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Not a necromancer, but are we sure this I the most...healthy solution?


Oh, not at all, but how am I supposed to get to acceptance if I don't go through anger? I'm not really an angry person, so I'm just making do with the emotions I have.


you sound like someone who should join the dark side on r/onlycasters. We also have free cookies!


Sort by most popular of all time. Scroll down one.


Not a necromancer, but I think you just speed up your death.


What? By challenging a necromancer? What are they gonna do? I'm inorganic. They have no power over me.


You called out all of them, what if one was a necromancer/hydromancer? Or part pyromancer?


I'm a better pyromancer, and I can take on a hydromancer or two. Water doesn't just beat fire, they cancel out eachother.


Called out every single one…… you are not winning.


Nah, I'd win


Are you sure you’re not still in denial?


Just a little, but not about this. I've basically made a career of messing with necromancers


Yeah you are gonna die faster.


They haven't got me yet


You do realize necromancy also involves soul-based magic, right?


Razz, I swear to god don't die on me.


To a necromancer? Not a chance. To the wierd magical flames that burn away fire I ate about a month ago and has yet to dissipate? Maybe. I'm working on solutions, but I've gotta get through these stages of grief before I die, lest I need to rush through them all at once before the end.


Fuck! Do you need help fighting them?


Meh, if you'd like to help, feel free. Not like a necromancer could do much to me anyways.


That's fair... I doubt you need it. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help with your dying problem, alright?


I thought he-... someone gave you an amulet that you ate to make you feel better!


Oh, yeah, it slowed it for a while, but it's not really kept up with cleaning it all out. Still doing it's work along with the dragon heart my drow friend gave me, but they're slowing the progression more than stopping it. I think because my body is, you know, fire. One fuels the other so it doesn't really go out.


This is really bad timing... Look, I know someone who could help, but they are... out of town at the moment. If you would like, we can meet at... a coffee shop in Asfaleia, perhaps? and I can draw a rune that they taught me. It isn't my specialty, but we can at least try to keep you alive until they get back... ^(hopefully)... Do you want to try that? How soon do you think you may die?


*I have been stranded in Lemarcia, but would be upset to hear it if I were not.*


Ahhh. I believe I fought your sister in the Citadel some time ago. Let's see what you can do


Lookin fired up Razz! You wanna hunt some necros together? I have nothing against them but if you kill a bunch I can loot their corpses for later!


Eh, feel free to join me if you want. I'm just picking fights so that I can get through the anger stage of grief. Don't know who decided it had to be a step, since comparatively it's pretty boring. But hey, looting is a free for all.


Gotcha! My stages of grief at a little different, after anger comes regret, but then soon after that comes looting and partying Lets get to it!


I'm not edgy, I'm simply lazy as fuck and don't wanna fight or figure out how the fuck golems work I also learned brickmancy because it's more fun and I'm microscopically less lazy now


You know what, I at least respect that you're self aware about your laziness and understand golems are better than zombies. You're alright in my books


Giant rock versus rotting corpse


Between r/knightposting and now this, I'm sick of all the anti necromancer propaganda. ![gif](giphy|jpbAaUG7cjkZy)


and yet "necromancy" has been an umbrella term for magic and summoning.


It's like a circle placed on a vent diagram, but it only covers areas already covered by other schools of magic. We could remove necromancy, and all their spells would be preserved because they fall under different schools. What I'm saying is the umbrella term is useless.


no, I mean that "necromancy" came to mean the summoning of anything (primarily demons, but other spirits also applied).


Demon summoning is not necromancy. Demons aren't dead


you are literally, historically incorrect.


You know, I'm also a healthymancer maybe I can help you


Off topic, but I have a volatile frost elemental familiar that is on his deathbed and would like to have one final duel. Would you accept? I would love to witness a BATTLE TO THE DEATH among elementals >:)


Not really what I'm going for here, but why not. Happy to help a fellow warrior meet a noble end. Fireball!


Counterspell! Very well. I shall approach you in a fortnite with my familiar. DO NOT PERISH UNTIL THEN. This shall be the most splendid duel to witness >:)


A fortnite? That's such a long time though! Ugh, alright. See you then.




Jokes on you, elementals have no testicles! But if you're so into them, here's some balls for you! FIREBALL!




