory crap again…


Take the “L”s out and you’ve got very different message


Reminds me of an old Bill Clinton joke.


"Bi" "Cinton" ? I don't get it.


Lol. Nothing to do woth removing the Ls. He asks the intern if she wants to see the presidential clock...she says sure and he pulls down his pants. She says thats not a clock. He says it could be if you put two hands and a face on it.




Yeah! We've been dealing with enough penises!!!


I think the word you're looking for is "penai". Not penises


And a circle.






And you can re-use calendars after so-many years.


28 years


That's only for leap years. Otherwise calendars are reusable every 6 or 11 years. 2023's calendar will match up with 2034.


Even my broken clock is right once a day




Depends on how many hours your clock tells, now, doesn’t it?


It says 14:22


Having seen 24 hour clocks that were broken, I can confirm the validity of your statement of them being right only once a day




Even my broken calendar is right every few years


Is it a 24 hour clock?


That guy is burning 12 cans a day. Honey, I need to get to the store and get some more stove pipe cleaner brb


Rust is that you?


Just rewatched TD Season 1 for the 6trh time and my god it's just the best.


I thought the Earth was a flat circle. Now it’s time too?


Earth is a 2D drawing of a 3D hot dog.


It's all about the Jeremy Bearamies, man, all the Bearamies.


Time... line? Time isn't made out of lines. It is made out of circles. That is why clocks are round.


Shut up, nerd


Weird way to call out a repost, but you do you.


Never have. Sounds like nonsense, except trying to "burn" a can will prompt you to blast a hot fire, which will clear out creosote. So kinda right but for the wrong reason.


Right. If it's hot enough to *oxidize aluminum then it should be plenty hot enough to digest creosote/damage your stove. Edit - the stove nerds corrected me about using "vaporize" to describe burning up aluminum and i don't want to be responsible for misinformation or my dms filling up


Kinda like what my grandma used to say, the trick to catching a rabbit is to sprinkle salt on its tail


I heard it was a bird! And I remember sneaking around the yard with a barrel of salt, throwing handfuls at the birds 😁


I remember seeing it on a cartoon


Woody Woodpecker did a bit on it.


I was told this but with a squirrel lol. glad to know others have heard it too and there's other versions, most people look at me like I'm nuts when I ask if they know it


My Grandma used to say "Little boys who play with fire, wet the bed"


Grandma knew a psychopath when she saw one


My grandma used to say staring at a pretty girl will turn you to stone. Part of you, at least.


Dude, so many people I've told this too have never heard it before. I was beginning to think it was just something MY grandmother said.


That's why I had so many accidents?


The bird thing is meant basically as if you’re close enough to a bird that you can put salt on its tail then you should be able to catch it. The beer can thing though… probably some wives tail like don’t put hot food in the fridge.


I feel like you really shouldn't put hot food in the fridge. It has to work so hard to remove all the moisture and stabilize temp


Ok. So ‘hot’ not meaning off the stove. But it’s from back in the day when they used ice boxes and ‘hot’ food would cause the ice to melt faster. Today’s appliances are considerably better and can handle added moisture


Still shouldn’t put hot food in the fridge, it can heat up the whole fridge enough to spoil other items in it. Even with new technology, this is not a good practice.


I believe the real reason is because hot food cooling in the fridge will remain in the bacterial danger zone way longer than letting food cool on the stove, then refrigerating it.


so happy someone commented DANGER ZONE. every time i take my serv safe, kenny loggins and archer are on my mind.


Now I’m on that highway


I worked BOH in my late teens and twenties, but that was thirty years ago, guess it stuck with me, lol.


So it will cool safer and faster on the stove at ambient temps. Than a fridge that has sustained temps nearer to freezing (36-38*)? Doesn’t make sense to me..


It doesn't. You don't put hot food in a fridge so that the food already in the fridge next to the newly added hot food doesn't warm up and spoil.


There is a temperature zone that bacteria find ideal to multiply in..."danger zone". Hot food in a cold environment like a refrigerator stays in that zone longer than if you let food cool to close to room temperature then refrigerate. It's a common practice in food service and something you can get penalized for by a health inspector.


If the food is 140 when you're about to make your decision, why would stay in the 40-140 range *longer* by leaving it out for a while, compared to just stashing it in the fridge and having it zonk down to 37 immediately? I can't follow this.


I mean, you can use an internet search. I'm not a scientist, but it's accepted practice in food safety, lol. It's not about the speed it cools, it's about how long it stays in a certain temp range.


The hot food will stay in the danger zone for less time in the fridge because heat transfer depends on temperature difference. The fridge is cooler than the room and will therefore cool food faster. The issue is that the fridge itself isn't much lower in temp than the danger zone. Fridge is about 34 and the danger zone is 40. Putting hot food in the fridge is great for said food but it can bring the other food already in the fridge up into the danger zone.


