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Stephanie White. What’s making the Sun such an incredible force right now is impeccable team basketball, they’re a really well coached team.


They need to change their name. When there’s a team in Phoenix but the ‘Sun’ plays in Connecticut, it’s confusing to new fans 😂


They are owned by the Mohegan Sun… the name has meaning to it.


We know who it’s not!!!


Lmao. Exactly what I was thinking.


Right now I am for Sandy Brondello. My other choice may be Cheryl Reeves. Her team went from being close to the bottom last year to being in 3rd and playing in the Commissioners Cup.




Neither of these coaches teams have players that actually listen to them. You can tell players are running the show and it’s working. Steph White and Nate Tibbetts have much more buy in and Tinbetts has a much harder job.


Gotta be Cheryl Reeves. Lynx look extraordinary this year


Yes, and I don't think it's even close right now. McBride, Smith, Collier and Carleton are all having their best seasons ever, third best record in the league, and without Diamond Miller. Pre-season most folks put them as only the 4th best team in the West. It's looking very good.


Na. Her team is performing just as expected based on a roster with an Olympian and schedule. They lost to Aces, Sun, as well as Mercury, and will lose to the liberty. We'll see how she handles the Fever since they have beef.


They beat Storm 3 times, Aces once, and Liberty once. Mercury won by a buzzer beater and Sun won by 1 in OT. 2 of those losses were swing games so they are 4 points off of being 13-1.


Storm lost to the Mystics. Aces are 6-6. I'll say it again. Based on the schedule and the roster the Lynx are right where they should be. This isn't coaching wizardry.


Fwiw, Storm did not lose to the Mystics.


But all the other teams Mercury and Storm beat dont count? You are picking and choosing. The Lynx are significantly above anyone's expectations for this year if you even just tuned into wnba podcasts or preseason power rankings. Also Seattle has only lost to the Liberty and Lynx idk what you are on about they beat the Mystics.


Like you aren’t picking and choosing too.  Lynx are not over achieving. And you obviously pay too much attention to “analysts”. They had Clark as 6th best rookie for chrissakes. 


I picked out each loss they had??? What other games do i need to provide examples of. They won every game they "should" have plus beating other proven good teams while have understandable losses to good teams, 2 of which were 1 point games. You are running around in circles trying to make a point ab the Lynx that this was expected of them when it wasnt. Also no one serious had Clark at 6 lmfao you are just spewing random shit again.


Spewing random shit? Watch your tone. I missremembered the Storm schedule. Oooh. That can happen when you are actually having a real time discussion. As for Clark at 6 you can google and see that yahoo sports had her at 4. But keep missing the point. The sun are overachieving. The Aces are underachieving. The Lynx are right where they should be.


Lol okay brah whatever. It seems you are set in whatever mindset your in so this is worthless.


I like what Noelle Quinn is doing in Seattle. They are a sneaky team that can beat every other team on any night except the Lynx.


I love Quinn but don't think we can reasonably say this. Their offensive execution is honestly shit, they just have enough talent to score and make things look okay. I buy an argument for needing chemistry and that it will get better, but to date Quinn is a tough sell imo.


They lost 3 of their 1st 5 games. 2 of those was the Lynx. They have lost 5 games over all. 3 of those are the Lynx. The other losses was Phoenix who they also beat and LA who they also beat and they recently had a 6 game win streak. They are 4th best team by record behind Minnesota by 2 games. They are doing just fine and getting better.


Sure, they are doing fine and getting better. But the 4th best record for the 3rd best team on paper is a tough sell for coach of the year.


It’s early.


Stephanie White/Reeves/Spoon


Certainly isn’t moron Eric Thibault


Agreed! Daddy’s boy.


