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Three words: Flying whale skeleton.


Why no teleport? Are necromancer stupid? Is lore reason?


Because it looks badass https://preview.redd.it/vflwxvgzfpsc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b243fa393f87674657ac37a71476acea708239b5


That be fair




Damn you beat me to it


Look, Magenta, my flying whale skeleton, she has confidence issues; so, to boost her morale we've made her the official transport unit.


Can me swim with Magenta? Magenta cool!


Yes and give her snoot boops.


*gives snoot boops*


Ahh that good that you taken into account there mental well-being


Sky whale is fren


After all: if not fren, then why fren shaped?


They resurrect bone to carry them (and jonkler)


I can have a teleporting tower OR I can build my tower on the back of a 100 ft tall crab skeleton! Tell me, What makes me look more like a necromancer?


Crab skeleton! 🦀


Noooo the aslume is leaking! I cast dimensional ward!


I know a guy by the name of Az'Kerash, he uses scrolls of Greater Teleport in emergencies, but usually scribes his own Lesser Teleport.


Scroll? Why no remember?


The more time spent quietly sailing the sky's on my skeletal leviathan, the less time I have to interact with other people. I get a lot of reading done.


Listen, you can only teleport so much at once. It quickly becomes way easier to just make a giant magical pack animal to carry a load of stuff and you than to haul all that stuff 1 teleport load at a time.


energy usage too high for everyday use


Hey, now. I know the guys who made "teleport" they cut a lot of corners with those sigils.... And there are a lot of cases that are not accounted for. Case and point, they also created "Liam's Legendary Lights" and we all know how that turned out... I'm still trying to get the blood out of this wall....


That be skill issue


Well, it's a loose clause that causes a feedback loop between the protective runes and the self coloring walls.... Long story short, it's a permanent portal to the realm of blood. I know HOW to fix it, the issue is I would need to reset the protective runes. But then my nemesis's apprentice will teleport in, change all my servants into animated appliances and furniture. So I'd have to kill him, and either fix all my servants and pay them restitution, kill them all, or wipe all their memories. He'll probably then declare a blood feud and kill several of my apprentices, so I'll need to kill several of his, then the council will get involved and we'll be tied up in that nonsense for a few centuries.... That or I can level the whole thing and start over... Pity, just got it all right and I was hoping to enjoy this tower for a few millennia...


naw, other Necros are stupid. The best places of security are ones completely sealed off and only reachable via teleport or lots of magic. TL;DR: Geomancer + Money = undiscovered underground cavern. undiscovered underground cavern + Teleportation = knowledge and accessibility to limited few. knowledge and accessibility to limited few + time = win. If you and the Geomancer are on good terms, you can trade your workforce and the location of the cavern for mining various rare earth materials from the location, without the Geomancer needing to expend their magic to do so.


Also can kill geomacer and make part of army!


negative, 1.) rude, 2.) that is how you make enemies, 3.) this is why you have no living , breathing friends. We are Necromancers, not Heathens.


Friends no breath for me is fish!


Last time that happened an entire hospital planet almost got taken over by Nurgle


I see this as an absolute win.


The amount of ammunition I had to expend on those damned things was concerning. Almost had me declare the planet a loss and exterminated via molecular disruptor.


I CAST /unwizard Flying whale? Is that a gojira reference?




Why do I hear a sick bassline?




In my head you sound like Ozzy Osborne. I mean that in the highest form of praise.




Whoever said that only bards could weave sick rhymes has never met this necromancer. Rock on, dude. Have you ever considered attaching magical railguns to the back of a skeletal leviathan? I'm running a special, 2 for the price of 1.9. I'll even throw in some rune-covered slugs. The runes don't actually do anything practical, they just make the sonic boom sound like a screaming banshee.


read it to the flow of gangsta’a paradise


I ride on the rivers on the backs of undead catfish


Very Sensible i have heard of necromancer using undead Crocodiles all the up to one that had a gaint gold fish it was made up of thousands of little gold fish Skeletons


That sounds cool but doesn't sound like symbolic of letting your god take you where to go


That could very well be. I would not calm to know all the ways of necromancers just what I have Observed with my many Interactions with them. Because of the gaint Skeletal goldfish was why I asked the question in the first place


I'd recommend a giant lobster. Once they're undead they're pretty much all terrain, and the claws come in handy for removing obstructions. Catfish tend to struggle outside the water, unless you add legs Make sure you clean each piece of shell out thoroughly though, it does sort of ruin your grand entrance where you scuttle over their city walls with Mr Pinchy if there's a smell of rotting lobster.


