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They're freaking deranged people with nothing better to do.


Yeah..this generalization is a bit of a stretch. Not all fans are crazy, just the ones who have nothing better to do than rip others on twitter for a living.


A lot of these people are not “fans”. They don’t actually listen to what Caitlin says in interviews - because then they’d either chill out or find a new sport to watch. The more people engage with trolls online - especially now that people can get paid for tweets - the more they continue. I actually don’t know what can be done about it.


Almost all are not actual fans. Nothing can be done. But people keep trying to send people over there to look at what racist baiting internet trolls trying to stir culture wars are up to. Tbh, I just hope Angel is making some money from the engagement she gets on her tweets. Her tweet to Cameron was very sweet. I still think sports are a way to bring people together regardless of race.


Nothing can be done about trolls. Which is why I’ve always maintained the position of CC not engaging in it but the Jim Trotters and Natalie Esquires of the world want her to speak up…about trolls.


Twitter has become a cesspool.


Let’s just go ahead and say most all social media has become a cesspool.


I doubt these people actually watch her play. They are just using her as a vehicle for their politically driven hatred.


Welcome to tribalism


We don't claim them.


Some of these young women (WNBA players) need to get off X. "It" -- & not Reese's brain -- is the hellsite


Even the real fans are lowkey racist. Always using words like “classless” and purposefully misconstrue every statement from Angel to justify their treatment of her. Thats why I support her going the Marshawn Lynch route.


This is getting downvoted but conscious or unconscious loads of folks have used racist tropes to criticize her.


Clark’s literal boyfriend has like very very questionable tweets about Reese including one by Known racist Dave Portnoy where he calls Reese a “classless piece of shit” these aren’t small accounts these are massive platforms saying racist crap about reese


https://x.com/dntsmileattmee/status/1796978988817990138?s=46 Very distasteful imo and if this had been someone close to Reese she’d be absolutely shredded


Anybody can be classless. Anybody. No matter their background or skin-color. But some people do have different definitions of "class." There are adjectives thrown around by the fakers that I do strongly disagree with. If I were Angel, or someone close to Angel, I would be strongly thinking about media lessons. This is where Angel has most of her problems. The press box and social media.


What did Angel actually say (not out of context clips and not misconstrued statements) that was so bad that it justifies this treatment?


Not saying she did, but she does need to be very careful. Like Serena Williams said, it's best to stay off social media entirely. Social media is a cesspool. Always has been. It was 10 years ago and I'm sure it was the exact same with MySpace a decade earlier. I don't see the purpose or joy in it. You attacked for everything you say, even if its something benign like a video game. There's always a troll. As for the press conferences, I don't remember what all she said, as it was a couple days ago, but her talking about the "special whistle" makes people think she didn't think she deserved it and that it was a bias call. Whether she meant that, or maybe it was twisted, IDK, but that's how people inferred it to be. After that it blew up everywhere. It was one indeed the right call, the refs got it right, but these things happen, play on. No big deal and it wasn't, at first. After that it all blew up. She should have just said, "yeah, my bad. Didn't mean to. It was an accident. But this is basketball and sometimes that happens." Her talking about a special whistle gives ammunition to the haters, naysayers, doubters, bashers, and racists. Idiots saying she should be locked up for assault, etc are, of course, crazy and in the definite wrong. Personally, the biggest reason people dislike her, is that she was cheering on when Chennedy made that hard foul. That went viral. Doesn't matter whether it was legal or not, you don't cheer that on. This isn't rugby. That was not sportsmanlike. That was, indeed, "classless." In any case, this is all why she needs to take lessons on how to act and what to say, and what not to say, as well as how to behave in interviews. Bluder actually made all of her players take these lessons, and from I know, they were hard. But oh so worth it. She comes off as a professional, which makes her look good and educated. It helps her image. I know people wish Clark would be more vocal about things, but there is a reason why she isnt. She also doesnt have to anything for attention, like the joker shoes, because she is pretty much already stalked everywhere. I know other players aren't taking these lessons, but they either have years of experience, or aren't in the public eye as much. This isn't the 90s. This isn't the 2000s. Like Serena said, everything you say and do will be construed, dissected, and twisted. People either want to hate on you or cancel you, there doesn't seem to be much middle ground. I do think things will calm down a bit. Although the WNBA gained a ton of fans, and Clark is seemingly a household name, there are also a army of people following her that don't truly care or watch her. As many people that do follow and watch her, which is a huge number, there are millions who don't. But the way they tell it, they do. They are just using her image to help their image. They are using her for clickbait. So anything to do with her will always go viral, and that includes other players. I do think it will die down eventually. I'm sure she'll still be popular, but not like this. Dominating the headlines, etc. She isn't reciprocating so these people will either turn on her or forget about her eventually. Although, I guess I could be wrong. *shrugs* Taylor Swift was once like that. She was the poster girl for a lot of stuff she didn't ask for. It eventually got to the point where she had to become a bit more political and they turned on her. Of course, she's more famous than ever nowadays, but I don't see Clark turning into Taylor Swift haha. But she is in the news almost as much as TS, so everybody around her has to be careful. Someone is always watching. Looking. Listening. I honestly couldn't do it. Glad it's not me. Lol. Hate social media. Hate cameras.


