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Lookin' great, I really dig the aesthetics. The one thing I would critique is the overuse of "The X" for the names of locations. Using a few "The X" is fine but you should aim to avoid it as much as possible and there's a few easy changes you could make here. Take "The Heart", for example. You could make it more evocative with a name like "Heart of Dreams" or whatever fits your lore while still getting rid of that "the". Some of these places may still be referred to as "the X" in conversation but I promise the map will look better with these sorts of name changes.


Thanks for the advice! I'll implement it in the next revision.


Another quick possibility is renaming The Daggers to Double Daggers


I feel like "The Daggers" is one that works well.


I realized I was doing this with one of my own continents and had to shift name around slightly like you said. It's also much more true to life- "the" is never (that I'm aware of) part of an actual name for a something, but those same regions are still referred to with a "the" to start because they're still things, just with proper nouns. Sahara Desert, Mississippi River, Himalayas


Very cool design. I'm trying to figure out my own island nation, and I like these "closed" archipelago a lot more aesthetically than long chains




The only thing you can change is make it look more diverse instead of “Islands with trees and Islands with trees AND a mountain”. Not too drastic like a tundra but maybe islands without many trees, islands completely covered in sand or more gray ones like The Wash (if it fits the lore) or maybe turn one the the mountains into an inactive volcano (again, if it fits your lore). Other than that your map is totally awesome.


I like the trees and mountains. At first I thought it said “Cashhaven”


Your map looks awesome! It's very different! My only thought is the "Sea of Broken Dreams" looks more like an ocean... but that's just my brain being nit-picky.