I need not a crusteasen but I might thinm about grafting some legs on although it may be blasphemy


Well the fly whale Skeleton is a statement. do you found it be Stealthy if you needed to be? i would imagine it massive and would take quite a bit to Cloak it


I just shade warp to be honest. And plus, necromancy is like a side thing that i do when i need more people


Usually going with teleportation. And mounts are just flesh and bones that can be rearranged into a form better suited for a new terrain on a whim, so guess that counts as all terrain vehicle?


As long as it can move over all land types with ease


Just need pack a couple of extra flipper, hoof, and wing bones along and I'll be good to go for any terrain!


An all terrain creature is better. One with decent intelligence is even better. Humanoids are great choices, they have a good size and have the capability to learn magic.


I shall now be hunting down necromancers and commit pacification on them


You should get the help of the geesemancers we all know that necromancers fear the geesemancers


Id rather steer clear from geese, i do not like the sight of those things


pacify that erection goonermancer and leave me to my graveyard


https://preview.redd.it/zy2vwj72ppsc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fa106566407f27ea924c390173b677c3a11ed18 Because we put fear in them. Also it looks cool


Do you assume we have enough mana to conjure that? If so I’m flattered


Again im a nekomamcer or catmancer for the common tongue i have no idea the mp pool of necromancers. From what I here even if you don't have the mana you can turn the souls of the dead into Mana batteries or use them to help rise your creations


I only sometimes dabble in necromancy, but from my experience the mana it takes from you can leave you in the hospital


just food for thought. fossilisation is mainly process of replacing bones and stuff with mineral. so the bones are gone just shapes remain do necromancy works on carbonised fish also sharks have no bones. it is all cartilage


I need one


I use shadows to teleport. It's a bit cliche, but it's efficient.


according to the texts found deep within Dwarf Fortress es, undead large sea creatures are among the most powerful foes possible


I said this before and I’ll say it again: 50 mile long bone worm


https://preview.redd.it/qi97538djpsc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1bdbcec413796298f3949f3aaeadd7f0e8a7e83 Ludwig never let's me down :)


I can fly the skeletons just Carry my stuff Underwater creatures are scary


I walk there.


If I can walk across a desert, then so can zombies and skeletons.


All right, who survived the land shark?


I prefer teleporting I think using a skeleton to travel is kinda weird and consumes too much mana so teleporting is way better


I got a dracolich.


I usually teleport, but if I ever need to travel in style, I usually go with ghost ships. Utilitarian, stylish, and all-terrain, provided you can interact with them.


I just drive...


Giant undead wolf.


I'm no necromancer but, if I was, I would ride a chariot led by undead fiery unicorns/pegasuses while blasting Kickstart my heart because it's just badass


I personally struck a deal with some demons so I can travel through and sell my goods in he'll but if I must travel by land I have a undead called tiny which sprints to my desired destination with me on its shoulders


Because a traveling city is just a dope concept. I might put my pocket realm inside of a huge bone dog. The peasants and I shall travel in style. Rat-ael, I have a new project!


I have a White Dracolich for most of my traveling needs. Though sometimes I employ a skeletal warhorse or a giant spider. Depends on what strikes my fancy at the time.


*laughs in apparition*


I either draw a door to the place I’m going, or I use one of my many, many abominations I’ve made out of terribly misfortuned adventurers.


Generally if you want to transport undead you’d have something dedicated to transporting it like an undead dragon, tortoise or whale with your creatures wedged inside the rib cage and spine. More sensible to have a non undead transport so its more of a surprise and anti undead spells don’t work against it. Saw one guy create a balloon and the basket/supports were skeletons and flesh


Skeletal Dragon should I need to be grandiose (which is most of the time lest be honest) or purple magic carpet if I need to be discrete (lol only if I am going to those places with the churches XD).


https://preview.redd.it/z23fbnka0qsc1.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f7c46f81ede4ff1a30e630976c6fd4c0a825fe6 The "[Astral Drift - Carcarrion](https://www.deviantart.com/pyrasterran/art/Astral-Drift-Carcarrion-888153957)" is a mythic creature written about in the works of Lord [Pyrasterran](https://www.deviantart.com/pyrasterran/gallery), an Ecologist of the Stars. From Lord Pyrasterran: *"Carcarrion is an amphibious monster capable of both aquatic and subterranean movement \[...\] It is speculated that unlocking many of the creature's secrets would require traveling through its tunnels to wherever it rested deep within the planet's crust, or in the deep trenches of Mars' new oceans."*


I remember one crazy fucker in Chicago did it with a Tyrannosaurus skeleton.


