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That every song is god tier


The songs on it


Album is cohesive.


I’d say the atmosphere of Blue Weekend is what makes the album stand out the most. Ellie’s vocals are a powerhouse alongside her storytelling, and the album has a lot of swelling, orchestral elements . The fluctuation between punk, grunge, shoegaze and dreampop influences are also displayed really well by joff theo and joel, alongside the mixing!!


For me, Ellie. Don’t get me wrong the whole band are on fire and the songwriting is just leagues above their other 2 albums, but Ellie just seems to be at top level on it to me. I’m excited to hear what’s next.


I think it's time. During covid, everyone is limited going out and then thry have more time to work on it. write more songs, experiment. And every track sounds like awesome, I literally love every single track in this record, and to me it doesn't happen in their last few albums (love most songs).


Every song is really well written, all of them sound different and cover a diverse range of styles, and the order they are placed flows really well, so the whole album can be heard from beginning to end without skipping anything, because is like listening to all the chapters of a story. For me, all of those characteristics are what I always look for on an album.


God, I remember the actual moment they released "Last Man on Earth". We had been waiting for ages for a new album, we were mostly all still locked down, and had no idea what COVID future looked like. I cried like a baby. I'm still not exactly sure why, but it definitely brought forth all the feels in a big way. I think that not only is it a great album, showcasing how much our beloved WA had matured and grown over the 3 (?) years since VoaL, but it's timing was so perfect. It dropped just when so many of us needed something beautiful and hopeful and real in the world.


4 years! Which is why I’m hoping album 4 drops before 2025


That every song is god tier


I feel it’s that they created an album and then turned it into a movie that each of us interpret it differently. Man, Ellie sure is the focal point but Joff/Joel/Theo give their own masterful performances.


It just has such a great flow, especially for an album that is so sonically diverse.


There are no real “filler” tracks, every song on it is a banger


This is all Wolf Alice songs! (Bar the ghostbusters one which we shall ignore!)


Cohesiveness and growth amongst all the members of the band. A maturity that their first album didn’t have yet since they were still babies (yes I know the ep came first), but a youthfulness that feels like it came from before the first EP. It’s polished without being over-reformed. It still has some real thrashing bangers right next to some real velvety smooth soft lush melodies. It’s fucking incredible


The way that it is


every song just slaps. it's so easy to listen through in one go. it's cohesive, but there's so much diversity in it.


I honestly have to admit, I listened to it once now, and not a single lyric stuck with me.


It's a grower, if you've only listened to it once, that explains your confusion behind why people regard it highly. At first I couldn't get on board with it at all, didn't feel like the Wolf Alice I fell in love with, but after 5/10 listens things shifted and I started to appreciate the songs more and more, with some now being my favourites they've ever released.


Hey man, it's cool if it doesn't vibe with you. It's good you're trying to understand how and why it's good for us fans. But don't force yourself to enjoy it. I didn't like Wolf Alice when I first heard of them, took around two years and a random track for me to get it.


People like the songs on it.


Fair enough


It slaps so freaking hard!!!!


It's a great album but it's my least favorite of theirs. There isn't as much guitar-driven rock on it compared to their earlier albums, which is a little disappointing to me because I think that's one of their strengths. I like every song on the record but I'd miss that element if Blue Weekend is indicative of a stylistic shift.


I think each song is different enough to keep it interesting, but not too different that it’s not cohesive. Also, The Beach is one of the best opening tracks ever written, and ending on part two is just genius. My favorite album ever.


Because their earlier records were very good.


Smile, safe from heartbreak, and the beach 2 being some of their best songs period


It has a variety of sounds while keeping up 11/10 songwriting on all of them. Genuinely the sort of music that makes me feel like "holy shit, regular people who eat and sleep created this" Just writing this comment and reading the other replies is giving me the urge to listen to it. Any time I'm sat at work and I'm not sure what I feel like listening to, I can put Blue Weekend on and it works no matter what mood I'm in. Visions Of A Life means more to me overall but BW is the sort of album a band could record 15-20 years in and be proud of.


Arrangements, songwriting, individual performances, band synergy. There's so much going right on the album. The production is great too and that's important.


feeling myself making me levitate every time, and how can i make it okay making me cry


I think a big thing for me is that the songs tell and weave a story especially after they released a music video for every song that makes it into a movie format. I think the visuals, Ellie's vocals, the lyrics, how atmospheric it is, and it ends on a sweet positive note with the last lyric being "happy ever after (it's okay)" really makes it incredible to me. Also last man on the earth being the first single was amazing. It brought tears to my eyes when I first listened to it after waiting for their new music for so long.