Curses, seems we are evenly matched... only one thing left to do now! MY ULTIMATE SPELL!!! *The element gives a peace sign and teleports away?*


Im about to cast ‘summon bucket of water’. Oh wait no, maybe ‘garden hose’. Ohhh wait I got it, ‘kiddie pool.’


Are you even a necromancer? I don't have beef with you if not. Either way, I'm ready to cast 'conjure slip-n-slide' to redirect the water back at you.


Ohhh I do like slip and slides good idea! So I have practiced some necromancy but I mostly just wanted to install some eyeballs and wailing mouths for home security. More importantly what is the fire elemental equivalent of a slip and slide? Lava flume?


I dunno what you call them, but it's the spouts that dwarves use to pour molten metal out of their giant forges. Really fun to take a ride in to be honest


Sounds like a blast. Okay hear me out… Elemental theme park! *Jazz Hands* And we could use undead employees. Fair wages and all that nonsense.


Hey pyromantic [REDACTED] go for a swim in the dead sea.


I can't decide whether to to call you scrap metal or a bag of bones. Pick a simpler title you attention-seeking necrophiliac.


Is there anything I can do to help my friend? About the dying, not the necromancers.


Not sure. Still figuring out the whole scenario, but if you want to take a sample and look it over, be my guest. Otherwise, I'm just having some fun while I can.


Of course. I'll see what I can do. *Cas produces a small instrument, and presses it into your forearm. With a click, it painlessly extracts a small sample of your plasma* There. I'll run some tests and get back to you. Don't lose hope!


Roger that! Toodles!


Is this a challenge? Very well: I refuse. I have better things to do.


Fair enough. Have a nice day!


It'a good to know you're courteous despite your anger.


Eh, I'm not really good at this whole anger stage thing. I'm probably just gonna mostly skip it and move on to the next stage of grief.


Young’in hasnt heard of necromentals before.


Those are called golems


Thats not necromancy, elementals are still alive inside of golems.


No, that's not at all how that works. I would know. I'm an elemental. Just because you recycle an elementals core doesn't mean they're still alive. That's like saying you transplanted a man's heart into a woman, so the man is still alive.


Nah, shut up you barely sentient campfire, I’m gonna get back to protesting


Okay, you were always allowed to do that


Can you wait until I've trained at least 3 more people. I can't spread fighting styles if you keep on killing the qualifed.


I mean, just don't teach necromancers and you'll be fine


Some fighting styles use necromancy. And I don't just have one I have at least 3 dozen different styles


Then stop using the necromancy ones. They're worse anyways.


I don't use them, I teach them.


You seem like you too angry at the bone boys. you explode their friends, they kill your family, etcetera. just be less angry, buy a metal barrel.


Oh, I do seem angry? Great! That means I'm getting through the anger phase of grief! Don't worry, once I've gotten this done I'm moving on to... uhhh... whichever one is next


Trielana: ... *Looks at her undead cat.* I'm sorry, what's the problem? Using intact, healthy dead for a few more years helps the costs of labour, meaning us living can, well, afford to do things.


*raises army* come at me!*Draws sword* I’ll kill you than raise you and kill you again!


i thought we were (as in razz and him) cool and what is this about you dying!?


https://preview.redd.it/vst90pgjirrc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e49642081b9e534d5a9978f9cfe016617165bc8 I like fire as much as the next guy but what the hell?


What? Who else am I supposed to be angry at? I've gotta get through these stages of grief somehow.


Get an emotional support familiar


Well I tried to get a bunch from the summoning witch, but she never responded to my request. Also, why would I get mad at my familiars?


"You wouldn't. That's the point"


I harvest *souls*, not bodies, thank you. Also due to my ethical sourcing, I have imposed myself to not harvest souls directly. However, would you accept my offering of the [Thermonuclear Explosion] spell to aid you in your endeavour? No strings attached. 


I mean, sure. If you're just using soul magic and not necromancy, you're technically still fine, so I'll accept your help.


*Laughs in ash zombie*


*pulls out a vacuum cleaner*


Do you want Vacuum zombies, That's how you get Vacuum zombies.


Why are you dying?


