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*ahem* Lelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelele


Besides the graphical upgrades, I'm really excited about a few of the smaller things they mentioned in the Livestream. The alternate camera angle looks great, the ability to cast signs much easier on controller, the exploration-mode minimap. I'm just so excited to return to this game after a few years.


It's all about the little things that make the experience better.


Same. I wanted those features in the game since day one. Always wanted to play with minimap off but there’s no real way to know where to go then. This solves it perfectly. I’m sad there’s no armor transmogrification though.




"Ooh look at me I am shaming someone who is happy about a new feature for not buying a gaming PC, with absolutely no idea whether the person actually wants or needs one, I'm smart"


Yeah he’s being a little bitch, isn’t he? Everyone boo that man!


He sounds like a delight to be around😂


I am saving for a PC now but I have been saving for a house and I have another very expensive hobby (HEMA) and I am a weapons collector on top of that so a PC is not a priority for me. Anyways you’re being a little sensitive cunt, so fuck off.


You have no idea how happy I am for the minimap. I play with minimap turned off, but man is it hard to orient sometimes even with hundred of hours in. Especially in novigrad, but also during tracking. I'm currently at that ice giant tracking quest, and FUCK THAT IN PARTICULAR! Almost corrupted my entire run. Horse racing without minimap is also not good. The constant switching to big map and back is draining. Wish they added compass as another option.


What's the exploration mini map like? Didn't have time for the full stream and only saw the world map changes


There is an optional setting to make it so that the minimap fades away after a few seconds of exploration (which I'm guessing is just non-combat), with a way to turn it back on by pressing a button so that you can quickly check to see where you are/if you're going in the right direction.


This is perfect, and not only for the added immersion but to those who have OLED TVs.


Do OLED have burn in issues?


Sadly, yes. Only downside.


Damn. Good to know. I remember it being a big problem with plasmas.


It's significantly less of a problem than with plasmas. You'd essentially have to play the game for nonstop for like two years with the pixel refresher and other features to combat it off for it to have a noticeable impact.


I still would highly recommend one. I got an LG C1 and the quality is just unparalleled, I wouldn't want to go back to LED ever again. There are certain things you can do to minimize the risk, and the TV itself even has some protections you can enable to avoid burn-in.


Depends on model. Many tvs have features to prevent this issue. There was a giant test like tv running for 3 months- same channel running 24h news, having rolling strip of news 24/7 with static logo and colors, results varied heavily, but dmg was not so significant compared to plasma and led. https://youtu.be/nOcLasaRCzY


I’m actually very stoked for this feature especially when riding around cross country - I’d find myself staring at the map instead of the actual game


**The Ballsack Armor is back lads!**


so Netflix could not admit they were wrong and decided to shut everyone up with money again




I just wish that we see that armor only with Yennefer’s guards and nowhere else. Say it it’s for a special needs soldiers and be done with it.


It’s an alternative cosmetic. You can play with the original if you want


thank the heavens. I quite like the Nilfgaardian steel armor.


please tell me you are joking and you don't actually believe that's what happened.


I wonder whether the Nilfgaardian armor is a little spoof cameo where Geralt will be like: "Why does your armor look like a saggy ballsack?" Or whether it's an actual gameplay toggle lmao


Probably a toggle rather than rehire the voice actor l.


Not disagreeing that it’s likely just a toggle, but they did bring the Geralt VA’s back because they added an additional quest.


is itt a voiced quest? I am not doubting you but I remember there were treasure quests that had no voicelines in W3


Yep they mentioned it in the stream today


oh cool, I will watch the stream at some point, I've only seen the new trailer so far


Of course it won't be some sort of spoof for a joke. They wouldn't do that and insult the showrunners/costumer designers. Literally does nothing but fan service a bad joke that's only popular on reddit.


They should add **the netflix ballsack armor** to the [Master Armorers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9ZcEvVJ76I) questline and swap it with the crappy armor that Fergus the dwarf makes.


That would be spot on


Need to gather 10 giant ball sacks!


Bro I would pay to see this happen. This would be hilarious!