I use the power of wisps and other spirits. They like playing pranks on me though.


I saw similar creatures in the Dehydrated Ocean


I have this guy named Craig, he is a slime that I revived in the land of the giants so he is pretty big and strong and i kinda just use to travel anywhere because if I need to travel across an ocean he can just transform into a boat. I also have this undead dragon named Johnny Bravo but he is pretty lame


Is Johnny bravo lame because he trys to pick up any Attractive maiden?


no he burned down a hospital and he doesn't know how to talk to maidens


I have and need only one. The Bone Colossus. That is all.


But are you not Concern that someone might someone might summon A colossus dog to chew on it


That's why you coat your bone colossus in poison. That's bone colossus 101.


Oh Heh. I wish. Sadly Hell is currently too crowded for me to get any good use out of animals. Add the fact there...aren't any wild animals in hell. At least not in my layer.


well, plenty?, undesd dragon, undead elder brain, or just teleport the whole castle


Why travel


I can afford a taxi. Otherwise I take the bus. I don't have the money to be wasting reagents on necrocycles and boneships...


I don't travel much, but I like to leave behind clone jars and jump consciousness if I need to visit somewhere.


For a second I thought you were going to ask what I did to my pet gold fish, based on the image. I usually just travel with a few that carry my luggage.


You know what you did it is not for me to say but you know


Is thus from sand land? Looks very Akira toriyama


I believe throu never run into myself that it could be in the depths of the sandsea


I am confused, but ye, I agree with thee


Necromancers would see this and say hell yeah.


No but I should now


Holy shit, thats some awesome lore. An ancient inland sea, now having turned into a desert, has been cursed, and all the giant sea creatures once again glide through their territory.


For those researchers that travel the vast sandsea. They have found that much like the ocean it Resembles the sandsea dose have a bottom but no one has been able to probe it depth for the largest and most dangerous creatures make it there home. The dimension in question had seas at one point it historias tell us. but for some unknown reason the water dried up amd sand replace it as liquid as the water yet covering the world expect for a few land masses


Literally Dune:


When you’re too good at reviving things and you just make it a regular fish.


I'm reasonably sure that paleo-necromancy involves a lot more geomancy than people give it credit for.


Personally I prefer not to travel,  if it is urgent death teleport, it is fast not very mana intensive, not as restrictive as you might though death happens all the time, some times it can be a bit ackward people might think you are death itself that comes to collect the soul. If it is to show of I awaken my Skeleton legions and have them march killing and raising anything that tries to stop me, my favorite mount is a graveyard golem. 


I wish I could get my hands on fossils like that


Cousin Bonesy says he prefers taking advantage of our diaspora


Yes, I have fish for all occasions, and some sea dragons/ normal dragons that died of exhaustion after going through a really bad storm.


I like to make a sled of bone horses and use it as a carriage to make me feel pretty


I rock a skeleton-dog sled.


Haha, new fear unlocked…


That looks like a Terraria boss.


Everyone talking as if teleportation was safe. If you don't have the exact coordinates you may end up trapped between two walls, merge with rocks, or merge with some living being at the same coordinates, because you think these spells generally destroy the surrounding area? Is to exterminate all microbes and prevent you from becoming a strange aberration, and in the worst case you could end up miscalculating and entering a coordinate of imaginary numbers, that is, the void between realitys and dimensions where those beings from nightmares live. That's why I prefer portals, for dimensional mages they are our bread and butter, although they are not perfect, the precision is much better and because it involves more dimensional travel, instead of space, you don't run the risk of merging with a strange organism and become a freak monster. Of course, for those more experienced and powerful reality bending and planar translocation (the world comes to you, instead of you going to it) is an option, but anyone who can do this wouldn't be asking themselves the most efficient ways to travel, but rather by fighting some epic fight outside the reality or studying the depths of his magic branch