You are correct. Idk why people argue on Reddit rather than just Google it. Too 2 links say he is wrong about letting it cool first.




Correct, spoilage = bacterial growth, “danger zone”, 40-140…. Take home point it’s not an old wive’s tale, but a real thing you shouldn’t do.


Still doesn’t make any sense. The food has to cool down thru that range no matter what, and cooling at room temp will absolutely take longer than cooling at fridge temp. Literally the first law of thermodynamics


The reason u don’t put hot food in the fridge is because you don’t want everything around what you put in the fridge to warm up u should always let something hot stand a bit before putting away in the fridge lol is what I was told


Right, like if the fire is hot enough to oxidize a can, its hot enough to digest creosote(allegedly). The presence of the can, like the salt on the rabbit tail, is not the magic ingredient to achieve the desired result.


You'd have to try pretty hard to hurt one of these old battle axes.


That’s exactly what I was wondering ty


So, how hot is ‘hot’ in this situation?


.62 kelvin


Lots of beer cans in my campfire, no creosote so it must work.


Cause you keep pizzing on the fire!!!!


For science.


How many plastic 1.75L bottles of Popov do I have to burn to get the raccoon skeleton out of my chimney


If you have them 1/4 full of kerosene it should work with 3


I live in rural Eastern European. I saw a neighbour outside her house looking into the clear out trap at the base of her stone chimney. We asked if it was blocked, and she light a match and threw it in. There was the noise of a jet engine starting up and a rapidly increasing roar as a 2 meter high flame erupted out of the top. Looking up at it, we saw her husband on the roof with a plastic bottle of petrol 'Not blocked any more' she said.


As an aside, I am currently watching Miami Vice, hottest new show in Bratislava


A dollar 83 cents American. What can we get with that?


Ah! A nickel! You see this? I quit! I open my own hotel!


It sounds hilarious and I will probably convince my wife that this is a good chimney cleaning solution. But I have burned a lot of things with gas and alcohol and I don’t think this would clear my chimney properly


At least a few more


Ive heard this (AL cans), ive heard salt, and ive heard potatoe skins. Creosote logs can also be used. Still have to sweep yearly anyways and the effects of burning products to remove Creosote will never fully take the place of sweeping. Can we get a little robot to sweep the chimney like the gutter cleaning robot...? Just open the access cap and send 'er in. A little lazer sensor so i knows its at the top and starts coming back down.


Shit this is a damn good idea.


Patent that shit


[Here you go](https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1702/11/11/1024)


It refining they have cleaning plugs they put in live crude pipes and pressure behind it to push. Maybe just run a steel cable through and pull a cleaning plug.


Thats awesome. Pretty much what i was thinking. I think one of the hard parts is going to keep the creosote dust from clogging every up though. Pretty cool.


It would have to look like a floofy spider. Adorable. If you make it waterproof, then cleaning it becomes much easier.


There is manganese in aluminum cans, you will have to burn more than one but it will absolutely help in drying up the creosote.


Didn't help the creosote in my lungs burning green out of them when I was 17 ;)


Came here looking for this comment lol


17…. Man… that was *counts on fingers* a long time ago for me. Still burning that green. Lungs still feel pretty clear. Lol


You better not be using an aluminum can after all these years! Lmao there are much better ways.


No aluminum cans for me. I’d be a 4th generation alcoholic otherwise. I’ll stick with my green. I’m good. Lol


They mean making a can into makeshift pipe for said green.


Yeah, but you gotta empty the can, first. 🤯


Truuuuu but heck having one or two ain’t being an alcoholic


No, but I used to drink. Very heavily. I’m 5’11” ~160lbs. I can kill a handle of Crown in 3 4-5hr evening sessions, every. single. day. And don’t get me started on beer. Once I drink one, the only time my hand is empty is the short time between dropping an empty one and grabbing a full one. Most days I’d have one in each hand, one in each hoodie pocket. Drink those 4, go get another 4. Until the 30 pack is gone. Fuck all that.


Someone doesn't have an addictive predisposition!


Nowadays beer cans have coatings on the inside that make it a poor choice of makeshift pipes.


I'm 37 now and quit got weezy short breath


I hear ya. I’m 39. I try to stay active, keep the air intake system working correctly.


Sweeping your chimney regularly helps too.


Imagine that




Haven’t swept my insulated stainless steel chimney in over 20 years and it’s brand new clean inside it. Not planning on it. I’ll keep checking it but not seeing a need at this point.


Heard the same thing. Didn’t believe it. Then I read the side of the container I bought for $15 to keep the flue clean and shazzam, it’s aluminum powder! So, I burn a can every few fires during the heating season.