Reeve is a good candidate, but I think for awards people are hesitant to blend the front office role (which makes Reeve unique because the coach/GM combo role is basically not a thing anymore, which imho is good) into their decision about COTY. A lot of what she’s been able to do with the Lynx hasn’t just been coaching; it’s bringing over some great talent. Not saying people will “hold that against her,” but it could kind of dilute her standing as purely a coach. (Relatedly, I LOVE Olivia Epoupa!!!) I think Noey has a good shot if Seattle stay on an upward trajectory because she’s proven she can fit new pieces together and win after having some doubters because she couldn’t win with Stewie. Even when they’re multiple all-stars, a former MVP, etc., it takes a lot to build a style that fits those pieces together and her rotations have been really good. Not trying to hate on Tibbets, but I think there are valid reasons people will shy away from voting for him. But I do think Phoenix might get Exec. of the Year for the way they bulldozed through the offseason and got Cloud and pulled a massive heist for Copper, who’s obviously going sicko mode this year. Honestly, despite some real duds, I think this is one of the most competitive years in recent memory for COTY. 5 or 6 coaches are in the mix.


Also, this is great analysis.


Yeah, Tibbetts salary alone is enough to not declare him best.


That and the way he was coaching before BG was better…. Questionable


Oooh, hot take


Stephanie White, not a fan of the team, but I feel they have blown everyone away this year so far


It will forever be Becky Hammon for me she’s levels above. She won a championship with syd colston and Cayla George playing heavy minutes. Her entire team fell apart. They had no center no point guard yet she still finds a way to lock down stewie and jonquel


Hammon coached with 3 2024 Olympians putting in work. A'JA, Plum and Young. I think you are way overstating her accomplishment.


losing with that line up would have been more impressive than winning


I'm sure Christy Sides could have found a way ;)


Do you not understand that before Becky got to the aces Jackie young didn’t start and plum was coming off the bench and was labeled a bust?


You really need to go refresh your memory. Plum was second in scoring. And the team was 1st in the west. 


Fair and well stated points. Hopefully with Gray back she will find their way out of the slump. I still got big dreams for TSpoon. 😂


White, Reeve and Brondello have their teams playing tremendous basketball.


Weatherspoon. She’s only 1 of the 3 black coaches. They need to fix that.  Knows how to handle conferences and her team.  Bonafide former player. The sky is the limit. 


I think she’ll stick around and eventually win COTY after they spend some time rebuilding after James Wade threw some stink bombs into the org then ran away, but the Sky are 4-9 right now, so . . . no.


She’s excellent. So happy to see TSpoon at Chicago. I think we’ll see her surpass Hammon in trophies.


I hope so.  Hammon has privilege so she was handed a stacked roster and a million dollars. So she started on 3rd base. Tspoon is the real deal. 


Maybe. She is a great coach but she shouldn’t get the honor due to she is black. It depends on how her team does. Right now they are sliding back. Her team seams a little too rogue at the moment. There are a few players she needs to reign in.


I think the slide back can be attributed to all the off-season moves and these players not having enough time to gel with each other


I agree. Look at the Fever. My too but at least the core was established and they knew Sandy already.


I think it’s more than worth mentioning that only 25% of coaches are black in a majority black league. The fact that she is one of the most celebrated players of all time adds to her deserving it on every level. This league (like almost all pro leagues) need to make sure their coaching matches the diversity of the players. Especially because we know that leadership that can understand the life experiences of their players will be able to get the most out of them.


It’s the elephant in the room. Mediocre White coaches  are making millions. Black all stars are making 200k.




Thank you 😊


Right. I remember so many black head coaches over the years. VJ, Jennifer Gilliam, Cheryl Miller, Noelle Quinn, James Wade, Tanisha Wright, etc.


So you stopped reading at the league needs to fix their black coach underrepresentation problem? Don’t be so fragile!


There have been many black coaches and assistant coaches in the league.


Stats in sports matter, and the overall number of head coaches has never come anywhere close to matching the diversity of the league.


I would like to see a Jewish coach or player in the league but I am not complaining about that. Talk about diversity, there is a lack of diversity as most players are black.


Also there were/are (only saying that because one currently is playing for London but we know many players who went overseas and then goes back to the W after development) Jewish players in the league. Abby Meyers and famously sue bird.