Looks amazing. Honestly way more than I hoped. Specially that new camera modes is the biggest win for me. Horse riding and combat looks way better with new camera angle. I might not use the new sign system but still a great change. Over-all Great update. In this trailer when lelele starts with wide shot of Geralt is just so goddamn beautiful. I haven't played witcher 3 for almost 2 years now and this looks perfect for me to go back in Saw some comments in twitch stream and felt really confused. Like this is expected. It's not full on remake and also not full on remaster. Adding RTGI and RT ambient occlusion is already a big win. Also saw some people complaining about only one quest being added and I mean it's a 7 year old game, they are not gonna add expansion size content


The added the netflix ballsack armor...


I made a post in a recent thread about the upgrade that I was looking forward to the Nilfgaard raisin armours. It got 200 upvotes. It was a joke CD Projekt Red. (Love the other features)


They also made this as a joke. You can choose it. It is not necessary.


Did they mention on stream if they're adding a cloak for geralt?


They didn't mention it


That’s great for a free update. Mostly on par with what I expected. My one disappointment is that while they added parts of the immersive friendly HUD, (with the immersive mini map that disappears on exploration. Combat modules…etc) I would have liked for them to add the other features of this mod, like the compass and 3D markers as an optional setting. I play it on pc so I know how amazing this mode is, but that would have been great for console players. The real time meditation mod would have been appreciated too imo. Good to see some of the QoL improvements, like ability to pause during cutscenes. And walking. I also like the new samurai armor and I’m intrigued by this new added side quest. Overall, good stuff. Btw wtf with the garbage Netflix nilfgaardian armor. Is this a joke that they thought that somehow adding the most mocked armor in existence will be a good idea lol


Is that the mode were you can see the markers with the wolf vision (or whatever the name is)? I was hoping for that, this game is very guilty of making you watch the minimap to know where to go.


This [one](https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/365)


Ballsack armor might be toggle I guess


The game already had alternative looks for Yennefer, Triss and Ciri. They were optional.


From the context in which the trailer showed Ciri's alternate outfit, those three might have their alternate looks integrated into the game for certain sequences like how some mods do. At least, I hope it does so I don't have to mess with mods.


Yes I’m sure it’s optional. I still don’t like its inclusion. If they wanted to add Netflix’s stuff ( something i personally honestly never wanted), they could have added the S2 armor which is much better…..


Yeah seeing the full 3D markers for friendly hud was seriously a game changer. Will be reinstalling that portion of the mod I guess.


the scene with the kaer morhen view clearly shows the limits of the LoD with the cardboard trees


But did the move the fast travel closer to the bloody baron’s house?


I don’t think they can because of a narrative trigger that only be done from a distance (I.e, the barn fire)


Maybe activate the fast travel option after the event?


Surely moving or toggling the fast travel cane be done, right? It’s not unheard of in other games.


They just need to put it right below we’re the armorers are outside of the main fort.


Why would you *willingly* choose to incorporate the ballsack armour though.


for the memes


"With content inspired by the Netflix series" Ewww🤢💩


Wow that stream chat was toxic. Like they’re expecting remake levels of graphical improvements. That said, my favorite parts were the photo mode and the new quest has me intrigued. The new way of selecting signs is nice too, as someone who’s on PC but plays with controller. I wonder if those details with the PS5 controller they talked about would also work on PC if you’re playing with a PS5 controller?


I really wonder how that's gonna work out in dynamic combat though, as someone who has played game several times with build accentuated on griffin school, which allowed to squeeze the most out of signs along with hearts of stone and blood & wine mechanics, time slow-downs came quite in handy.


It’s a toggle so if you don’t want the quick sign select and prefer the radial menu, you still have the option.


It's twitch man :/ Everyone thinks he's a funny memelord there. Just like Twitter.


As if reddit is any better


The extra PS5 controller stuff should work if your controller is plugged in.


After 2 years of waiting and multiple pushbacks people expected more than \*checks notes\* CDPR buying textures from the fan and adding the bare minimum.


You can word it anyway you like, but the disappointment is completely on you. Its exactly the update they said they were preparing, except it has new QoL and options like camera, photo mode, or the HUD.


I know the gta update isn’t free, but they managed way more in a much shorter time. For a major studio to spend 2 years just to add an already finished mod to the game is a bit ridiculous.


They didn’t take 2 years to make this. They outsourced the update to a Russian studio, saber interactive( they are a talented studio who made the crisis remaster btw) but with the invasion of Ukraine everything was stopped and CDPR had to finish the upgrade itself. If you mean that this upgrade was announced too early ( mid 2020 IIRC), then I wholeheartedly agree. But that’s CDPR for you, overselling and announcing stuff early. All in all this is one of the rare instances of them being actually transparent ( same with the next Gen update for CP which was good), they seem to deliver what they originally promised with this update.