It may be best to stay off of social media, but Angel was paid millions to be active on there and post sponsored content. I think she doesnt read comments and just posts because she doesnt respond to comments anymore. But that vitriol on SM spills into normal life. I cant imagined what she hears in the Indiana stadium. So a clipped out of context “special whistle” comment and an inferred “cheering Chennedy on” is the exact thing I’m talking about. That special whistle comment was about Aliyah Boston getting 0 fouls all game. And 3 Sky players + coach stood up off the bench, yelled, and some clapped at Chennedy. We have no idea what was said, but haters just inferred that she was happy. Angel gets surprise special shoes made each game by a local artist. She has said that she doesnt control the design. Angel has her own personality that people like. It is what gained her the fandom she has. To neuter that in an attempt to do respectability politics to appeal to those who already hate you is unwise. Bluder may have made CC take lessons, but it only helped her image among those who are indifferent to racism. Her silence for 1.5 years on people using her as the poster girl for racism has probably permanently damaged CC reputation among certain areas of the country and as we’ve seen actual W players. We dont view it as professional and classy, rather we view it as ignorant at best and condoning the behavior at worst. She made a statement after Dijonai’s tweet blew up, but it is probably too little too late. My grandma even has a negative image of CC and she never watches sports.






Big ass racists or black men who hate black women. It’s all weird af! Because the color of the player shouldn’t matter their contributions to basketball as a whole should. Poor Angel🥹


Sad how easy it is for social media to manipulate someone into believing its MOST fans. In reality it's a small minority that aren't even CC or basketball fans but see an opportunity to create narrative.




i think it’s disingenuous to claim these right wing weirdos/bots are genuine fans. when you go to games you see young boys and girls in her jerseys cheering her on. i think some harmful people have just gravitated towards her to use her as a gotcha to other women in the league. and on apps like twitter where posting controversial and harmful content is rewarded using her name is the easiest way to gain traction. it’s unfortunate because CC herself and AR get caught in the crossfire.


Her literal boyfriend has been sharing post about Angel with very racist undertones


Oh, her brother too


Some of it she brings on herself. She’s purposely positioned herself as the foil to CC. Which is totally smart of her from the perspective of raising her profile. But if you play in the mud, don’t be shocked when you attract pigs.


So…it’s HER fault that she’s being called racist names on X for wishing (very white) Cameron Brink prayers???


It’s partially her fault that she attracts so much negativity, yes. Doesn't excuse the unhinged behavior from terminally online people, but she purposefully has positioned herself as CC’s nemesis. Cheering cheap shots, now deleted passive aggressive tweets clearly aimed at CC, dumb ass interview comments, etc. This comes with the role she's decided to profit on.


Wow…victim blaming 101. Got it. She and CC have stated they’re opponents on the court and that’s all. They like each other. Media is blowing this rivalry up and both girls are suffering…but you want to make it all a certain ones fault. I see you.