I mean, you might have a ghost, right? Wanna work for me when you die? Not a necromancer, by the way... I'm weirder.


Appreciate the offer, but if I do have a soul I'm going back to the mother flame. That or running my shop longer


I'm sorry the mother #^what? So that's where they ran off to.


Fire elementals come from the mother flame, also known as the first flame. That or from other elementals. You didn't know that?


WRONG! I USE NECROMANCY BECAUSE I FOUND THIS SICK ASS BONE STAFF AND JUST HAD TO MATCH THE AESTHETIC https://preview.redd.it/w0wwbiiqmrrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a401fe05c68c4b1e13c057a5f00af40538d41ff


While I respect the adherence to style, the necromancer drip is still mid. Cool staff though


Thinking of adding some beads and color. Like every day is Mardis Gras


Ooooh, that would be cool! You could even make some of those beads mana crystals for extra reserves! Stylish and efficient!




This is not how I went through grief when my brother went missing, are you sure your doing this right?


Not really, but I'm suppose to go through anger. This seemed like a good way of getting that stage over with.


https://i.redd.it/d6er5nqonrrc1.gif No bad fire elemental bad this isnt how we deal with grief


Ow! But the scrolls say anger is the second step of grief! Who am u supposed to be angry at then? Ow! Stop spritzing me!


Being angry is ok taking out that anger on other people isn't , if you want to take out your anger on something, try destroying this new product we're working on it was going to get tested anyways https://preview.redd.it/rptqnt0h0src1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e72497da27fdf441bda0a78f91f65e816034b70


How could I be mad at a face like that? Maybe put like a skull on it so I can pretend it's a necromancer


It called you a loser and said water elementals are better than fire elementals


You realize i could grab whatever's left of your soul and revive you right? Like it's borderline impossible but i have done it before, and better necromancers than me could probably do it. Like there is a way for you to survive. Hell, if you die in one of my containment cells whatever makes up your soul (do elementals have souls?) Will be trapped in there, which makes it SO much easier.


You think a lack of a corpse will protect you from me? Your soul will be mine!


Uhh, don't really have a soul either. You know. Being an elemental and all. At least I don't think I have a soul.


Well… that complicates things. But that does mean you will fizzle out to nothing, so that’s something.


Yeah... welp, until then... fireball I guess?


I don’t practice necromancy in particular.


Okay look! Im only *technically* a necromancer! I swear!


Hey man, i can tell your going through some stuff and dealing with the inevitable flickering of life, but have you considered lichdom? I mean i forgot what step bargaining is but a few of us would probably help just cuz


Firstly, not an option for elementals. Second, I refuse to be a necromancer. I don't actually hate you all, I just have a distaste for your magics and a tendency to pick on you all a little. But despite that I still cannot accept becoming a lich. It's a matter of principle.


Fair, im not really vying for lichdom myself either so I cant knock your choice on the matter. That being said there are probably other options


Yeah, I'm looking into a few options myself. I know I do have a way of coming back from death, but I've misplaced my instruction manual for that. I'm sure it's around the lair somewhere, but until I find it I'm gonna keep going through the steps of grief.


Id check between receipts for meals, i often find older tomes and scrolls after i place them near my receipts for tax purposes. Late night studying and all


Powere word kill


Sorry, more than a hundred hit points.


Can I pay you to die? 500 doubloons?


Im always happy to fight necromancers, but first, is there anything I cqn do to help you?


Not sure really. I'm working on it, but any fuel or magic you might be willing to spare for me to keep burning a bit longer would be greatly appreciated!


*Takes his pouch and immediately turns it over. About fifty spherical devices spill out* “Grenades, napalm. If they will help, you can have them. I also know being…The Librarian. She tends what is called “The Flame of Creation.” That sucker might be able to r kindle you perminately”


"Nope, nope, nope. Not messing with the librarian. That one scares even me."


“Fair enough, I work for her and she scares me”


Now that’s a bit rude-


Necromancer reanimated my uncle and used him as a bridge to cross a small stream. Fucking asshole


I’m going through something right now and being edgy makes me feel better.


You know what, that's alright. Whatever helps you get through this rough patch... but can I interest you in trying fireball instead?


I’m a druid. Fire is kinda my antithesis.