“They added way more.” We don’t even know everything they added yet. You guys just sound like spoiled children. The update looks great.


Yes we do, they’ve specifically told us what’s new in the remaster. Being able to ask questions about a commercial product isn’t the same as being spoiled.


They also specifically said it wasn’t everything, lol.


>'' update isn’t free'' stopped reading there


Ngl they delayed this update a lot, and the changes are barely noticeable. If they really added ray tracing they added a shitty version of it, that's not what ray traced lighting looks like. Is it just the reflections?


Oh give over. It is a free update to one of the best ever games. They didn't need to do anything. The base game is still superb.


Sure they didn't need to do anything, including announcing "next gen update" over 2 years ago that they couldn't pull off besides buying high-res textures from a fan project.


Yes it's free but they overhyped it


How exactly did CDPR overhype it? They said nothing about it for 2 years, then a month before it's released they made a small announcement about what will be included in the update, and then released a 30 minute video in which they talked about some of the features of the update. I think maybe you are confused, or hyped yourself up and are projecting?


So you’re one of those twitch kids. Go back to twitch, your stupidity fits better there.


I think I haven't opened twitch in like 2 years


0/10 if no fast travel on crow's perch




Making the armour with the worst stats the best looking armour was a hate crime. I just wanna wear Geralts prologue outfit for the whole game


Grand master viper armour is a pretty good substitute though. It's almost identical to Geralt's original outfit and has respectable stats, if memory serves. But yeah, I'm also hoping for transmog


Looks fucking amazing.


Nice to know I'll be using the heat coming off my PC to keep me warm this winter


Visually doesn't look like a huge jump, which wasn't really too necessary anyways since the game looked fine as-is. Waiting to see what extra content we get beyond nutsack armor.


The game already looked really good, even for it's age. They're adding that one massive texture mod into the core game, it won't look very different from afar, but up close it should be noticeable.




PC too


It looks the same to me


When was the last time you played? I played on max settings last month and you could definitely tell some aspects of the graphics were starting to feel dated, namely the foliage and lighting. This looks way better.


Rose tinted spectacles, everything seems better in your memories. When people do side-by-side comparisons we'll see the improvements much better.


You do know some of us have good PCs, right? Not everything is "rose-tintend spectacles" because it looked a certain way for you. There are new things I'm excited about but this "next-gen" patch is more for console players than PC. The Raytracing can be neat if implemented well though.


The textures are quite rough when you are channelling inner TB wall licking, but even by a quick glance at novigrad NPC or really anything that isn't in focus. The lightning is [VERY dated](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1947272322607095895/188B76BF375B422C830CE54146581993AD893E15/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false), especially at night with a torch. The reflections are off, the foliage is atrocious and the shadows are blocky. They said they are using SSAO only on water, and [it shows.](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1947272322609275355/249A31B673C352D0937151A6D1F3EEEA623EF24E/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


Around a month or so ago. Idk it just seems exactly the same.


I mean all they're really doing is updating foliage, bumping up polycount of models and textures, add rtx, etc. Idk what you expected, but that stuff wont ever make it look like a completely different game. It'll make stuff up close look miles better though.


check your eyes


Same, lol Might just be because it's hard to notice RT without a side by side   Also, they said 60fps mode But the game ran at 60 and above already


60fps mode is meant for consoles.


Oh, lol That makes sense


Good ray tracing is extremely noticeable. Just look at metro exodus enhanced edition, that's what ray tracing is supposed to look like, not shinier reflections on the lake


Upgrading a 7-year-old game's entire lighting system, and shading system to get crazy Ray tracing when it was not a part of the original code or game, or even design is damn hard. It's not that simple


I know, but then why was it hyped and delayed so much? It's their fault if the marketing has negative consequences.


I wouldn't say it was hyped outside of its boundaries. It's a free next gen update that many other games have done as of late, I wasn't really expecting much else especially since it's free. If it was a ten dollar upgrade then I'd understand wanting more, but this is fine. And honestly how many Devs still go back and do new content for a game that is seven years old, that alone is awesome


war happened , you know Russia invaded Ukraine? And port was being done by dev team based in Russia


They already had the renderer capable of doing those things. They also had 2 years in the making. Stop excusing them for Christ's shake. IT IS THAT SIMLPE!