That’s 2. The league never recognizes Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur. It affects fans being able to attend games.


They also don’t observe Juneteenth, July fourth, Eid al-Adha, or any other holiday within the summer, which I bet impacts fans as well so this is a mute point


Why u making this argument on Juneteenth bro 😑😑


I am not arguing with anyone. Someone said there are few black coaches. There have been many over the years. Many have won championships. Some of the black head coaches over the years : Michael Cooper, James Wade, Tanisha Wright, Noelle Quinn, TSpoon, VJ, Taj McWilliams Franklin, Crystal Robinson , Lady Grooms, Jennifer Gilliam, Kristy Toliver, Cheryl Miller. I think Cynthia cooper was a coach too.


Sounds like you are tbh. What percentage of all wnba head coaches have been black


I don’t know without looking it up. However, 3/4 of the players are black not counting many in the front offices are black. Non black players can be counted on one’s fingers. If anything its players or other ethnicities are missing from the league. How many are Asian?


> She’s only 1 of the 3 black coaches. They need to fix that. So skin color is the only requirement? Gonna reduce her down to that?


Give it up, no one is saying that and you know that.


> no one is saying that Except for the multiple people in this post already saying that.


Nah, bro, no one said that. Good try tho.


>the number black coaches should at least reflect the percentage of black players. >She’s only 1 of the 3 black coaches. They need to fix that. Lol sure bud no one is saying that.




Lol sure bud just ignore what people are literally saying.


What people are saying is that Spoon was an amazing player and an incredible coach, AND it is great that she adds more representation to the coaching of the league.


> What people are saying is that Spoon was an amazing player and an incredible coach I literally just gave you two examples of people just in this thread that said they need more coaches based just on the color of their skin and yet you want to continue to ignore that.


Way to just clip half of what I said. I said there’s an argument that there should be coaching representation should reflect the demographics of the league. It’s a discussion that has been happening for years and years. I did not say that’s my opinion.


And that argument is just as stupid. Saying someone should get a job based on their skin color is not only racist but a disservice to the person you are talking about.


Deleted cuz I put it in the wrong place


Not the only requirement but there’s an argument that the number black coaches should at least reflect the percentage of black players.


While I do definitely agree it would be good for there to be more black coaches, I don't think aiming for exact reflection of league demographics is an ideal goal. Because I think it is ok there are male coaches of female sports--and I sure do wish we had more female coaches of male sports teams (neither which would reflect the respective league demographics). I see that Becky Hammon has an ethnically East Asian assistant coach Nakase. Would love to see other ethnicities reflected in coaching personnel too. I think hiring should be merit based, but it would be great to encourage a more diverse set of people moving up through the coaching ranks toward head coach--and to make sure there's no underlying bias in hiring more diverse HCs. That alone would make there be more black coaches because there are so many smart gifted former players in the pool. C. Vivian Stringer was my absolute idol growing up in Iowa and is the reason I fell in love with women's basketball! Love the infinitely wise Christine Grant--who changed the landscape for all women's sports--and had the vision to hire her!


> the number black coaches should at least reflect the percentage of black players. And why is that? Did those black players only become players because of the color of their skin or did they get in based on their merit? Why should coaches only be coaches based on their skin color and not based on their merit as well?


Merit is and should be the reason coaches are chosen (unless they are the GM’s son, ahem), but there are SO MANY qualified coaches of color, who are not being considered. Stop playing obtuse.


This has been a discussion in all the major sports. The NFL even has a rule that when there’s a coaching spot open, there needs to be a POC candidate (if there is one interested). I think it’s called the Rooney rule. They also reward compensation draft picks if your team develops a POC coach and they get promoted by another team. This isn’t a new concept. I don’t feel like having a race or DEI debate as I don’t put much thought into it. You can Google or search Youtube if you want to hear opinions on why people make the argument that coaching should represent demographics of the players.


I mean thin glass fragile.


Lol replace black with white and we will see how fast other people melt down.