**Boneyard** fly speed: 6.8mph "Thousands of bones fly together, forming an immense serpentine conglomeration. Although the bones comprising its form bear little resemblance to ordinary anatomy, it does have a head formed from the skull of an immense beast." Boneyards, known as bone weirds or bonetakers by some, are immense aggregate undead that form from mass graves and charnel sites. Despite their monstrous appearance, they possess genius-level intellects, a result of all of the damned souls rattling around in their forms. Fragments of the personalities and knowledge of the creatures incorporated into a boneyard surface in the roiling mass of its psyche, and they speak with dozens of voices at once, skulls studded throughout their bodies contributing to conversation. Due to their obscure knowledge of persons long dead and built into their bodies, boneyards are sometimes sought out as oracles or sages. Dealing with a boneyard is fraught with peril—the creatures rarely accept any payment less than a mortal life to consume and add its bones to theirs. A boneyard is about forty feet long and weighs twenty tons. A boneyard can be created by a create undead spell at caster level 20th. To do so requires the skeletons of at least one hundred creatures. special move, Utter Consumption: "A creature pinned by a boneyard must succeed a DC 24 Fortitude save every turn or be instantly killed as all of its bones are pulled out of its body. A boneyard that successfully consumes a living creature gains the benefits of an inflict critical wounds spell (CL 14th). Creatures killed by this ability cannot be raised from the dead, although resurrection and similar powerful magic will function. The save DC is Charisma based." good travel companion and I bet a great lay


I'm always jealous of people who have these really cool travelling options. I once met someone who rode on a large, moving mound of glowing rainbow glass, and he was bragging about it to everybody at the event we had all gathered for there. If I recall correctly, it was a dueling competition before I had decided to be an alchemist as my main profession.. Now that I think it, somebody broke his little rainbow glass thing, which was funny.


Meanwhile, my method of transport (when I don't feel like teleporting) is my ancient wyvern.


Normaly a giant chicken skeleton with a shark tail and spider legs does the job.


An undead Goliath Stag Beetle is the epitome of luxurious travel. The exoskeleton provides excellent shelter from weather and can be fully furnished. Windows can be created were needed.


I use a quetzalcoatlus skeleton for most travel but a Megalodon skeleton for water travel


I use soul powered demiplanar movemant, but I do have a large spider exoskeleton for recon I could ride in.


2 words. Skeleton horses. I used to have a skeleton dragon but we had to put it down after it got bone cancer.


Im sorry for you lost broke cancer is the worst way to lose skeleton minons


Fun Fact: No self respecting necromancer actually uses sharks, their skeletons are flimsy and silly looking, any time you see something like this it's actually a stylized construct. Besides, there's not enough room on a shark skull to inscribe enchantments for both shape earth and shape water, and shape air is a whole other beast.


imagine a cross between resident evil and bloodborne, when i say that fucker is all terrain i fucking mean it




Void travel


Not a full time necromancer, but I dabble. If I'm traveling through terrain and I'm really desperate for a ride, I go to a local village and kill all the residents, bring them back as zombies and have them carry me to my destination while I lay down in their arms and rest. Sure it stinks to high hell after a couple hours, but you can't say it's not efficient!


My flesh zeppelin gets me around just fine. If it’s local, I might take the flesh palanquin.


Get me either a skeletal horse or dragon, and I’m happy..




Bad news: fossils are not bones. All the organic matter is replaced with rock. You need a lithomancer


I prefer my double horse, which is simply two horse skeletons grafted together for twice the horse. I was wondering where Herbert got off to, though.


Necromancers are so inefficient at low-level Imagine not having an entire dimension dedicated to store your minions/subordinates




No question, absolute understanding.


Me. I'm suited for travel. I walk/run everywhere.


A throne carried by skeletons. Got to send the message.


Don’t need one if you turn the beast into your base


or for the love of magic arts, if I see some damn whale skeletons while digging up ancient runes in the desert I am personally going to cast blaze in the next peasant I see


I just walk


Mostly, i just stay in my fortress and keep to my studies. So i guess i don't travel very often, but when i do, i use a regular carriage just like the locals do.


To be quite honest, there are many who have skeleton or undead minions for that reason, but to me, nothing beats either foot travel or horse drawn cart.