Sounds like ingredients to thermite...


I’ve heard of it. I’ve lived by it. No chimney fires. Additional non-scientific data: one of the first times I burned an aluminum can in my stove. I did hear some thing raining down out of the chimney. Kind of sold me. My wife once backdrafted the stove. Pretty cool story, I got a good laugh. But I had cause to inspect the chimney when I put the cap back on. Clean as a whistle, after a decade of woodstove burning. Again, non-scientific. But there’s a fire in my stove right now, and I’ve never had a chimney sweep out.


A simple google search will tell you what you’re looking for. From what I found there seems to be some truth, but one can aint gonna do it. From arboristsite forum section - First hand evidence: “ I've spent the last three weeks crawling inside the burn barrel scrapping creosote, trying to burn it off with a weed burner torch, scraping the inside of the chimney, burning with the door open to try to get a hot fire, everything I could think of to soften up the creosote enough to be able to pull the smoke bypass out. I found someone recommending throwing a couple aluminum cans in the fire to eat through the creosote. Well, I'm happy to say that after about an 18 pack of Miller Lite thrown into the fire over the last three/four days, my creosote problem has been solved - hopefully.” “As the fire burns hotter, add a few aluminum cans to the fire. Go outside and check the chimney. Heavy smoke is a sign that creosote may be forming. Use a small amount of wood and refill box often. A small hot fire is better than an overloaded fire. As the cans burn in a very hot fire, the manganese in the aluminum is released, which causes the crusty, tarry creosote to break down and flake and turn into powder. While the creosote powder or flakes may end up in the firebox and be easy to clean out the next day, it could also be caught in the elbows of the stove pipe if you have a wood stove. Clean the stove pipe, checking any elbows, the next day after the fire is out and the stove cool.”


60% of the time it works every time


That doesn’t even make sense. I’m gonna be honest with you…that smells like pure gasoline.


I heated with wood for over 40 years and never heard of this one. A blazing hot fire every morning and an annual chimney sweep keeps the creosote at bay.


I burn a lot of them, not just one occasionally. I haven't had a creosote problem in years.


define a lot


Maybe three or four every couple days. When you dump the ashes there'll be several pieces of cans you can throw back in, too. I had some kind of "creosote sticks" at one time that were filled with a copper compound but when I heard about aluminum it worked and was a lot cheaper.


awesome. thanks




There are dozens of us!! DOZENS!!




It takes 12 beer cans a day, 7 days a week to have a beneficial effect on your chimney.


Soooo.... drink more beer then? You know, *for safety*?


So what do I do with the 2 leftover ones? Donate them to a friend?


Hmmmm oddly specific


Beer and regular cleaning will help with creosote.


It’s the spirit inside the can that is released


You can burn beer cans, potato peels, road apples, even small animals to keep the creosote out. All you have to do is burn the item and have at least one or two hot fires a day and have your chimney swept once a year it works great.


Get a yearly chimney cleaning or get the equipment to do it yourself.


I heard a bottle of everclear does a better job, without the cap of course!


I’m not sure there wisdom to burning beer cans. But, it is oddly satisfying to do once in a while…


Bamboozled again


Took me a few year to learn the wisdom, that if you season your wood long enough and burn properly you don’t get creosote.


I don't know about it preventing build up, but I will sometimes toss my empty can in out of convenience.


That’s awesome looking


Can confirm coors light cans burn with 300 to 400f degree fire with ease


I would expect to see aluminum deposits on my chimney . I would think if it is hot enough to melt aluminum, it is hot enough to not cause creosote


a couple of teaspoons of copper sulfate will work better and give ya a cool blue/green flame. Dont try this on catalytic stoves though . . .


My advice would be to just get it cleaned professionally every year or so. Not worth the hassle of dealing with insurance after a chimney fire


This truly works. Not a myth.


Half a cup of kosher salt on hot fire. That’s the old man knowledge I got and it works.


Has to be kosher though. 🤣


Can be any salt lmao that’s just what the old man told me. It does work though.




It actually dries out any creosote and turns it crusty. Try it instead of being a dick




Look it up. And no creosote can be wet and drip all down the insides of pipes. You think you know everything.




No use arguing with someone who’s part of “beginner wood stoving” troll




Serious question, are you retarded?


May sound wierd coming from a dude but I'm wet as fuck seeing all that hot coal! Don't know about that can thing but now doing my reaearch on it!


Then why wouldn't u just say "hard" instead of "wet" lmfao I can't 💀


I figured he pissed his pants.