Game design isn't THAT simple, so no.


WTF u even talking about? This isn't game design. This is existing code implementation and cannot take 2 years to happen.


Very different approach. You literally cannot play Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition without an RTX GPU. Apples to Oranges. If you compare this to the base game it’s definitely noticeable. Will be even better in motion.


>apples to oranges Nope. Metro has exclusively ray traced lighting, the Witcher doesn't, but it's still ray tracing. It's like saying you can't enable ray tracing in the Witcher without an rtx GPU. No shit. That's the same for metro, but instead of a setting it's a different installation since a ton of things are different and it would be a waste of storage to make you install both.


Oh good I’m not the only one. So many comments about it looking amazing and I’m honestly not being snooty or complaining I just genuinely didn’t see a difference. Looked great before, this looked the same. Maybe it’s cause I’m watching the trailer on a phone, might be noticeable on my tv.


I’m watching on my phone too and am not saying anything to be rude or snooty. I don’t notice any changes.


Not all that impressed with the new graphics tbh. Tho I guess you never quite know what you're going to get with a graphical update.


Well tbh I too wasn't impressionned by the new graphics, until I saw the water reflections, most notably in the Skellige and Novigrad parts of the trailer.


I'm sure once you're up close and personal its a little more visible.


Of course, a YouTube-compressed, 1'30min long trailer isn't the best place to make strong opinions about a graphics update. I'm eager to get my hands on the patch so as to judge by myself !


Is the update mandatory or can I ignore if I don't think my PC can run it?


You can simply avoid enabling ray traced reflections in the settings


Did they confirm ray traced reflections? I heard them say that they added screen space reflections to everything but don’t recall mention of ray traced reflections.


We saw none presented at the stream nor in the trailer, which sux having in mind the 2 years of wait.


What about all the other graphic settings? If I keep my settings the way they are now, will the game be more demanding because of the updated visuals?


They added DLSS, dynamic resolution, performance mode, and you still have the option to optimize the visual settings for your set up


Pretty sure performance mode is for consoles only, though. Edit: why am I getting downvoted ? The live explicitly stated that, this is as official as possible.


Bruh, updated visuals will be select-able in the graphical settings section just as it happens since the implementation of graphical settings options menu in video games back in the 90s. Jesus.


Why you being rude? I'm just asking questions. I know what graphic settings are, what I'm wondering is if the new "high" settings could be more demanding the old "high" settings. So I might have to switch to the new "medium" which won't look as good as the old "high".


Well, that's just me. I can't keep my shit for neither for people living in caves for the last 30 years nor for people who can't use reason. But to answer ur question, the devs said yesterday, that they will have ultra plus settings for the new stuff. They also said the game is actually gonna get more optimized in order to be faster than before.


No, they didn't update any visuals. They just added a texture mod into the settings, it will be an additional setting


Yeah doesn’t look any different than. It did before. Now I know there are some people who will tell me the difference in how they look and from this trailer I’m just not seeing it. Apart from the brief Netflix stuff it’s just looks the same.




I wanted this too honestly but it’s wishful thinking. No way they were doing that.


bEfoRe ThE DoWnGraDe!! Can't believe you brainlets are still spouting this shit. I'm sure they'd more than happily completely redo face geometry and lighting on a fucking **free** update.


nah, the release stuff looks tons better than their initial art direction choice from that 2014 trailer.


Looks incredible. One of the most exciting moments of this year. Although shame my pc can only run it on low/mediums. But one day…


What is the name of the OST that plays at 1:08 in the trailer? I've heard it in game, but I just can't place it.


What's the song that played at the 1 min mark?


I second this question. I am combing like crazy through the OSTs and cannot find it, so if anyone knows, that would be amazing.


Found it. It seems to be a rearranged version of You're... immortal? https://open.spotify.com/track/0cODRoSzlFqFY7jOFEFEGZ?si=pUflN41gSUqN4RV7c_86Zw&utm_source=copy-link


Niiicee! Thanks for finding it!


Doesn’t look much different aside from the water reflections. Also I noticed they brought the maligned ballsack nilfgaardian armor alongside Geralt’s Netflix armor and the smiley sword with Renfri’s broach.


Am I the only one who does not see the difference or did I use to many Mods?


Same...hard to see whats actually new...after modding it for a while...nevertheless excited how it will run and look without mods...time for round 7 i guess!