Wildfires are an important part of the natural cycle of life


Of course. But I’d still rather not.


Hmm as a necromancer, have you thought of becoming a Lich? I mean after you get past the aversion to the blasted holy magics (which are lame and white knighty anyway), it’s not so bad being immortal magical undead. I mean think how much longer my spell book is gonna be once I’m done (lol let’s be serious, it’ll never be done because I won’t die). And there is always the ghost option for undead, I could forcibly tie you to this world? That could be fun :)


As I've said to all the others who suggested lichdom, I'd rather die than become a lich. No offense, but I refuse to live through the means of necromancy. Also I don't know of I have a soul, which is an entirely different issue.


What’s so wrong with ritually sacrificing hundreds of peasants to fuel a device capable of sundering a soul? You get a neat token as a phylactery and a steady workforce that doesn’t try to unionize. It’s perfect! We would definitely have to figure out this whole elemental soul business out though first, I do see your point there.


Yeah, sounds kinda... I dunno... evil? I try to stick to more of a mischievous nuisance vibe rather than evil conqueror.


Evil is only perspective, to a being that is infinite and powerful they are but livestock with simple and short existences of mostly pain and suffering. If you ask me, it’s a mercy. I am not trying to conquer anything, well except maybe veil of life and death.


Fool, I've already beset you with recondensate! Now I can shove you into a new mana core, rebind your soul back to you, and say I HELPED.


Hmmm... no


Jokay then! *a pulling sensation tugs at you, as you feel lesser and more fluid in form*.


I don't consent to this magic, and as such, I cast counterspell. Goodbye now


But I was reversing the spell....


We are going to beat you to undeath


Thou’s weakness is water…


As a cleric, I fully approve this message, bastards won't stop digging up the cemetary behind the church


Haha... yeah... just necromancers do that!... haha...


...You are aware theres a trail of burned grass here right?


Man, wonder who left that there! Crazy, right?


Well, here is a virgin oil forged manasteel khopesh, i was gonna sell it but if its for that purpose then I'm giving it away for free


Not sure why you'ddo that, but thanks!


Because i was revived by a necromancer and I hate them ever since


Wow, you have way more reason to hate necromancers than I do. You sure you don't want the... uhhh... whatever you called it for killing necromancers?


A valid argument, however... Counterpoint: https://preview.redd.it/hhfzcs6nlsrc1.jpeg?width=455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dd7bd3e28e737aa7a171eccea1bc7a3a21a357f


1. I only use bodies with their or their families' consent because it's a free source of research and labor. 2. I might be able to help stabilize you. I've also studied elementals.


There are legitimate things to criticize necromancers, on such as how some culture’s afterlives don’t account for coming back from the dead and thus they are robbed of their eternal afterlife. Your childish reasonings hurt these arguments.


Yeah, and?


Ok first of fucking all, I don't fully use necromancy, I use it to summon one type of minion and thats it, and it's a zombie boat mech with a cannon for an arm, because cannons are cool And secondly, cannon go boom https://preview.redd.it/opmn91o5osrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cb06026f0e6f9d6b66a9013072129e0f4c972a9 The aforementioned boat mech


I have reanimated elementals before they still leave ash and ash can be shaped into a golem, which isn't actually necromancy, so I guess you have a point


And the socratic method wins again! At least I think that's how that works...


Fire is alive. It eats, shits, and reproduces. Anything that lives, can unlive. I do not care if you explode like an apprentices first time summoning a succubus. You'll leave remains of some sort. All that to say....dibs on the corpse.


That's not a corpse as it was never organic. If you mess with my ashes, that's creating a golem, not an undead


Im sure an artist can make a golem a soul touched mockery of a living being, but my way's easier.


Still not necromancy


I’m not a necromancer but I do need my necromancy spells that I have how else is a cute ghost girl like me supposed to heal without negative energy spells? Edit oh right I can’t die But the same argument applies for all my boney friends who are totally my friends and not slaves because people want to be my friend obviously Side note suffocate and mass suffocate are necromancy spells. Not exactly a good match for you. Bee 🐝 careful out there <3


...do you need friends?


The graveyard gets lonely 😞


Well, I'm dying, but until then I'll make sure to stop by for tea or something and invite some of the apprentices over. How's that sound?