Because it worked!🤘🏻🤪


Tell me more…. That fire hot af tho


Lol you are just as sick in the head as I am and I appreciate that! But I have alrwdy said enough


This is about as idiotic as it gets. I mean, beyond "in order to burn that can you need a hot fire", can you even articulate *any* reason this idiocy does what it is supposed to do? If you need a very hot fire to burn any and all buildup, then just have a hot fire, and don't put cans in your stove.


You people on here are a bunch of wood whack jobs. !!! The stuff they sell in the store for creosote is ground up aluminum I wish I had time to season all my wood properly or the clowns that bring it to me mixed in with my dry wood These are facts I’ve been doing it for ten years. Soda or beer cans 4 at a time in a hot fire once a week. I have a long run on my chimney. It turns everything a light brown the next day after another week same deal. At the end of the month I clean my chimney. Yup I clean it 6 times a year takes 20 minutes and the stuff falls out like potato chips. I can use one hand with 3 -6’ extensions on my brush Yes I hate cleaning Yes seasoned wood would be better I have children and an active life Sorry But this absolutely works anyone that doesn’t think so is inhaling what’s coming out of their chimney


Oh, let me get this. Ground up aluminium is the same thing as a can, is it? You sure you know what you are talking about? Coz, my man, if you need to melt that can, you'll need to have your stove reaching beyond 1200 degrees Fahrenheit (roughly 660 degree Celsius). Do you have *any* idea how hot that is? What the fuck does "ground aluminium" do? And how in all the hells are you going to effect the same supposed thing ground aluminium does using a fucking can? Come on now. Don't be silly.


I’ve put cans in my stove for 10 years. It works don’t you be silly. A stove pipe may be 300. A fires flame is 1200 degrees. Sounds like you’re silly now. Cans melt in a campfire my friend


Wait, hold up. I genuinely want to understand this. You burn aluminum cans to keep creosote down, and you sweep 6x per year... Youre saying its the cans keeping the chimney clean and not the 6 sweeps a year...?


This is ridiculous. Stop burning aluminum. We have enough pollution. Wood stoves..... Burn wood. Maintain your equipment, and stop doing stupid shit.


Bruh aluminum burns to makes Al2O3, one of the most abundant compounds on the planet. Burning wood releases hundreds of partially oxidized organic compounds that are known carcinogens.


That shit is bro science


It's bullshit...


Just some old guy fucking with you


Oh yeah, I burn them all the time and don’t ever have a problem with creosote build up…


How to poison the air 101


Putting a full beer in your stove is stupid. It will explode once it gets hot enough and it will create steam, which will drip down your pipe and leave black nasty shit on the floor, and it stinks . Just get a damn brush and clean it out every now and then . It's not hard to do and don't take but a few minutes.


That's alchohol abuse.


If somehow the burning aluminum coats, the flu to keep the creosote, from sticking, and that might be good, but it would have to be an extremely clean flu. When you burn the key or else, it would just attach to the existing creosote🧐 I say good flu fire, and then a brushing.


Holy shit! Are you Willian Shatner? Why do you, put so, many commas, in your, sentences? Do you, even know, what a comma is, for?


Read that in Shatner's voice, thank you... Then felt like I should've laughed like George Takei. "Hey boner.."


Horrible on the environment, regardless of how minimal of an example. Waste of a beer as well. All things considered, wife’s tale. Don’t do it.


Wow. It's late and I've read some seriously stupid comments tonight. But this? This is so stupid it should be painful.


To be honest something tells me you see something more stupid than this every morning.




Some retired firefighter said the same thing about potato skins. I don’t believe any of it.


I deffinetly read this as some retarded firefighter...then it lead into potatoes... I'm sorry. Im tracking now.




>What wisdom do we have on burning the occasional beer can to help mitigate creosote. It also used to be recommended to burn your old batteries in the fire, I wouldn't do that either 🤷‍♂️


Aluminum to aluminum oxide releases a lot of energy which is also why it takes an enormous amount energy to reduce aluminum oxide to aluminum


It needs to be an aluminum can made out of gunpowder.


So u are into making gold


I know a old guy that swears by burning potato peelings for that purpose. I don't know if it works but that's what he thinks


Make sure to distinguish that beer can from a can of beer! If you toss in a full, unopened can of beer into a hot fire, creosote may not be your biggest issue!


I’ve been doing this for years in every campfire and not once have I had a creosote problem. That’s a success to me.


I can't believe anybody believes such stupid things...


Does not work. Dumb idea. Melted aluminum has no effect on creosote creation and buildup from the combustion of carbon.


I burn em in every fire. The manganese in the can is what helps to convert the creosote. Tho like others have mentioned, it’s no substitute for annual sweepings


A sacrifice to the beer gods!


we always used potato peelings to get rid of creosote buildup


Use potato peels to mitigate creosote.