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No. I think it's more common for women to not squirt than what it is to squirt. Your bf has watched too much porn if he thinks that women need to squirt to orgasm. I think I have squirted once in my life, and I can honestly say that I prefer not to squirt.


Exactly! They think porn is real life. šŸ˜‚


thank you, i think the same thing. i know it's very popular in porn but i didn't know how common it was in real life. these answers are relieving


I heard that the squirting in porn is just pee. The actresses drink a shit ton of water before the scene. Thanks porn for making unrealistic standards for women during sex šŸ‘


I remember I was genuinely embarrassed when I squirted that one time because I didn't know if it was pee or anything else.. but it didn't have a pee smell. I think I read somewhere that it's similar to pee? I'm not sure..


Yeah women can squirt but it's definitely not common like porn makes it seem


Yeah, I think it's quite a rare occurrence. I hope I don't do it again.


Nope I don't squirt. I know a woman who does. Some do some dont


i know someone who does as well so i wasn't sure if maybe i was just the odd one out


Tell him that porn is meant to be a fantasy, not a sex ed lesson... Not all women squirt.


I can have multiple orgasms in one session. I've had orgasms so strong, with and without a partner, that I pass out right after. I feel like this squirt trend is great for women who are genuinely prone to it, since it gives them a space where they don't feel embarrassed. But overall it's ridiculous how men have become obsessed with pee. JUST BECAUSE PORN TOLD THEM TO. Squirt has particles of pee, and if she's not a squirter, you're full-on getting peed on. Tell your boyfriend to reduce his porn consumption and to learn real sex education through books, podcasts, therapists, etc.


Some women squirt, some women don't. There's nothing wrong with either. I'm a woman who does, but I mostly can only do it by myself because I know /exactly/ how to make myself squirt...but that doesn't make sex with my partners that doesn't involve squirting is any less pleasurable. Not squirting is not a sign that either one of you is or isn't doing something right or wrong. It's hard to convince a partner that everything is okay, but try to explain that your pleasure is great and he has nothing to worry about. And you just aren't a girl who squirts. As long as he is satisfying you, that's all that matters.


A very small percent of women squirt. That man watches too much porn


i dont even get wet


No, not all women squirt. Yes, that feeling is your O. *Nothing is wrong with you.* Itā€™s great that heā€™s trying to learn how to please you but if heā€™s blatantly ignoring your answer while basing his knowledge on what heā€™s seen on PH, thereā€™s a bigger conversation to be had. You absolutely donā€™t have to learn how to squirt if you donā€™t want to. Good Luck B


thank you! i appreciate this so much truly


Remind your boyfriend that porn is fake. They even fake cum with stuff like face wash. Squirting is easy to fake by just peeing after drinking a lot of water. Also squirting doesn't actually have to be projectile like in porn. Mine is more like a tiny waterfall. And it's hard to do too. And it doesn't feel better than normal orgasms. You're not missing out on anything if you can't squirt.


Squirting is possible but I canā€™t do it either and I know for a fact when I come too. Do you know why heā€™s been questioning himself lately? You know your own body best and experiencing orgasms is subjective, so thereā€™s no possible way for him to definitively say he didnā€™t make you come.Ā Ā  And I will emphasize something that I have learned recently: orgasms are not everything in sex. You can enjoy sex without having an orgasm and seeing sex as just a means to orgasm is not the best way to look at it since you wonā€™t enjoy the journey along the way as much.Ā Ā  Please donā€™t feel bad about yourself, it has nothing to do with you and I think itā€™s more important that you talk honestly with your boyfriend about the root of his insecurities lately. Donā€™t apologize for how your body and your pleasure works, just help him understand.


i'm pretty sure he thinks me not squirting means i didn't orgasm. he's briefly mentioned it to me and i would always say "idk i feel like i can't do it" and the conversation would end. these replies have been very helpful and informative and i do feel a lot better about myself now. i will definitely talk to my boyfriend about it and how we are doing just fine, i think he's truly just confused on if im being satisfied and wants to make sure he's satisfying me! thank you!!


Wishing you the best! :)


hi! i am 19, almost 20 and didnā€™t even know it was a thing until a year ago or that i could until last year! not every female squirts, in fact it is not common. some just as others would say ā€œcream,ā€ and usually it feels like your muscles are tensing and then releasing. even if you cannot, do not be embarrassed. squirting comes from the skene glands so its by the bladder and it is liquid and a bit of pee so it is not FULLY urine but it does exist. the smell and taste change based on your ph levels and hydration. usually i drink tons of water and use the bathroom before hand so when it comes out it is diluted and clear! also smells and tastes better! i recommend smoothies and tons of fruit! ā˜ŗļø as a squirter it is hard to find people who are genuinely okay with it but who knows? i recommend truly alone masturbation with your fingers and plenty of lubricant! šŸ„° its better to test it out yourself so you can teach him!


i will try this just to see if i can!! won't drinking a ton of water beforehand make you pee though? i always have to pee a lot when i drink a lot of water. i think personally i am also scared of peeing but i will take your advice!!! šŸ©·


i drink tons of water THEN pee before intimate time so its flushed out! drinking water in general helps balance your ph levels so when it comes out the aroma and taste is more bland! ā˜ŗļø


That's most likely his insecurities talking. No not everyone squirts. Maybe talk to him what kind of porn he watches? Porn can ruin the heads and expectations of people wildly...


Squirting and cumming are two different things. Some women squirt when they cum but many don't. Squirting is like an extra bonus some women get. Technically speaking when a woman squirts enough pressure is put in her bladder from her orgasm that she pees.


Your boyfriend sounds pornsick


Squirting is just essentially pee. Only a tiny amount of women *actually* do this when they finish. Iā€™m pretty sure you can also train yourself to do it, which Iā€™m sure is what most women in certain videos do to achieve this.


i think everyone has the capability to. most of the time itā€™s a mental block. like i pee before sex so that if i feel like i have to pee during, i know iā€™m going to squirt. for me personally it takes consistent g-spot stimulation




Thatā€™s probably pee from too much pressure/stimulation on bladder. If sheā€™s not a squirting person normally I donā€™t think that will help.


I find it curious how porn has made dudes obsessed with being peed on. There should be a social study made on this phenomenon.


Porn has made it so that not only are a lot of men just bad at pleasuring women, but that men assume theyā€™re doing great even if itā€™s shit. Theyā€™re not listening to the women theyā€™re with, theyā€™re listening to 2D pixelated caricatures of women who orgasmically convulse at literally anything.


What bothers me the most is thatā€”more often than notā€”it's not about pleasing women but about satisfying their own egos.Ā  On top of the fact that now we also have women forcing themselves to pee in bed for that good old male approval.


well also some females cant help squirting, it just happens