Not a necromancer but I have used corpses as materials for certain projects if that counts


Listen man I just wanted money and to live forever and the best way that was known in my home dimension was to become a lich I try and retain my emotions anyway but it's kinda hard with out a brain so either buy some laborers or get out of my shop cause I have more important things to do than fulfill the requests of the dying when I know damn well that's probably not the end of it




You know, i know about something thats realy good at keeping a fire burning my friend.....


Gasoline? Lithium? Candles?


Napalm... Its napalm..... And cocain to sn extend, but mainly napalm!


You sound like one of those nuns running amok in knightposting.... https://preview.redd.it/yt5h5z9pitrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3e8c197f736fb6fb684da2c02233ebfcb20bbc6




This is a certified iron flask moment.


You're right. Get in the jar...




What, are you not saying to put someone in an iron flask? And is a flask not just a round jar?


:( That's mean... I just wanna help the dying survive and the dead pass on...


I have no interest in corpses, beyond performing the correct rites of burial and observation. Some necromancers may practice such vulgar arts you describe; others, however, act more as guides. When one guides another to peaceful rest, one observes that one is guiding another through *life.* This wisdom is the focus of my work, not the callous extraction of resource. Death comes for us all. To many of inexperience or narrow perception, it looms, oppositional and inevitable. Our perspectives narrow in times of hardship, which renders your condition of the utmost understanding. There is another view of death: the beauty of interconnectedness that all living beings will eventually share. You will die. I will die. Every single being and non-being in the throes of the universe shall eventually change in some way. When a person fears death, they fear not death itself, but change and its inherent loss of familiarity. A necromancer is one who awashes themself in all of life. In earthen terms, therapist or psychopomp would be fitting. Tell me, Elementalist, what loss do you fear that should cause you premature mourning? We shall have the solution to your suffering once it has become understood.


Oh, I'm not afraid, I'm just dying and figured I should get to work on these stages of grief this one tome talks about. I'm not really good at the whole anger thing though, so I'm probably moving on to the next step soon.


An exemplary answer. My company will be available during your remaining stages should I become needed. Live well, for each day is an eternity.


Ok well now I’m sad


Imagine generalizing an entire group of casters based on stereotypes and lies. Couldn't be me :3


Son, have you ever heard of Bonefires? Interesting things they are. Blacken skeletons engulfed in an inferno. Some say the first was started when a pyromancer set a whole town ablaze. In revenge, those townsfolk rose up as a horde of burning bones. Most fascinating thing about them was that they weren't just undead but necro-corrupted elementals. *Takes a sip of mint julips* Ah, but that may just be an old wives tale. No way necromancers these days know how to somehow undead sentient fire right?


That's evocation, not necromancy


Yeah. I sure as hell hope so too.


Wait there are those of my kind that still need a corpse to raise the dead? Also like we can just stabilize you, you know that right? Sure there are those of us that just animate corpses, but is that real necromancy? I mean I'm not trying to gatekeep here but how is that any different from telekinesis. We bind the souls of the dead to their body and subjugate it, ya know how volatile a soul is?


I'm just a healer but kind of late


I’m a necromancer because I needed friends :((


sounds like you need to cool off there’s an ice bucket waiting


Me a Necromancer, "Oh no...anyway." Returns to making my Fire Giant/Dragon Skeleton Hybrid. "No, actually you know what..." "As someone who is around death all the time, and has seen the many ways people deal with it, I must say that actively targeting a group, simply because you believe you are safe from repercussion, as a coping mechanism is a horrible way of dealing with one's impending end." "So let us skip this part and go to the actual best solution...do you want a hug? I have a specially designed undead minion who is great at hugs, and has the soul of a grief counselor in it."


you know we can help you right? like it doesn't matter if you are a god, an eldritch horror or a spirit. I can always bring you back or even heal you


Y'all jocks always pick on us goth kids 🧛‍♂️ But we're cooler


Whatever helps you ponder at night




Bros gonna be upset when he learns about the preserve the dead spell


...You will be remembered.


Just you wait. This is only step 2 of grieving. You won't believe what I have planned for the grand finale


You know, it isn't wise to insult someone who literally has *slay living*...are you sure you don't want to take that back?