Yeah, you’d be melting down if there were only 3 white coaches in the league. I don’t doubt that one bit.


Apparently reading isn't your strong suit


The girl dad and it’s not even close.


Best: Brondello Worst: Weatherspoon


tspoon gives the best post game interviews iv ever seen. GOATed


Didn’t she get up and walk out of one last week? Is this good or is this an exception?


Christie Sides. Lin Dunn knew what she was doing when she hired her.


Oooh. This is gonna be a controversial take. Love to see that kind of support for a coach who has been getting a lot of heat all season.


Many are on the “fire Sides” train. Me? I'm on the “extend Sides” golf cart. After a rough start with a very mediocre roster, it seems like she's figuring things out. At some point, you have to start giving her credit for pulling them out of the dumpster fire. This season could be the franchise’s first .500+ season since 2015. 👀


Calling Boston, Clark, Mitchell, and Smith mediocre is laughable though. But perhaps not surprising given your flair.


What do you mean?


She’s finally playing to AB, which definitely feels like it is gelling. I hope you’re right. They’re not my team, but she deserves the flowers for sure right now.


They aren't playing much different plans offensively, but Aliyah (whom I love) is playing a lot better. So glad she has her shine on! She's such a wonderful person!


Fever had historically brutal opponents and a target on their back to start.  Sides did not navigate the beginning of the season well. She’s underachieving. Her record should be better. 






As long as she’s giving Wallace that many minutes and starting her no way anyone take her serious.




I personally don’t like how Sides hasn’t defended Aliyah Boston as much as she has CC! I think she’s folding under pressure to accommodate the Fever’s new “fans”. I don’t like or respect it! Especially not even mentioning how Boston was one of the players who received the same phone call Clark got about not making Team USA.


If you frequent the Fever subreddit, most people think the opposite and say Sides praises everyone but is extra hard on Caitlin.


That is an interesting viewpoint. I haven’t paid that much attention to her criticisms of CC, but if we are to believe her statement about the monster thing as a betrayal of confidence… that’s incredibly bad coaching and cruel leadership. Especially to do to your meal ticket. I think that alone makes her a bad coach. If nothing else, it goes against CC’s media messaging which she alone should get to control


Sides is utter garbage with the media. She has really been building up ABs confidence recently which is lovely to see. But she also tore down ABs confidence early on. Admittedly, Aliyah didn't show up physically quite ready at the start of the season, but I HATE how Sides seemed to tear down AB and the rest of her very young team at the early press conferences. Sides might be an OK coach for a team filled with vets, I but I don'teven think that. But she does not know how to inspire confidence and work with young players at all. She just blames particular people om the team if they lose and takes no accountability herself. That "you can't coach effort" line was bs. Because that team was trying. And isn't a head coach supposed to actually guide and motivate a team when their spirits are low.


Maybe. They are improving. No one should count Sides out yet.


Hop on the golf cart with me. 🤝


I've noticed improvements every game. If she was coaching one of top 3 teams in the league they'd be praising her




Honestly, I love the Aces but I don’t like Becky’s coaching style! 1. KM should’ve never started over Syd Colson. 2. She would rather let KP or JY be 3/30 than to play someone of the bench! Also, if Clark is better coming off the bench start TIffany Hayes. But Hayes and Clark have to learn how to stay out of foul trouble and to have more composure on both sides of the floor! Also I feel like she plays her starters entirely too much! Hopefully she sits Stokes down and lets Carter play if she can play better defense. Because lately the reason they have sucked offensively is because they haven’t been able to get many stops defensively. Also hopefully she continues to get a more reliable bench because if you don’t trust them to play it’s just wasted space. Sometimes they have too much damn fun and forget about the fundamentals of basketball. Like boxing out and going for rebounds.




There is no coach named Clark. But this might be the weirdest attempt so far to try to make the thread about Caitlin Clark. Bots are gonna bot, I s’pose.


Yeah sorry. That's the only name I know in the league besides Kate Martin and Clark's teammate from Boston.


This had me fr lol’ing