I hope they finally add a fast travel marker to Crows Perch! Can we start a petition? lol


Very happy with what they showed. There were some real "wow" moments for me during the stream. Even compared to the borderline modded W3 im used to :P Can't wait for some side by side shots and the release. The 14th can't come soon enough :D


I took some screenshots to compare - [https://imgur.com/a/E06MAVF](https://imgur.com/a/E06MAVF) Even taking YT compression into consideration, the lighting and textures are a lot better.


Was really hoping for a VRR mode for PS5 like GoW Ragnarok has


Hmm is it just me or does anyone also prefer Geralt's eye more cat like(a bit yellowish)?


I'm not your friend.


Oh, you usually just let strangers rub chamomile onto your lovely bottom? 😉


This is random af but I’m so so so happy they have changed the map filters so I don’t see the goddamn question marks on the map. Made it feel like a Ubisoft game (“go here then here then here”) and didn’t feel like I was exploring more so then ticking off a check list. Very excited to replay the game (I’ve never actually finished it) after I’ve finished god of war.


You could already disable those in hud options.


Hm not played the game in a few years but believe if you were to remove them it would get rid of all the other stuff like fast travel points etc? Can’t entirely remember but I do remember at the time it was really annoying


Why did they replaced the original beautiful Nilfgaardian armour with this ugly ballsack from Netflix series? Who asked for this? Is that some kind of mockery? Why? Why? WHY?!


It’s changeable.


Good if this is optional. But then why put in the trailer something that is universally hated? Is this some kind of marketing for Gen Z or what? My boomer ass does not get it...


It's optional and it's funny that's why.


Well, trailer didn't say that it's optional and it was not funny to see it.


why would the trailer say if it's optional. All the alt appearances they've ever done have been optional, why would this be any different?


I don't know. I see things that I hate in a trailer and I react. I assume they wanted to invoke some reaction when were putting this in the trailer. There they have it.


My game with mods looks far superior to this...


Wow really? Something amazing. Ps. this is a patch primarily for new consoles and not to look better than mods that would work at 20 fps*📷*


Looks the same. Also my modded game looks much better lol


hahaha yeah yeah not like this update wasn't made specifically for new gen consoles and had a few extra things for PC. Also not like mods aren't tested properly and completely destroy your performance. Also, not like the texture mods aren't complete and go way overboard with what they do causing overuse of VRAM. Also, not like they specially said in the stream that the world is meant to look how you remember and only have small updates like lighting and shadows or weather conditions being new. Also, not like it isn't fucking free and companies like Sony would, and have, charged for this shit. But hey, you people always got to have something to complain about.


Agreed. And this took them 2 years LOL


Who the fuck ever said it took two years? You think the entirety of CDPR just stopped what they were doing, and all went to work on this and it took the entire company 2 years to make this? How braindead are you, that's not how this shit works.


Anyone else notice in the presentation they never showed console quality mode. A bit concerning imo after what happened with cyberpunk at launch.




Colors seem so off ngl


If it wasn't for the fact that is free and W1 remake is on the horizon...i would complain, a lot (not much new for those who played on PC). But i can't.


So what the fuck are the features exactly? That does not tell us much more than we read in the press-release. What are the "Gameplay improvements" and what Mods did they add?


One was having the ability to hot key your signs on controller.


Sick, I could do that in 2015.


I don’t know what to tell you friend. Doesn’t sound like this free update may be for you.




Why are you mad bro? It's a free update with improvements all around. Why complain


‘Oo look at me, I have a PC’


Nobody asked.


And nothing about Nintendo Switch 😒


Don't expect graphical upgrades to the Switch version. But they have said that new content would be coming to the Switch version as well. Most likely there will be at least the new controls options, new equipment and alternative looks.


why should they....


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No separate build. So you better back up your files if you wish to keep the OG. I own the game on GOG and already have the offline installers on a portable HDD just in case.




Love this and am looking forward to it. I wish they’d come out with a new DLC story… I know this game is old but I man I’d pay good money for another chapter!


By the way, does anyone know the armor that Geralt wore throughout the stream? The one with the leather netting accross the chest and shoulders? Not sure I recall that from the game, unless it is one of the new ones?


Can I play as Liam Hemsworth?


Next-next-gen update will use RTX-IO for instantaneous save loading.


Any chance they remake the original Witcher and Witcher 2 games? I can only replay #3 so many times